

单词 生子
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ADVANTAGE〕Being an only child has both advantages and disadvantages. 作为独生子女有利也有弊。朗文写作活用〔CHILD〕All I ever wanted was to get married and have kids. 我想要的就是结婚生子。朗文写作活用〔ORDER〕Women's lives used to follow a predictable pattern: school, then marriage and children. 以前女性的生活往往遵循一种可以预见的模式:上学,然后结婚生子。朗文写作活用〔SAY〕In the last century, mothers of illegitimate babies could be declared insane. 在上个世纪,生有私生子的母亲可被定为有精神病。朗文写作活用〔SUCCEED/SUCCESSFUL〕The study shows that only-children tend to be high achievers in school. 这个研究显示,独生子女往往是学校里成绩突出的人。朗文写作活用〔adopt〕They have no children of their own, but they're hoping to adopt.他们没有亲生子女,但是希望能领养。剑桥高阶〔bar sinister〕A hint or proof of illegitimate birth.庶出,私生:私生子的证明或暗示美国传统〔bar sinister〕Heraldry A bend or baton sinister held to signify bastardy.【纹章学】 纹章斜条:表示私生子的纹章对角线或纹章斜条美国传统〔baseborn〕Born of unwed parents; illegitimate.无婚姻关系双亲所生的;私生子的美国传统〔bastardize〕They can therefore bastardize the issue of the second marriage.据此他们能宣布第二次婚姻所出为非婚生子。英汉大词典〔bastardy〕The begetting of a bastard.生为私生子美国传统〔bastardy〕The condition of being of illegitimate birth; illegitimacy.私生子:私生子的身份或状态;无合法身份美国传统〔bastard〕An illegitimate child.私生子:私生子,不合法的孩子美国传统〔bastard〕Born of unwed parents; illegitimate.庶子的,私生子的:不经正式婚姻而生的;私生的美国传统〔bastard〕He was born in 1798, the bastard son of a country squire and his mistress.他生于1798年,是个乡绅与其情妇的私生子。剑桥高阶〔bastard〕King Arthur's bastard son, Mordred.亚瑟王的私生子莫德雷德柯林斯高阶〔baton〕Heraldry A shortened narrow bend, often signifying bastardy.【纹章学】 缩短的弯曲窄条,常表示私生子地位美国传统〔blanket〕The Duke's son was born on the wrong side of the blanket.公爵的儿子是私生子。英汉大词典〔bolt〕Botany To flower or produce seeds prematurely or develop a flowering stem from a rosette.【植物学】 过早的生子(结实):植物未成熟期开花或结实,从蔷薇结长为花柄美国传统〔by-blow〕An illegitimate child; a bastard.私生子:不合法的孩子;私生子美国传统〔child〕Alex is an only child (=he has no brothers or sisters) .亚历克斯是独生子。朗文当代〔child〕Annie had always wanted to get married and have children.安妮一直想要结婚生子。朗文当代〔child〕I was an only child and very lonely growing up.独生子麦克米伦高阶〔child〕It was a little lonely being an only child.独生子女有点儿孤单。牛津搭配〔dirt〕Ever since he found out she had a child without a wedding ring, he's treated her like dirt under his feet.自从发现她曾生过一个私生子,他就完全把她当贱货了。英汉大词典〔fatherhood〕She pushed him into marriage and fatherhood.她逼着他结婚生子。外研社新世纪〔father〕He claims to have fathered over 20 children.他声称有 20 多个亲生子女。牛津高阶〔fellow feeling〕As an only child myself, I had a fellow feeling for Laura.我自己也是个独生子,因此和劳拉有同感。朗文当代〔filiate〕To determine judicially the paternity of (a child born out of wedlock, for example).判定为私生子父亲:法律上确定为(例如婚姻外出生的孩子的)父亲美国传统〔grass widow〕The mother of an illegitimate child.私生子的母亲美国传统〔have a lot to lose〕Some of them are married and have young children—they have a lot to lose.他们中有些人已经结婚生子了——他们会失去很多。韦氏高阶〔hypogeal〕Botany Of or relating to seed germination in which the cotyledons remain below the surface of the ground.【植物学】 地下生的,地下产生子叶的:种子萌芽的,或与之有关的,在这种萌芽里胚胎保留在地表面以下美国传统〔imaginary〕An only child often creates an imaginary friend to play with.独生子女常常会虚构出一个朋友跟他一起玩。麦克米伦高阶〔implantation〕Non-identical twins are the result of two fertilised eggs implanting in the uterus at the same time.非同卵双生子是两个受精卵同时在子宫内着床的结果。柯林斯高阶〔lament〕She lamented the fact that the number of children born out of wedlock had reached 31 per cent.她对非婚生子的比率达到31%这一事实感到痛心。外研社新世纪〔legitimate〕To establish (a child born out of wedlock) as legitimate by legal means.通过法律手段给(私生子)以合法地位美国传统〔legitimate〕We only married in order that the child should be legitimate.我们结婚的目的仅仅是让孩子成为婚生子。外研社新世纪〔love child〕A child born of parents who are not married to each other.私生子:父母双方没有结婚而生的孩子美国传统〔love child〕Eric has a secret love child.埃里克有个不为人知的私生子。外研社新世纪〔love child〕Eric has a secret love child.埃里克有个不为人知的私生子。柯林斯高阶〔mama〕He's a mama's boy.他是个胆小怕事的娇生子。外研社新世纪〔married〕All her friends are now married with children.她的所有朋友都已结婚生子。牛津搭配〔morality〕Sexual morality was enforced by the fear of illegitimacy.性道德因人们对未婚生子的畏惧得以加强。外研社新世纪〔motherhood〕She is looking forward to marriage and motherhood.她期望结婚生子。韦氏高阶〔natural〕He was rumoured to be the natural son of a duke.谣传他是某位公爵的私生子。朗文当代〔nephew〕The illegitimate son of an ecclesiastic who has taken a vow of celibacy.私生子:已发过誓要独身的传教士的私生子女美国传统〔only child〕I was an only child.我是独生子。韦氏高阶〔only child〕I'm an only child.我是独生子。牛津高阶〔parental leave〕A leave of absence granted to a parent to care for a new baby.育婴假:给予有新生子女的父母的假期美国传统〔pejorative〕It comes as quite a shock to still hear a judge describing a child as "illegitimate", with all the pejorative overtones of that word.令人大为震惊的是,尽管“私生子”一词带有强烈的贬义,但现在仍能听到法官称某个孩子为私生子。剑桥高阶〔primogeniture〕The state of being the first-born or eldest child of the same parents.长嗣身份:为同一父母的头生子或最年长的孩子的状况美国传统〔procreate〕While priests were denied the right to marry and procreate, he said, their situation would remain impossible.他说,只要牧师们仍被剥夺结婚生子的权利,他们的处境仍将进退两难。剑桥高阶〔recourse〕The mother of an illegitimate child had no legal recourse to the father.在法律上,私生子的母亲对孩子的父亲无求偿权。牛津搭配〔rout ... out〕The old man finally routed his only son out of home.这位老人最后把他的独生子赶出了家门。21世纪英汉〔run〕His talk ran endlessly on his only son.他刺刺不休地谈论他的独生子。英汉大词典〔so〕I was an only child, and so had no experience of large families.我是独生子,因此没有在大家庭里生活的经历。柯林斯高阶〔stabilize〕In China, the policy of one child per family was introduced to stabilize the country's population at 1.6 billion.中国执行独生子女政策是为将其人口稳定在16亿。剑桥高阶〔twenty〕They're both in their twenties and both married with children of their own.他们俩都二十几岁,都已经结婚生子了。柯林斯高阶〔virgin birth〕The doctrine that Jesus was miraculously begotten by God and born of the Virgin Mary without the agency of a human father.贞女诞生说:认为耶稣是上帝的独生子,神奇地由圣母玛丽亚未经人力而生下的神学理论美国传统〔whoreson〕An illegitimate child.私生子美国传统As the birth rate falls, increasing numbers of children are only children.随着出生率的降低,越来越多的孩子是独生子女。剑桥国际He is an only son. 他是独生子。译典通He was born in 1798, the bastard son of a country squire and his mistress.他生于1798年,是个乡绅和他情妇的私生子。剑桥国际He's illegitimate.他是个私生子。剑桥国际I was an only child so I got a lot of attention from my parents.我是个独生子女,所以我得到了父母大量的关注。剑桥国际In China, the policy of one child per family was introduced to stabilize the country's population.在中国,独生子女政策被采用来稳定国家的人口。剑桥国际It was said that Sir William had begotten several illegitimate children.据说威廉爵士有几个私生子。剑桥国际More difficult times were yet to come for the unlawfully-born child. 对这个私生子来说,更艰难的日子还在后头。译典通She has changed her tune about children since she got married and had her own. 自从结婚生子之后她已经改变了对孩子的论调。译典通She was never concerned about being born a bastard.她从不介意自己是个私生子。剑桥国际The children suffered the stigma of illegitimate birth (= being born to parents were not married).作为私生子的孩子们深受耻辱。剑桥国际The increased number of divorces and children born outside marriage has led to the rise in one-parent families.离婚数的上升及私生子的增多导致了单亲家庭的增多。剑桥国际The minister is reported to have fathered several illegitimate children.据报道该部长有几个私生子。剑桥国际The only child acceded to the family estate. 这个独生子继承了家产。译典通The widow lamented the death of her only child. 寡妇为她独生子的死而悲痛。译典通The word ‘bastard’, used in its literal sense of a child born to unmarried parents, is less common than it used to be.单词“私生子”,字面上指未结婚的父母生的孩子,比起过去来不太常用了。剑桥国际They cherished the child as one of their own. 他们把这孩子当作自己亲生子女一般。译典通Throughout the election he had to contend with smears about his illegitimacy.整个选举期间,他得与诽谤他是私生子进行抗辩。剑桥国际We can do without sanctimonious lectures on the evils of promiscuous sex from government ministers who themselves have fathered illegitimate children.我们不需要那些自己有着私生子的政府部长们装出一副神圣的样子教训我们乱搞性关系是何等罪恶。剑桥国际While priests were denied the right to marry and procreate, he said, their situation would remain impossible.他说,虽然牧师被剥夺了结婚生子的权利,但他们的处境终究难以忍受。剑桥国际




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