

单词 team
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔All-American〕the All-American team 全美代表队文馨英汉〔CHOOSE〕to choose someone for a job or team 选择某人做某件工作或参加某个队朗文写作活用〔WIN〕to be the person or team that is expected to win 被认为会赢的人或队朗文写作活用〔all-star〕an all-star baseball team 全明星棒球队韦氏高阶〔anticipant〕a team anticipant of victory.期望获胜的队美国传统〔backup〕a backup team 后备小组朗文当代〔back〕two doctors backed up by a team of nurses 由一组护士辅助的两名医生牛津高阶〔best〕the best player in the team 队里最优秀的队员麦克米伦高阶〔bring〕bring on youngsters in the reserve team 在后备队培养年轻队员英汉大词典〔captain〕captain a football team 当足球队队长英汉大词典〔consultant〕a team of management consultants sent in to reorganise the department.派来对部门进行重组的管理顾问工作组柯林斯高阶〔design〕the design team 设计小组朗文当代〔develop〕the team that has developed the player 培养了这位球员的球队英汉大词典〔dominate〕a very dominating team 占很大优势的队韦氏高阶〔down under〕the eighth Championship team from down under来自澳大利亚的第八支冠军队外研社新世纪〔first〕the first player of a basketball team 篮球队的第一主力队员英汉大词典〔home〕the home team 主队英汉大词典〔inexperienced〕a promising but inexperienced team 有前途但缺乏经验的队伍麦克米伦高阶〔infiltrate〕infiltrate enemy lines; a team of terrorists that had infiltrated the country.渗入敌军防线;一队渗入该国的恐怖分子美国传统〔kit〕the official supplier of the England team kit 英格兰队队服的官方供应商牛津搭配〔leadership〕the hard work of staff and the leadership team 职员和领导团队的努力工作牛津搭配〔lightweight〕a lightweight member of the team 该队一个无足轻重的成员麦克米伦高阶〔marathon〕the medical team which successfully carried out the marathon operation成功完成了漫长而艰难的手术的医疗小组外研社新世纪〔medical〕a medical team 医疗队剑桥高阶〔mountain〕a mountain-rescue team 山地救援队牛津搭配〔multidisciplinary〕a multidisciplinary team of nurses, social workers, and GPs 由护士、社会福利工作者和全科医师组成的多种学科团队朗文当代〔no-hoper〕a team of no- hopers 没希望的球队韦氏高阶〔of〕a member of the baseball team 棒球队的一名队员朗文当代〔omission〕his omission from the team 他不在队里朗文当代〔ordnance〕a team clearing an area littered with unexploded ordnance.在四处留有未爆炸武器的地区排爆的小组柯林斯高阶〔orphan〕a baseball team to be orphaned失去商业赞助人的一支棒球队21世纪英汉〔pile〕a team that never fails to pile on the action 总是能积极采取行动的队伍麦克米伦高阶〔pilot〕a skillful manager who has piloted his team to the playoffs 训练有方并将球队带入季后赛的教练韦氏高阶〔punch〕a marketing team that beat all the competitors to the punch.某销售组织先于其竞争者做出了重大行动美国传统〔put〕put together a crisis team 组成一支应急队英汉大词典〔relay〕a school relay team 校接力队英汉大词典〔reporter〕an embedded reporter with the combat team 跟随作战小组的特派记者牛津搭配〔rewrite〕the extraordinary West Country team that have rewritten all the record books in those three years.在此3年间刷新了所有纪录的超级西南球队柯林斯高阶〔scout〕scouting for a national football team 为一个国家足球队四处物色人才麦克米伦高阶〔second-rate〕a second-rate football team 二流的足球队麦克米伦高阶〔so-called〕a so-called manager, unable to inspire a team effort.不能鼓励员工努力工作的所谓的经理美国传统〔spacelab〕a team of spacelab scientists 一组太空实验室科学家英汉大词典〔standing〕the team standings in a league 联赛中的球队名次英汉大词典〔star〕the star player on a football team 足球队中的主力英汉大词典〔team〕a team event(= one played by groups of people rather than individual players) 团体比赛项目牛津高阶〔team〕a team of experts 一个专家小组朗文当代〔team〕a team of investigators 调查组剑桥高阶〔team〕a team sport 成队比赛的运动项目英汉大词典〔team〕a joint team of European and North American economists 欧洲北美经济学家联合小组牛津搭配〔team〕the team that developed this microchip 本款微芯片的开发小组牛津搭配〔team〕the sales team 推销小组牛津高阶〔top〕the team that has topped the Premiership for the last three seasons 在足球超级联赛最近三个赛季都高居榜首的球队朗文当代〔training〕keep a team of footballers in training 使足球队处于良好的竞技状态英汉大词典〔treatment〕gave the opposing team the treatment.按惯例对付对方美国传统〔varsity〕the varsity football team 大学足球队朗文当代〔vice〕the vice captain of the team 队伍的副队长剑桥高阶〔winning〕the winning team 胜队麦克米伦高阶team facilitation 小组协调牛津商务a conflict between two members of the team 团队中两名成员之间的冲突牛津商务a senior portfolio manager in the currency team 货币团队中的高级有价证券经理人牛津商务




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