

单词 魔法的
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔MAGIC〕someone with magic powers 有魔法的人朗文写作活用〔enchanted〕a world of hidden cities, sorcerers, and enchanted princesses有着隐秘城市、巫师和被施了魔法的公主的世界外研社新世纪〔enchanted〕an enchanted castle 施了魔法的城堡朗文当代〔enchanted〕an enchanted forest/kingdom 被施了魔法的森林╱王国牛津高阶〔enchantment〕stories about wizards and enchantments 关于巫师和魔法的故事韦氏高阶〔enchant〕fairytales about witches who enchant handsome princes and beautiful maidens有关对白马王子和漂亮少女施魔法的巫婆的童话21世纪英汉〔glamour〕alteration of grammar [from the association of learning with magic] grammar的变化 [从与学习魔法的联系中得来] 美国传统〔magic〕a book of magic spells 一本关于魔法的书朗文当代〔magic〕children who believe in magic 相信魔法的孩子们韦氏高阶〔spell〕the kiss that will break the spell. 能破除魔法的吻柯林斯高阶〔superstition〕tales of superstition, witchcraft, and magic 有关迷信、巫术和魔法的传说韦氏高阶〔twilight〕the twilight world of the occult 魔法的虚幻世界牛津高阶




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