

单词 anarchic
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔SHOCKED/SHOCKING〕The anarchic music of punk caused public outrage when it first burst upon the scene. 带有无政府主义思潮的朋克音乐刚出现的时候激起了普遍的民愤。朗文写作活用〔anarchic〕Anarchic bands pillaged the countryside.不法团伙劫掠农村。英汉大词典〔anarchic〕Is it reasonable to suppose that, before the invention of government, primitive humanity lived in an anarchic state?认为政府出现以前, 早期人类生活在混乱无序的状态下, 这一猜想合理吗?外研社新世纪〔anarchic〕Milligan's anarchic humour has always had the power to offend as well as entertain.米里根幽默起来从来是毫无顾忌,让人既生气又好笑。剑桥高阶〔anarchic〕Urban development has been anarchic.城市的发展显得杂乱无章。英汉大词典〔grip〕An anarchic fervour gripped the campus.一阵无政府主义的狂热笼罩着校园。英汉大词典His new magazine has anarchic tendencies. 他的新杂志有无政府主义倾向。译典通His parents had settled in the crowded ghettoes of the big city, surrounded by desperate poverty and anarchic violence.他的父母在这座大城市拥挤的贫民区定居下来,处于落魄的贫困和肆无忌惮的暴行包围之中。剑桥国际Milligan's anarchic humour has always had the power to offend as well as entertain.米利根随心所欲的戏谑总是既风趣,但也容易得罪人。剑桥国际




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