

单词 to be offered
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔STUDY〕Studies show that students from wealthier backgrounds are more likely to be offered places at high-achieving schools. 研究显示,富裕家庭出身的学生被名校录取的机会更大。朗文写作活用〔Whovian〕An avid Whovian, the actor was thrilled to be offered a part in the show.这名演员,同时也是《神秘博士》的剧迷,得到了出演剧中角色的机会,欣喜若狂。剑桥高阶〔achievement〕To be offered this job is quite an achievement.获得这个工作机会是件很了不起的事。牛津搭配〔carry〕I was flattered to be offered the job but wasn't sure if I could carry it off.我得到这个工作感到很荣幸,但不确定自己能否胜任。朗文当代〔distasteful〕He found it distasteful to be offered drinks before witnessing the execution.他觉得在目睹行刑前还要上酒让人很不舒服。柯林斯高阶〔distasteful〕He found it distasteful to be offered drinks before witnessing the execution.他觉得在目睹死刑执行前还有人给他上酒让人很不舒服。外研社新世纪〔unheard-of〕It is almost unheard-of for a new band to be offered such a deal.一支新乐队得到这样的待遇,几乎是空前的。牛津高阶




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