

单词 teammate
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔HIDE〕Most of his teammates put up a brave front when they talked about his departure. 讲到他的离去,他的大部分队友都装出一副不在乎的样子。朗文写作活用〔HIT〕The coach threw him off the team after he punched out a teammate. 他拳打一名队员,教练把他开除了。朗文写作活用〔PLAY A GAME OR SPORT〕This was McDaniel's first game playing against his former teammates. 这是麦克丹尼尔首次与前队友对阵。朗文写作活用〔RUDE〕Unlike his teammates, Jones doesn't drink or cuss. 琼斯和他的队友不一样,他不喝酒也不骂人。朗文写作活用〔SCORE〕Greg Davis didn't disappoint his teammates, hitting six field goals in six attempts. 格雷格·戴维斯没有让他的队友失望,六次投球全中。朗文写作活用〔TIRED/TIRING〕The spectacular play inspired his lethargic teammates to start playing harder. 这场吸引了大量观众的比赛激励了他那些无精打采的队友打得卖力起来。朗文写作活用〔assist〕A fielding and throwing of a baseball in such a way that enables a teammate to put out a runner.助杀,助攻:能使同队伙伴击败另一击球者将垒球掷于地或抛出美国传统〔assist〕A pass of a basketball or an ice hockey puck that enables a teammate to score a goal.助杀,助攻:在篮球赛或冰球比赛中传球以使同队伙伴进球得分美国传统〔assist〕The action of a soccer player who enables a teammate to score by presenting the ball for a goal.助杀,助攻:把足球踢给同队伙伴以射门的行为美国传统〔break (your) stride〕He caught the ball and passed it to a teammate without breaking stride.他接到球后没有停下脚步就直接传给了队友。韦氏高阶〔camaraderie〕There is great camaraderie among the teammates.队员之间有着深厚的情谊。韦氏高阶〔cardinal sin〕He committed the cardinal sin of criticizing his teammates.他犯了指责队友的大错。牛津高阶〔chip〕He chipped a pass to his teammate.他把球撮起传给队友。韦氏高阶〔close behind〕My teammate came in third, and I finished close behind.我的队友得了第三名,我紧随其后。韦氏高阶〔cross〕He crossed to his teammate.他把球横传给了队友。韦氏高阶〔drop pass〕A pass, as in hockey or soccer, in which the passer advances beyond the puck or ball, leaving it for a trailing teammate.留(递)球:曲棍球或足球中的传球,传球球员继续向前,将冰球或足球留给跟在后面的队友美国传统〔favourite〕He is a favourite among his teammates.他很受队友的欢迎。牛津搭配〔feed〕He fed the ball to a teammate for an easy basket.他传球给队友,以便对方能轻松投篮。韦氏高阶〔flea-flicker〕An offensive play in which a pass is thrown to a receiver who then laterals the ball to a teammate.摇摆式进攻:一种进攻打法,将球传给接球者,接球者接着将球横传给队员美国传统〔huddle up〕Her teammates huddled up.她的队友们依偎在一起。外研社新世纪〔inbounds〕Basketball Involving putting the ball into play by passing it from out of bounds to a teammate on the court.【篮球】 发界外球的:把篮球从界外传入场内一个队员的美国传统〔inbound〕To put (the ball) into play by passing it from out of bounds to a teammate on the court.发边线球:通过从界外传(球)给场内一个队员把球置于比赛中美国传统〔open〕She threw the ball to an open teammate.她将球传给了无人盯防的队友。韦氏高阶〔pass〕He is passing on his knowledge to teammates.他把知识传给队友。英汉大词典〔pass〕He passed the ball to his teammate.他把球传给队友。英汉大词典〔pass〕She passed to her teammate who then scored a goal.她把球传给队友,接着队友进球得分。韦氏高阶〔pass〕Sports A transfer of a ball or puck between teammates.【体育运动】 传球:在队员间传递球或冰球美国传统〔pass〕Sports To transfer (a ball, for example) to a teammate, as by throwing.【体育运动】 传球:把(球等)传给队友,如把球抛给队友美国传统〔pass〕Sports To transfer a ball or puck to a teammate.【体育运动】 传球:把球或冰球传给队友美国传统〔pick-and-roll〕An offensive play in which a player stops to block a defender for a teammate handling the ball and then slips behind the defender to accept a pass.挡切战术,挡后转战术:为攻击式动作,球员挡住防守者来掩护同队球员传球,然后移动到防守者后面接球美国传统〔pipsqueak〕He's just a pipsqueak compared to his teammates.与队友相比他只是个小个子。韦氏高阶〔play〕The quarterback called out the play to his teammates.四分卫向队友下达战术。韦氏高阶〔rabbit〕Sports A runner who intentionally sets a fast pace for a teammate during a long-distance race.【体育运动】 带跑队员:在长距离竞赛中故意为某一队友设定较快速度的选手美国传统〔razz〕Eddie was razzed by his teammates after the game.比赛后埃迪被他的队友嘲笑。朗文当代〔rebound〕He rebounded the ball and quickly passed it to a teammate.他抢到篮板球,迅速传给了队友。韦氏高阶〔setback〕She and her teammates experienced some setbacks along the way.她和她的团队一路上经历了一些挫折。牛津搭配〔supportive〕Try to be more supportive of your teammates.尽量更加支持你的队友。韦氏高阶〔swagger〕He has a swagger that annoys some of his teammates.他的那股神气劲儿令一些队友很反感。韦氏高阶〔target man〕His job as a target man is to hold up the ball long enough to bring his teammates into play.他作为进攻支点的任务是尽量长时间控制住球,让队友有机会参与配合。剑桥高阶〔teammate〕She's very popular among her teammates.她在队友中很受欢迎。韦氏高阶〔teammate〕They have been teammates for several years.他们已经是几年的队友了。韦氏高阶〔team〕He apologized to his teammates for his mistake.他为自己的错误向队友们道了歉。牛津搭配〔tower〕At 1.95 metres, Gregson towers above his teammates.身高1.95米的格雷格森比他的队友要高出许多。麦克米伦高阶〔tribute〕The players wore black armbands as a tribute to their late teammate.球员们戴着黑纱作为对已故队友的怀念。朗文当代She's a great sports-woman, but she tends to undersell herself to the media and give too much credit to her teammates.她是一名伟大的运动员, 但在媒体前她常显得谦逊, 对其队友则称赞不已。剑桥国际




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