

单词 temporal
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔lobe〕damage to the temporal lobe of the brain.对大脑颞叶的损伤柯林斯高阶〔lobe〕damage to the temporal lobe of the brain对大脑颞叶的损伤外研社新世纪〔spatial〕spatial and temporal variations 空间和时间的变化英汉大词典〔temporality〕temporalities Temporal possessions, especially of the Church or clergy. temporalities (教会山)不动产:世俗的财产,尤指教会或教职人员拥有的美国传统〔temporal〕temporal affairs.世俗的事务。牛津同义词〔temporal〕temporal and spatial limits 时空限制麦克米伦高阶〔temporal〕temporal joys 尘世的欢乐文馨英汉〔temporal〕temporal power 神职者(尤指教皇)在俗事方面的权力文馨英汉〔temporal〕a temporal adverb 时间副词文馨英汉〔temporal〕a temporal adverb.一个时间副词美国传统〔temporal〕a temporal clause 时间从句(如 I'll tell him when he comes 句中的when he comes)英汉大词典〔temporal〕a temporal conjunction 表时间的连接词(如when, while)文馨英汉〔temporal〕a temporal dimension; temporal and spatial boundaries.时间尺度;时间和空间的界限美国传统〔temporal〕a temporal restriction 时间的限制文馨英汉〔temporal〕a small but important area of the temporal lobe of the brain.大脑颞叶上虽小但很重要的一个区域柯林斯高阶〔temporal〕a universe which has spatial and temporal dimensions 有时空维度的宇宙牛津高阶〔temporal〕firmly believing in the need for the clergy not to become pre-occupied with temporal matters坚信神职人员必须不为世俗之事所牵绊外研社新世纪〔temporal〕firmly believing in the need for the clergy not to become preoccupied with temporal matters.坚信神职人员必须不为世俗之事所牵绊柯林斯高阶〔temporal〕human institutions and temporal events 人类习俗与世事英汉大词典〔temporal〕lords temporal and spiritual.世俗和信仰上的主人美国传统〔temporal〕our temporal existence.我们短暂的存在美国传统〔temporal〕the temporal bone 太阳穴骨文馨英汉〔temporal〕the temporal bone/lobe 颞骨/叶剑桥高阶〔temporal〕the temporal bone/lobe 颞骨;颞叶韦氏高阶〔temporal〕the temporal character of human bonds 人间关系的短暂性质英汉大词典〔temporal〕the temporal character of human existence 人生的短促朗文当代〔temporal〕the temporal cortex of the brain 脑的颞皮层英汉大词典〔temporal〕the temporal peers=the lords 神职以外的上院议员文馨英汉〔temporal〕the temporal possessions of the Church.教堂拥有的世俗的财产美国传统〔temporal〕the right temporal lobe of the brain 大脑右颞叶牛津高阶〔temporal〕their spiritual and temporal leader.他们的精神领袖兼世俗领导人柯林斯高阶




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