

单词 sustain
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ALIVE〕Oxygen is necessary to sustain life on Earth. 氧气是维持地球上的生命所必需的。朗文写作活用〔KILL〕The injuries sustained by the victim were not sufficient to have caused death in a healthy person. 受害者所受的伤对一个健康的人来说不足以造成死亡。朗文写作活用〔LAST〕If the investigation is a sustained piece of work extending over a period of weeks, a diary will help to track events. 如果调查是一项长久的工作,要进行好几个星期,那么日记可以帮助把事情记录下来。朗文写作活用〔LATER〕He was savagely attacked and sustained severe injuries from which he subsequently died. 他遭到残暴的攻击受了重伤,不久就离世。朗文写作活用〔RECOVER〕Joe has made a remarkable recovery from the injuries he sustained in the accident. 乔在事故中受伤后恢复显著。朗文写作活用〔RELIGION〕The only reason I stayed in my marriage was because my faith in religion sustained me. 我维持着这段婚姻的唯一原因,是我对宗教的信仰使我得以坚持下去。朗文写作活用〔VARIOUS/OF DIFFERENT KINDS〕Survivors sustained injuries with differing degrees of severity. 幸存者都受到不同严重程度的伤害。朗文写作活用〔WITH/TOGETHER〕Finance ministers and central bankers agreed to cooperate closely to sustain the strength of the pound. 财长和中央银行家同意紧密合作,保持英镑的坚挺。朗文写作活用〔acciaccatura〕A short grace note one half step below a principal note, sounded immediately before or at the same time as the principal note to add sustained dissonance.短倚音:比主音符低半拍的一种短轻的音符,响起来主音符紧随其后或同时发出以增加持续的不和谐音美国传统〔acetabulum〕Prosthetic replacement has been used successfully when the acetabulum has sustained damage.人工假体置换术已经成功应用于髋臼受损的情况。剑桥高阶〔ache〕To suffer a dull, sustained pain.痛:经受持久的隐痛美国传统〔aerobiosis〕Life sustained by an organism in the presence of air or oxygen.好氧生活:有机体在空气或氧气中持续的生存美国传统〔aliment〕Something that supports or sustains.养料:赖以支持或维持生命的东西美国传统〔assault〕She used the article to make a sustained assault on her former political allies.她利用这篇文章继续抨击以前的政治同盟。牛津搭配〔atomic pile〕An early type of nuclear reactor whose core consisted of layers of graphite block interspersed with uranium, designed to create a sustained fission reaction.原子堆,原子反应堆:核反应堆的早期形态,核反应堆中心由散布铀的石墨块层构成,用于产生持续的裂变反应美国传统〔attack〕They came under sustained attack from the air.他们遭到了持续的空袭。牛津搭配〔attack〕They had a sustained attack but could not score.他们一直在进攻,但没有得分。韦氏高阶〔bear〕These verbs are compared in the sense of withstanding or sustaining what is difficult or painful to undergo.用于承受痛苦,经历困难时,把这些动词进行比较:美国传统〔birth trauma〕A physical injury sustained by an infant during birth.生产外伤:婴儿出生时经受的身体上的伤害美国传统〔blockbuster〕Informal Something, such as a film or book, that sustains widespread popularity and achieves enormous sales.【非正式用语】 流行佳作:一些受到广泛普及和销售量巨大的事物,例如电影或书美国传统〔break〕He sustained serious neck injuries after he broke someone's fall.有人坠落压在他身上,致使他颈部受重伤。柯林斯高阶〔burn〕One rescue worker caught in the explosion sustained severe burns.一名营救人员在爆炸中身上多处严重烧伤。剑桥高阶〔busy〕All these adjectives suggest active or sustained effort to accomplish something.所有这些形容词都表示积极努力去完成某事。美国传统〔cantilena〕A sustained, smooth-flowing melodic line.坎蒂列那:一个持续、平滑流畅的旋律的优美乐段美国传统〔carry through〕We don't have the confidence that the U.N. will carry through a sustained program.我们对联合国能否完成一个旷日持久的计划没有把握。外研社新世纪〔carry through〕We don't have the confidence that the UN will carry through a sustained program.我们不相信联合国能够将一个长久的项目执行到底。柯林斯高阶〔clamorous〕Making or marked by loud outcry or sustained din.吵闹的,喧嚷的:大声叫嚷的或持续嘈杂的美国传统〔clamor〕To make a loud, sustained noise or outcry.喧闹,叫嚣:发出大的、持久的噪音或喊声美国传统〔closing〕The north cannot achieve sustained economic development without the south, he added in his closing remarks.在结束语中他补充说,没有南方,北方就无法实现经济上的可持续发展。柯林斯高阶〔conjecture〕Some have conjectured that the distant planet could sustain life.有人推测,那颗遥远的行星也许能够维持生命的存在。韦氏高阶〔consequently〕He had sustained a broken back while working in the mines. Consequently, he spent the rest of his life in a wheelchair.在矿井工作期间, 他的背部一直有伤, 结果他在轮椅上度过了余生。外研社新世纪〔contact〕Of, sustaining, or making contact.接触的:接触的、保持接触的或造成接触的美国传统〔criterion〕Only 10% of companies met Bain's criteria for sustained profitable growth.只有10%的公司满足贝恩维提出的可持续盈利增长的标准。外研社新世纪〔critical mass〕The smallest mass of a fissionable material that will sustain a nuclear chain reaction at a constant level.临界质量:裂变物质在恒量水平下能维持链式核反应的最小质量美国传统〔critical〕Physics Capable of sustaining a nuclear chain reaction.【物理学】 临界的:能够维持链式核反应的美国传统〔cruise〕To travel at a constant speed, or at a speed providing maximum operating efficiency for a sustained period.以经济速度行驶:以稳定的速度行进,或在一段时间内以发动机效率最高的速度行驶美国传统〔cut〕He had sustained a cut on his left eyebrow.他左眼眉上留下了一道疤。柯林斯高阶〔damage〕The city sustained heavy damage during the war.这个城市在战争期间受到了严重破坏。韦氏高阶〔damage〕The ship sustained only minor damage .那艘船只遭到轻微的破坏。朗文当代〔deductible〕A clause in an insurance policy that exempts the insurer from paying an initial specified amount in the event that the insured sustains a loss.扣除条款:保险单内的条款之一,免除保险人对被保险户承受的损失赔偿最初的规定的金额美国传统〔deliberately〕Witnesses say the firing was deliberate and sustained.目击者说枪击是蓄意而且持续的。柯林斯高阶〔demurrer〕Law A method of objecting that admits the facts of the opponent's argument but denies that they sustain the pleading based upon them.【法律】 抗辩:一种表示反对的方法,即同意对方论据中的事实但否定对方基于这些事实的辩护美国传统〔diplomacy〕It will take deft diplomacy to sustain the fragile momentum.需要灵活的外交技巧才能维持这种脆弱的势头。牛津搭配〔direction〕I've never done any sustained writing, but that might be one of my next directions.我以前从未尝试过持续写作,不过那可能是我下一步努力的方向之一。柯林斯高阶〔drive〕A massive, sustained military offensive.军事上大规模的持续强攻美国传统〔ease〕He appeared embarrassed and ill at ease with the sustained applause that greeted him.向他致意的掌声一直不歇, 他显得有些难为情, 不知如何是好。外研社新世纪〔exercise〕Mental exercises can help older people to sustain their mental abilities.脑力训练能帮助老年人保持智力。牛津搭配〔fertile〕Capable of initiating, sustaining, or supporting reproduction.可繁殖的:能繁殖、保持或提供再生的美国传统〔firepower〕America has enough firepower in the area to mount sustained air strikes.美国在该地区拥有足够火力来发起持续空袭。外研社新世纪〔firepower〕America has enough firepower in the area to mount sustained air strikes.美国在该地区拥有足够的火力发动持续的空中打击。柯林斯高阶〔flight〕Bats are the only mammals to have achieved sustained flight.蝙蝠是唯一能持续飞行的哺乳动物。牛津搭配〔fracture〕At least one-third of all women over ninety have sustained a hip fracture.超过90岁的所有女性中至少有1/3已经出现髋骨骨折。柯林斯高阶〔futile〕It would be futile to sustain his life when there is no chance of any improvement.如果没有任何好转的机会,继续维持他的生命也是无益的。柯林斯高阶〔glow〕The drug produces a sustained glow.这药会产生一种持续的热乎乎的感觉。英汉大词典〔harvest〕Potatoes often sustain damage during harvest.马铃薯在收获时常会受到损伤。牛津搭配〔heartstring〕One of the nerves or tendons formerly believed to brace and sustain the heart.过去被认为是包裹和支持心脏的一簇神经或肌腱美国传统〔hold〕The sustaining of a note longer than its indicated time value.延长的音符:长于规定的节拍长短的音符维持美国传统〔impotent〕Incapable of sexual intercourse, often because of an inability to achieve or sustain an erection.阳萎的:不能进行性交的,经常是因为不能达到或维持勃起美国传统〔injury〕Four police officers sustained serious injuries in the explosion.4名警官在爆炸中受重伤。柯林斯高阶〔injury〕She sustained serious injuries in the explosion.她在爆炸中受了重伤。外研社新世纪〔injury〕She has recovered from injuries sustained in the accident.受伤麦克米伦高阶〔injury〕The driver of the truck sustained only minor injuries to his legs and arms.卡车司机只是腿和胳膊受了点轻伤。朗文当代〔jackboot〕The spirit sustaining and motivating a militaristic, highly aggressive, or totalitarian regime or system.军国主义精神:支撑和策动一个军事主义的,富侵略性的或极权主义的政体或体制的精神美国传统〔key〕The sea holds the key to sustaining our country.海洋是我们国家赖以生存的关键。外研社新世纪〔kite〕A piece of negotiable paper representing a fictitious financial transaction and used temporarily to sustain credit or raise money.空头支票:代表虚构的金融交易的可转让票据,暂时用于维持信贷或筹集钱款美国传统〔kite〕To use (a bad check) to sustain credit or raise money.用(空头支票)获取信贷或钱美国传统〔large-scale〕Europe needs large-scale immigration to sustain its ageing population.欧洲需要大规模的移民来缓解人口的老龄化。外研社新世纪〔lark〕Any of various chiefly Old World birds of the family Alaudidae, especially the skylark, having a sustained, melodious song.云雀:东半球百灵科鸣禽,尤指云雀,有持久婉转的叫声美国传统〔learned〕Your anxiety is a learned reaction, and it is nurtured and sustained by the events of your everyday life.人的焦虑是后天反应,由日常生活中的事件催生和维系。柯林斯高阶〔life-support〕Of or relating to the methods, equipment, or conditions needed to sustain life.维持生命的,保障生命的:维持生命所必需的方法、装备或条件的或与其相关的美国传统〔lifeless〕Not inhabited by living beings; not capable of sustaining life.无生命的;不能维持生命的美国传统〔light〕The army sustained light casualties.军队遭受轻微的伤亡。英汉大词典〔loss〕Our country had sustained a tremendous loss of innocent life.我们国家有大量无辜平民丧生。牛津搭配〔loss〕The business sustained losses of €20 million.这家公司蒙受了 2,000 万欧元的亏损。牛津搭配〔luckless〕The luckless defender, Mark Emery, sustained his third injury of the season.后卫马克‧埃默里很不走运,他在本赛季已经是第3次受伤了。剑桥高阶〔manoeuvring〕He feared he might not have sufficient fuel left for sustained high-speed steaming and manoeuvring.他担心剩下的燃料不够, 无法维持高速行驶和操纵。外研社新世纪〔mingle〕Now the cheers and applause mingled in a single sustained roar.现在欢呼声和掌声混合成了一片持续的喧闹声。外研社新世纪〔mingle〕Now the cheers and applause mingled in a single sustained roar.现在,欢呼声和掌声汇成了一片持续的喧闹声。柯林斯高阶〔moan〕A low, sustained, mournful cry, usually indicative of sorrow or pain.呜咽:一种很低,痛苦的,悲伤的哭,通常表现悲伤或痛苦美国传统〔mount〕We mounted a sustained attack on the government.我们对该政府发起过一次持续攻击。外研社新世纪〔obtuseness〕Naivety bordering on obtuseness helped sustain his faith.近乎鲁钝的天真使他坚守自己的信仰。外研社新世纪〔obtuseness〕Naivety bordering on obtuseness helped sustain his faith.近乎鲁钝的天真使他坚守自己的信仰。柯林斯高阶〔occupancy〕Current occupancy levels must be sustained with aggressive marketing if Brisbane's top hotels are to survive.布里斯班的高级酒店想要生存下来的话, 就必须通过积极的市场营销来维持当前的入住水平。外研社新世纪〔overreach〕The people who sustain the worst losses are usually those who overreach.不自量力者往往摔得最惨。外研社新世纪〔perpetual motion〕The hypothetical continuous operation of an isolated mechanical device or other closed system without a sustaining energy source.永恒运动:一种奇特的机械设备或其它封闭系统,无需提供能量而永恒不断地运转美国传统〔punish〕Damages are not designed to punish, but to compensate for the loss sustained.要求损害赔偿金不是为了惩罚,而是为了弥补损失。牛津搭配〔requite〕Requited love is not enough to sustain a long-term relationship.仅仅彼此相爱还不足以使恋情天长地久。剑桥高阶〔ride〕To be sustained or supported on a pivot, an axle, or another point.依托:由一个支点,轴或者其它点支撑美国传统〔roll〕To make a sustained, trilling sound, as certain birds do.发出颤鸣声:发出持续的啭鸣声,如某些鸟那样美国传统〔run〕Their defense markets are too small to sustain economically viable production runs.他们的国防市场太小,就经济可行性而言不足以维持生产。柯林斯高阶〔sacrifice〕A loss so sustained.亏蚀:以这种方式承受的亏损美国传统〔self-sustaining〕Able to sustain oneself or itself independently.自给的:能独立维持自己的美国传统〔shelling〕The town sustained weeks of heavy shelling.镇子遭受了几周的猛烈炮击。韦氏高阶〔shock absorber〕A device used to absorb mechanical shocks, as a hydraulic or pneumatic piston used to dampen the jarring sustained in a moving motor vehicle.减震器:一种用于承受机械震荡的装置,比如用来降低机动车辆内部的震动的水力或气压活塞美国传统〔shrinkage〕The total weight loss sustained by livestock in shipment to a market.重量耗损:牲畜在运往市场途中损耗掉的总重量美国传统〔society〕The question is whether we have sufficient resources to sustain an industrial society.问题是我们是否有足够的资源维持一个工业社会。麦克米伦高阶〔sostenuto〕Beyond or being sustained beyond a note's full value. Used chiefly as a direction.持续地(的):一个音符的全时值之外的或持续超过音符的全时值之外的。主要用于演奏演唱指示中美国传统〔space sickness〕Motion sickness caused by sustained weightlessness during space flight, usually accompanied by disturbance of the inner ear.太空病:宇航员航天时由持久的失重引起的运动病,通常伴有内耳的紊乱美国传统〔stay〕To strengthen or sustain mentally or spiritually.给予精神支持美国传统〔suffer〕To feel pain or distress; sustain loss, injury, harm, or punishment.受苦,受损失,受害:感到痛苦或压抑;遭受损失、伤害、损害或惩罚美国传统〔sufficiency〕There's a sufficiency of drama in these lives to sustain your interest.这些人的生活充满了戏剧性,总能让你兴趣盎然。柯林斯高阶〔sufficiency〕There's a sufficiency of drama in these lives to sustain your interest.这些人的生活富有戏剧性, 足以让你兴趣盎然。外研社新世纪〔sustained〕The president's speech was greeted by sustained applause.总统的演讲博得了经久不息的掌声。剑桥高阶〔sustained〕We must make a sustained effort to get this task finished this week.我们必须坚持不懈,争取在本周完成这项任务。剑桥高阶〔sustain〕Sustained by this wonderful breakfast, it was with restored morale that we re-boarded our plane.这顿丰盛的早餐补充了我们的体力,我们又精神焕发地登上了飞机。柯林斯高阶〔sustain〕Sustained by you,I, at long last, finished my work.在你的支持鼓舞下,我终于完成了这部作品,21世纪英汉〔sustain〕Sustaining an uncomfortable position for prolonged periods creates bad posture.长期保持不舒服的姿势会使得体态不优美。外研社新世纪〔sustain〕A cup of coffee isn't enough to sustain you until lunchtime.一杯咖啡不足以让你支撑到午餐时间。麦克米伦高阶〔sustain〕A seventeen-year-old tourist died late last night of injuries sustained in yesterday's bomb blast.一位 17 岁的游客在昨天的炸弹爆炸中受伤并于当天深夜身亡。柯林斯高阶〔sustain〕Analysts believe present economic growth can be sustained without inflation.分析家们认为在没有通货膨胀的情况下现在的经济增长可以持续下去。麦克米伦高阶〔sustain〕Both sides sustained heavy losses in the war.双方在战争中都蒙受了巨大损失。麦克米伦高阶〔sustain〕But any industry cannot sustain repeated criticism from consumer groups, regardless of whether it is misguided.消费者团体的一再批判——不管是不是被误导的——哪家企业都承受不了。外研社新世纪〔sustain〕But he has sustained his fierce social conscience from young adulthood through old age.而他从青年时期一直到老年都始终保持着强烈的社会良知。柯林斯高阶〔sustain〕Every aircraft in there has sustained some damage.那里的每架飞机都受到了一些损坏。柯林斯高阶〔sustain〕He sustained serious injuries in the accident.在那场事故中他多处受到重伤。韦氏高阶〔sustain〕He leant against her so heavily that she could barely sustain his weight.他重重地靠在她身上,她快撑不住了。朗文当代〔sustain〕He seems to find it difficult to sustain relationships with women.他似乎觉得和女人维持关系并不容易。剑桥高阶〔sustain〕He was incapable of sustaining close relationships with women.他无法和女人维持亲密关系。朗文当代〔sustain〕His request to be release on probation has not been sustained .他尚未获准假释。21世纪英汉〔sustain〕Hope sustained us during that difficult time.在那段艰难岁月中,希望支撑着我们。韦氏高阶〔sustain〕How long will you sustain the rudeness of your boss?对你上司的粗暴无礼你还能忍受多久?21世纪英汉〔sustain〕I am sustained by letters of support and what people say to me in ordinary daily life.这些支持的信件和人们每天对我的鼓励一直支撑着我。柯林斯高阶〔sustain〕I am sustained by letters of support.鼓励的信件支撑着我。外研社新世纪〔sustain〕I am in charge of sustaining the first-aid centre with blood plasma.我负责为急救中心供应血浆。21世纪英汉〔sustain〕Most buildings sustained only minimal damage in the earthquake.在这次地震中,大多数建筑物受到的破坏都很小。剑桥高阶〔sustain〕One of the officers sustained minor injuries in the fire.其中一名高级职员在火灾中受了轻伤。麦克米伦高阶〔sustain〕One slice of bread was not going to sustain me for long.只吃一片面包我是撑不了多久的。外研社新世纪〔sustain〕Only two of the planets could sustain life.只有两颗行星具备使生命存活下去的条件。麦克米伦高阶〔sustain〕She sustained multiple injuries in the accident.她在这次事故中多处受伤。剑桥高阶〔sustain〕She managed to sustain everyone's interest until the end of her speech.她使每个人兴趣盎然,一直听她把话讲完。牛津高阶〔sustain〕Some nearby buildings sustained minor damage.附近一些建筑物遭受到轻微的损坏。朗文当代〔sustain〕The army sustained heavy losses.军队遭受了重大损失。韦氏高阶〔sustain〕The cash crop would sustain them through the lean times.经济作物能帮助他们度过荒季。外研社新世纪〔sustain〕The cash dividends they get from the cash crop would sustain them during the lean season.从经济作物中获得的收益能帮助他们度过不景气的时期。柯林斯高阶〔sustain〕The company has sustained heavy financial losses this year.这家公司今年遭受了严重的经济损失。朗文当代〔sustain〕The company has sustained heavy losses this year.公司今年遭受了严重的亏损。剑桥高阶〔sustain〕The court sustained his claim that the contract was illegal.法庭支持他的观点,认定该合同不合法。牛津高阶〔sustain〕The economy looks set to sustain its growth into next year.看来经济的增长会持续到明年。剑桥高阶〔sustain〕The evidence does not sustain a guilty verdict.这一证据并不支持有罪裁定。韦氏高阶〔sustain〕The future will sustain my suspicion.事态的发展将会证明我的怀疑是对的。21世纪英汉〔sustain〕The judge sustained (= accepted) the lawyer's objection.法官接受了律师的反对意见。剑桥高阶〔sustain〕The judge sustained the lawyer's objection.法官确认律师反对成立。21世纪英汉〔sustain〕The judge sustained the motion.法官支持这一请求。韦氏高阶〔sustain〕The judge has sustained the prosecutor's objection.法官确认原告反对为有效美国传统〔sustain〕The lawyer's objection was sustained.律师的反对得到认可。韦氏高阶〔sustain〕The love and support of his family sustained him during his time in prison.家人的关爱和支持帮助他度过了狱中的岁月。牛津高阶〔sustain〕The love of my family and friends sustained me through my ordeal.家人和朋友的爱支撑着我渡过了难关。剑桥高阶〔sustain〕The parameters within which life can be sustained on Earth are extraordinarily narrow.地球上可以承载生命的区域极为狭小。外研社新世纪〔sustain〕The parameters within which life can be sustained on Earth are extraordinarily narrow.地球上生命可以存活下来的地域范围是非常狭小的。柯林斯高阶〔sustain〕The poor man sustains himself by begging.那个可怜人以乞讨为生。21世纪英汉〔sustain〕The problem was how to create and sustain public interest.问题在于如何制造出公众兴趣点, 并使其得以保持。外研社新世纪〔sustain〕The report sustains their story/claims.报道证实了他们的描述/说法。韦氏高阶〔sustain〕The roof, unable to sustain the weight of all the snow, collapsed.由于无法承受全部积雪的重量,屋顶坍塌了。韦氏高阶〔sustain〕The soil in this part of the world is not rich enough to sustain a large population.这里的土地不够肥沃,无法供养大量的人口。剑桥高阶〔sustain〕The soil was so badly eroded it could no longer sustain crop production.土壤侵蚀得厉害,不能再种庄稼了。牛津搭配〔sustain〕This relationship would be very difficult to sustain.这一关系会难以为继。牛津搭配〔sustain〕Two of the fire-fighters sustained serious injuries.有两名消防员受了重伤。朗文当代〔sustain〕Which planets can sustain life? 哪些行星可以维持生命的存在?牛津高阶〔sustenance〕Something, especially food, that sustains life or health.营养物:维持生命或健康的东西,尤指食物美国传统〔sustenance〕The act of sustaining.支持:支持、维持的行为美国传统〔sustenance〕The condition of being sustained.受支持:受到支持的状况美国传统〔tenuto〕So as to be held for the full time value; sustained. Used chiefly as a direction.持续地(的):保持整个时间值;维持。主要用作演唱演奏指示美国传统〔the holy grail〕Sustained nuclear fusion is the holy grail of the power industry.能持久反应的核聚变是电力工业梦寐以求的“圣杯”。剑桥高阶〔tie〕Music A curved line above or below two notes of the same pitch, indicating that the tone is to be sustained for their combined duration.【音乐】 (音乐)连接线:同样音高的两个音符之上或之下的一条曲线,表示这个音调要拖长到它们共有的长度美国传统〔tonicity〕The sustained partial contraction of resting or relaxed muscles.张力:处于休息或放松状态的肌肉持久紧缩美国传统〔unemployment〕It has been the largest sustained fall in unemployment in the history of this country.这是这个国家历史上失业率持续下降幅度最大的一次。朗文当代〔unexplained〕How such extensive damage could have been sustained so quickly remains unexplained.如何这么快就造成这么大的破坏依然不得而知。柯林斯高阶〔unflagging〕He was sustained by the unflagging support of his family.在家人的不懈支持下, 他得以支撑下去。外研社新世纪〔upper〕He sustained a number of serious injuries to his upper body.他上身多处受重伤。外研社新世纪〔viability〕The goal has been to establish and sustain a nation of viable family farms.目标是要建立一个能够使家庭农场得以存续的国家,并使其维持下去。柯林斯高阶〔viable〕The goal has been to establish and sustain a nation of viable family farms.目标是要建立一个能够使家庭农场得以存续的国家, 并使其维持下去。外研社新世纪〔vituperation〕Sustained, harshly abusive language; invective.骂人话:尖刻的责骂性言词 ;骂语美国传统〔weight loss〕Such huge weight losses are not easy to sustain.这样大幅的体重减轻是不能持久的。剑桥高阶An unshakable faith sustained him. 一种不可动摇的信念支撑著他。译典通He sustained a serious wound in the stomach. 他腹部严重受伤。译典通He sustained severe knife-wounds whilst trying to part two men who were fighting in a night-club.当他在夜总会试图拉开两个打架的男人时身上挨了严重的刀伤。剑桥国际He prayed for strength to sustain him at this difficult time.他祈求上帝赐予他力量度过难关。剑桥国际He said that he considered low inflation to be the key to sustained economic growth.他说他认为低通货膨胀是经济持续增长的关键所在。剑桥国际He seems to find it difficult to sustain relationships with women.他发觉很难与女性长期维持关系。剑桥国际He suffered / sustained multiple fractures in a motorcycle accident.他在一次摩托车事故中遭受/弄得多处骨折。剑桥国际In the real world Christine, the play's main character, would hardly be able to sustain her reign of terror so effortlessly.在现实生活中,该剧的主要角色克里斯蒂几乎不能如此轻而易举地承受控制她的恐惧。剑桥国际Many buildings sustained serious/severe damage in the earthquake.许多大楼在地震中遭到严重破坏。剑桥国际She sustained multiple injuries in the accident.她在事故中多处受伤。剑桥国际She was sustained by the strength of her religious faith.宗教信仰是支持她的精神力量。剑桥国际Some people wondered if the company could sustain its current rate of growth.一些人想知道这家公司是否能维持现有的增长速度。牛津商务The baby's lungs were unable to sustain her, and she died in her parents’arms.这婴儿的肺无法维持她的生命,最后在父母的怀中夭折了。剑桥国际The boat stranded on the rocks and the boatman had to sustain himself with live fish before rescue came. 船在岩石上搁浅,船夫在遇救前只好靠活鱼维持生命。译典通The company sustained massive losses.公司蒙受了巨大的损失。牛津商务The company has sustained heavy losses this year.公司今年遭受了严重损失。剑桥国际The economy looks set to sustain its growth into next year.经济看上去有足够准备将增长维持到明年。剑桥国际The love of my family and friends sustained me through my ordeal.在经受考验的过程中,家人和朋友的关爱一直支持着我。剑桥国际The new theory is sustained by facts. 这一新理论有事实证明。译典通The president's speech was greeted by sustained applause.人们对总统的演讲报以经久不息的掌声。剑桥国际The sea wall sustained the shock of waves. 海堤经得起海浪的冲击。译典通The soil in this part of the world is not rich enough to sustain a large population.世界这一地区的土地不够肥沃,无法供养大量人口。剑桥国际There is a mistaken belief that requited love is all you need to sustain a long-term relationship.有一种错误的想法,即回报的爱是你可以维持长期友谊所需的一切。剑桥国际We do not have sufficient resources to sustain our campaign for long.我们没有足够的财力可把运动长期维持下去。剑桥国际We find that people in rural areas often respond better to personal calls from party canvassers than to a sustained media campaign.我们发现农村地区的人们对政党游说者个人去电话的反应要比对持续的媒介宣传攻势的反应好。剑桥国际We have enough cash to sustain the business for a year.我们有足够的资金使公司维持一年(的运作)。牛津商务We must make a sustained effort to get this task finished this week.我们必须持续努力在这个星期内将任务完成。剑桥国际




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