

单词 迄今
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CONTROL/NOT CONTROL〕Government attempts to bring the drug problem under control have so far failed. 迄今为止,政府试图控制毒品问题的努力全不奏效。朗文写作活用〔DIFFERENT〕John Nelson has been re-examining the evidence, and his conclusions are greatly at odds with the story so far. 约翰·纳尔逊重新研究了证据,他得出的结论与迄今为止的说法大不相符。朗文写作活用〔MOST〕It's Hyundai's fastest car yet, with a top speed of 121 mph. 这是现代公司迄今为止最快的汽车,最高时速为121英里。朗文写作活用〔RECORD〕The hospital has only just started to keep a record, but so far they have treated six people for this type of injury. 医院刚开始作记录,但迄今已治疗了六个受这种伤的病人。朗文写作活用〔RISK〕The latest outbreak of the disease can be seen as the greatest threat to UK farmers yet. 最近这一疾病的爆发可以被看作是迄今为止对英国农民最大的威胁。朗文写作活用〔TEST〕Until now, the drug was only available to people taking part in clinical trials. 迄今为止,这种药只提供给参加临床试验的人使用。朗文写作活用〔accurately〕Police have stressed that this is the most accurate description of the killer to date.警方强调这是迄今对凶手最精确的描述。柯林斯高阶〔agreement〕As yet there is no agreement between the two sides.双方迄今未达成一致意见。牛津搭配〔agreement〕As yet there is no agreement on policies.迄今为止仍没有就政策问题达成一致意见。牛津搭配〔alluvial〕They were looking for water, but stumbled upon one of the richest shallow alluvial gold deposits ever found.他们当时在找水, 却意外发现了迄今为止储量最为丰富的浅层冲积砂金矿床之一。外研社新世纪〔barnstorming〕There have so far been no mistakes during his barnstorming of the states.迄今为止, 他在各州进行的巡回政治演说没有出任何差错。外研社新世纪〔beneficiary〕The main beneficiaries of pension equality so far have been men.迄今为止,退休金均等政策的主要受益者一直是男性。柯林斯高阶〔book〕The greatest manager there has ever been, or ever will be in my book, is retiring.这位迄今为止最杰出的,在我看来,也是后人无法超越的经理,就要退休了。柯林斯高阶〔book〕The greatest manager there has ever been, or ever will be, in my book, is retiring.这位迄今为止最杰出的、在我看来也是后人无法超越的经理, 就要退休了。外研社新世纪〔call〕Management have so far ignored the union's calls for stricter safety regulations.迄今为止管理层一直无视工会对加强安全规章的呼吁。剑桥高阶〔chiefly〕Thus far media studies has been chiefly concerned with media content.迄今, 传媒学主要研究的是媒体传播内容。外研社新世纪〔clear〕The space telescope has taken the clearest pictures ever of Pluto.太空望远镜拍下了迄今最清晰的冥王星照片。外研社新世纪〔comment〕There's been no comment so far from police about the allegations.迄今为止, 警方对于这些指控尚未发表任何评论。外研社新世纪〔consent〕Her latest novel, by common consent, is her best yet.她最新一本小说被普遍认为是她迄今最好的作品。剑桥高阶〔corporate〕Our corporate endeavours had so far borne little fruit.我们的共同努力迄今没有任何收获。外研社新世纪〔day〕To this day, I still don't know what happened.迄今为止,我依然不知道所发生的事情。韦氏高阶〔digression〕I've digressed a little to explain the situation so far, so let me now recap.刚才我稍稍离题说明了迄今的情况,现在让我来概述一下。柯林斯高阶〔direct〕The album is her most emotionally direct work to date.这是迄今为止最能直接表达她情感的一个专辑。牛津搭配〔disease〕The disease has killed 500 people so far this year.迄今为止这种疾病今年已经夺走了 500 人的生命。牛津搭配〔doubt〕This meeting has been, without doubt, one of the most useful we have had so far.这无疑是我们迄今为止最有用的一次会议。牛津高阶〔draw〕All his investigations have drawn a blank so far.他所有的调查迄今为止都没有结果。朗文当代〔enthuse〕The organizers enthused that it was their most successful event yet.组织者赞叹地说这是他们迄今为止最成功的活动。牛津高阶〔evade〕The criminals have so far managed to evade the police.迄今为止,那些罪犯都设法避开了警方的追捕。韦氏高阶〔ever〕It will be his biggest success ever.这将是他迄今为止取得的最大成功。外研社新世纪〔ever〕They appointed the youngest-ever ambassador to Washington.他们委派了一名迄今为止最年轻的大使去华盛顿。英汉大词典〔expectation〕Against all expectations the film has so far grossed $9 million.出人意料的是那部电影迄今已赚得毛利900万美元。英汉大词典〔far〕He has written only two books so far.迄今为止他只写了两部书。韦氏高阶〔far〕So far we have restricted our attention to the local area.迄今为止,我们都把注意力局限在当地。麦克米伦高阶〔far〕They're delighted with the replies they've received from the public thus far.迄今为止,他们还满意公众的回答。朗文当代〔find〕So far they have not found a way to fight the virus.迄今为止, 他们尚未找到战胜这种病毒的途径。外研社新世纪〔find〕So far they have not found a way to fight the virus.迄今为止,他们还没有找到一种对抗该病毒的方法。柯林斯高阶〔greenlight〕So far three directors have greenlighted the project.迄今已有3位主任批准了这项计划。麦克米伦高阶〔heretofore〕The irony of getting her chance to work in a less stimulating environment than heretofore did not escape her.让她有机会到一个迄今为止最无趣的环境工作, 这种让人哭笑不得的状况她不是不知道。外研社新世纪〔heretofore〕They reported that clouds are an important and heretofore uninvestigated contributor to the climate.他们报告说,云是影响气候的一个重要因素,但迄今为止没有进行过研究。柯林斯高阶〔heretofore〕Up to the present time; before this; previously.直到此时:迄今为止;在这以前;以前美国传统〔hitherto〕Hitherto, the main emphasis has been on the need to resist aggression.迄今为止,一直重点强调的是要抵抗侵略。柯林斯高阶〔hitherto〕The helicopter is the first in the world to be designed to serve three hitherto very distinct markets.这款直升机是世界上首批为满足3个迄今为止完全不同的市场而设计的机型。柯林斯高阶〔interesting〕His third album is by far his most interesting.他的第三张专辑是迄今最有味道的。柯林斯高阶〔know of〕The president admitted that he did not know of any rebels having surrendered so far.总统承认, 据他所知迄今为止还没有反叛者投降。外研社新世纪〔mark〕His talent has marked him out as one of the greatest runners ever.他的天赋使他成为迄今最伟大的赛跑运动员之一。麦克米伦高阶〔mass〕Despite its mass, the mountain has so far eluded us.这座山虽然山势雄伟, 但迄今都没挡我们的路。外研社新世纪〔measurable〕So far the effect is barely measurable.迄今为止,效果微乎其微。柯林斯高阶〔number one〕The economy is the number one issue by far.经济问题是迄今为止最重要的问题。外研社新世纪〔odd〕He has now appeared in sixty odd films.他迄今演过60多部影片。柯林斯高阶〔offering〕The latest offering from this young band is their best album yet.这个年轻乐队最新出版的唱片是他们迄今最好的专辑。牛津搭配〔own〕I've been living on my own for four years now.我独自生活迄今已四年了。朗文当代〔perhaps〕This is perhaps her finest novel yet.这或许是她迄今为止最好的一部小说。朗文当代〔premiership〕So far, his premiership has been dominated by crisis-management.迄今为止, 他总理任期内的主要工作就是应对危机。外研社新世纪〔retrieve〕So far US authorities have retrieved the bodies of one soldier and four civilians.迄今为止, 美国当局已经找回一名士兵及四名平民的尸体。外研社新世纪〔return〕So far more than 350,000 people have returned home.迄今已有35万多人返回了家园。柯林斯高阶〔safety〕The debate so far has focused mainly on safety issues.辩论迄今主要集中在安全问题上。麦克米伦高阶〔scantily〕So far, what scanty evidence we have points to two suspects.迄今为止,我们掌握的能够指证两个嫌疑犯的证据少得可怜。柯林斯高阶〔seizure〕Police have made one of the biggest seizures of heroin there's ever been in Britain.警方这次缴获的海洛因是英国迄今为止数量最大的几宗之一。柯林斯高阶〔semipostal〕Semipostals have not been issued in that country.那个国家迄今没有发行过附捐邮票。英汉大词典〔shy〕The minister has so far fought shy of taking a clear stand on this issue.这位部长迄今躲闪着不对这问题表态。英汉大词典〔sideline〕The government has just stood on the sidelines up to now and let the situation get worse.迄今为止政府仅仅是置身局外,任凭事态恶化。柯林斯高阶〔sketchy〕So far we only have sketchy information about what caused the explosion.迄今为止,我们仅仅掌握了关于爆炸起因的大概信息。剑桥高阶〔smoothly〕So far, talks at GM have gone smoothly.迄今为止,在通用汽车公司进行的会谈进展顺利。柯林斯高阶〔steamy〕His new novel is advertised as his steamiest yet.他的新小说被宣传为他迄今为止最为色情的一部。剑桥高阶〔stomach〕So far, he has shown little stomach for this fight.迄今为止, 他对这场争斗未表现出任何兴趣。外研社新世纪〔test〕Chess player Nigel Short faces Anatoly Karpov in the toughest test of his career so far.国际象棋选手奈杰尔‧肖特遭遇到他的职业生涯里迄今为止最严峻的考验 — 和阿纳托利‧卡尔波夫对弈。朗文当代〔that〕This is the best article that has ever been written on the subject.迄今为止在有关这个题目的文章中,这一篇是最好的。英汉大词典〔third〕The attack was the third so far this year.这一袭击是迄今为止今年的第三起。外研社新世纪〔third〕The attack was the third so far this year.这是今年迄今为止的第三次袭击。柯林斯高阶〔thus〕Congress has thus far been unwilling to support an increase in federal taxes.国会迄今为止还不愿支持增加联邦政府税。麦克米伦高阶〔to date〕This novel is his best work to date.这部小说是他迄今为止最好的作品。剑桥高阶〔total〕This brought the total number of accidents so far this year to 113.这使得今年迄今为止发生事故的总数达到 113 起。牛津高阶〔tough〕He faces the toughest test of his leadership so far.他面临迄今为止对自己的领导工作最严峻的考验。牛津高阶〔trace〕Attempts to trace the whereabouts of a man seen leaving the scene of the crime have so far been unsuccessful.有人曾看到一名男子离开犯罪现场,但迄今为止追查该男子下落的种种努力一无所获。剑桥高阶〔unheardof〕He was sentenced to a hitherto unheard-of seven life terms in prison.他被判处 7 次终身监禁,该量刑迄今为止绝无仅有。牛津搭配〔unscreened〕The story is as yet unscreened.这个故事迄今尚未拍摄成电影。英汉大词典〔vacant〕The position has been vacant for several months now.这个职位迄今已经空缺好几个月了。麦克米伦高阶〔well-behaved〕The troops have been remarkably well-behaved so far.迄今为止,这支军队作风端正。柯林斯高阶〔worst〕It was by far the worst speech he had ever made.这是他迄今发表过的最差的演讲。牛津高阶〔yet〕Adeal is still being worked out, but as yet nothing is finalized.协议尚在制定中,但迄今为止什么都还没最后定下来。麦克米伦高阶〔yet〕Her latest novel is her best yet.她的最新小说是她迄今为止最好的一部。外研社新世纪〔yet〕No one, as yet, is suspicious.迄今为止,还没有人起疑。英汉大词典〔yet〕That's the best suggestion yet.那是迄今为止最好的建议。英汉大词典〔young〕The world is as yet too young in science for that.迄今为止,世界科学对那个问题还太无知。英汉大词典As yet they have not identified a buyer for the company.迄今为止他们尚未找到公司的买主。牛津商务He argued, with more passion than heretofore, for the abolition of the tax.他用了迄今为止的最大热情,竭力争辩取消此税的主张。剑桥国际He had suffered many hurts, but this was by far the worst.他有过许多痛苦,但这次是迄今为止最厉害的。剑桥国际He told us to disregard (= ignore) everything we'd learned so far and start again.他嘱咐我们别理会迄今学过的一切,重新开始。剑桥国际Her winning streak of six races is the highest so far this season.她那连续赢得六场径赛的记录是这赛季迄今为止最好的。剑桥国际It's the largest survey ever undertaken.这是迄今开展的规模最大的调查。剑桥国际It's the nicest present I've ever had--I couldn't ask for (=hope to receive) a better one.这是我迄今收到过的最好礼物----我不能指望收到比这更好的礼物了。剑桥国际Our whole hearts revolt against the way women have hitherto been treated. 我们对妇女迄今所受的待遇从心底里感到厌恶。译典通Police have not so far been able to extort a confession from the people accused of the bombing.警方迄今尚未能迫使被控投弹者招供。剑桥国际Reactions to the proposal so far have been adverse/favourable/mixed.迄今对提案的反应是对立的/良好的/各种各样的。剑桥国际She's been a vegetarian for ten years now.迄今为止她已当了十年的素食者。剑桥国际So far in the present crisis, the government troops have been spared loss of life, while many of the rebels have been killed.在当前的危机中,政府军迄今为止无人死亡,而许多叛军被杀。剑桥国际So far, they've raised only a small fraction of the money needed to restore the church.迄今为止,他们只筹集了修复教堂所需的小部分资金。剑桥国际The new plant is their largest to date.这座新厂是他们迄今为止最大的工厂。牛津商务The police have so far been unable to ascertain the cause of the explosion.警方迄今尚未能查明爆炸的原因。剑桥国际This is the largest project we have ever taken on.这是我们迄今所承担的最大的项目。牛津商务




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