

单词 elliptical
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CIRCLE〕A striking feature of this architectural style is the elliptical windows. 这种建筑风格中一个突出的特点是窗户呈椭圆形。朗文写作活用〔CIRCLE〕The earth moves around the sun in an elliptical orbit. 地球绕着太阳在椭圆形的轨道上运行。朗文写作活用〔cylindroid〕A cylindrical surface or solid all of whose sections perpendicular to the elements are elliptical.椭圆柱:与组成要素垂直的所有圆柱形表面或柱体的部分是椭圆形的柱体美国传统〔eccentric〕Deviating from a circular form or path, as in an elliptical orbit.偏离轨道运行的:偏离圆周轨道或路线,如椭圆轨道美国传统〔elliptically〕Kirsty Gunn's austere, elliptical account of a childhood tragedy.柯丝蒂·甘对一段童年不幸遭遇的朴实、委婉的记述柯林斯高阶〔elliptically〕The stadium is elliptical in plan.在设计图上,体育场呈椭圆形。柯林斯高阶〔elliptical〕His message was written in a deliberately elliptical style.他的留言故意写得很隐晦。剑桥高阶〔elliptical〕Kepler published his discovery of the elliptical orbits of planets in 1609.1609 年开普勒公布了他的发现,认为行星轨道为椭圆形。朗文当代〔elliptical〕Kirsty Gunn's austere, elliptical account of a childhood tragedy科斯蒂·冈恩对一段童年不幸遭遇朴实、委婉的叙述外研社新世纪〔elliptical〕The language is often elliptical and ambiguous.语言经常是隐晦和模棱两可的。朗文当代〔elliptical〕The moon follows an elliptical path around the Earth.月球围绕地球沿椭圆形轨道运行。韦氏高阶〔elliptical〕The stadium is elliptical in plan.在平面图上这座体育场是椭圆的。外研社新世纪〔oval〕An elliptical track, as for racing or athletic events.椭圆形跑道:如用于比赛或运动项目的椭圆形跑道美国传统〔oval〕An egg-shaped or elliptical form or figure.卵形,椭圆形:卵形或椭圆形的形状或图形美国传统〔oval〕Resembling an ellipse in shape; elliptical.椭圆形的:形状类似椭圆的,椭圆的美国传统〔planet〕In their orbits around the sun, the planets trace an elliptical pattern.各大行星绕太阳运行的轨道呈椭圆形。外研社新世纪His message was written in a deliberately elliptical style.他把消息有意写得晦涩难懂。剑桥国际She walks on the elliptical trainer for two hours every day to stay fit. 她每天在滑步机走上两个小时以保持身材。译典通The comet is in an elliptical orbit which brings it close to the earth at regular intervals 彗星沿椭圆轨道运转,这使它有规律地靠近地球。剑桥国际The egg has an elliptical outer appearance. 蛋有个椭圆形的外表。译典通




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