

单词 theatre ticket
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔cancellation〕The theatre tickets were sold out, so we waited to see if there were any cancellations (= unwanted returned tickets).戏票已经卖光了,所以我们等着看是否有退票。剑桥高阶〔muddle〕There was a muddle over the theatre tickets.戏票问题搞得一团糟。牛津高阶〔perk〕Free theatre tickets are one of the perks of this job.免费电影票是做这份工作的额外福利。麦克米伦高阶〔present〕They gave me theatre tickets as a present.他们送给我戏票作为礼物。剑桥高阶〔rook〕They rooked me of £5 for the theatre ticket.他们将戏票转让给我,敲了我5镑。21世纪英汉〔rope ... in〕He has roped me in to help sell the theatre tickets.他曾动员我协助出售戏票。21世纪英汉〔theatre〕He's got theatre tickets for tomorrow night.他买到了明天晚上的戏票。外研社新世纪I bought two Broadway theatre tickets from the concierge. 我从看门人手中买到了两张百老汇的戏票。译典通I think I'll cancel the theatre tickets and get my money back.我想我会退掉戏票,把钱拿回来。剑桥国际The theatre tickets were sold out, so we waited to see if there were any cancellations (=if any tickets were returned by the people who bought had them).戏票已经卖完了,于是我们等着看是否有退票。剑桥国际The high cost of theatre tickets is one of his favourite grouses.戏票的昂贵是他最喜欢抱怨的。剑桥国际They gave me theatre tickets as a present.他们送给我戏票作为礼物。剑桥国际




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