

单词 style
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ANYTHING/ANYBODY〕Paul goes to all the auctions in the area looking for anything in Art Deco style. 保罗参加当地的所有拍卖会,寻找任何装饰派艺术风格的东西。朗文写作活用〔BEFORE〕Many people have copied her style, but she was definitely the first. 许多人模仿她的风格,但她绝对是第一个。朗文写作活用〔COPY〕His music attempts to ape classical styles, but the results are not very original. 他的音乐想模仿古典风格,但结果却不具原创性。朗文写作活用〔COPY〕Martin often claimed he copied Bing Crosby's singing style, but there was much more to his music than that. 马丁常称自己模仿宾·克罗斯比的歌唱风格,其实他的音乐内涵丰富得多。朗文写作活用〔Churrigueresque〕Of or relating to a style of baroque architecture of Spain and its Latin-American colonies, characterized by elaborate and extravagant decoration.西班牙巴洛克建筑的:西班牙和其拉丁美洲殖民地的巴洛克建筑方式或与之相关的,以精细的和过分的装饰为特点美国传统〔Dixieland〕A style of instrumental jazz associated with New Orleans and characterized by a relatively fast two-beat rhythm and by group and solo improvisations.迪克西兰爵士乐:以新奥尔良城为代表的乐器爵士乐,以较快的两拍节奏及团体和个人的即兴演奏为特征美国传统〔EXAMPLE〕The church is an interesting example of the Gothic style. 这座教堂是哥特式风格的一个有趣实例。朗文写作活用〔Florentine〕Of or relating to the style of art and architecture that flourished in Florence, Italy, during the Renaissance.佛罗伦萨式的:文艺复兴时期有关于在意大利佛罗伦萨兴起的艺术风格和建筑风格的美国传统〔GOOD〕Style, comfort and superior cuisine are the most important characteristics of a good hotel. 独特的风格、舒适的环境和上等的美食是一家好的酒店最重要的特色。朗文写作活用〔Giulio Romano〕Italian architect and painter. A student of Raphael, he developed a Mannerist style that is evident in his later frescoes.朱利奥·罗马诺:意大利建筑师和画家。拉斐尔的学生,他发展了这种矫揉造作的风格,这在他后期的壁画中表现很明显美国传统〔Gongorism〕A florid, ornate literary style, often employing elaborate puns and conceits.龚果拉主义:文字华美瑰丽的风格,通常借用精巧的双关和联想手法美国传统〔Gothicism〕A barbarous or crude manner or style.野蛮,粗野:野蛮的或粗野的风格或方式美国传统〔Louis Quinze〕Of, relating to, or characteristic of the rococo style in architecture, furniture, and decoration of the reign of Louis XV.路易十五世式样的:属于,或具有路易十五世统治时期建筑,家具方面的洛可可式风格特点的,或与之有关的美国传统〔MUSIC〕O'Connor uses a wide variety of musical styles in his performances. 奥康纳演奏时采纳了各种各样的音乐风格。朗文写作活用〔REAL〕His style combines plain language and gritty realism. 他的文风将平实的语言和不折不扣的现实性合二为一。朗文写作活用〔RUDE〕Mathison's brusque style tends to irritate colleagues. 马西森那莽撞的作风很容易惹恼同事。朗文写作活用〔STYLE/ELEGANCE〕The Thompsons always entertain in style. 汤普森一家招待客人总是很体面。朗文写作活用〔TYPICAL〕The solemn tone of this story is untypical of her usual style. 这部小说严肃的笔调不像她一贯的风格。朗文写作活用〔Victorianism〕The state or quality of being Victorian, as in attitude, style, or taste.维多利亚女王时代的风尚:维多利亚时代状况或特点,如在态度、风格或口味上美国传统〔Victorianize〕To make Victorian, as in character or style.使具有维多利亚特点或者风格美国传统〔WAY〕Cameron found my style aggressive, although I thought I was just being direct and honest. 卡梅伦觉得我的作风咄咄逼人,但我认为我只是直接和坦率。朗文写作活用〔agglomeration〕The album is a bizarre agglomeration of styles.这张专辑不同寻常地集各种风格于一体。柯林斯高阶〔all manner of sth〕There are all manner of architectural styles in the capital.首都汇集了各种建筑风格。剑桥高阶〔appropriate〕The book was written in a style appropriate to the age of the children.这本书的文体适合儿童阅读。牛津高阶〔archaic〕Of, relating to, or characteristic of words and language that were once common but are now used chiefly to suggest an earlier style or period.古体的,已不通用的:曾经通用而现在不再使用主要指早期风格或时代的单词或语言的,与之有关的或具有其特征的美国传统〔arioso〕A declamatory style used in opera and oratorio, similar to recitative but having greater melodic variation.咏叙调:一种用在歌剧和(宗教)清唱剧中的朗诵风格,类似于背诵,但在旋律上大不相同美国传统〔aureate〕Inflated and pompous in style.绚丽的:形式上浮夸的,矫揉造作的美国传统〔austere〕He was known for his austere style of writing.他以简洁的写作风格而闻名。韦氏高阶〔autocratic〕The company's employees disliked the new chairman's autocratic style.公司员工不喜欢这位新董事长的专横作风。韦氏高阶〔be hip to〕She wishes to be hip to the latest styles in popular music.她愿意在流行音乐方面赶最时新的风格。21世纪英汉〔becoming〕She's had her hair cut in a becoming new style.她剪了个好看的新发型。韦氏高阶〔best〕The museum features some of the best-known examples of this style of painting.这家博物馆的特色是藏有这种画风的最为知名的一些经典作品。韦氏高阶〔bhangra〕A popular style of music combining traditional bhangra drumming with modern Western instruments and rhythms.旁遮普音乐风:融合旁遮普鼓乐和现代西方乐器、节奏的流行音乐风格美国传统〔bifurcate〕Forked or divided into two parts or branches, as the Y-shaped styles of certain flowers.分叉的:分为两部分或两枝的,如某些花的丫型花柱美国传统〔blend〕Their music blends traditional and modern styles.他们的音乐融合了传统和现代风格。牛津高阶〔bob〕She bobbed her hair to be in style.她把头发剪成时行的短发。英汉大词典〔bottleneck〕Music A style of guitar playing in which an object, such as a piece of glass or metal, is passed across the strings to achieve a gliding sound.【音乐】 瓶颈吉他乐:一种吉他演奏风格,用一种玻璃片或金属片划过琴弦以产生滑奏声美国传统〔breakaway〕His work marks a breakaway from traditional building styles.他的作品是对传统建筑风格的改变。朗文当代〔brutalism〕A style of architecture characterized by massive or monolithic forms typically unrelieved by exterior decoration.野兽派:一种建筑风格,特点是展示未经装饰的巨大构件美国传统〔burin〕The style or technique of an engraver's work.雕刻风格:一种雕刻技艺或风格美国传统〔chasten〕His style was chastened by study of great writers.他的文笔因研究了伟大作家的作品而变得洗练。21世纪英汉〔classically〕Older women look best in classically elegant styles.年纪大一点的女性穿传统典雅的服装最好看。外研社新世纪〔classically〕Older women look best in classically elegant styles.年纪大一点的女性穿古朴典雅的服装最好看。柯林斯高阶〔classic〕Formal, refined, and restrained in style.拘谨的,精炼的:风格正式、精致和克制的美国传统〔class〕He's got the same style off the pitch as he has on it — sheer class.他场上场下都是一个样——极具风度。柯林斯高阶〔colonial〕Often Colonial Of, relating to, or being a style of architecture and furniture prevalent in the American colonies just before and during the Revolution. 常作 Colonial 殖民时代风格的:革命前期和革命期间流行于美洲殖民地的建筑和家具风格的,或与之相关的美国传统〔coloring〕Characteristic aspect, tone, or style.特色:风格、格调或外观的特点美国传统〔combativeness〕He conducted the meeting in his usual combative style, refusing to admit any mistakes.他主持会议的时候仍旧显示出一贯的好辩作风,拒绝承认任何错误。柯林斯高阶〔come on〕He is the youngest of the clerks, and he comes on as the can-do guy, a style that is very popular around here.他是事务员中最年轻的,给人留下很能干的印象,工作作风在这里很受欢迎。21世纪英汉〔concise〕She is known for her laconic style of writing.她以简洁练达的文风而著称。韦氏高阶〔conformist〕A person who uncritically or habitually conforms to the customs, rules, or styles of a group.墨守陈规者:毫无抗议的或习惯性的遵循习俗、规则或某组织规范的人美国传统〔consequence〕The style you choose is of no consequence.你选择什么样式无关紧要。韦氏高阶〔constipated〕This season Italian teams are shedding the constipated style of play that predominates at home.意大利队在这个赛季中摆脱了主场作战时放不开手脚的打法。外研社新世纪〔contemporize〕To make modern or contemporary, as in style or décor.使合乎时代:使…成为现代或当代的,如在风格或装饰布局上美国传统〔conversational〕What is refreshing is the author's easy, conversational style.让人耳目一新的是作者轻松自如的会话式写作风格。柯林斯高阶〔copy〕She slavishly copies the older girl's style.她盲目模仿那个比她年纪大些的女孩的风格。牛津搭配〔cothurnus〕The ancient style of classical tragedy.古悲剧体:古典悲剧的古老体例美国传统〔cramps your style〕He's not used to formality and finds that formal settings cramp his style.他不习惯于礼节,觉得正式的氛围束缚了他的手脚。韦氏高阶〔cramp〕Paul said he didn't want Sarah to come along because she cramps his style.保罗说他不要和萨拉一起去,因为她会阻碍他。朗文当代〔cramp〕Your presence cramps my style.有你在,我放不开手脚。牛津同义词〔curl〕Her hair was styled into a cascade of spiral curls.她的头发做成了瀑布般的螺旋形鬈发。牛津搭配〔delft〕Pottery made in this style.代尔夫特精陶美国传统〔differ〕Management styles differ.管理风格各有不同。柯林斯高阶〔discourse〕He discoursed on French and English prose styles.他就英国和法国的散文风格进行了论述。外研社新世纪〔dolled up〕My style is more laid back. I don't have to be so dolled up all the time.我的着衣风格比较休闲, 没必要时时刻刻精心修饰。外研社新世纪〔do〕The whole apartment had been done over in an Art Deco style.整个公寓都以装饰派艺术风格装潢过了。朗文当代〔dreadlocks〕Long, thin braids or natural locks of hair densely radiating from the scalp, in a style popularized by Rastafarians.“骇人”长绺:长而细的发辫或天然发绺,从头顶密密披下来,是牙买加黑人拉斯特法里派成员流行的发式美国传统〔dress〕He has an unusual style of dress.他的服装样式与众不同。麦克米伦高阶〔enliven〕Colloquialisms, dialect and slang terms can enliven style if properly used.口语、方言、俚语如使用得当可使文体变得生动活泼。英汉大词典〔everywhere〕His prose is everywhere a demonstration of a lucid style.他的散文处处显示出一种明晰的风格。英汉大词典〔exemplify〕This painting perfectly exemplifies the naturalistic style which was so popular at the time.这幅油画是那个时期风靡一时的自然主义风格的完美典范。剑桥高阶〔expansive〕It was written in an expansive style.这是用洋洋洒洒的风格写成的。朗文当代〔familiar〕The novel is written in an easy, familiar style.这部小说笔调轻松随和。朗文当代〔felicitous〕Her prose style is not always felicitous; she tends to repetition.她的散文风格并非总是恰到好处, 往往爱重复。外研社新世纪〔felicitous〕Her prose style is not always felicitous; she tends to repetition.她的行文风格并非总是恰到好处,往往爱重复。柯林斯高阶〔felicity〕An instance of appropriate and pleasing manner or style.恰当的手法,得体的方式:运用恰当和令人愉快的态度或方式的实例美国传统〔file〕It's a prose style with all the ineptitudes filed away.这是将所有不当之处修整过的散文体。文馨英汉〔film noir〕The genre or style of such movies.灰色影片:此种形态的电影美国传统〔flamenco〕A dance style of the Andalusian Gypsies characterized by forceful, often improvised rhythms.佛来明哥舞风格:安达鲁西亚吉普赛人的一种强劲的、常伴随有即兴节奏的舞蹈风格美国传统〔flattering〕Some styles are so flattering that they instantly become classics.有些款式特别衬人,很快就成了经典。柯林斯高阶〔folkie〕Of, relating to, or in the style of folk music.民族音乐的:属于或关于民族音乐的,或有民间音乐风格的美国传统〔fusion〕Her work is a fusion of several different styles.她的作品是几种不同风格的融合。朗文当代〔gangsta rap〕A style of rap music associated with urban street gangs and characterized by violent, tough-talking, often misogynistic lyrics.痞子饶舌音乐:一种饶舌音乐,结合街头帮派特色,以暴力、冷酷的对话为其特色,通常是一些厌恶女性的歌词美国传统〔genteel〕He lived in genteel poverty(= trying to keep the style of a high social class, but with little money).他摆出一副绅士派头,过的却是穷酸的生活。牛津高阶〔go〕Furniture of this style will go at a high price.这种款式的家具将卖得高价。英汉大词典〔grotesque〕A style of painting, sculpture, and ornamentation in which natural forms and monstrous figures are intertwined in bizarre or fanciful combinations.奇异风格,形状怪诞的图案:一种自然的形式和奇异的图形以一种奇异或古怪的方式结合在一起的绘画雕塑和装饰风格美国传统〔grotesque〕A work of art executed in this style.奇异风格的艺术品:体现奇异风格的艺术品美国传统〔hand〕A style or individual sample of writing.笔迹:个人的书法笔迹或风格美国传统〔hark back to〕The movie has a style that harks back to the golden age of Hollywood.这部电影与好莱坞黄金时期的电影风格类似。韦氏高阶〔harmolodic〕Relating to a style of modern improvisational music in which different, contrasting instruments are played in different keys or tempos.现代即兴创作音乐:有关一种不同或音质相反的乐器用不同的键或速度演奏的现代即兴创作的音乐风格的美国传统〔haute cuisine〕The characteristic manner or style of preparing such food.高级烹调术:准备这种食物的独特方式或风格美国传统〔have〕His paintings have outstanding style of Matisse.他的绘画具有明显的马蒂斯的绘画风格。21世纪英汉〔heterostyled〕Having flowers with styles of differing length, as the primrose.花柱异长的:有长度不同的花柱的花的,如樱草花美国传统〔honest〕To be honest the house is not quite our style.说实话, 这所房子不太适合我们。外研社新世纪〔honest〕To be honest the house is not quite our style.说实话,这所房子不太适合我们。柯林斯高阶〔hyperrealism〕An artistic style characterized by highly realistic graphic representation.超现实主义:一种艺术风格,特点是高度现实的图解表现美国传统〔imitate〕Her style has been imitated by many other writers.她的写作风格已被许多作家仿效。韦氏高阶〔imitate〕His style of directing has spawned/inspired a number of imitators.他的导演风格催生/激励了许多效仿者。韦氏高阶〔import〕British programme-makers are again importing styles from the United States.英国节目制作人又在引进美国的风格。麦克米伦高阶〔indentation〕Our style guidelines call for indentation of the first line of each paragraph.我们的版式要求每段的第一行要空格。韦氏高阶〔infallible〕She had an infallible eye for style.在时尚方面她的眼光错不了。外研社新世纪〔inimitable〕He entertained us in his own inimitable style.他以其独特的方式把我们逗乐了。朗文当代〔interpret〕If Shakespeare's plays are to reach a large audience they need to be interpreted in a modern style.要使莎士比亚的戏剧让大量观众去接受,就需要用现代的风格去演绎。剑桥高阶〔invent〕Chaplin invented his own unique style of comedy.卓别林首创了他自己独一无二的喜剧风格。麦克米伦高阶〔jazz up〕Instead of playing it in the traditional style, she jazzed it up.她并没有按照传统风格演奏,而是糅合了爵士乐风格。柯林斯高阶〔kit out〕The place is kitted out in upmarket Italian cafe style.整个地方被装饰成高档意大利咖啡馆风格。柯林斯高阶〔lampoon〕The style Shelley is using here is that of popular lampoon.雪莱此处采用的是通俗的嘲讽手法。外研社新世纪〔lightness〕Ease or cheerfulness in manner or style.举止或风度的自在或优雅美国传统〔malign〕Much-maligned for their derivative style, the band is nevertheless enduringly popular.尽管屡屡被指责剽窃他人的风格,这支乐队仍一直广受欢迎。剑桥高阶〔metre〕He composes poems in a classical style and in strict metre.他秉承古典风格并按严格的韵律作诗。剑桥高阶〔mousse〕An aerosol foam used to control and style the hair.摩丝:一种用于梳理和设计发型的乳胶美国传统〔new wave〕Music An emotionally detached style of rock music marked by the use of synthesized sound and a repetitive beat.【音乐】 新浪潮摇滚:一种激烈的摇滚乐形式,以运用合声和不断重要的打击乐为标志美国传统〔obscurantism〕An example or instance of this style.蒙昧主义的作品:此种风格的作品美国传统〔old style〕Old Style Abbr. O.S.The method of reckoning dates according to the Julian calendar. Old Style 缩写 O.S.旧历法,儒略历法:根据儒略历计算时日的方法美国传统〔opacity〕Critics have noted the opacity of her writing style.批评家已经指出她的写作风格晦涩难懂。韦氏高阶〔operation〕The style of dress is now in full operation.那种衣服式样现正盛行。英汉大词典〔ornament〕His style shows a regularity of detail and an absence of ornament.他的风格表现为细节上的整齐划一, 而且不加装饰。外研社新世纪〔peculiar〕Punks, soldiers and hippies all have distinct hair styles, peculiar to their group.朋克族、士兵和嬉皮士都有他们群体所特有的发型。外研社新世纪〔pencil〕A style or technique in drawing or delineating.风格,技巧:绘画或描绘中的风格或技巧美国传统〔performance〕The act or style of performing a work or role before an audience.表演:在观众面前扮演角色或演示工作的行动或风格美国传统〔pick〕Take your pick from the wide variety of styles available.您尽可以在如此丰富的款式中随意挑选。麦克米伦高阶〔pique〕She piqued herself on her sense of style.她以自己的品味为荣。外研社新世纪〔play〕The wet and muddy conditions determined the style of play.潮湿泥泞的环境决定了比赛的风格。麦克米伦高阶〔ponderously〕He had a dense, ponderous style.他的行文晦涩而生硬。柯林斯高阶〔predigest〕To render in a simpler style or form.以较简单的风格或形式来表现美国传统〔present〕The restaurant likes to present food with style.那家餐馆的食物总是色香味俱全。朗文当代〔primitive〕An artist having or affecting a simple, direct, unschooled style, as of painting.原初主义艺术家:具有或喜爱质朴、直率、未受教育影响风格的艺术家,如油画家美国传统〔pudding basin〕There was one other style available and that was the pudding basin, for those people who had their hair done at home.对于那些在家里剪头发的人来说, 还有另外一种发型可供选择, 那就是锅盖头。外研社新世纪〔rapidity〕The styles change with bewildering rapidity.风格多变,令人应接不暇。牛津搭配〔rating〕The judges gave her the maximum rating on style.裁判们给她的风度打了最高分。牛津搭配〔readability〕I enjoy the clarity and readability of his writing style.我喜欢他清晰易读的写作风格。韦氏高阶〔recitative〕A style used in operas, oratorios, and cantatas in which the text is declaimed in the rhythm of natural speech with slight melodic variation.宣叙调:歌剧、清唱剧和大合唱中用到的一种风格,其特点是台词是以有节奏地自然地叙说而出现的,其旋律变化很小美国传统〔reticent〕Restrained or reserved in style.有节制的:在风格上受限的或保留的美国传统〔rhapsody〕A literary work written in an impassioned or exalted style.狂诗,狂歌:以充满热情的或得意的风格写成的文学作品美国传统〔salad〕The old cathedral is an entertaining salad of style.这座古教堂的建筑风格集各家之大成而引人入胜。英汉大词典〔scribble〕To write hurriedly without heed to legibility or style.乱写:根本不注意清晰度或形式的匆匆地写美国传统〔send sth in〕The magazine asked its readers to send in their comments about the new style of presentation.那本杂志要求读者对其版面的新风格寄去他们的看法。剑桥高阶〔slam dancing〕A style of dancing, usually performed to punk rock, in which participants collide violently with one another.碰碰舞:一种舞蹈风格,通常伴以普克摇滚音乐,舞者之间互相猛烈地撞击美国传统〔soft rock〕A style of rock 'n' roll characterized by the predominance of melody and minimal use of electronic modulations.软性摇滚乐:摇滚乐的一种风格,其特点是旋律占重要地位及使用最小程度的电子调音美国传统〔speech〕One's habitual manner or style of speaking.习惯的说话方式或风格美国传统〔stylate〕Having a style or styles.有风格的美国传统〔style〕Both love doing things in style.两人行事都讲究风度。柯林斯高阶〔style〕Curtains add a touch of style to the room.窗帘给房间增添了些许品味。牛津搭配〔style〕Having big parties is not our style.举办大型聚会不是我们的作风。麦克米伦高阶〔style〕He styles himself as an expert in international politics.他自诩为国际政治专家。韦氏高阶〔style〕He spoke in the style of a master to slaves.他用主人对奴仆的调子说话。英汉大词典〔style〕He won the championship in great style.他赢得了冠军,尽显大将风度。牛津高阶〔style〕He wouldn't try to mislead you - it's not his style.他不会有意误导你的——他不是那种人。剑桥高阶〔style〕His office is very utilitarian in style, with no decoration.他的办公室在风格上讲究实用,没有任何装饰。剑桥高阶〔style〕I did not recognize him under his new style.他用了新的头衔,我认不出他了。英汉大词典〔style〕I don't think the parachuting weekend is for me – the art class is more my style.我认为周末跳伞不适合我,上美术班更适合我。朗文当代〔style〕I was greeted with great style.我受到了隆重的欢迎。麦克米伦高阶〔style〕In characteristic style, he peered over his glasses and cleared his throat.照他自己特有的习惯,他从眼镜上方窥视并清了清嗓子。英汉大词典〔style〕It's not considered good style to start a sentence with ‘but’.人们认为,一句话用 but 开头不是好的文风。牛津高阶〔style〕It's not good style to use abbreviations in an essay.在散文里用缩略语不是好的文风。朗文当代〔style〕She styles herself "Doctor" but she doesn't have a degree.她自称“博士”,但实际上她根本没有学位。剑桥高阶〔style〕She has a unique style of singing.她唱歌风格独特。韦氏高阶〔style〕The New York Times house style keeps the apostrophe in for names of decades, e.g. 'the 80's'.《纽约时报》的独特版式保留了年代的所有格符号,如 the 80's (80 年代)。牛津搭配〔style〕The house has been renovated and furnished in contemporary style.这座房子翻修一新,还配了当代风格的家具。牛津搭配〔style〕The team played with style .球队打得很有气势。朗文当代〔style〕To be honest, the house is not quite our style.说实话,这房子我们不是非常喜欢。柯林斯高阶〔synonymous〕Paris has always been synonymous with elegance, luxury and style.巴黎一直是优雅、奢华和时尚的代名词。外研社新世纪〔time〕These styles were a bit before my time.这些是我出生前流行的款式。麦克米伦高阶〔trace〕The style of these paintings can be traced back to early medieval influences.这些绘画的风格可以追溯到中世纪早期的影响。朗文当代〔trad〕His style of dressing is very trad.他的穿着风格是非常传统的。剑桥高阶〔unmistakable〕His guitar style is unmistakable.他的吉他风格很容易识别。麦克米伦高阶〔verbose〕She has a verbose writing style.她的写作风格冗赘啰唆。韦氏高阶〔wingtip〕A style of shoe having such a tip.翼波状盖饰鞋:具有这种盖饰的鞋式样美国传统〔with it〕He reads all the style magazines and thinks he's really with it.他阅读所有的时尚杂志并认为自己真的很时髦。剑桥高阶〔write〕To form (letters or words) in cursive style.以草书写:用草书的方法写(字母或词)美国传统〔writing style〕She has a unique writing style.她的写作风格很独特。韦氏高阶〔yes〕Yes, the material of the coat is good. But I prefer its style.是呀,这件上衣的料子不错。不过我更喜欢它的式样。英汉大词典Called variously Empire, classical or neoclassical, the architectural style at its best is exquisite, at its worst exceptionally unattractive.建筑风格名称繁多,或称帝国式、或称古典式、或称新古典式,最好的建筑风格精美绝伦,最差的令人作呕。剑桥国际He has a gently mesmeric guitar style.他的吉他演奏风格温柔而迷人。剑桥国际He has a unique managerial style.他有独特的管理风格。牛津商务He has a very affected manner / style of writing 他有一种非常矫揉造作的举止/写作风格。剑桥国际He writes in a formal and rather stilted style.他用正式的、相当生硬的文体写作。剑桥国际Her house is furnished in a curious mixture of old and modern styles.她的房子的装饰是古老和现代风格的奇妙结合。剑桥国际Her latest film is a suspense thriller very much in the manner of (= in the style of) Hitchcock.她的最新影片是部惊险悬念片,非常类似于希区柯克的风格。剑桥国际His books are written in a laborious style. 他写书文笔艰涩。译典通His difficult style obscures his meaning. 他深奥的文体使他的意思晦涩难懂。译典通His message was written in a deliberately elliptical style.他把消息有意写得晦涩难懂。剑桥国际His work is a fusion of several different styles of music. 他的作品是几种不同音乐风格的融合。译典通I like the style of the jacket but I don't like the yucky green colour.我喜欢这件茄克衫的式样,但不喜欢这令人反感的绿颜色。剑桥国际If this plan works, we'll celebrate in style (=in a special way).要是这个计划有效,我们就隆重地庆祝一下。剑桥国际In true Hollywood style (= In a way that is typical of Hollywood), she's had five marriages and three facelifts.她已经有过五次婚姻, 整过三次容,这是典型的好莱坞生活方式。剑桥国际Mozart had the ability to transform the popular musical styles of his day into something sublime.莫扎特能将当时流行的音乐风格转化成高雅艺术。剑桥国际Our sunglasses are designed in a wide variety of styles.我们的太阳镜设计款式多种多样。牛津商务She has an eccentric freewheeling style of painting.她的绘画风格是颇为古怪的随心所欲式的。剑桥国际She's impressive on TV because her style of presentation is very assured.她在电视上表现很出色,因为她的表达方式是充满自信的。剑桥国际The film successfully recaptures the joyful style of the 1940s Hollywood musical.影片成功地再现了本世纪四十年代好莱坞音乐片的欢快风格。剑桥国际The interior decoration of the house is a compromise between Chinese and foreign styles. 这所房子的内部装饰是中西两式的折衷物。译典通The ponderous reporting style makes the evening news dull viewing.沉闷冗长的播音风格使晚间新闻看起来很乏味。剑桥国际The school uniform is quasi-military in style.这种校服式样上类似军装。剑桥国际The simple, linear style in which she paints betrays a mixture of influences.她画的画质朴和突出线条的风格显露出博采众家之长。剑桥国际The two men have a very different style of doing business.那两个人的经商风格截然不同。牛津商务Trousers in the Cossack style are baggy at the knee but become suddenly tight at the ankle.哥萨克式长裤(膝部以上十分宽松,至脚踝处突然收紧)剑桥国际You can't deny she's successful and rich, but she has no style.你不能否认她既成功又富有,可惜她缺乏气质。剑桥国际You look nice with your hair up (= styled to be on the top or back of the head).头发朝上你看上去很好看。剑桥国际You might not like her style but you cannot deny her technical brilliance/virtuosity as a dancer.你可能不喜欢她的风格,但你不能否认她舞蹈技巧的卓越/精湛。剑桥国际




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