

单词 service charge
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ADD〕They seem to have added a 10% service charge. 他们好像加收了10%的服务费。朗文写作活用〔PAY〕A service charge is included on the bill, so tipping isn't necessary. 服务费已包含在账单里了,因此没有必要付小费。朗文写作活用〔above〕As mentioned above, there is a service charge.前面提到过,要收服务费。朗文当代〔add on〕A 9 per cent service charge will be added on to the bill.账单上会额外加上9%的服务费。外研社新世纪〔add〕A service charge of 15% was added on to the bill.账单上附加了 15% 的服务费。牛津高阶〔annoy〕It really annoys me when people expect me to tip as well as pay a service charge in a restaurant.在饭店里,付了服务费后他们还想要小费,这很让我恼火。剑桥高阶〔big〕The four biggest banks are all planning to cut their service charges.四大银行都在计划降低服务费用。剑桥高阶〔discretion〕There is no service charge and tipping is at your discretion.不收服务费,给不给小费由你自行决定。牛津高阶〔discretion〕There is no service charge and tipping is at your discretion.我们不收服务费,小费您随意。牛津搭配〔discretion〕Where there are no service charges added to the bill, tip at your discretion.凡账单上没收服务费的,是否付小费由你自己决定。柯林斯高阶〔less〕He gave us our money back, less the $2 service charge.他把钱还给我们,扣去了两美元的服务费。朗文当代〔minus〕The payment will be refunded to you minus a small service charge.这笔款项扣除一小笔服务费后将退还给你。朗文当代〔nick〕If your bank account balance falls below the minimum, you'll be nicked for a $5 service charge.如果你的银行存款余额低于这个底限,那你将被收取5美元的服务费。剑桥高阶〔over〕The service charges are way over the odds.这项服务的收费高得离谱。外研社新世纪〔service charge〕If you order the tickets by phone you have to pay a $2 service charge as well as $13.50 for each ticket.如果通过电话订票,除每张票13.5美元外,还须支付每张2美元的服务费。剑桥高阶〔service charge〕Most restaurants add a 10 per cent service charge.大多数餐馆加收 10%的服务费。柯林斯高阶〔service charge〕That will be $50, plus a service charge of $2.50.您消费 50 元,另加 2.50 元的服务费。牛津高阶〔service charge〕There's a service charge for advance tickets.提前订票要付服务费。朗文当代〔service charge〕There's a £1 service charge for using another bank's cash machine.用其他银行的取款机时需支付1英镑的服务费。麦克米伦高阶〔service charge〕There's no service charge.不收服务费。外研社新世纪〔service〕There is a ten percent service charge included in the bill.账单包括10%的服务费。剑桥高阶〔tipping〕A 10 percent service charge is added in lieu of tipping.加收了 10% 的服务费以代替小费。柯林斯高阶〔tip〕We don't need to leave a tip for the waiter, because there's a service charge included in the bill.我们不必给服务员留小费,因为账单里已经包括了服务费。剑桥高阶〔unusually〕The service charge, unusually, is 20 per cent.出乎意料的是服务费竟达20%。英汉大词典A $5 service charge will be added to all orders under $100.消费不满 100 元的将另收5元服务费。牛津商务An optional service charge of 12.5% will be added to your bill.你的账单将会被额外增加 12.5% 的可选择支付的服务费。牛津商务If you order the tickets by phone you have to pay a $2 service charge as well as $13.50 for each ticket.如果你电话定票的话,除了每张票付13.5美元外,还需付2美元的服务费。剑桥国际If your bank account balance falls below the minimum, you'll be nicked for a $5 service charge.如果你银行帐户的余额低于最低数,你将被索取5美元服务费。剑桥国际It really annoys me when people expect me to tip as well as pay a service charge in a restaurant.在饭馆里,既得付小费,又得付服务费,这实在叫我来火。剑桥国际There is a 2.75% service charge for processing credit-card payments.用信用卡支付收取 2.75% 的服务费。牛津商务We don't need to leave a tip for the waiter, because there's a service charge included in the bill.我们不必给服务员留小费,因为帐单里包括了一项服务费。剑桥国际When I complained about how long we'd had to wait for our food, the bill was whisked away and smilingly returned without the service charge.当我抱怨等上菜花了很长时间后,帐单被很快地拿走又被微笑着送了回来,没有加服务费。剑桥国际With the service charge, our restaurant bill came to more than £120.加上服务费,&我们的餐馆帐单要超过120英镑。剑桥国际




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