

单词 walkout
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔LAST〕The pilots say the walkout could last as long as two months. 飞行员说这次罢工可能要持续两个月之久。朗文写作活用〔injunction〕The employer sought an injunction against the walkout.雇主想搞到一份对付罢工的禁制令。英汉大词典〔walkout〕Hundreds of workers staged a walkout to protest conditions in the factory.数百名工人举行罢工,抗议工厂的工作环境。韦氏高阶〔walkout〕Senior union workers staged (= had) a walkout this afternoon at the annual conference over the proposed changes in funding.在今天下午讨论拟议的专款变动事宜的年度大会上,工会的高层人员退场以示抗议。剑桥高阶〔walkout〕The commission's proceedings have been wrecked by tantrums and walkouts.委员会的议程因与会者的撒泼捣乱和离席抗议而受阻。柯林斯高阶〔walkout〕The commission's proceedings have been wrecked by tantrums and walkouts.委员会的议程因与会者胡搅蛮缠和离席抗议而搞砸了。外研社新世纪Rail-workers are to stage (= have) a twenty-four-hour walkout next Monday unless an agreement is reached at today's meeting.如果今天的会议不能达成协议,铁路工人将在下周一举行一次24小时的罢工。剑桥国际Senior union workers staged (= had) a walkout this afternoon at the annual conference over the proposed changes in funding.工会老工人今天下午在年度大会上讨论变更资助的提议时退场以示抗议。剑桥国际There was a walkout by angry delegates.愤怒的代表退席以示抗议。牛津商务Workers at the factory staged a mass walkout in protest against an overtime ban.这家工厂的工人举行了大规模罢工抗议加班禁令。牛津商务




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