

单词 wire
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BEND〕We twisted a wire coathanger and used it to open the car door. 我们把一个金属丝衣架扭了扭,用它来开车门。朗文写作活用〔CARELESS〕The building had been finished in a very careless way, with loose wires and unpainted ceilings. 这幢大楼造得很马虎,电线松松垮垮,天花板也没刷。朗文写作活用〔DRUG〕I was still way too wired to go to bed. 我仍然兴奋得无法上床睡觉。朗文写作活用〔ENTER〕The barbed wire fences and mine fields are designed to stop people leaving or entering. 带刺的铁丝网和雷区是为了阻止人们进出而设的。朗文写作活用〔FRIGHTENED/FRIGHTENING〕I accidentally touched a live wire in the motor, and even though it didn't hurt me it gave me a hell of a fright. 我无意中碰到发动机里一根带电的电线,虽然没受伤,却把我吓了一大跳。朗文写作活用〔JOIN〕Check the connections to make sure all the wires are in the correct places. 检查接头部分确保所有电线都正确连接。朗文写作活用〔LOOSE〕There must be a wire loose, because this light isn't working. 肯定是哪根电线松脱了,因为这灯不亮。朗文写作活用〔OR gate〕A logic circuit that emits a signal if either or both of its input wires receive a signal.或门:一种当输入端的任一条线路接收到信号即可发射出信号的逻辑电路美国传统〔TAKE〕Specially treated copper wires conduct the signal from the amplifier to the speakers. 经过特别处理的铜线将信号从扩音器传送到扬声器。朗文写作活用〔adrift〕One of the wires is adrift, which is why the light won't come on.有一根电线松了, 这就是灯不亮的原因。外研社新世纪〔alive〕The wire is alive.这条电线是带电的。英汉大词典〔bangalore torpedo〕A piece of metal pipe filled with an explosive, used primarily to clear a path through barbed wire or to detonate land mines.爆破筒:内装炸药的一段金属筒,常用于有刺铁丝网或起爆地雷以开路美国传统〔barbed wire〕The factory was surrounded by barbed wire.工厂四周围着带刺铁丝网。外研社新世纪〔bare〕You shouldn't have left the wires bare.你不应该让电线裸露在外。牛津搭配〔bend into〕She bent the wire into a circle.她把铁丝弯成圆圈。21世纪英汉〔bent〕The door was secured with a piece of bent wire.一根折弯的金属丝把房门牢牢地拴住了。外研社新世纪〔brace〕A device, such as a supporting beam in a building or a connecting wire or rope, that steadies or holds something else erect.拉条,支撑:一种装置,如建筑物的支持梁或连结的钢丝或绳索,用于稳定或使它物竖直美国传统〔brush〕Remove all the rust with a wire brush.用金属丝刷子刷掉所有的锈迹。牛津搭配〔cage〕Baseball A large wire screen placed behind home plate to stop balls in batting practice.【棒球】 打击练习场:置于本垒之后的大金属丝屏以便击球练习时停住球美国传统〔charge〕The wire is charged with electricity.这根电线有电。21世纪英汉〔chicken wire〕A light-gauge galvanized wire fencing usually made with hexagonal mesh.镀锌铁丝网:一种轻质镀锌、通常由六角形网眼构成的铁丝网美国传统〔climb〕The barbed wire is to stop people climbing over the fence.带刺铁丝网是用来阻止人们爬篱笆的。麦克米伦高阶〔coded〕The wires are colour coded for easy identification.这些电线都用了颜色编码以方便辨认。朗文当代〔coil〕A wound spiral of two or more turns of insulated wire, used to introduce inductance into a circuit.线圈:两圈或两圈以上的绝缘导线绕成的螺旋线,用于产生电路的电感美国传统〔come〕A wire has come loose at the back.后面有一根电线松了。剑桥高阶〔connection〕All classrooms will be wired for connection to the Internet.所有教室都将接入互联网。韦氏高阶〔connection〕No wonder your charger isn't working. There's a loose connection (= a connecting wire has become loose) in the plug.难怪你的充电器不充电,插头接线松了。剑桥高阶〔contact〕Make sure the wires do not come into contact with water.务必不要让电线碰到水。麦克米伦高阶〔cord〕An insulated, flexible electric wire fitted with a plug or plugs.塞绳:一种绝缘的可移动电线,接有一个或多个插头美国传统〔criss-cross〕Wires criss-cross between the tops of the poles, forming a grid.电线在电线杆顶端纵横交错, 形成输电网。外研社新世纪〔dangerous〕Don't touch those wires, they are dangerous.那些电线危险,不要去碰。英汉大词典〔dangle〕Loose electric wires were dangling from the wall.松散的电线从墙上垂了下来。剑桥高阶〔demarcate〕Plots of land have been demarcated by barbed wire.一块块土地都用带刺的铁丝网圈了起来。牛津高阶〔dip net〕A net or wire mesh bag attached to a handle, used especially to scoop fish from water.捞网:附有握把的网子或铁丝网,特别是用来在水中网鱼的工具美国传统〔down to the wire〕I think the election will go right down to the wire (= be won at the last moment).我认为选举结果要到最后一刻才会见分晓。剑桥高阶〔down〕The telephone wires were blown down by the storm.电话线被风暴吹落在地。英汉大词典〔electric shock〕He got an electric shock from one of the wires.其中的一根电线把他电了一下。剑桥高阶〔electricity〕Electricity flows through the wires in the circuit.电流通过电线线路流动。牛津搭配〔electrify〕To wire or equip (a building, for example) for the use of electric power.配电:装以电线或设备(如装备一座楼房)以利用电能美国传统〔electrocute〕A live wire electrocuted the man when he touched it.那男子碰上了通电的电线而触电死亡。英汉大词典〔electromagnet〕A magnet consisting essentially of a coil of insulated wire wrapped around a soft iron core that is magnetized only when current flows through the wire.电磁体:一种磁体,主要由绝缘线圈缠绕的一个软铁芯子组成,只有当电流通过线圈时芯子才被磁化美国传统〔exquisite〕With exquisite caution, he connected another wire.他十分小心地接好了另一根电线。英汉大词典〔false〕Modern office buildings have false floors, under which computer and phone wires can be laid.现代办公楼都设有假地板,下面铺设计算机和电话线路。剑桥高阶〔fence〕A structure serving as an enclosure, a barrier, or a boundary, usually made of posts or stakes joined together by boards, wire, or rails.栅栏:通常用木板、线或栏杆将柱子或桩子绑在一起做成的用作围栏、阻碍物或界限的构造物美国传统〔filament〕A fine or thinly spun thread, fiber, or wire.细丝:细小或薄的丝线、纤维或电线美国传统〔filigree〕Delicate and intricate ornamental work made from gold, silver, or other fine twisted wire.细丝工艺:用金、银或其它细丝制作的精致和复杂的装饰品美国传统〔flash〕The wire snapped at the wall plug with a blue flash and the light fused.墙上插头处的电线啪地发出一道蓝光,电灯的保险丝烧断了。柯林斯高阶〔gauge〕Thickness or diameter, as of sheet metal or wire.直径,厚度:金属板的厚度或线的直径美国传统〔get your wires crossed〕Somehow we got our wires crossed because I'd written the 23rd in my diary and Jen had the 16th.我们误会了,因为我在日记中写的是23日,而珍写的是16日。剑桥高阶〔go〕The message went by wire.信息由电报发送出去了。英汉大词典〔hard-wired〕Directly connected by electrical wires or cables.直连线的:由电线或电缆直接连结的美国传统〔haywire〕Wire used in baling hay.捆干草用的铁丝美国传统〔hook〕To assemble or wire (a mechanism).装配或接通(机械)美国传统〔hoop〕Prop the cover up on wire hoops or canes with a flowerpot on the top.用铁丝环或杆子把盖子架起来, 上面放一个花盆。外研社新世纪〔ice-cream chair〕An armless wire chair with a round seat, originally used at tables in ice-cream parlors.无靠手圆座椅:一种无扶手小圆座椅,最初用在冰淇淋雅座的桌旁美国传统〔identification〕Red and black wires are used to enable identification of specific circuits.红线和黑线用来帮助识别具体的电路。牛津搭配〔join up〕We must first join the two wires up.我们必须先将两条线连接起来。21世纪英汉〔jumble up〕There were six wires jumbled up, tied together, all painted black.有六股电线被混杂着胡乱绑在一起, 还全被刷成了黑色。外研社新世纪〔jumper〕Electricity A short length of wire used temporarily to complete a circuit or to bypass a break in a circuit.【电学】 跳线,跨接线:一小段金属线,临时用来接通一段电路或越过电路的断开处美国传统〔kink〕A tight curl, twist, or bend in a length of thin material, as one caused by the tensing of a looped section of wire.扭结:一段长度的材料产生的绷紧的卷曲,曲折或弯曲,例如因拉紧线的有环部分美国传统〔kink〕There's a kink in the wire.电线上有个扭结。麦克米伦高阶〔laid paper〕A paper made on wire molds that give it a characteristic watermark of close thin lines.直纹纸:在铜网上压出的、带有密而细的水纹印的纸张美国传统〔lead-in〕The wire that connects an outdoor antenna to an electronic transmitter or receiver.引入线:将室外天线与电子发射机或接收器连接起来的电线美国传统〔lift〕Carefully lift the cake off the tray and cool on a wire rack.把蛋糕小心地从托盘上拿起,放到金属架上冷却。牛津搭配〔line〕A wire or system of wires connecting telephone or telegraph systems.电话线:连接电话或电报系统的电线或电线系统美国传统〔live〕Be careful – those wires are live.当心 — 那些电线带电。朗文当代〔live〕Use caution when you are working near live electrical wires.在通电的电线附近工作时要小心。韦氏高阶〔lock〕The thief used a wire to pick the lock.小偷用一根铁丝撬锁。韦氏高阶〔mat〕A heavy woven net of rope or wire cable placed over a blasting site to keep debris from scattering.防爆毯:用于爆炸现场、防止碎片飞散的厚的绳网或电缆网美国传统〔mesh〕The ground-floor windows are obscured by wire mesh.一楼的窗户有铁丝网遮挡。外研社新世纪〔mesh〕The ground-floor windows are obscured by wire mesh.一楼的窗户装有防盗网。柯林斯高阶〔mesh〕The windows were covered in wire mesh to keep out flies.窗户上装了纱网,防止苍蝇飞入。朗文当代〔multiplex〕Relating to or being a system of simultaneous communication of two or more messages on the same wire or radio channel.多路传输的:在同一电线或电路中同步通用的系统的美国传统〔next door〕The wires trailed through other parts of the HQ into a next door building.线路穿过总部的其他地方,接入邻近的建筑。柯林斯高阶〔pin〕Something, such as a safety pin, that resembles such a piece of wire in shape or use.别针:象安全别针这样的东西,外形或用途类似一根铁丝美国传统〔preclude〕Barbed wire entanglements precluded the possibility of escape.有刺铁丝网杜绝了逃跑的可能。英汉大词典〔razor wire〕A sharp-edged wire used for fences and barriers.薄线:一种边上非常锋利用作栅栏或阻碍物的绳子美国传统〔reel〕The quantity of wire, film, or other material wound on one reel.一卷:卷在卷轴上的电线、胶片或其它物质的数量美国传统〔rig ... up〕He rigged up all the electric wires rapidly.他把所有的电线迅速地安装妥当。21世纪英汉〔root〕We snipped the wires at the roots.我们剪断了底部的电缆美国传统〔saddle stitch〕A stitch used in sewing together the leaves of a book at the fold lines, either with thread or wire.骑马订:折页线处用于订书页的一种针迹,有时用线有时用金属丝美国传统〔screen〕A window or door insertion of framed wire or plastic mesh used to keep out insects and permit airflow.纱窗:用金属丝或者塑料网编制的窗或门的插入物,用于阻挡昆虫且使空气流通美国传统〔serve〕To bind or whip (a rope) with fine cord or wire.连接:用细绳或线连接或缠结(绳子)美国传统〔sheath〕The wire is covered by an outer plastic sheath.电线外面覆盖着一层塑料保护层。朗文当代〔sheath〕The cable has a copper wire surrounded by a plastic sheath.电缆是铜丝做的,外面包着塑料皮。剑桥高阶〔shock〕Don't touch that wire or you'll get a shock.别碰那根电线,不然会触电的。牛津高阶〔short circuit〕If those two wires touch, the appliance will short-circuit and probably go up in flames.如果那两根电线接触,电器就会短路,还有可能会起火。剑桥高阶〔sideline〕Mercer will have his jaw wired up tomorrow and will be sidelined for six to eight weeks.默瑟明天要进行下颌骨固定手术, 将离开赛场 6至8 个星期。外研社新世纪〔sieve〕A utensil of wire mesh or closely perforated metal, used for straining, sifting, ricing, or puréeing.筛子,滤网:一种由铁丝网或细密打孔的金属制成的用具,用于过滤、筛选、碾米或制浓汤美国传统〔signal〕The digital signal travels down wires to the server.数字信号沿着线路传到服务器。牛津搭配〔snag〕Be careful not to snag your coat on the barbed wire.小心别让铁丝网钩破衣服。剑桥高阶〔snag〕I snagged my sweater on the wire fence.我的毛衣被铁丝网钩住了。牛津高阶〔snare〕Any of the wires or cords stretched across the lower skin of a snare drum to increase reverberation.响弦:横跨在小军鼓底部用来增加震动的线或弦中的任一根美国传统〔snow fence〕Temporary fencing composed of thin upright slats wired together, used to prevent snow from drifting onto walks or roads.防雪栅栏:用细的、竖直的并缠在一起的条板构成的临时栅栏,用来阻挡雪掉入人行道或道路上去美国传统〔solder〕Wires are soldered onto the circuit board.电线被焊接到线路板上。韦氏高阶〔solder〕He then soldered the wire to the telephone terminal.接着他把电话线接到电话机上。外研社新世纪〔solenoid〕A current-carrying coil of wire that acts like a magnet when a current passes through it.筒形线圈:传送电流的电线圈,当电流通过时起到磁体的作用美国传统〔spark〕The wires were sparking above me.我头顶上方的电线在迸着火花。外研社新世纪〔spark〕The wires were sparking above me.电线在我头顶上方冒着火花。柯林斯高阶〔spool〕The amount of wire, thread, or string wound on such a cylinder.绕在线轴上材料的数量:缠绕在这样柱状物上的线、细绳、绳子等物的数量美国传统〔squeeze〕We squeezed under the wire and into the garden.我们从金属丝网下挤进了花园。外研社新世纪〔straighten ... out〕Get all the wires straightened out.把这些电线都拉直了。21世纪英汉〔string〕They strung wires from tree to tree.他们把一棵棵树用金属线连在一起。韦氏高阶〔surge〕Thousands of volts surged through his car after he careered into a lamp post, ripping out live wires.他的车猛地撞到灯柱上,扯断了带电的电线,数千伏高压电流骤然通过车身。柯林斯高阶〔suture〕The material, such as thread, gut, or wire, that is used in this procedure.缝合物:用于这一程序的材料,如线,羊肠线或金属线美国传统〔tangle up〕Sheep kept getting tangled up in it and eventually the wire was removed.不断有绵羊被那根铁丝缠住,最后就把它拆掉了。柯林斯高阶〔tangle up〕The wires have got all tangled up.电线全缠到一起了。21世纪英汉〔tangle〕A tangle of wires is all that remains of the computer and phone systems.原来的计算机和电话系统如今只剩下乱糟糟的一团电线。外研社新世纪〔tape〕The wires are taped firmly together.这些电线用胶带牢牢地封在一起。牛津搭配〔tear〕He tore his hands on barbed wire.他的双手被铁丝网钩伤了。英汉大词典〔through〕Barbed wire was strung through the posts around the edge of the field.田边四周的柱子上串上了带刺铁丝。外研社新世纪〔tightrope〕A tightly stretched rope, usually of wire, on which acrobats perform high above the ground.绷索:通常用金属丝制成的拉得很紧的绳索,杂技演员高高地离开地面在其上表演美国传统〔together〕He joined the wires together.他把那些铁丝结起来。文馨英汉〔together〕The old fence was held together by chicken wire.旧篱笆由六角形网眼铁丝网连在一起。韦氏高阶〔torsion balance〕An instrument with which small forces, as of electricity or magnetism, are measured by means of the torsion they produce in a wire or slender rod.扭秤:测量如电子或电磁之间等极微小的力的仪器,使用的方法是测量它们在导线或细杆上产生的扭曲美国传统〔touch〕Sparks flew when the wires touched each other.电线搭在一起时,火花飞溅。韦氏高阶〔trace〕We will need to trace the electrical wires through the walls.我们得沿着墙壁上的电线检查。韦氏高阶〔transformer〕Wire the fan and a 12-volt transformer to the light switch.用电线把风扇和12伏变压器连到电灯开关上。剑桥高阶〔trip〕He got tripped up by the wires on the floor.他被地板上的电线绊倒了。韦氏高阶〔twist〕This wire twists too easily.这种金属丝非常容易弯曲。 英汉大词典〔twist〕Twist the wire to form a circle.把铁丝弯成一个环。牛津高阶〔unbend〕This kind of wire is easy to unbend.这种金属线很容易弄直。21世纪英汉〔under the wire〕They got in under the wire just before the entry requirements for the training program changed.他们在招生要求变更前的最后时刻加入了这个培训计划。剑桥高阶〔wicket〕Games Any of the small arches, usually made of wire, through which players try to drive their ball in croquet.【游戏】 拱门:通常是用金属线做的小拱门,在槌球游戏中,参加者努力使球穿过拱门美国传统〔wire into〕If we wire into this job, we shall finish it soon.如果我们加紧干活,一会儿就干完了。21世纪英汉〔wire in〕Their cattle have been wired in.他们用铁丝网把牲口围了起来。21世纪英汉〔wire service〕The story was reported by several wire services.这条消息被多家通讯社报道。韦氏高阶〔wire up〕Wire the thermometers up to trigger off an alarm bell if the temperature drops.把温度计用电线连上, 这样温度下降后就会触发警铃。外研社新世纪〔wired〕Equipped with a system of wires, as for electric or telephone connections.装有电线的:为电或电话连接而安装有电线的美国传统〔wired〕I'm just not wired to like broccoli.我只不过不是天生喜欢花椰菜。韦氏高阶〔wired〕Many colleges now have wired dormitories.现在许多大学的学生宿舍已经联网。牛津高阶〔wired〕Once more people are wired, the potential to change the mainstream media will be huge.一旦更多人能上网,网络改变主流媒体的潜力将十分巨大。柯林斯高阶〔wired〕Reinforced or supported by wires.用金属线加固的;用金属线支撑的美国传统〔wired〕They have access to a wired global workforce.他们可以进入联网的全球劳动力市场。麦克米伦高阶〔wirepuller〕One who pulls wires or strings, as of puppets.幕后牵线者:如木偶戏中牵金属线或棉线的人美国传统〔wire〕A group of wire strands bundled or twisted together as a functional unit; cable.电缆,电线:绑在一起或绕在一块作为一个功能单位的一组金属线;电缆美国传统〔wire〕Cool the cakes on a wire rack.把蛋糕放在金属架上晾凉。牛津搭配〔wire〕Doctors will wire the sections of broken bone together.医生们将用金属线把断骨部分接起来。麦克米伦高阶〔wire〕Don't touch that wire. It's live.别碰那根电线,它通着电呢。牛津搭配〔wire〕During the war he spent three years behind the wire (= in prison).战争期间他蹲了3年监狱。剑桥高阶〔wire〕He wired the news to us.他打电报把这个消息通知了我们。牛津高阶〔wire〕He wired them his flight number and arrival time.他打电报通知他们自己所乘的航班和到达时间。英汉大词典〔wire〕He wired us the news.他打电报把这个消息通知了我们。牛津高阶〔wire〕He is all wire — and every wire strung tight.他浑身肌肉发达,条条肌肉都是紧绷绷的。英汉大词典〔wire〕He was wired up to a police tape recorder.他被连接到了警方的录音机上。牛津高阶〔wire〕He was helping wire up the Channel Tunnel last season.他上一季在协助英吉利海峡隧道的电缆铺设工作。柯林斯高阶〔wire〕I wired him to come at once.我拍电报叫他即刻来。文馨英汉〔wire〕I found myself tripping over a tangle of wires and cables.我被一团电线和电缆绊了一下。牛津搭配〔wire〕I ripped out the telephone wire that ran through to his office.我把通到他办公室的电话线拔掉了。柯林斯高阶〔wire〕I think someone has got their wires crossed and made a mistake.我觉得有人误会了才犯了一个错误。外研社新世纪〔wire〕If I get another tummy ache, I will wire you to come.如果我再肚子疼, 我会发电报让你来。外研社新世纪〔wire〕If I get another tummy ache, I will wire you to come.如果我再肚子疼,我会发电报让你来。柯林斯高阶〔wire〕Investigators say nearly $100,000 was wired into the suspect's bank accounts.调查人员说有近10万美元汇入了嫌疑人的银行账户。外研社新世纪〔wire〕Lamps should be safely wired.电灯布线要安全稳妥。柯林斯高阶〔wire〕My room is wired for cable.我的房间布了有线电视线路。韦氏高阶〔wire〕Nearly one home in ten across the country is wired up to receive TV via cable.该国有近十分之一的家庭通过电缆接收电视信号。剑桥高阶〔wire〕She was ahead by two seconds at the wire.她以两秒的优势冲过终点线。韦氏高阶〔wire〕The wire was attached to a pin in the plug.电线连在插头的一个插脚上。牛津搭配〔wire〕The bank wired her the money.银行将钱电汇给了她。牛津高阶〔wire〕The box was fastened with a rusty wire.那个箱子是用生锈的铁丝捆紧的。牛津高阶〔wire〕The message came by wire this morning.消息是今晨通过电报传来的。英汉大词典〔wire〕The patients are wired up to various machines for tests.病人们被接上各种仪器进行测试。麦克米伦高阶〔wire〕The telephone wires had been cut.电话线被割断了。牛津高阶〔wire〕They just received a wire from their daughter.他们刚收到女儿的电报。韦氏高阶〔wire〕To string (beads, for example) on wire.用金属线串成:在金属线上串上(如珠子等)美国传统〔wire〕Watch out for bare wires.当心那些裸露的电线。牛津搭配〔wire〕We got in under the wire.我们赶在开始前入场。牛津搭配〔wire〕We received a wire saying they arrived safely.我们收到了告知他们已平安抵达的电报。英汉大词典〔wire〕We're genetically wired to love sugar.我们天生喜欢吃糖。牛津搭配〔wire〕Why was his wire busy? 为什么他的电话占线?英汉大词典〔wiring〕The act of attaching, connecting, or installing electric wires.接线,连线,架线美国传统〔wiry〕Of or relating to wire.金属丝的:金属丝的,与金属丝有关的美国传统〔yet〕The new frontier has as yet no fences, trenches or barbed wire.新的边界迄今还没有栅栏、壕沟或铁丝网。英汉大词典Wires are put in to reduce the strain on the protruding beam.加入钢丝来减轻突出的横梁所受的应力。剑桥国际A black wire is often attached to the cathode which is also marked with the negative sign (_).阴极上常常接黑线,标着表示负极的符号(_)。剑桥国际Be careful not to snag your coat on the barbed wire.小心别被铁丝网钩破衣服。剑桥国际Connect one wire to the positive terminal and one to the negative terminal on the battery.把一根导线接电池的正极,一根导线接负极。剑桥国际Cut back the covers of the neutral and live wires about one inch. 将带电和不带电的电线头上的包皮割去约一英寸。译典通Don't touch those wires whatever you do.无论你做什么都不要碰那些电线。剑桥国际Electrical fittings had been ripped out exposing bare wires.电气装置已被拆除,露出了裸电线。剑桥国际He wired the basket to the bicycle. 他用金属丝把篮子绑在脚踏车上。译典通He wired us that he would come by plane. 他打电报告诉我们他搭飞机来。译典通He soldered the broken wires together. 他将断了的电线焊接起来。译典通He was electrocuted (= killed by electricity) when he touched the bare wires.他碰了裸露的电线,触电而亡。剑桥国际I sent a wire to my mother this morning. 今天上午我给母亲打了电话。译典通Luckily my father wired me two hundred bucks.幸运的是,我的父亲电汇给我200元钱。剑桥国际Most office buildings are now designed with false floors, under which computer and telephone wires can be laid.大多办公楼现在都设计了一层附加的地板,下面安放计算机和电话的电线。剑桥国际Nearly one home in ten across the country is wired (up) to receive TV via cable.全国几乎10户中就有1户安好了线,来接收有线电视节目。剑桥国际She said she'd have to advertise the job, but that I shouldn't worry, I had it wired (=I would certainly get it).她说她必须公开招聘,但她又说我用不着担心,我一定能得到这份工作的。剑桥国际She swept the yard with a stiff brush (= one with hard lengths of hair, wire, plastic, etc. in it).她用硬板刷扫院子。剑桥国际Telegraph wires radiate like cobwebs from the main building. 电报线像蜘蛛网似地由主楼向四面八方伸展。译典通The electrician joined the wires up. 电工把电线连接起来。译典通The filaments of light bulbs are made from tungsten wire.灯泡的细丝是由钨丝制成的。剑桥国际The government is aiming for all schools to be wired up to the Internet within five years.政府的目标是在五年内使所有学校接入互联网。牛津商务The police usually used razor wires to fend off the protesters. 警察经常使用刺绳来阻挡抗议分子。译典通The stereo didn't work because he hadn't wired it up properly.立体声唱机不能工作,因为电线没有接好。剑桥国际There were some loose wires hanging out of the wall.墙上悬着几根松动的电线。剑桥国际These wires have become tangled (up).这些电线缠结起来了。剑桥国际We fixed a (piece of) wire across the bottom of the doorway, so that anyone who comes in will touch it.我们在门底下安了一根金属丝,这样进来的人都会碰到它。剑桥国际We will wire the money to you today.我们今天将把资金电汇给你们。牛津商务




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