

单词 ster
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DO/NOT DO〕Not to be outdone, Stern went on television and made a speech of his own. 斯特恩不甘落后,自己上电视作了一次演讲。朗文写作活用〔Dutch uncle〕A stern, candid critic or adviser.批评者:一个严格、直率的批评者或建议者美国传统〔ESPECIALLY〕Why is Jennifer Stern, of all people, so important? 在这么多人当中,为什么偏偏珍妮弗·斯特恩就这么重要呢?朗文写作活用〔GOOD〕His grandparents were stern and self-righteous people. 他的祖父母很严厉,又自视甚高。朗文写作活用〔LOOK〕He looked me straight in the eye with a stern glare. 他逼视着我,目光严厉。朗文写作活用〔STRICT/NOT STRICT〕Her grandfather was a stern man who rarely smiled. 她祖父是个严厉的人,不苟言笑。朗文写作活用〔STRICT/NOT STRICT〕Sheila walked into the museum, under the stern gaze of the curator. 希拉在馆长严厉的目光下走进了博物馆。朗文写作活用〔TELL SB OFF〕After a stern telling-off from the teacher, Billy left the room. 被老师狠狠地训斥了一顿后,比利离开了房间。朗文写作活用〔TIDY〕He seemed stern and austere and never had a hair out of place. 他看上去严肃认真,而且总是打扮得一丝不苟的。朗文写作活用〔VERTICAL〕The magistrate sat there, stern and erect, as the charge was read out. 宣读起诉书的时候,地方法官表情严肃,笔直地坐在那里。朗文写作活用〔abaft〕Toward the stern from.从…向船尾美国传统〔abaft〕Toward the stern.在船尾,向船尾美国传统〔administer〕The headmaster called the boys into his study and administered a stern rebuke.校长把男孩子们叫到他的书房进行了严厉斥责。外研社新世纪〔admonition〕Stern admonitions were delivered from the pulpit to those who had erred and strayed.牧师严厉责备了那些犯错误的人和走入歧途的人。外研社新世纪〔afterdeck〕The part of a ship's deck past amidships toward the stern.后甲板:船体中部至船尾的一段甲板美国传统〔after〕Nautical Nearer the stern of a vessel.【航海】 靠近船后部的美国传统〔aft〕At, in, toward, or close to the stern of a vessel or the rear of an aircraft or a spacecraft.向船部地(的):在、朝、向着或接近船只的尾部或者飞机、飞船的后部美国传统〔alloy〕Mercy should alloy our stern resentment.宽容会缓和积怨。21世纪英汉〔amidships〕Midway between the bow and the stern.在船中部:位于船头和船尾的中间位置美国传统〔astern〕At or to the stern of a vessel.在船尾的,向船尾的美国传统〔astern〕With or having the stern foremost; backward.向后的:船尾在最前面的;向后的美国传统〔backstay〕Nautical A rope or shroud extending from the top of a mast aft to a ship's side or stern to help support the mast.【航海】 后支索:从桅杆顶部向船边或船尾延伸以帮助支撑桅杆的绳子或支索美国传统〔bateau〕A long, light, flat-bottomed boat with a sharply pointed bow and stern, used especially in Canada and the northeast United States.平底船:在加拿大和美国东北部使用的一种长而轻的平底船,船头很尖美国传统〔boast〕We remember our mother's stern instructions not to boast.我们谨记母亲不许我们在人前炫耀的严厉教诲。柯林斯高阶〔boom〕She boomed commands from the stern of the ship.她在船尾用低沉而有力的声音发布命令。韦氏高阶〔cast〕He cast a stern glance at the two men.他朝那两个人狠狠地瞪了一眼。柯林斯高阶〔cast〕He cast a stern glance at the two men.他神情严厉地看了那两个男人一眼。外研社新世纪〔charge〕Stern put Travis in charge of (=gave him control of) the research team.斯特恩让特拉维斯负责研究小组。朗文当代〔cockpit〕An area in a small decked vessel toward the stern, lower than the rest of the deck, from which the vessel is steered.操舵处:有甲板的小船上船尾的一个区域,低于甲板上的其它部分,在那里驾驶船美国传统〔counter〕Nautical The portion of a ship's stern extending from the water line to the extreme outward swell.【航海】 艉突出体,外倾艉端:船尾部突出船体水线面到最远的后端突体美国传统〔deep〕She can seem stern, but deep down she’s a very kind person.她看上去可能严厉,其实心地非常善良。牛津高阶〔double〕I ducked behind the foresail and made a double towards the stern.我从前桅帆后伏下隐蔽,然后转向船尾。英汉大词典〔drop〕He let it drop that the Prime Mini ster was a close friend of his.他有意无意地提起首相是他的密友。牛津高阶〔embellish〕The stern was embellished with carvings in red and blue.船尾饰有红色和蓝色的雕刻图案。外研社新世纪〔embellish〕The stern was embellished with carvings in red and blue.船尾饰有红色和蓝色的雕刻图案。柯林斯高阶〔escutcheon〕Nautical The plate on the stern of a ship inscribed with the ship's name.【航海】 装在舰船尾部的舰船名牌美国传统〔fantail〕Nautical The stern overhang of a ship.【航海】 鸭尾艄:船尾的伸出部分美国传统〔fast〕His was a stern regimen of fasts, vigils, and unceasing prayer.他的严格养生法包括节食、守夜和不断祈祷。外研社新世纪〔father figure〕The coach was a stern, wise father figure to his players.对球员而言,这位教练是位严格、智慧、父亲般的长者。韦氏高阶〔forbidding〕His face was stern and forbidding.他面部表情严厉, 令人望而生畏。外研社新世纪〔forbidding〕The headmaster seems stern and forbidding.校长看上去很严厉,令人望而生畏。英汉大词典〔from stem to stern〕We cleaned the house from stem to stern.我们清扫了整座房子。韦氏高阶〔from stem to stern〕We overhauled the car from stem to stern.我们把车从头至尾彻底检修了一遍。剑桥高阶〔gallery〕Nautical A platform or balcony at the stern or quarters of some early sailing ships.【航海】 船尾了望台:一些早期船的尾部或尾舷上的平台或阳台美国传统〔harsh〕Extremely severe or exacting; stern.严厉的,严格的:极其严肃或激动的;严厉的美国传统〔haul before〕Archdeacon Babbington had hauled him before the Bishop for a stern reproof.巴宾顿执事长将他带到主教面前, 让他好好挨一顿训。外研社新世纪〔jab〕Stern jabbed at me with his glasses.斯特恩用眼镜捅了我一下。柯林斯高阶〔jaw〕The stern set of the officer's jaw made Tony realize he was in trouble.长官紧绷的脸让托尼意识到自己有麻烦了。牛津搭配〔jigger〕A small sail set in the stern of a yawl or similar boat.补助帆,伸艉后桅帆:小帆船或类似船只的船尾上的小装置美国传统〔keel〕The principal structural member of a ship, running lengthwise along the center line from bow to stern, to which the frames are attached.龙骨:船的主要结构部件,沿前沿中心线从船头延伸到船尾,船的肋骨附在这上面美国传统〔kindly〕He was a stern critic but an extremely kindly man.他是个苛刻的批评家,但却是个非常善良的人。柯林斯高阶〔lecture〕Our captain gave us a stern lecture on safety.我们船长就安全问题对我们严厉训诫了一番。外研社新世纪〔lecture〕Our captain gave us a stern lecture on safety.船长就安全问题严厉地训斥了我们一顿。柯林斯高阶〔lecture〕She gave me a stern lecture on ingratitude.她严厉地数落我如何忘恩负义。牛津搭配〔look〕I was given a stern look by a plainclothes policeman.一名便衣警察给我使了一个严厉的眼色。牛津搭配〔look〕Jessica feigned a stern look.杰茜卡装出一副坚决的表情。牛津搭配〔mackinaw〕Nautical A flat-bottomed boat with a pointed bow and square stern, once used on the upper Great Lakes.【航海】 麦基诺舟:一种头尖而侧方的平底船,曾用于五大湖区上游美国传统〔measure〕He said stern measures would be taken against the killers.他说将会采取严厉措施惩罚凶手。柯林斯高阶〔merge〕His stern expression merged into a twisted smile.他严峻的表情渐渐化作一副不自然的笑容。英汉大词典〔moralist〕He was a very stern moralist, who saw through the sexual hypocrisy of the Victorian aristocracy.他是个非常严格的道德家, 看穿了维多利亚时期贵族阶级在两性问题上的道貌岸然。外研社新世纪〔not〕The tug crossed our stern not fifty yards away.拖船擦着我们的船尾开了过去,距离不到50码。柯林斯高阶〔observe〕Stern also studies and observes the behaviour of babies.斯特恩还研究、观察婴儿的行为。外研社新世纪〔observe〕Stern also studies and observes the behaviour of babies.斯特恩还研究观察婴儿的行为。柯林斯高阶〔offended〕In showing contempt for the heavyweight championship Douglas offended a stern code.道格拉斯藐视重量级拳王称号的行为违背了严格的准则。柯林斯高阶〔offend〕In showing contempt for the heavyweight championship, Douglas offended a stern code.道格拉斯藐视重量级拳王称号的行为违背了严格的准则。外研社新世纪〔outboard motor〕A detachable engine mounted on outboard brackets or on the stern of a boat.舷外发动机:安装在舷外支架或船尾上的可拆卸式发动机美国传统〔overhang〕Nautical The part of a bow or stern that projects over the water.【航海】 突出船首(或船尾):船首或船尾的一部分突出水面美国传统〔peak〕The narrow portion of a ship's hull at the bow or stern.尖舱:在船首或船尾船舱的较窄的一部分美国传统〔pick sb/sth out〕The ship's name was picked out in bright gold letters along her stern.在船的尾部,金色的船名清晰可见。剑桥高阶〔pink〕A sailing vessel with a narrow overhanging stern.尖尾渔船,尖尾帆船:船尾尖而高耸的帆船美国传统〔pitch〕Nautical The alternate dip and rise of the bow and stern of a ship.【航海】 (船舶)颠簸:船头与船尾交替点水美国传统〔pitch〕Nautical To dip bow and stern alternately.【航海】 上下颠簸:船头或船尾轮流扎进水美国传统〔poop deck〕An exposed, partial deck on the stern superstructure of a ship.艉楼甲板:位于船尾上部结构的,通常为露天的一部分甲板美国传统〔poop〕A superstructure at the stern of a ship.船楼,艉:位于船尾部的上层结构美国传统〔poop〕To break over the stern of (a ship).冲打(船)尾美国传统〔poop〕To take (a wave) over the stern.(海浪)从船尾冲打美国传统〔praise〕Sylvia had a stern father who never praised her.西尔维娅有一个严厉的父亲, 他从来没有夸奖过她。外研社新世纪〔pulverize〕The stern old faiths have all pulverized.僵化古老的信念都已毁灭。英汉大词典〔puritanical〕Rigorous in religious observance; marked by stern morality.在宗教奉行上作风严格的;以严格的道德观念为特点的美国传统〔quarter〕The upper portion of the after side of a ship, usually between the aftermost mast and the stern.船侧后半部:一艘船船尾的上部,通常指在最靠船尾的桅杆与船舷之间的部分美国传统〔race〕The propeller raced wildly as the stern rose.艉部抬起,螺旋桨离水飞转。英汉大词典〔rebuke〕Even one minute's lateness would earn a stern rebuke.哪怕迟到一分钟也将受到严厉的斥责。牛津搭配〔rebuke〕He had received a stern rebuke from his superiors.他受到了上司的严厉斥责。外研社新世纪〔regard〕I quailed under his stern regard.他严厉地注视我,叫我畏缩。牛津同义词〔rounded〕The barge had a rounded bow and stern.这条驳船的船头和船尾都是圆的。外研社新世纪〔rounded〕The barge had a rounded bow and stern.这艘驳船的两端都是圆形的。柯林斯高阶〔rudder〕Nautical A vertically hinged plate of metal, fiberglass, or wood mounted at the stern of a vessel for directing its course.【航海】 舵:垂直的有铰链的圆盘,用金属、玻璃纤维或木头制成,置于船头之上以调整方向美国传统〔scull〕A long oar mounted over the stern of a boat and moved from side to side to propel the boat forward.橹,尾桨:船尾部的一根长长的桨,来回的移动使船向前移动美国传统〔settle〕The ship was settling by the stern.船尾渐渐下沉。英汉大词典〔shock jock〕Howard Stern is one of America's best known shock jocks.霍华德‧斯特恩是美国最著名的电台怪嘴音乐节目主持人之一。剑桥高阶〔skeg〕A series of timbers attached to the stern of a small boat, serving as a keel to keep the boat on course.船尾支撑木:小船尾部的一系列木条,用作航行中支撑船的龙骨美国传统〔skiff〕A flatbottom open boat of shallow draft, having a pointed bow and a square stern and propelled by oars, sail, or motor.轻舟,快艇:平底无篷的浅槽小船,具有尖顶船头和宽船尾,由浆、帆或马达驱动美国传统〔soft〕He must have a soft heart beneath that stern exterior.在他那严厉的外表下肯定有一副软心肠。麦克米伦高阶〔stem〕A South African television report said the ship was ablaze from stem to stern.南非一则电视新闻报道称,那艘船从头到尾都着了火。柯林斯高阶〔stem〕As the ship touched the rock, she shook from stem to stern.船触礁时,整个船身摇晃了。英汉大词典〔stem〕The ship is decorated from stem to stern with Christmas greetings.这艘船从头到尾都装点着圣诞饰品。外研社新世纪〔stem〕The ship was ablaze from stem to stern.整条船都烧着了。外研社新世纪〔stern chaser〕A gun or cannon mounted on the stern of a ship for firing at a pursuing vessel.艉炮:装在船尾部轰击追击舰船的枪或炮美国传统〔stern sheets〕The stern area of an open boat.舵座板:敞舱船的船尾部位美国传统〔stern-wheeler〕A steamboat propelled by a paddle wheel at the stern.艉明轮船:一种由在船尾的浆轮推动的轮船美国传统〔sternforemost〕With the stern foremost; backward.船尾向前地;倒驶地美国传统〔sternly〕He said stern measures would be taken against the killers.他说将严惩凶手。柯林斯高阶〔sternly〕Her father was stern and hard to please.她父亲很苛刻,让他满意很难。柯林斯高阶〔sternly〕Michael gave the dog a stern look.迈克尔狠狠瞪了那只狗一眼。柯林斯高阶〔sternly〕Mr Straw issued a stern warning to those who persist in violence.斯特劳先生向那些坚持进行暴力活动的人发出了严正警告。柯林斯高阶〔sternmost〕Closest to the stern.在船尾最后部的美国传统〔sternpost〕The principal upright post at the stern of a vessel, usually serving to support the rudder.艉柱:船尾部主要的直立桅杆,常用于支撑舵美国传统〔sternward〕Toward, to, or in the stern.朝向、去或在船尾的美国传统〔stern〕A smile suddenly transformed her stern face.她严肃的脸上突然现出了微笑。麦克米伦高阶〔stern〕Don't get too stern with them.不要对他们过分严格。英汉大词典〔stern〕He gave me a stern look.他很不满意地瞪了我一眼。韦氏高阶〔stern〕He is stern in his discipline [with his students].他的训育[他待学生]很严格。文馨英汉〔stern〕He motivated his players through a mixture of stern demands and affection.他一方面严格要求, 一方面又给予关爱, 以此来激励运动员。外研社新世纪〔stern〕He said stern measures would be taken against the killers.他说将严惩凶手。外研社新世纪〔stern〕He seated himself in the stern.他坐在船尾。文馨英汉〔stern〕Her face wore a stern, implacable expression.她一脸深仇大恨的冷峻表情。外研社新世纪〔stern〕Her father was stern and hard to please.他父亲很苛刻, 很难取悦。外研社新世纪〔stern〕Her voice was stern.她声调严厉。牛津高阶〔stern〕His actions have earned him stern rebukes from human-rights organizations.他的行为使他受到了人权组织的严厉指责。朗文当代〔stern〕His expression stern, Michael shook his head.迈克尔表情严峻, 摇了摇头。外研社新世纪〔stern〕I was quite stern with Margaret.我对玛格丽特相当严厉。外研社新世纪〔stern〕I'll give them a stern lecture about this dangerous activity.对于这次危险的行动我会严厉训斥他们一顿。外研社新世纪〔stern〕Journalists received a stern warning not to go anywhere near the battleship.记者们受到严厉警告,不得靠近军舰。剑桥高阶〔stern〕Michael gave the dog a stern look.迈克尔狠狠瞪了那只狗一眼。外研社新世纪〔stern〕She seated herself in the stern.她在船尾处坐下来。外研社新世纪〔stern〕She seated herself in the stern.她在船尾的座位上坐了下来。英汉大词典〔stern〕The court issued a stern warning to the driver.法庭对那位司机发出了严厉警告。麦克米伦高阶〔stern〕The president was prepared to resort to stern measures to get his way.总统准备采取强硬措施达到目的。麦克米伦高阶〔stern〕We face stern opposition.我们遇到激烈的反对。牛津高阶〔strake〕A single continuous line of planking or metal plating extending on a vessel's hull from stem to stern.列板,船侧:船外壳从船头延伸至船尾的连续的一列木板或金属板美国传统〔striking〕She bears a striking resemblance to her older si ster.她酷似她姐姐。牛津高阶〔stroke〕The rower who sits nearest the coxswain or the stern and sets the tempo for the other rowers.尾桨手:离舵手或船尾坐得最近的桨手,为其它桨手带动节奏美国传统〔superlatively〕The violin concerto was superlatively played by Isaac Stern.艾萨克·斯特恩非常出色地演奏了这支小提琴协奏曲。麦克米伦高阶〔taffrail〕The flat upper part of the stern of a vessel, made of wood and often richly carved.艉舷部:一艘船尾平坦的上部,由木头做成,经常有华美的雕刻美国传统〔taffrail〕The rail around the stern of a vessel.艉栏杆:一艘船船尾的栏杆美国传统〔tail〕To go aground with the stern foremost.船尾朝前地打转美国传统〔tail〕To lie or swing with the stern in a named direction, as when riding at anchor or on a mooring.船尾朝某一方向停泊:船尾朝向指定方向停泊或摇摆,如船只抛锚停泊或系泊时那样美国传统〔taskmaster〕The profession of medicine is a stern taskmaster.医生这个职业总要求其从事者承担繁重的任务美国传统〔test〕Last week's game was a stern test of our character.上周的比赛是对我们的意志品质的严峻考验。麦克米伦高阶〔tincture〕His stern face showed a slight tincture of amusement.他严峻的脸上露出一丝感到有趣的神色。英汉大词典〔transom〕Any of several transverse beams affixed to the sternpost of a wooden ship and forming part of the stern.任一块木船上固定在船尾柱上形成船尾一部分的几块横梁中的美国传统〔transom〕The stern of a square-sterned boat when it is a structural member.船尾板:作为一个结构部件的六尾船的船尾美国传统〔trim〕The difference between the draft at the bow and at the stern.船的吃水差:船的首尾吃水深度之差美国传统〔tuck〕Nautical The part of a ship's hull under the stern where the ends of the bottom planks come together.【航海】 船底后端:船尾突出部下方两侧外板接合处美国传统〔twitch〕Stern twitched his shoulders.斯特恩抖了抖肩膀。外研社新世纪〔twitch〕Stern twitched his shoulders.斯特恩抖动着肩膀。柯林斯高阶〔unbending〕He has earned a reputation as a stern and unbending politician.作为政治家,他以强硬和不妥协而闻名。剑桥高阶〔unbend〕In the classroom the teacher is stiff and stern but after class he unbends.在教室中教师是拘谨而且严肃的,但在课后他便变得平易近人了。21世纪英汉〔under〕She has a soft heart under a stern exterior.在她严厉的外貌底下有着一副温柔的好心肠。英汉大词典〔veer〕Nautical To change the course of (a ship) by turning the stern windward.【航海】 使顺风:通过把船尾转向风改变(船)的航向美国传统〔veer〕Nautical To change the course of a ship by turning the stern to the wind while advancing to windward; wear ship.【航海】 顺风转向:在向着风的方向前进时,通过使船尾转向风来改变船的航向;船张挂旗美国传统〔warning〕She issued a stern warning against making changes too quickly.她提出严厉的警告,反对过快做出变动。韦氏高阶〔wear〕Nautical To come about with stern to windward.【航海】 船尾挡风发生的美国传统Despite the stern admonitions and entreaties of her parents and friends, she carried out her plan to join the army.他不顾父母和朋友的严厉告诫和恳求,实现了参军的计划。剑桥国际He folded his arms and tried to look stern.他抱起双臂,尽力显出一副坚定的神情。剑桥国际He has earned a reputation as a stern and unbending politician.他已经赢得了一个严厉而又不妥协的政治家名声。剑桥国际He received a stern rebuke from the manager for arriving at work an hour late.他因上班迟到一小时而遭到经理的严厉训斥。剑桥国际He used to sit at the stern. 他过去一直掌权。译典通He was a stern moralist.他是个严格的道德家。剑桥国际Journalists received a stern warning not to go anywhere near the battlefield without proper authorization.记者受到了严厉的警告,在没得到正当的批准前不能接近战场。剑桥国际My sports mistress was a stern amazonian woman, with a piercing stare.我的体育女教师是一个严厉强悍,目光敏锐的女人。剑桥国际One facet of his role in the film is that of stern father.他在这部电影中的角色的一个侧面是严厉的父亲。剑桥国际Our team made a stern resolve to win. 我们队下定决心取胜。译典通She adopted a stern tone while she spoke to him.她对他说话时采用了一种严厉的语调。剑桥国际She seated herself in the stern of the boat. 她坐在船尾。译典通The sea ran high, and swept the little craft from stem to stern. 海面上风急浪高,小船从头至尾都被浪头冲刷著。译典通The seneschal was an old stern man. 管家是个严肃的老人。译典通The ship's name was picked out in bright gold letters along her stern.船名用醒目的金字写在船尾上。剑桥国际There was a coward silence when the stern principal came in. 严厉的校长走进来时,大家胆怯得不敢出声。译典通When the ship berthed at New York, a team of officials from the American public health service checked it from stem to stern (= from the front to the back).当船在纽约停泊时,一批美国公共卫生局的官员将船从船首到船尾检查了一遍。剑桥国际




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