

单词 sexual activity
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔abstinence〕Continence specifically refers to abstention from sexual activity. Continence 特指性生活上的节制美国传统〔activity〕They had engaged in sexual activity in the past three months.过去的 3 个月中他们有过性行为。牛津搭配〔age〕The general age of consent for sexual activity is 16.性行为的同意年龄通常为 16 岁。牛津搭配〔climacteric〕A corresponding period sometimes occurring in men that may be marked by a reduction in sexual activity, although fertility is retained.更年期:有时见于男性的一个相应时期,可能以虽然仍有生殖能力,但性能力降低为标志美国传统〔cybersex〕Sexual activity or arousal through communication by computer.网络性爱:透过计算机沟通所产生的性的行为或觉醒美国传统〔explicit〕Describing or portraying nudity or sexual activity in graphic detail.描述裸体或性行为的:轮廓鲜明地描述或描绘裸体或性行为的美国传统〔hanky-panky〕Illicit sexual activity.非法的性行为美国传统〔heterosexuality〕Sexual activity with another of the opposite sex.异性恋性行为:与某一位异性的性行为美国传统〔homosexuality〕Sexual activity with another of the same sex.同性性行为美国传统〔horny〕Desirous of sexual activity.渴望性活动的美国传统〔hypersexual〕Excessively interested or involved in sexual activity.性欲过度的:对性行为过度兴趣的或过度参与的美国传统〔kinky〕He had been engaging in some kind of kinky sexual activity.他一直在进行一些变态的性活动。柯林斯高阶〔lovemaking〕Sexual activity, especially sexual intercourse.调情,性行为美国传统〔molest〕To subject to unwanted or improper sexual activity.调戏或对…进行性骚扰美国传统〔musth〕An annual period of heightened aggressiveness and sexual activity in male elephants, during which violent frenzies occur.雄象发情狂:每年雄象出现充满杀机和交配行为的时期,这个时期雄象会极度狂乱美国传统〔oral sex〕Sexual activity involving oral stimulation of one's partner's sex organs.口交:涉及从性伙伴的性器官上得到的口唇刺激的性行为美国传统〔orgy〕A revel involving unrestrained indulgence, especially sexual activity.纵欲:涉及无限制沉溺于某事的放纵,尤指性行为美国传统〔orgy〕A secret rite in the cults of ancient Greek or Roman deities, typically involving frenzied singing, dancing, drinking, and sexual activity.秘密祭神仪式:古希腊或罗马时代宗教团体中的一种神秘仪式,典型地表现为狂乱的歌唱、跳舞、饮酒和性行为美国传统〔protected sex〕Sexual activity in which a condom or similar device is used to minimize the risk of pregnancy or of spreading or contracting a sexually transmitted disease.安全性行为:使用保险套或类似物的性行为,以降低怀孕的风险或传播、感染性病的危险美国传统〔rut〕A condition or period of mammalian sexual activity, such as estrus.发情期:哺乳动物性交活动状况和时期,如动情期美国传统〔safe sex〕Sexual activity in which safeguards, such as the use of a condom, are taken to avoid acquiring or spreading a sexually transmitted disease.安全性交:采取了预防措施(如用避孕套)以避免染上或传播通过性交传播的疾病的房事美国传统〔sex crime〕A crime, such as rape, molestation, or sexual abuse, involving illegal or coerced sexual activity.性犯罪:与非法或是强迫性行为有关的犯罪,例如强奸、性骚扰或是性虐待等美国传统〔sexual abuse〕Sexual activity that is deemed improper or harmful, as between an adult and a minor or with a person of diminished mental capacity.性虐待:被视为不适当或是具伤害性的性行为,常指成年人与未成年人或是与具精神疾病者之间的性行为美国传统〔sexual abuse〕The forcing of unwanted sexual activity by one person on another, as by the use of threats or coercion.性虐待:某人强迫其他人进行非自愿的性行为,如以恐吓或强制的方式美国传统〔sexual relations〕Sexual activity between individuals.性关系:两个人之间的性行为美国传统〔sexuality〕Concern with or interest in sexual activity.性欲:与性行为有关或有兴趣美国传统〔venery〕Indulgence in or pursuit of sexual activity.纵欲;追求肉欲:对性行为的放纵或追求美国传统She didn't like the idea of group sex (= sexual activity involving more than two people).她不喜欢集体性交这个主意。剑桥国际The film has been banned because of its sexual explicitness (= the details of sexual activity that it contains).这部电影被禁,因为其中有过于明显的性场面。剑桥国际There used to be severe penalties against gay sex (= sexual activity between people of the same sex).同性间的性行为在过去是要受到严惩的。剑桥国际




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