

单词 subspecies
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Baltimore oriole〕A subspecies of the northern oriole in its eastern range, of which the male is bright orange and black and the female olive brown with white wing bars.巴尔的摩黄鹂:在东分布区的北方黄鹂亚种,雄性为亮丽的橙色和黑色,雌性为橄榄棕色,翅膀上有白色条纹美国传统〔lectotype〕The specimen or illustration selected as the type of a species or subspecies when the original author of the name did not designate a type.选模标本,选型:当命名某种类或亚种的原始作者未指定其类型时,被选作该种类或亚种的类型的样本或图表美国传统〔microevolution〕Evolution resulting from a succession of relatively small genetic variations that often cause the formation of new subspecies.微进化:由一系列相对较小通常能产生新的亚科的基因变异引起的进化美国传统〔polytypic〕Having several variant forms, especially subspecies or varieties.多态的,多亚种的:具有几种不同形式的,尤指亚种或种类的美国传统〔race〕A population of organisms differing from others of the same species in the frequency of hereditary traits; a subspecies.亚种:在遗传特征的出现频率上和同一种类的其它生物不同的生物总体;亚种美国传统〔subspecies〕There are two subspecies of bison in North America.北美洲野牛有两个亚种。韦氏高阶〔syntype〕One of two or more specimens cited by the author of a name of a species or subspecies when no single specimen was selected as the holotype.全模式标本:未选定单一标本作为正模式标本时,物种或亚种名称的命名者所引用的两个或多个标本之一美国传统〔syntype〕One of two or more specimens simultaneously selected as types by the original author of a name of a species or subspecies.共模式标本:物种或亚种名称的最初命名者同时选定作为模式的两个或多个标本之一美国传统The black crows had interbred with a lighter subspecies, producing birds with grey feathers.黑乌鸦与颜色较浅的亚种乌鸦杂交生出灰毛乌鸦。剑桥国际




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