

单词 itself
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔SOLVE〕when a problem or difficult situation is solved by itself 问题或困难的局面自动化解朗文写作活用〔artery〕the point where the Ohio River, itself a great artery, joins the Mississippi.本身就是一条主干河道的俄亥俄河和密西西比河的交汇处柯林斯高阶〔attach〕to attach itself to ships附着于船上21世纪英汉〔beyond〕the need to defend itself against its enemies inside its borders and beyond.抵御国内外敌人的需要柯林斯高阶〔cherished〕a weekend at home, a cherished privilege that presents itself only every so often周末在家——一个偶尔才会有的难得荣幸外研社新世纪〔corporate〕an advertising campaign intended to reinforce our corporate identity (=the way a company presents itself to the public) 旨在加强我们公司形象的广告宣传活动朗文当代〔creation〕a brick as old as creation itself 与天地本身一样古老的一块砖英汉大词典〔double〕a moon doubling itself in the creek 在溪中投下倒影的月亮 英汉大词典〔embed oneself in〕to embed itself in something嵌入某物21世纪英汉〔exterior〕information that is exterior to the text itself 来源于课本以外的资料朗文当代〔extricate〕the efforts of a trapped animal to untangle itself from a net. 为追踪漏网的动物而做的努力 美国传统〔house organ〕a newspaper that considers itself the house organ of Middle England 一份自认为是英国中产阶级代言人的报纸剑桥高阶〔impress〕a scene that impressed itself on his memory; tries to impress the value of money on the students.在他记忆中留下深刻印象的景象;试图让学生对钱的价值有个印象美国传统〔inside〕the inside story of how a trade union destroyed itself 工会如何自我毁灭的内幕麦克米伦高阶〔insinuate〕a large cat insinuated itself through the gap 一只从缺口钻进来的大猫朗文当代〔itself〕a small local enterprise that has transformed itself into a highly successful company 已变得十分成功的当地一家小型企业朗文当代〔neighbourliness〕an entire community that prides itself on neighbourliness居民都友好互助的社区外研社新世纪〔niche〕a firm of solicitors that has carved a niche for itself in handling claims for investor compensation.凭借为投资者赔偿诉讼提供服务谋得一席生存空间的律师事务所柯林斯高阶〔niche〕a firm of solicitors that has carved a niche for itself in handling claims for investor compensation一家在投资者索赔业务方面闯出一片天地的律师事务所外研社新世纪〔pride〕a restaurant that prides itself on speed of service 以接待速度为骄傲的餐馆朗文当代〔recall〕the realities of operating a traditional canal boat can be readily imagined, even if the life itself is beyond recall.经营一艘传统的运河船的现实情形很容易想象,尽管那种生活本身已经无法忆起了。柯林斯高阶〔replicate〕the ability of DNA to replicate itself 脱氧核糖核酸的自我复制能力朗文当代〔rewrite〕the events of the last four years in which the history of 1906 to 1914 was rewriting itself 过去4年中标志着1906-1914年历史正在重写的各种事件 英汉大词典〔rid〕the country's efforts to rid itself of poverty and hunger.该国为了消除贫困和饥饿而作出的努力柯林斯高阶〔rid〕the country's efforts to rid itself of poverty and hunger这个国家为消除贫困和饥饿而作出的努力外研社新世纪〔rosy〕a company that sees a rosy future for itself 认为业务前景一片光明的公司朗文当代〔shackles〕a country struggling to free itself from the shackles of colonialism 为摆脱殖民主义的枷锁而斗争的国家牛津高阶〔shadowy〕a shadowy group calling itself the People's Army.一个自称为“人民军队”的神秘组织柯林斯高阶〔shadowy〕a shadowy group calling itself the People's Army自称人民军的神秘团体外研社新世纪〔this〕that (or this ) in itself casts doubt on the inspector's theory. That 那(或 这 ) 件事本身引起了观众的怀疑。 That 美国传统〔waste〕a nation that prides itself on its 'waste not, want not' thrift and its environmental conscience.为其“俭以防匮”的节俭作风和环保意识而自豪的国家柯林斯高阶〔zenithward(s)〕a ray of everlasting light that had shot itself zenithward(s) 射向天顶的永恒的光线英汉大词典




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