

单词 vine
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ABOVE〕An ancient vine overhangs the terrace. 一条古藤悬垂在平台上。朗文写作活用〔GROW〕Gradually it was found more profitable to cultivate vines and olives rather than grain. 渐渐地,人们发现种葡萄和橄榄树比种谷物利润更大。朗文写作活用〔OLD〕The vine is an age-old symbol of peace and prosperity. 葡萄藤是个由来已久的象征和平与繁荣的标志。朗文写作活用〔WEAK〕He watered the vines so little that the leaves drooped and the tendrils withered. 他很少给葡萄藤浇水,叶子都蔫了,卷须也枯萎了。朗文写作活用〔arbor〕A shady resting place in a garden or park, often made of rustic work or latticework on which plants, such as climbing shrubs or vines, are grown.凉亭,藤架:花园或公园中的荫凉休息场所,常以粗面石工或格架制成,其上生长着植物,如攀缘灌木或爬藤美国传统〔arch〕The vines were trained over an arch, providing shade as well as fruit.葡萄藤整修成拱形,既能遮荫又能结果。剑桥高阶〔attack〕The vines were attacked by mildew.葡萄藤受到了霉菌的侵害。牛津高阶〔beanpole〕A thin pole used to support bean vines.豆架:用以支撑豆蔓的细棍美国传统〔bur cucumber〕The fruit of this vine.刺黄瓜:这种藤本植物的果实美国传统〔chop down〕She chopped down some thick grape vines.她砍掉一些粗大的葡萄藤。韦氏高阶〔curiosity〕Dr Engelmann had filed the scrap of wild vine away as a curiosity.恩格尔曼博士将这一段野藤蔓存档, 视为珍宝。外研社新世纪〔die on the vine〕Her plan to run for public office died on the vine.她竞选公职的计划夭折了。韦氏高阶〔die〕The program for rebuilding the city died on the vine.重建城市的计划夭折了。英汉大词典〔doozy〕There was a doozy of an accident at the corner of Vine and Maple this morning.今天早上在藤枫街角处发生了一起很严重的交通事故。剑桥高阶〔embrace〕Vines embraced the hut.蔓藤缠绕小屋。英汉大词典〔enlace〕Vines enlaced the tree.藤蔓缠绕着树。21世纪英汉〔essentially〕Essentially, vines and grapes need water, heat and light.最基本的是,葡萄藤和葡萄需要水、热和光。柯林斯高阶〔essentially〕Essentially, vines and grapes need water, heat, and light.藤蔓和葡萄根本上说需要水分、热量和光照。外研社新世纪〔extraordinaire〕Gary Vine, master chef extraordinaire 非凡的厨艺大师加里·瓦因麦克米伦高阶〔fruit〕The fruit of the vine is the grape.葡萄藤结的果实是葡萄。英汉大词典〔grapevine〕A vine on which grapes grow.葡萄藤:葡萄在其上生长的藤美国传统〔grow〕The vine has grown fast to the wall.藤已牢牢地攀在墙上。英汉大词典〔grub out〕They grub out the valuable old vines and replant their vineyards to get higher yields from the younger vines.他们挖出珍贵的老葡萄树, 重栽了新的, 以期提高葡萄园的产量。外研社新世纪〔harmful〕Not all virus infections are necessarily harmful to vines.并非所有病毒感染都一定会对葡萄藤产生危害。牛津搭配〔indiscernible〕Hidden under vines and moss, the crumbling wall was almost indiscernible.在藤蔓和苔藓的遮掩下,几乎看不到那堵危墙。韦氏高阶〔interlace〕The vines interlaced with each other.葡萄藤交错在一起。韦氏高阶〔intertwine〕The vines are intertwined to make a wreath.这些藤蔓被缠绕在一起组成了一个花环。麦克米伦高阶〔intertwine〕Two vines intertwined on the wall.两条蔓藤缠绕着攀附在墙上。英汉大词典〔in〕The vines are planted out in straight rows.葡萄是呈一行行直线种植的。麦克米伦高阶〔last〕With care, the vines will last indefinitely.精心护理的话,葡萄藤会活很长时间。牛津搭配〔liana〕Any climbing, woody, usually tropical vine.藤本植物:一种通常生长在热带的攀爬藤本植物美国传统〔moonflower〕Any of several night-blooming vines related to the morning glories.月光花:任一种与牵牛花相似的在夜间开放的藤本植物美国传统〔nurture〕You have to carefully nurture the vines if you want them to produce good grapes.如果你想要种出好葡萄,你就得悉心培育葡萄藤。韦氏高阶〔one〕I never realized Ruth Rendell and Barbara Vine were one and the same(= the same person using two different names).我从未意识到鲁思 · 兰德尔和芭芭拉 · 瓦因原来是同一个人。牛津高阶〔overarch〕Grape vines overarched the garden path.葡萄藤在花园小路上方形成了拱形美国传统〔overgrew〕The outer walls of the house are overgrown by vines.房子的外墙上长满了藤蔓。21世纪英汉〔overgrow〕The vines have overgrown the wall.墙上爬满了藤蔓。英汉大词典〔over〕Tomato vines grew up and over the fence.番茄藤长出来,越过了篱笆。韦氏高阶〔pack〕Snip the vine tomatoes off their stalks and pack them into a container.将西红柿带蔓从茎上剪下, 然后装箱。外研社新世纪〔pan〕A leaf of the betel vine.槟榔的叶片美国传统〔passage〕Branches and vines blocked our passage through the jungle.枝条和藤蔓挡住了我们穿过丛林的路。麦克米伦高阶〔pinch〕Wrap the chicken in vine leaves (cabbage will do at a pinch).用藤叶将鸡包裹起来(必要时也可以用圆白菜叶代替)。外研社新世纪〔plant〕She planted stakes in the garden to hold the vines.她在花园里打桩来支撑藤本植物。韦氏高阶〔plant〕The Bordeaux area is densely planted with vine.波尔多地区密集种植着葡萄。牛津搭配〔pleach〕To plait or interlace (branches or vines, for example), especially in making a hedge or an arbor.编结:编织或交织(如,树枝或藤条),尤指在搭建篱笆或棚架中美国传统〔pleach〕To shade or border with interlaced branches or vines.遮蔽:用编结的树枝或藤条遮蔽或搭界美国传统〔propagate〕The easiest way to propagate a vine is to take hardwood cuttings.栽培葡萄最简便的方法就是硬条扦插。柯林斯高阶〔propagate〕The easiest way to propagate a vine is to take hardwood cuttings.繁殖藤本植物最简便的方法是硬条扦插。外研社新世纪〔pumpkin〕The pumpkin has male and female flowers on the same vine.西葫芦的雄花和雌花长在同一条蔓上。外研社新世纪〔ripen〕The tomatoes ripened on the vine.番茄在藤上成熟了。英汉大词典〔root climber〕A vine, such as the ivy, that clings to its support by means of adventitious roots.根攀植物:如常春藤等通过不定根依附在支撑物上的攀缘植物美国传统〔round〕This vine produces small round purple grapes.这棵葡萄藤结又小又圆的紫葡萄。外研社新世纪〔runner〕A twining vine, such as the scarlet runner.缠绕植物:缠绕形的藤本植物,如红花菜豆美国传统〔run〕The vine ran over the ground [up the sides of the porch].长春藤爬满地面[沿门廊两侧攀上]。文馨英汉〔scent〕From the vine outside came the scent of honey.外面的葡萄藤飘来花蜜的香味。牛津搭配〔season〕Vine tomatoes are in season from April to October.藤蔓番茄的当令季节是从 4 月到 10 月。朗文当代〔slope〕Vines grow on the south-facing slopes.葡萄生长在朝南的山坡上。麦克米伦高阶〔soil〕The dry rocky soil is suitable for planting vines.干燥多岩石的土壤适合种植葡萄。麦克米伦高阶〔spiral upwards〕Vines spiralled upwards toward the roof.藤蔓盘旋着攀向屋顶。外研社新世纪〔spiral〕Vines spiraled upward toward the roof.藤蔓盘旋着朝屋顶方向生长。柯林斯高阶〔stake〕He staked his tomato vines with bamboo.他用竹竿支撑起西红柿秧。21世纪英汉〔stencil〕The walls of the living room had a delicate vine stencil drawn on them.客厅墙上有模板印刷的精美蔓藤图案。韦氏高阶〔swirl〕Long vines swirl round the tree.长长的藤葛盘绕在树身上。21世纪英汉〔take〕The newly planted vines quickly took hold.新种下的葡萄藤很快就扎下了根美国传统〔tangle〕My feet kept getting tangled up in vines.我的脚不断被蔓藤绊住。英汉大词典〔tendril〕The tendrils of the vine twisted round the fence.藤蔓的卷须缠绕在篱笆上。英汉大词典〔train〕The vines were trained along wires slung between tall poles.藤蔓经修剪后沿着悬在两根高杆子间的铁丝攀缘生长。外研社新世纪〔train〕The vines were trained over an arch, providing shade as well as fruit.葡萄藤被修整得在拱门上方生长,不仅结出果实,还能遮阴。剑桥高阶〔train〕You can train this vine to climb up a wall.你可以修剪这棵葡萄藤使它爬墙生长。韦氏高阶〔treillage〕Latticework, especially a trellis for a vine.棚架:格子,尤指用于支撑葡萄的格子结构美国传统〔trellis〕A structure of open latticework, especially one used as a support for vines and other creeping plants.格子结构:一种露天的格子结构,尤指用来作支撑葡萄或其它植物用的格子结构美国传统〔twine〕The vine twines around the trunk.藤缠绕着树干。21世纪英汉〔twine〕The vine twines around/up the pole.藤蔓攀绕着柱子向上长。剑桥高阶〔twine〕The fence post was twined by vines.葡萄藤缠绕着离笆柱子美国传统〔twist〕He twisted vines round the logs to make a raft.他把藤缠在木头上做木筏。麦克米伦高阶〔under〕She also writes under the pseudonym of Barbara Vine.她也用芭芭拉 · 瓦因的化名从事写作。牛津高阶〔uproot〕They had been forced to uproot their vines and plant wheat.他们不得不将葡萄藤连根拔除, 改种小麦。外研社新世纪〔uproot〕They had been forced to uproot their vines and plant wheat.他们已被迫将葡萄藤连根拔除,改种小麦。柯林斯高阶〔vinery〕An area or a greenhouse for growing vines.葡萄园,葡萄暖房:种葡萄树的地方或温室美国传统〔vine〕An enterprise that does not attract customers soon withers on the vine.对顾客缺乏吸引力的企业很快就会破产。英汉大词典〔vine〕Every square metre of soil was used, mainly for olives, vines, and almonds.每一寸土地都利用上了, 主要用来种植橄榄树、葡萄藤和扁桃树。外研社新世纪〔vine〕Every square metre of soil was used, mainly for olives, vines, and almonds.每一寸土地都利用上了,主要用来种植橄榄树、葡萄藤和杏树。柯林斯高阶〔vine〕I can't see an eligible male like you hang on the vine.我不能眼看着像你这样合格的男子汉断送前程。英汉大词典〔vine〕Ivy is a type of vine.常青藤是一种藤本植物。剑桥高阶〔vine〕To form or develop like a vine.形成或长成藤蔓:形成藤蔓或象藤一样生长美国传统〔vintage〕Never did the vines yield a more luxuriant vintage.这些葡萄产量从来没有这么高过。英汉大词典〔viny〕Of, relating to, or having the nature of vines.藤生植物:藤的、关于藤的或有藤属性的美国传统〔viny〕Overgrown with or abounding in vines.长满或充满藤的美国传统〔whorl〕Architecture An ornamental device, as in stonework or weaving, consisting of stylized vine leaves and tendrils.【建筑学】 螺层:一种含有很风格化的藤叶和卷须的装饰结构,如石制品或纺织品上美国传统〔wind around〕The vine in the garden winds around a big tree.院子里的葡萄藤绕在一棵大树上。21世纪英汉〔wind〕The vine wound about the trellis.葡萄藤绕在棚架上美国传统〔wither on the vine〕When the new resort was built, the tourist trade in smaller hotels withered on the vine.随着新度假地的建成,小型旅馆的游客数量大幅萎缩。剑桥高阶〔wither〕Without investment, home-grown industries are being allowed to wither on the vine.由于得不到投资,国内工业正在自行走向消亡。牛津搭配〔wrap〕A vine wraps round a big tree.一根藤绕在一棵大树上。21世纪英汉〔wrap〕A vine wraps round the pillar.一根藤绕在柱子上。英汉大词典Vines produce better grapes as they age.葡萄藤成熟后结的葡萄更好。剑桥国际Barbara Vine is the alter ego (=the other less familiar name) of the crime writer Ruth Rendell.巴巴拉·瓦因是犯罪小说作家鲁思·伦德尔的鲜为人知的别名。剑桥国际In South Australia, wine growers are going up into the hills (=an area where there are hills) in search of cooler sites for their vines.在南澳大利亚,葡萄酒酿造者深入丘陵地带,寻求更加凉爽的葡萄种植地。剑桥国际Ivy is a type of vine.常春藤是一种藤本植物。剑桥国际Monkeys swing between the trees on vines.猴子扯着藤蔓在树木之间荡秋千。剑桥国际Once upon a time a farmer planted a little seed in his garden, and after a while it sprouted and became a vine.从前一个农夫在他的花园里种下了一颗小种子,过了一段时间以后种子发芽长成一棵葡萄树。剑桥国际The vine twines round the tree. 这籐盘绕在树干上。译典通The vine twines round/up the pole.那藤蔓攀绕着柱子向上生长。剑桥国际The vines were trained over an arch, providing shade as well as fruit.藤蔓被修扎在拱门上方,不仅长出水果还造出一片阴凉。剑桥国际The gardener entwined the grape vines around the supports. 园丁将葡萄藤缠绕在支架上。译典通There in the vines at the window sat a songster -- one of our Southern Orioles. 窗边的葡萄树里停著一只歌鸟,一只我们南部的金莺。译典通There was some debate as to whether the benefit scheme should be withdrawn or simply allowed to wither on the vine.救济方案是否应该取消还是简单地让它逐渐消失,在这一点上有一些争论。剑桥国际They made their way through a jungle woven with creepers and vines. 他们穿过一个为攀缘植物和藤蔓植物缠绕的丛林。译典通We reached a beautiful grotto, whose entrance was almost hid by the vines. 我们到达了一个美丽的洞穴,洞的进口几乎被藤蔓遮掩著。译典通




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