

单词 to retain
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔-cy〕He is likely to retain the England captaincy.他有望继续担任英格兰队队长。柯林斯高阶〔IN GENERAL〕Ethnic minorities have struggled to retain their cultural identity, and have for the most part succeeded. 少数民族一直在力图保持其文化特点,且大部分都取得了成功。朗文写作活用〔billing〕She will be desperate to retain top billing.她将不顾一切地保住头牌位置。外研社新世纪〔capability〕The allies agreed to retain NATO's nuclear capability.盟国同意维持北大西洋公约组织的核战斗力。麦克米伦高阶〔carry〕To retain (merchandise or other goods) for a subsequent, usually the next, season.保留至下一季:把(商品或其它货物)贮存起来以供随后的,通常是下一个季节的供应美国传统〔castrato〕A male singer castrated before puberty so as to retain a soprano or alto voice.被阉割的男歌手:为了保持女高音或男高音那样的高音而在青春期前被阉割的男歌手美国传统〔championship〕She managed to retain the championship.她成功卫冕了冠军。牛津搭配〔championship〕This season I expect us to retain the championship and win the European Cup.这个赛季我期待我们能够保住冠军头衔,赢得欧洲杯。柯林斯高阶〔crown〕She is determined to retain her Wimbledon crown.她决心衞冕她的温布尔登网球赛的冠军宝座。牛津高阶〔dignity〕Old people need to retain their dignity and independence.老年人需要保持自尊和独立。朗文当代〔elasticity〕Daily facial exercises help her to retain the skin's elasticity.每天做面部运动帮助她保持皮肤弹性。柯林斯高阶〔elasticity〕Daily facial exercises help her to retain the skin's elasticity.每天做面部运动有助于她的皮肤保持弹性。外研社新世纪〔first down〕The first in the series of four downs in which an offensive team must advance ten yards to retain possession of the ball.第一次进攻:四次进攻中的第一次,进攻一方必须前进十码以得球美国传统〔information〕James is able to retain an enormous amount of factual information in his head.詹姆斯能够在头脑中储存大量的事实信息。牛津搭配〔mediatize〕To annex (a lesser state) to a greater state as a means of permitting the ruler of the lesser state to retain title and partial authority.使…归并:并(小国家)于另一较大的国家,以此使较小国家的统治者能保持自己的头衔及部分权力美国传统〔native〕Native people were allowed to retain some sense of their traditional culture and religion.当地原住民获准可以保留一些自己的传统文化和宗教。柯林斯高阶〔native〕Native people were allowed to retain some sense of their traditional culture and religion.当地原住民获准可以保留一些自己的传统文化和宗教。外研社新世纪〔odds〕The club will not pay over the odds to retain his services.俱乐部不会为了留住他而多付工资。麦克米伦高阶〔race〕Marlene needs to win the last race to retain her title.马琳必须赢得最后一场比赛才能保住她的冠军头衔。麦克米伦高阶〔retainer〕The fee paid to retain a professional adviser.聘金:雇用职业咨询师所付的费用美国传统〔retain〕He decided to retain him for the trial.他决定聘请他为出庭律师。柯林斯高阶〔retain〕He managed to retain his dignity throughout the performance.在整个表演过程中,他设法保持了自己的尊严。剑桥高阶〔retain〕He struggled to retain control of the situation.他曾努力保持对局势的控制。牛津高阶〔retain〕I find it very difficult to retain facts.我觉得具体事实很难记住。朗文当代〔retain〕I have a good memory and am able to retain (= remember) facts easily.我记忆力很好,记东西不费劲。剑桥高阶〔retain〕If you want to retain youthful vigor,you have to take regular exercise.如果你想保持青春活力,你就得经常锻炼。21世纪英汉〔retain〕It will cost £2,500 to retain a good lawyer.聘请一位优秀的律师要花费2,500英镑。麦克米伦高阶〔retain〕Limestone is known to retain moisture.石灰岩能储存水分。朗文当代〔retain〕She has a remarkable ability to retain odd facts.她有一种非凡的能力,能记住各种古怪的基本资料。韦氏高阶〔retain〕She has lost her battle to retain control of the company.她被打败了,失去了继续掌管公司的权力。剑桥高阶〔retain〕The US expects to retain control over the operation.美国期望继续控制这次行动。麦克米伦高阶〔retain〕The dyke was built to retain the flood waters.那条堤坝是为拦洪修建的。英汉大词典〔retain〕The immigrants have a right to retain their language.移民有权保留其语言。牛津搭配〔retain〕The state wants to retain control of food imports.这个州想保留对食品进口的控制权。朗文当代〔retain〕The team failed to retain him, and he became a free agent.这个球队没能留住他,他成了一名自由球员。韦氏高阶〔retain〕These plans encourage the elderly to retain their independence.这些计划鼓励老年人保持自立。麦克米伦高阶〔retain〕They built a dam along the seashore to retain the seawater.他们沿海岸筑起一道堤坝以拦住海水。21世纪英汉〔retain〕You may need to retain an attorney.你可能需要聘请一位律师。韦氏高阶〔revet〕To retain (an embankment, for example) with a layer of stone, concrete, or other supporting material; provide with a revetment.用砖石护:用一层石头、混凝土或其它支撑材料铺砌(例如堤岸);提供护岸物美国传统〔short ball〕Barcelona's ability to retain possession relies on accurate short balls through the midfield. 巴塞罗那队依靠中场地区准确的短传来保持对球的控制。剑桥高阶〔should〕Should Havelock become the first Englishman to retain his world title, he will be the last to do so under the present system.如果哈夫洛克成为第一个保住世界冠军头衔的英国人,那么在现有体制下他也将会是最后一个做到这一点的英国人。柯林斯高阶〔shred〕He struggled to retain a shred of his dignity.他极力保持自己的一丝尊严。韦氏高阶〔turn〕The champion turned in a superb performance to retain her title.上届冠军表现十分出色,衞冕成功。牛津高阶〔vestige〕I'm struggling to retain any vestige of belief in his innocence.我竭力保留一丝坚信他无辜的信念。牛津搭配〔wall〕A structure of stonework, cement, or other material built to retain a flow of water.堤:为阻止水流而以石头、水泥或其他建筑材料建造的建筑物美国传统〔wet suit〕A tight-fitting permeable suit worn in cold water, as by skin divers, to retain body heat.湿式潜水服:一种赤身潜水者在冷水中所穿的紧身可渗透服装,用于保持体温美国传统Concentrated study will help you to retain knowledge. 专心学习有助于你记住知识。译典通He is hoping to retain his title for the 800m (= to win the race again) in the Commonwealth Games.他希望能在英联邦运动会的800米赛跑中卫冕。剑桥国际Many retailers cut prices to retain customers.许多零售商为了留住顾客而降价。牛津商务The deal allows him to retain control of the company.这协议使他能够保持对公司的控制。牛津商务




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