

单词 major road
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔COST〕You have to pay tolls on many of the major roads in France. 在法国,许多主要公路都收取通行费。朗文写作活用〔IDEA〕Whose bright idea was it to start major road repairs right at the start of the holiday season? 度假季节刚开始就开始大规模翻修马路,这聪明主意是谁想出来的?朗文写作活用〔SLOW〕Due to a major road accident, southbound traffic is moving at a crawl. 由于严重交通事故,南行车辆行驶缓慢。朗文写作活用〔UNDER/BELOW〕When the project is finished, most of Boston's major roads will run under the city. 这项工程竣工以后,波士顿的大多数主要道路都将引入地下。朗文写作活用〔checkpoint〕The army has set up checkpoints on all the major roads in the area.军队已在该地区所有干道上设置了检查站。牛津搭配〔country〕It's often quicker to travel across country and avoid the major roads completely.穿越乡村完全避开主干道往往会走得更快。剑桥高阶〔flow〕Troops would patrol major roads to ensure that traffic flows freely throughout the country.军队将在主要道路巡逻以确保全国的交通通畅。柯林斯高阶〔go-ahead〕The Greek government today gave the go-ahead for five major road schemes.希腊政府今天批准了5项重大的道路修建方案。柯林斯高阶〔go-ahead〕The government today gave them the go-ahead for five major road schemes.政府今天批准了他们的五个重要的公路项目。外研社新世纪〔serve〕The town is well served with buses and major road links.这座城市乘坐公共汽车很方便,与干线公路的联接也很发达。牛津高阶〔slow〕Slow. Major road ahead.慢行。前方干道。牛津高阶〔space〕The RAC is calling for rest areas spaced at regular intervals on major roads.皇家汽车俱乐部呼吁:交通主干道上的休息区应均匀分布。柯林斯高阶It's often quicker to travel across country and avoid the major roads altogether.一般来说避开主要公路穿越乡村会走得快一点。剑桥国际The town is well served with buses and major road links.这个小镇有众多公交线路,通往主干公路也很方便。牛津商务You might expect towns to develop at nodes where major roads cross.你可以设想城镇是在主要道路交会处发展起来的。剑桥国际




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