

单词 so
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔HONEST〕Diana's very easy to talk to because she's so open. 戴安娜很容易说话,因为她很坦诚。朗文写作活用〔INSTEAD〕We didn't have enough money to go to a movie, so we went to the park instead. 我们没有足够的钱去看电影,所以就去了公园。朗文写作活用〔REMIND/MAKE SB REMEMBER〕Most of the children knew their lines so the director didn't need to prompt very much. 多数孩子都记住了台词,所以导演无需经常作提示。朗文写作活用〔TIGHT〕Seth stretched the phone cord around the corner so that he could speak in private. 塞思把电话线拉到转角处,这样就可以不让人听见自己说的话。朗文写作活用〔ah〕Ah, so many questions, so little time.啊, 这么多的问题, 这么少的时间。外研社新世纪〔bad〕I feel bad for Ann – she studied so hard for that test and she still didn't pass.我为安感到遗憾 — 那次考试她已经很用功了,可还是没有通过。朗文当代〔beneath〕Some roofs collapsed beneath the weight of (=unable to support the weight of) so much snow.有些房子的屋顶不堪积雪的重压塌陷了。朗文当代〔buy〕There are more people buying at this time of the year so prices are high.这个季节购物的人比较多,所以价格高。剑桥高阶〔came〕Come, Mary, don't be so cross.好啦,玛丽,别那么生气啦。21世纪英汉〔character〕It doesn't matter if you forget your lines, so long as you stay in character.只要你演得与角色的性格相符, 忘了台词也没有关系。外研社新世纪〔commit〕Why are so many men scared to commit?(= say they will be loyal to one person) 为什么有这么多的男人害怕许诺忠诚于人?牛津高阶〔contempt〕How could she have loved a man who so clearly held her in contempt ? 她怎么会爱上了一个明显看不起她的男人呢?朗文当代〔convoy〕Shall we all drive to the party in convoy so we don't get lost? 我们结队开车去参加聚会,免得迷路,好吗?剑桥高阶〔different〕I wanted something a bit different, so I painted the room green.我想要有点与众不同,所以把房间漆成了绿色。麦克米伦高阶〔dump〕If he's so awful, why don't you just dump him? 如果他这么糟糕,你为什么不把他给甩了?剑桥高阶〔find〕I find most of the young men of my own age so boring.我发现与我同龄的大多数年轻人都很无聊。外研社新世纪〔foreshorten〕To shorten the lines of (an object) in a drawing or other representation so as to produce an illusion of projection or extension in space.用透视法显示(物体):在绘画等中按远近比例缩小(物体),以产生空间突起或突出的错觉美国传统〔free〕I knew that life wasn't going to be so free and easy now.我知道现在生活不再那样自由自在了。朗文当代〔inadequate〕Maddie's a real expert on art, so I feel completely inadequate whenever I talk to her about it.麦迪在艺术方面是个真正的专家,因此每次和她谈论艺术我都觉得自己不够格。剑桥高阶〔make a virtue (out) of sth〕I had a couple of months to spare between jobs so I thought I'd make a virtue of necessity by acquiring a few new skills.我换工作期间有几个月空闲时间,因此不如趁此机会学一些新技能。剑桥高阶〔manipulate〕The way he can manipulate my leg has helped my arthritis so much.他推拿我腿部的方式对我的关节炎大有好处。外研社新世纪〔mess〕There's a mess of fish down there, so get your lines in the water.那底下有很多鱼,快下钩吧。牛津高阶〔open〕I was so tired that I couldn't keep my eyes open.我累得睁不开眼睛。韦氏高阶〔orient〕The house is oriented so that it faces west.房子定位成坐东朝西。韦氏高阶〔out〕I'm busy on Sunday, so that gives me an out.星期天我很忙,那就给了我一个借口。朗文当代〔plant〕A misleading piece of evidence placed so as to be discovered.欺骗,伪装:为了被发现而如此放置的一条误导的证据美国传统〔proud〕Come on, admit you're wrong and don't be so proud.得了,承认错误吧,别那么高傲。剑桥高阶〔rarely〕Rarely has a debate attracted so much media attention.很少有辩论吸引这么多媒体关注。牛津高阶〔reckoning〕The position so calculated.定位推算位置:这样计算所得的位置美国传统〔resell〕It makes sense to buy at dealer prices so you can maximize your profits if you resell.明智的做法是以批发价购进,这样可以在转卖时获得最大的利润。柯林斯高阶〔sense〕My cold is so bad I've lost my sense of smell/taste (= I can't smell/taste anything).我感冒很严重,闻不到任何气味了/尝不出任何味道了。剑桥高阶〔sleep〕She always slept very lightly so I had to be careful not to wake her.她睡眠总是很轻,所以我得小心别吵醒她。牛津搭配〔slink〕I tried to slink out of the room so that nobody would see me go.我试图偷偷溜出房间,免得有人看到我离开。剑桥高阶〔so much so〕It was a great project, so much so that it won first prize.这一项目非常出色,以至于得了头奖。剑桥高阶〔so much〕The report sounded like so much baloney.这报告听起来就象一派胡言美国传统〔so〕Of all the careless people no one is more so than John.在粗心人当中没有谁比约翰更粗心的了。英汉大词典〔strange〕It was so strange to see a policeman lying down, without his helmet.看到一位警察没戴头盔躺着感觉很奇怪。外研社新世纪〔thick〕Don't be so thick.别这么傻头傻脑的。英汉大词典〔think〕And did you succeed?— I think so.那你成功了吗?——我想是的。外研社新世纪〔tie〕Their cancers are not so clearly tied to radiation exposure.他们的癌症是否和接触放射线有关还不太明确。外研社新世纪〔trickle〕The pipe was so small that the water could only trickle.管子这么小,水只能一滴一滴流出来。英汉大词典〔years〕I haven't laughed so much in years.我很久没这么痛快地笑过了。外研社新世纪So much blood has been shed (= So many people have been badly hurt or killed) in this particular war.这次战争中死伤了这么多人。剑桥国际Billy spilled the beans, so we all had to stay after school. 比利泄露秘密,所以放学后我们都必须留校。译典通Certain drugs can make you sink into (= become so that you are in) a deep sleep.某些药品能使你陷入沉睡。剑桥国际He was there and saw what happened, so his is the only authentic account.他亲眼目睹了当时的事,因此他的叙述是唯一真实可信的。剑桥国际Her left foot hurt so much she had to hop over to the car.她左脚伤得很厉害,只能用一只脚跳到汽车边。剑桥国际The recipe cards are laminated so they can be wiped clean.菜单是封塑的,能被擦干净。剑桥国际When he's in one of his moods, it's useless trying to discuss anything with him (= discussion will not be successful, so you shouldn't try). 当他心情不好时,想与他讨论任何事情都是无济于事的。剑桥国际You toss a pancake by moving the pan in which it is cooking quickly into the air so that the pancake comes out and turns over before falling back into the pan.使煎饼腾空翻转落下剑桥国际




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