

单词 ships
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔SPEED〕equipment that can load ships at a rate of 5000 tonnes a day 以一天5,000吨的速度装船的设备朗文写作活用〔abreast〕ships docked two abreast.两只船并肩停靠美国传统〔acquisition〕the country's acquisition of new ships 这个国家新船只的获得韦氏高阶〔anchor〕the ships at anchor in the bay 在海湾中抛锚停泊的船只牛津搭配〔attendant〕ships and attendant sailors.海船及在场的船员美国传统〔bear〕goods borne in neutral ships 中立国船只运输的货物英汉大词典〔board〕ships on board each other 并列的船只英汉大词典〔booking〕bookings on cruise ships 预订游船船位朗文当代〔capable〕ships capable of facing the heavy seas 能对付海上风浪的船只英汉大词典〔company〕a company of ships 船队英汉大词典〔construction〕ships of steel construction 钢结构船牛津高阶〔cordage〕a company that produced cordage for ships 生产船舶绳索的公司韦氏高阶〔course〕ships coursing the seas.行经海洋的船只美国传统〔distinguish〕distinguished the masts of ships on the horizon.在地平线上发现许多船的桅杆美国传统〔enclose〕ships penned up in the harbor during a blockade; 阻塞期内困在港口的船只;美国传统〔enemy〕enemy ships (aircraft) 敌舰(机) 英汉大词典〔expense〕the expense and inconvenience of recovering cargo from sunken ships 从沉船里捞出货物的高额费用与困难麦克米伦高阶〔flag〕ships of the same flag.同属一国的船只美国传统〔fleet〕a fleet of 20 sailing ships 一支由20艘帆船组成的船队剑桥高阶〔harbour〕ships tied up in the harbour.在港口停泊的船。牛津同义词〔harm's way〕a place for the children that is out of harm's way; ships that sail into harm's way.为儿童而设的避免损伤的地方;驶进危险区的船只美国传统〔immigrant〕ships laden with would-be immigrants who were forcibly returned 载满被强制遣返的移民未果者的船只牛津搭配〔impound〕impound polluting ships in transit 扣留造成污染的过境船只英汉大词典〔inshore〕ships in inshore waters 近岸水域的船只麦克米伦高阶〔intern〕intern belligerent ships and planes 扣押交战敌国的船只和飞机英汉大词典〔intern〕intern belligerent ships and planes 扣留交战国的船只和飞机文馨英汉〔knife〕ships knifing through the waves 破浪前行的船韦氏高阶〔march〕hundreds of ships which have marched into the gulf 已驶入海湾的几百艘船英汉大词典〔merchant〕merchant ships 商船韦氏高阶〔navigate〕cargo ships that can navigate inland waters 可在内陆水道航行的货船英汉大词典〔ocean〕great ships that sailed the oceans of the world 在世界各大洋上航行的巨轮牛津搭配〔old〕ships of old 古代的海船英汉大词典〔passage〕to clear a passage for ships through the ice 在冰面上辟出一条通道供船只通过牛津搭配〔pitch〕ships sealed/coated with pitch 覆盖了沥青涂层的船韦氏高阶〔ply〕ships plying the country's northern coast 在这个国家北部沿海定期往返的船只韦氏高阶〔post〕post three ships as missing 宣布3条船失踪英汉大词典〔quay〕a quay where ships tie up.船可以系泊的码头。牛津同义词〔race〕fast-sailing ships built expressly to race tea from China 专门用于运输中国茶叶的特制快速海船英汉大词典〔raw〕two ships carrying raw sugar from Cuba.两艘来自古巴装有粗糖的船柯林斯高阶〔raw〕two ships carrying raw sugar from Cuba从古巴运来原糖的两艘船外研社新世纪〔redolent〕an atmosphere redolent of the sea and ships 让人联想起大海和船只的氛围牛津高阶〔requisition〕the requisition of ships by the government 政府对船只的征用牛津高阶〔ride〕the ships riding (at anchor) close to shore 近岸(下锚)停泊的船只英汉大词典〔sail〕in the days of sail(= when ships all used sails) 在帆船时代牛津高阶〔sail〕watch the ships sail by 看着船只驶过 英汉大词典〔sea〕three ships sailing on the sea 三艘在海上航行的船牛津搭配〔ship〕missiles from surface ships 由水面舰艇发射的导弹牛津搭配〔slave〕galley slaves at the oars of Mediterranean ships 在地中海桨帆船上划桨的奴隶牛津搭配〔sleep〕sleeping ships 停泊着的船只 英汉大词典〔store〕ships storing in the harbour 在港口装载补给品的船只英汉大词典〔structure〕ships of steel construction 钢结构船牛津高阶〔sunken〕sunken ships 沉船麦克米伦高阶〔sunken〕the wrecks of sunken ships 沉船的残骸朗文当代〔talk〕ships talking with shore stations 以信号与海岸电台联络的船舶英汉大词典〔traverse〕ships traversing the ocean 横渡大洋的船只韦氏高阶〔visit〕foreign ships visiting U.S. ports 停靠在美国港口的外国船只英汉大词典a fleet of merchant ships 商船队牛津商务a large amount of new tonnage—268 new ships this year alone 大量新增吨位 ── 仅今年就有 268 艘新船牛津商务cargo ships carrying food and manufacturing equipment 装载食品和制造设备的货船牛津商务chartered ships 包租轮船牛津商务




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