

单词 two groups
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DIFFICULT〕Getting the two groups to work together was a challenge, but we did it. 让这两组人在一起工作是个挑战,但我们办到了。朗文写作活用〔alignment〕Further consultation is needed to explore whether it is possible to bring the two groups into alignment.需要进一步磋商, 以探讨是否有可能使这两个团体相互配合。外研社新世纪〔antagonistic〕The two groups have always been antagonistic toward each other.这两个群体总是彼此对立。韦氏高阶〔at odds〕The two groups have long been at odds with each other.这两个团体长期合不来。韦氏高阶〔break down barriers〕The talks were meant to break down barriers between the two groups.谈判旨在消除双方意见的分歧。剑桥高阶〔breaking point〕Tensions between the two groups had reached the breaking point.两群人之间的关系已紧张到了极点。韦氏高阶〔bridge〕No concession can bridge over the chasms between the two groups.无论何种让步也不能弥合这两个集团间的裂缝。英汉大词典〔bridge〕We hope to bridge the divisions between the two groups.我们希望能弥合两个组织间的分歧。韦氏高阶〔contention〕There is no contention between the two groups.这两个团体之间没有争执。牛津搭配〔convenience〕For (the sake of) convenience, the two groups have been treated as one in this report.为方便起见,这两个组在本报告中被视为一组。牛津高阶〔cooperate〕The two groups agreed to cooperate with each other.这两个组同意相互协作。牛津高阶〔crudely〕The donors can be split – a little crudely – into two groups.捐献者可以大致分为两组。外研社新世纪〔crudely〕The donors can be split — a little crudely — into two groups.捐献者可以大致分为两组。柯林斯高阶〔defuse〕The two groups will meet next week to try to defuse the crisis/situation/tension.双方将于下周会面以求缓和危机/局面/紧张局势。剑桥高阶〔despise〕The two groups despise each other.这两个团体相互鄙视。剑桥高阶〔divide〕We divided into two groups.我们分成两组。牛津同义词〔envelop in〕Relations between the two groups are often enveloped in secrecy.这两个团体之间的关系常常秘而不宣。21世纪英汉〔exchange〕There've been some bitter exchanges between the two groups.两组之间发生过一些激烈的争吵。柯林斯高阶〔feeling〕There was a lot of bad feeling between the two groups of students.这两群学生互怀敌意。牛津高阶〔flash〕Researchers flash two groups of different letters onto a computer screen.研究者在计算机屏幕上显示出两组不同的字母。柯林斯高阶〔gleefully〕The media gleefully reports the bitterness between the two groups.媒体幸灾乐祸地报道这两个团体之间的结怨。外研社新世纪〔halt〕Traffic was brought to a halt as two groups of fans clashed.两派粉丝发生冲突, 导致交通瘫痪。外研社新世纪〔imaginary〕The two groups were separated by an imaginary line down the middle of the room.房屋中间似乎有一道无形的界线,将这两群人隔开了。韦氏高阶〔in tandem〕I want these two groups to work/operate in tandem on this project.我希望这两个小组联合做这个项目。剑桥高阶〔informal〕The two groups met for informal talks.两个团体会面举行非正式会谈。朗文当代〔integrate〕The two groups found it difficult to integrate.这两个团体发现它们难以合并到一起。外研社新世纪〔merge〕The two groups have merged to form a new party.两大组织合并组成一个新党。牛津高阶〔metaphorical〕A metaphorical ocean (= extremely large area of disagreement) lies between the two groups.两方之间存在着海洋般巨大的分歧。剑桥高阶〔objective〕The two groups are pursuing a common objective.这两个团体的目标一致。牛津搭配〔respect〕The two groups are very similar with respect to age.两个小组的成员在年龄上非常相似。麦克米伦高阶〔respect〕The two groups were similar with respect to income and status.这两组在收入和地位方面是相似的。牛津高阶〔respect〕The two groups were similar with respect to income and status.这两组在收入和地位方面相似。牛津搭配〔rivalry〕There is a bitter/friendly rivalry between the two groups.这两个组织之间存在着激烈的/友好的竞争关系。韦氏高阶〔separate〕The two groups are essentially separate and independent.这两个团体本质上是各自独立的。牛津搭配〔separate〕The two groups became widely separated.这两个团体变得泾渭分明起来。牛津搭配〔set out〕He set out the basic argument between the two groups.他阐述了这两组之间的基本争论点。韦氏高阶〔shanghai〕The two groups were shanghaied into signing the agreement, despite their objections.这两个小组尽管反对,但还是被迫签署了协议。剑桥高阶〔similarity〕The repor t highlights the similarity between the two groups.这份报告强调两组之间的相似性。牛津高阶〔statistical〕Cure rates did not differ statistically between the two groups.两组人群的治愈率在统计数字上没有区别。麦克米伦高阶〔steer〕Prime Minister Hun Sen has sought to steer a course between the two groups.洪森首相设法游走于两个集团之间。柯林斯高阶〔sunder〕Police moved in to separate the two groups, already sundered by distrust.警方及时介入将互不信任、业已分化的两组人隔离开。柯林斯高阶〔tweedledum and tweedledee〕Two people or two groups resembling each other so closely that they are practically indistinguishable.半斤八两:非常相象的两个人或两个团体以致于很难区分美国传统〔walk〕The teacher told the two groups of students to walk together side by side.老师告诉两组的同学联合行动。21世纪英汉〔wing〕Either of two groups with opposing views within a larger group; a faction.派别:一个大集团内部具有相反观点的两个集团之一;宗派美国传统〔with〕They were divided into two groups, with no girls in one group and no boys in the other.他们被分成了两组,一组没有女孩,一组没有男孩。剑桥高阶Hostilities between the two groups have been in abeyance since last June.两支军队之间的战争从去年6月开始暂停。剑桥国际I want these two groups to work/operate in tandem on this project.我要这两组人联合搞这个项目。剑桥国际The two groups form part of a larger multi-dimensional (= having many parts) organisation.这两个组构成一个巨大的多元组织的一个部分。剑桥国际The two groups have widely differing aims (= there is a large difference between their aims).两个小组有着迥然不同的目标。剑桥国际The two groups were similar with respect to income and status.这两组在收入和地位方面是相似的。牛津商务




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