

单词 sponges
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Proterozoic〕Of, belonging to, or being the later of two divisions of Precambrian time, during which sponges, sea worms, and other forms of sea life appeared.原生代的,元古代的:前寒武纪两个时期中的后一个时期的,属于这个时期的,在这个时期的在这个时期海绵、海洋蠕虫和其它形式的海洋生命出现美国传统〔diploblastic〕Derived from two embryonic germ layers, the ectoderm and the endoderm. Used of lower invertebrates, such as sponges and coelenterates.双胚层的:具有两个胚层(外胚层和内胚层)的。用于低等无脊椎动物,如寄生虫和腔肠动物美国传统〔fossil〕Marine sponges have a long fossil record (=their development has been recorded over a long period) .海洋里的海绵化石记录历史悠久。朗文当代〔poriferan〕Any of various members of the phylum Porifera constituting the sponges.多孔动物:包括海绵在内的多孔动物门的多种动物之一种美国传统〔soak sth up〕Given the right environment, children are like sponges and will soak up information.在适当的环境中,孩子们就会像海绵一样消化吸收接触到的信息。剑桥高阶〔soak〕Sponges soak in moisture.海绵能吸收水分。英汉大词典〔sponge from〕He alway sponges money from his friends.他总是从朋友处要钱花。21世纪英汉〔sponger〕Informal A person who sponges on others; a parasite.【非正式用语】 依靠他人而生活的人;寄生虫美国传统〔sponger〕One that gathers sponges.采集海绵的人美国传统〔sponge〕Sponges can grow up to a very considerable size.海绵能长得非常大。英汉大词典〔sponge〕It makes a superb filling for cakes and sponges.它非常适合做蛋糕和软布丁的馅儿。柯林斯高阶〔sponge〕She always sponges meals from us.她老在我们这儿蹭饭吃。韦氏高阶〔sponge〕She lives at home and sponges off her parents.她住在父母家里,蹭吃蹭喝。韦氏高阶〔sponge〕To fish for sponges.钩:用钩捞取海绵美国传统〔spongin〕A horny, sulfur-containing protein related to keratin that forms the skeletal structure of certain classes of sponges.海绵硬朊:一种坚硬的与角朊相关的含硫蛋白,形成海绵的基本结构美国传统〔take〕Sponges take up water.海绵吸水。英汉大词典He sponges all his lunches. 他中餐总是白吃别人的。译典通People often forget that humans are animals, as are sponges and jellyfish.人们常常忘记,人也是动物,如同海绵和水母。剑桥国际




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