

单词 auditorium
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔LOUD〕The noise in the auditorium had risen to a clamor. 礼堂里的吵闹声渐渐变成了一片喧哗。朗文写作活用〔SPACE〕The auditorium seats 500 people. 这个大礼堂可以坐500人。朗文写作活用〔acoustics〕The acoustics in the school's auditorium are terrible.学校礼堂的音响效果太差了。韦氏高阶〔aisle〕A passageway between rows of seats, as in an auditorium or an airplane.通道:礼堂或飞机上座席间的通道美国传统〔applaud〕Everyone applauded the graduates as they entered the auditorium.毕业生进入礼堂时所有人都为他们鼓掌。韦氏高阶〔assemble〕We assembled in the auditorium.我们在礼堂集合。21世纪英汉〔auditorium〕No smoking in the auditorium.观众席中禁止吸烟。剑桥高阶〔auditorium〕The auditorium seats over a thousand people.这个礼堂可以容纳 1,000 多人。牛津搭配〔auditorium〕The Albert Hall is a huge auditorium.艾伯特纪念堂是一个巨大的礼堂。外研社新世纪〔auditorium〕The Albert Hall is a huge auditorium.艾伯特音乐厅是一个大型音乐厅。柯林斯高阶〔auditorium〕The darkened auditorium was filled with muttering.昏暗的礼堂里一片低声抱怨。牛津搭配〔auditorium〕The shout came from the back of the auditorium – 'Sing something!'“唱两句吧!”观众席的后面传来了喊声。外研社新世纪〔backstage〕The auditorium, the stage, and backstage areas were burnt to the ground.礼堂、舞台和后台区被烧成了平地。外研社新世纪〔back〕Our seats were right at the back of the auditorium.我们的座位正好就在剧院的后排。剑桥高阶〔balcony〕A gallery that projects over the main floor in a theater or an auditorium.包厢:从剧院或礼堂的主层上伸出的楼座美国传统〔bound〕The auditorium is out of bounds for/to students during the renovations.礼堂翻修期间禁止学生入内。韦氏高阶〔cafetorium〕A large room, usually in an educational institution, that serves both as a cafeteria and as an auditorium.大厅:通常设于教育机关内的既做自助餐厅又做礼堂的大房间美国传统〔congregate〕The students are congregated in the auditorium.学生在礼堂集合。21世纪英汉〔crush〕We were crushed out of the auditorium.我们被挤出礼堂。英汉大词典〔curtain〕The movable screen or drape in a theater or hall that separates the stage from the auditorium or that serves as a backdrop.幕布:在剧院或大厅内隔开舞台和观众或作为背景幕的可移动遮蔽物或帷幕美国传统〔dart〕He darted nervous glances around the auditorium.他紧张地朝礼堂四处扫了扫。麦克米伦高阶〔echo〕The echoes reverberated through the auditorium.回声在礼堂里回荡。牛津搭配〔egress〕The auditorium is designed to provide easy egress in an emergency.这个礼堂设计有应急便捷出口。韦氏高阶〔eject〕The heckler was ejected from the auditorium for creating a disturbance.起哄捣蛋分子因制造骚乱被赶出礼堂。美国传统〔empty〕The auditorium is full of vacant seats.礼堂中满是空椅子。美国传统〔fill〕The auditorium soon filled with eager concert-goers.礼堂里很快就挤满了热切的音乐会常客。外研社新世纪〔filter into〕People filtered into the auditorium.人们缓缓步入会堂。外研社新世纪〔filter〕Chattering noisily, the crowd began to filter into the auditorium.人群叽叽喳喳说着话,开始慢慢步入会堂。朗文当代〔gallery〕An upper section, often with a sloping floor, projecting from the rear or side walls of a theater or an auditorium to provide additional seating.边座,楼座:剧院或大礼堂中为了增加座席,而从后面或侧墙突出的具有倾斜地板的上面部分美国传统〔garden〕A large public auditorium or arena.大型公共礼堂,大型竞赛场地美国传统〔gift〕The auditorium will be named R. Fraser Elliott Hall in recognition of a $10-million gift from Fraser Elliott.作为对弗雷泽•埃利奥特捐赠1,000万美元的表彰, 这个礼堂将被命名为R.弗雷泽•埃利奥特礼堂。外研社新世纪〔great〕We were surprised by the great size of the auditorium.我们惊异于这座礼堂的宏大。韦氏高阶〔herd〕They herded the students into the auditorium.他们把学生集中到礼堂里。韦氏高阶〔houselights〕The lights that illuminate the audience section of a concert hall, a theater, or an auditorium.观众席照明灯:照亮音乐厅、戏院或报告厅的观众席的灯美国传统〔hubbub〕There was an increasing hubbub from the auditorium.从礼堂传来越来越大的喧哗声。文馨英汉〔laughter〕Their laughter filled the auditorium.他们的笑声充满了礼堂。文馨英汉〔many〕The auditorium will hold only so many people.大礼堂只能容纳这么多人。英汉大词典〔music hall〕An auditorium for musical performances.音乐厅:用于音乐演出的礼堂美国传统〔occupancy〕The sign above the auditorium door says, “Maximum occupancy: 500 persons.” 大礼堂门上的标牌写着:“最多容纳:500人。”韦氏高阶〔pencil〕A local artist pencilled a mural on the wall in a school auditorium.一位本地画家在一所学校大礼堂的墙上用铅笔画了一幅壁画。外研社新世纪〔pour〕Students poured into the auditorium.学生们涌入报告厅美国传统〔present〕There was a large crowd present in the auditorium.礼堂挤得满满的。韦氏高阶〔proscenium arch〕In theatrical design, the arch that frames a stage, separating it from the auditorium.舞台口:在戏院设计中,构成舞台框架并将其与观众席分开的拱门.美国传统〔pulse〕The auditorium pulsed with excitement.礼堂里洋溢着热烈的气氛。牛津高阶〔raffish〕The theatre's raffish auditorium recalls an earlier era.剧院俗丽的观众席让人想起早先的时代。外研社新世纪〔raffish〕The theatre's raffish auditorium recalls an earlier era.剧院俗丽的观众席让人想起早先的时代。柯林斯高阶〔reach〕His voice reaches to the back of the auditorium.他的声音能传到讲堂的后排。英汉大词典〔runway〕A narrow walkway extending from a stage into an auditorium.延伸台道:从舞台通向观众席中的窄的走道美国传统〔seating〕The auditorium has a seating capacity of 400.礼堂可容纳400人就座。韦氏高阶〔seating〕The auditorium has comfortable seating and modern acoustics.礼堂里有舒适的座椅和现代化的音响设备。牛津搭配〔seating〕The auditorium has seating for 400.礼堂有400个座位。韦氏高阶〔sprinkle〕Men in green army uniforms are sprinkled throughout the huge auditorium.穿着绿色军服的人星星点点地分布在整个大礼堂中。柯林斯高阶〔sprinkle〕Men in green army uniforms are sprinkled throughout the huge auditorium.穿着绿色军装的人星星点点地分布在整个大礼堂中。外研社新世纪〔stay〕Please stay in the auditorium.请待在大礼堂里。韦氏高阶〔thrust〕The stage is thrust forward into the auditorium.舞台向前突出,伸入观众席。英汉大词典〔tier〕The auditorium had tiers of seats around and above it.礼堂内四周和上方是一排排的座位。外研社新世纪〔unready〕The new auditorium is still unready for use.新礼堂还没做好使用的准备。文馨英汉〔witness〕This old auditorium has witnessed many ceremonies.这个古老的礼堂内举行过许多次典礼美国传统Most of the work has gone into the auditorium, while only minor improvements have been possible fore and aft.大部分工程都已进入讲堂,只有小装修可能在两端进行。剑桥国际No smoking in the auditorium.礼堂内禁止吸烟。剑桥国际The auditorium seats 3,000 people. 这个礼堂可坐三千人。译典通The huge auditorium has modern, comfortable seating.大礼堂有新潮、舒适的座位。剑桥国际There was not a breath of air in the hot auditorium. 在那个闷热的礼堂里没有一丝微风。译典通This auditorium will seat one thousand people. 这个礼堂能容纳一千人。译典通




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