

单词 hinge
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BEND〕The hinge was bent and the lid wouldn't shut properly. 铰链弯了,盖子盖不上。朗文写作活用〔DEPEND/IT DEPENDS〕The case hinged on whether the jury believed the defendants had planned to kill anyone when they broke into the house. 这个案子完全取决于陪审团是否相信被告破门入屋时已计划好要杀人。朗文写作活用〔DEPEND/IT DEPENDS〕The future prospects of a student can hinge on his or her performance in these exams. 一个学生的前途完全取决于他或她这几次考试的成绩。朗文写作活用〔Gladstone bag〕A piece of light hand luggage consisting of two hinged compartments.铰合式手提旅行包:一种由两个有铰链的分隔部分组成的轻便手提箱美国传统〔LITTLE〕Try putting a little oil on the hinge and see if it stops squeaking. 试着给铰链上点油,看能否停止那嘎吱嘎吱的声音。朗文写作活用〔LOOSE〕One of the hinges on the box was coming loose. 箱子上有一个铰链松了。朗文写作活用〔RECOGNIZE〕The case against Kelly hinged on Mr Gardener's identification of him. 对凯利的起诉案胜败就取决于加德那先生能否指认出他来。朗文写作活用〔articulate〕The two bones are articulated like a hinge.这两块骨头由关节铰链般连接起来。英汉大词典〔attaché case〕A slim briefcase with flat, rigid sides, hinges, and usually a lock.手提公文箱:一种轻薄的,面扁平且硬,有铰链的手提箱,通常有锁美国传统〔backhoe〕An excavator whose bucket is rigidly attached to a hinged pole on the boom and is drawn backward to the machine when in operation.反铲挖土机:铲叶牢固地连在吊杆上的铰链孔中的一种挖土机,当它处于工作状态时,铲叶被向后拖向机器美国传统〔bail〕A hinged bar on a typewriter that holds the paper against the platen.打字机压纸箍:打字机上把纸张压在滚筒上的折叶条美国传统〔bivalve〕A mollusk, such as an oyster or a clam, that has a shell consisting of two hinged valves.双壳类:一种软体动物,如牡蛎或蛤,有由两个开合的瓣组成贝壳的动物美国传统〔bivalve〕Having a shell consisting of two hinged valves.双瓣壳的:有由两个开合的瓣组成贝壳的美国传统〔butt hinge〕A hinge composed of two plates attached to abutting surfaces of a door and door jamb and joined by a pin.门的铰链:连接门面和侧柱的由两个金属板组成的铰链,用一个栓子连在一起美国传统〔butterfly valve〕A valve composed of two semicircular plates hinged on a common spindle, used to permit flow in one direction only.蝶形阀:由附在一个共用轴上的两个半圆片组成的阀门,用于限制向一个方向的流动美国传统〔butt〕A butt hinge.铰链美国传统〔caliper〕Often calipers An instrument consisting essentially of two curved hinged legs, used to measure thickness and distances. 常作 calipers 卡规:一种由两个弯曲的铰接在一起的脚组成的仪器,用于测量厚度和距离美国传统〔casement〕A window sash that opens outward by means of hinges.窗框:通过折叶向外开的窗框美国传统〔case〕The case hinged on the evidence of the only witness.这个案子取决于唯一目击证人所提供的证据。牛津搭配〔clack valve〕A hinged valve that permits fluids to flow in only one direction and clacks when the valve closes.瓣阀:一种铰接的阀,只容许流体单向流动,关闭时发出卡嗒声美国传统〔clamshell〕Any of various devices with two hinged jaws, used for dredging or digging.抓斗,挖斗:任何一种具有两个铰接夹爪用来挖泥或铲土的设备美国传统〔conceal〕Frances decided to conceal the machine behind a hinged panel.弗朗西斯决定把机器藏在带铰链的嵌板的后面。柯林斯高阶〔crampon〕Often crampons A hinged pair of curved iron bars for raising heavy objects, such as stones or timber. 常作 crampons 起重吊钩:一种带有铰链的弯铁杆,用来吊起石块或木材等重物美国传统〔creak〕The door creaked on its hinges.门打开时合页处嘎吱作响。剑桥高阶〔creak〕The rusty hinges creaked when the door opened.门开时生锈的铰链嘎吱嘎吱作响。英汉大词典〔diptych〕A work consisting of two painted or carved panels that are hinged together.折叠双连画(或雕刻品):两个绘画或雕刻绞接在一起的作品美国传统〔diptych〕An ancient writing tablet having two leaves hinged together.可折合的双连书写板:一种古老的有两叶纹连接的写字板美国传统〔door〕A movable structure used to close off an entrance, typically consisting of a panel that swings on hinges or that slides or rotates.门:一种用于关闭入口活动装置,典型的由一块板上有铰链转动或为拉动式或为旋转式的组合美国传统〔door〕Some ground spiders make a door to their nests like a hinged lid.有些地蜘蛛能给自己的窝做门,其形状如同一个装有铰链的盖。英汉大词典〔drop leaf〕A hinged wing on a table that can be folded down when not in use.垂板:桌子上用铰链联接的活动桌板,不用时可折转放下美国传统〔drunkenly〕The door sagged drunkenly on one hinge.门摇摇晃晃地挂在一根铰链上。外研社新世纪〔dust cover〕A removable or hinged plastic cover used to protect a piece of equipment, such as a turntable or printer.防尘罩:可移走的或装有铰链的盖子,用以保护设备,如唱盘或打印机美国传统〔easy〕The gate swings on easy hinges.大门绕着灵便的铰链转动自如。英汉大词典〔fallboard〕The hinged cover protecting the keyboard of a piano.钢琴盖:保护钢琴键盘的可悬挂的盖美国传统〔fasten〕The hinge has screw holes for fastening it in place.铰链上有螺丝孔用于固定到位。外研社新世纪〔fleck〕Rust flecked the hinges of the kitchen cupboards.厨房橱柜的合页上锈迹斑斑。外研社新世纪〔flip chart〕A chart consisting of sheets hinged at the top that can be flipped over to present information sequentially.活动挂图,配套挂图:一种由很多页组成的顶部夹在一起的图表,翻动时能够连续地展示资料美国传统〔folding door〕A door with hinged or pleated sections that fold together when the door is opened.折叠门:带有链索或打褶部分的门,当门被打开时,他们就折叠起来美国传统〔fulcrum〕Zoology An anatomical structure that acts as a hinge or a point of support.【动物学】 转节:解剖学上用作支点或转节的结构美国传统〔get through〕Unless you take the door off its hinges, the sofa won't get through.除非把门从合页上卸下来, 否则沙发是过不去的。外研社新世纪〔grate〕I heard the door grate on its hinges.我听到那扇门开关时铰链吱吱地响。文馨英汉〔grate〕The door grated on its rusty hinges.这扇门因铰链生锈开关发出嘎嘎的声音。21世纪英汉〔grate〕The rusty hinges grated as the gate swung back.大门荡了回去,生锈的铰链发出吱嘎吱嘎的刺耳声。牛津高阶〔gudgeon〕The socket of a hinge into which a pin fits.铰链上插钉的凹槽美国传统〔gullwing〕Hinged at the top so as to swing upward. Used of a type of automobile door.鸥形翼式的:绞链装在上方,可以向上提拉的。用于一种汽车的车门美国传统〔hardware〕Locks, hinges, nails, knives, and tools are hardware.锁、铰链、钉子、刀以及工具都是五金制品。英汉大词典〔hardware〕Locks, hinges, nails, knives, and tools are hardware.锁、铰链、钉子、刀及工具都是五金制品。文馨英汉〔hasp〕A metal fastener with a hinged, slotted part that fits over a staple and is secured by a pin, bolt, or padlock.搭扣:一种带有一个有铰链的、带槽的部分并用于搭在一个钩环上的由大头针、U形钉或扣锁固定的金属扣美国传统〔hatch〕The hinged rear door of a hatchback.仓门式后背有铰链的后门美国传统〔heelpost〕The post to which a door or gate is hinged.门侧铰栓:门或大门依铰链固定在其上的柱子美国传统〔hinge on/upon sth〕The film's plot hinges on a case of mistaken identity.该电影的情节围绕着一宗身份误认案展开。剑桥高阶〔hinge on/upon sth〕The prosecution's case hinged on the evidence of a witness who died before the trial.控方的案子取决于一位证人的证词,而该证人已在审判前死去。剑桥高阶〔hinge on〕A lot hinges on how we are viewed by overseas investors.很多事都取决于海外投资者对我们的看法。柯林斯高阶〔hinge on〕Everything hinges on who will be selected.一切取决于谁将当选。21世纪英汉〔hinge on〕Everything will hinge on how we perform in the first half of the match.一切都将取决于我们在前半场比赛中表现如何。外研社新世纪〔hinge on〕It all hinges on whether the deal is accepted.它完全取决于这项协议是否被接受。外研社新世纪〔hinge on〕On the situation of the markets hinges our future.我们的未来取决于市场的景气与否。21世纪英汉〔hinge on〕The outcome of the election hinges on how the candidates perform in the debate.选举结果取决于候选人在辩论中的表现。韦氏高阶〔hinge on〕The plan hinges on a deal being struck with a new company.该计划完全取决于正在和一家新公司洽谈着的一项交易。柯林斯高阶〔hinged〕The hinged seat lifts up to reveal a useful storage space.把用铰链连接的座位抬起来后,就会发现下面有一个实用的储物空间。柯林斯高阶〔hinged〕The hinged seat lifts up to reveal a useful storage space.铰链式可翻座椅翻起来后便露出一块有用的存储空间。外研社新世纪〔hinged〕The mirror was hinged to a surrounding frame.用铰链把镜子和外框连接在一起。柯林斯高阶〔hinge〕All windows are hinged.所有的窗子全是用合页连接的。21世纪英汉〔hinge〕Everything hinges on his decision.一切取决于他的决定。英汉大词典〔hinge〕Everything hinges on the outcome of these talks.一切都取决于这几次会谈的结果。牛津高阶〔hinge〕Everything hinges on your decision.样样事以你的主意为转移。牛津同义词〔hinge〕He hinged his action on future sales.他的行动取决于将来的销路。英汉大词典〔hinge〕He slowly opened the lid that hinged to the box.他慢慢地打开了用合页接合的箱子盖。21世纪英汉〔hinge〕His acceptance will hinge on the terms.他接受与否将视条件而定。英汉大词典〔hinge〕His political future hinges on the outcome of this election.他的政治前途取决于这次选举的结果。朗文当代〔hinge〕His success hinges on how well he does at the interview.他能否成功要看他在面试中的表现。牛津高阶〔hinge〕It all hinges upon the development of the matters whether I go or send a substitute.是我自己去还是派个代理人去,完全取决于事态的发展。21世纪英汉〔hinge〕My decision will hinge on your views.我的决定取决于你的意见。21世纪英汉〔hinge〕That day was the moment when the hinge of history swung toward a new era.那天是走向新时代的历史性关键时刻。外研社新世纪〔hinge〕The case against him hinged on Lewis' evidence.对他不利的证据是否成立,最终取决于刘易斯的证词。朗文当代〔hinge〕The door had been pulled off its hinges.门从铰链上扯下来了。牛津高阶〔hinge〕The door swung open on well-oiled hinges.合叶润滑良好, 门一旋便开了。外研社新世纪〔hinge〕The gate swings both ways on easy hinges.大门是双开式的,转动自如。英汉大词典〔hinge〕The home is the hinge on which family life turns.家是家庭生活的中心。英汉大词典〔hinge〕The mirror was hinged to a surrounding frame.镜子用铰链固定在围框上。外研社新世纪〔hinge〕The top swung open on well-oiled hinges.用润滑良好的铰链固定的盖子一旋转就打开了。柯林斯高阶〔hinge〕The window is (或 has gone) off the hinges.这窗子的铰链脱落了。英汉大词典〔hinge〕This door is not well hinged.这扇门的铰链不灵活。英汉大词典〔hinge〕This is the crucial hinge of the entire Star Wars saga.这是整个星球大战传奇里的关键转折点。外研社新世纪〔hinge〕This plan hinges on her approval.这个计划取决于她同意与否美国传统〔hinge〕To attach by or equip with or as if with hinges or a hinge.给…装铰链,用铰链接合美国传统〔hinge〕We had to take the front door off its hinges to get our new sofa into the house.我们不得不把前门从合页上卸下来才把新沙发搬进了屋子里。剑桥高阶〔hood〕The hinged metal lid over the engine of a motor vehicle.引擎罩:机动车辆引擎上以铰链接合的金属盖美国传统〔insecure〕The hinge is loose and insecure.这铰链已经松动,不牢靠了。英汉大词典〔jaw〕Either of two opposed hinged parts in a mechanical device.钳口:机械装置中夹钳相对的两个部分中的一个美国传统〔jewel box〕A hinged plastic case designed to hold a compact disk and usually a printed insert or liner.激光唱片盒:一个有铰链、设计用以装激光唱片的塑料盒子,通常插有印刷品或是说明文字的护套美国传统〔knocker〕A hinged fixture, such as a metal ring or bar, used for knocking on a door.门环:供敲门用的有铰链的固定物,比如金属环或杆美国传统〔knuckle joint〕A hinged joint in which a pin fastens the ends of two rods, one of which has an eye that fits between the two perforated projections of the other.铰链接合:一种有铰链的接合,其中两根杆的末端用一根关节销固定,有一个眼的那根杆上可以插进另一根杆的两个带孔的突起部分之间美国传统〔knuckle〕The part of a hinge through which the pin passes.铰链连接:铰链中关节销穿过去的那个地方美国传统〔krumkake〕A large thin cookie made from batter poured into an embossed mold with hinged plates.造型曲奇饼:以糊状物倒入装有铰链模板的花纹模具中所制作出的大块薄曲奇饼干美国传统〔krummkake〕A large, thin cookie made from batter poured into an embossed mold with hinged plates.模制蛋糕:一种大而薄的蛋糕,把面糊倒进一个由铰链联接的雕花铸模而成美国传统〔leaf〕A hinged or otherwise movable section of a folding door, shutter, or gate.扇:折叠门、百叶窗或大门上装有铰链或可移动的部分美国传统〔leaf〕A hinged or removable section for a table top.活动桌面:桌子上部有铰链连接或可移动的部分美国传统〔lid〕A removable or hinged cover for a hollow receptacle or box.盖:在一个中空容器或盒子上,可拿掉的或安有活页的盖美国传统〔lubricate〕Lubricate the hinges and springs.给铰链和弹簧上润滑油。外研社新世纪〔mistake〕How strange to think that a man's life could hinge on such a trivial mistake.想想真是奇怪, 一个人的一生竟然会为这样一个微不足道的错误所决定。外研社新世纪〔mount〕A hinge used to fasten stamps in an album.胶纸:用来将邮票固定于集邮册的透明纸带美国传统〔move〕Most doors move on hinges.门大都靠铰链转动。英汉大词典〔nutcracker〕An implement used to crack nuts, typically consisting of two hinged metal levers between which the nut is squeezed.坚果钳子:轧碎坚果的工具,多有两个有铰链的金属撬棒,坚果在中间被轧碎美国传统〔padlock〕A detachable lock with a U-shaped bar hinged at one end, designed to be passed through the staple of a hasp or a link in a chain and then snapped shut.挂锁:有U形铁条的被用铰链合在一端的一种可拆开的锁,可以通过门搭扣的锁环或一链条上的链环紧紧扣住美国传统〔pawl〕A hinged or pivoted device adapted to fit into a notch of a ratchet wheel to impart forward motion or prevent backward motion.掣爪,棘爪:一种枢轴或转轴器械,能与齿轮缺口或齿间吻合来前进或防止后移美国传统〔peavey〕An implement consisting of a wooden shaft with a metal point and a hinged hook near the end, used to handle logs.钩梃:伐木用的器具,木柄上有一金属尖,末端附近有一折钩美国传统〔piano hinge〕A long narrow hinge with a pin running the entire length of its joint.钢琴铰链,统长铰链:用调弦栓系住全部铰接合处的一种长窄铰链美国传统〔pivot〕The door hinge pivots around the pin.门铰链在铰链销上转动。韦氏高阶〔polyptych〕A work consisting of four or more painted or carved panels that are hinged together.多联画屏:由联在一起的四幅或更多的彩绘或雕刻的画屏构成的作品美国传统〔portmanteau〕A large leather suitcase that opens into two hinged compartments.大旅行箱:两半合拢带铰锁的大皮革箱美国传统〔rasp〕The iron gate rasps because the hinges are rusty.铁门发出嘎嘎的刺耳声,因为铰链生锈了。英汉大词典〔rudder〕Nautical A vertically hinged plate of metal, fiberglass, or wood mounted at the stern of a vessel for directing its course.【航海】 舵:垂直的有铰链的圆盘,用金属、玻璃纤维或木头制成,置于船头之上以调整方向美国传统〔sag〕The rusty gate sagged on its hinges.锈蚀的大门斜挂在铰链上。英汉大词典〔sector〕A measuring instrument consisting of two graduated arms hinged together at one end.尺规:一种将两个标有刻度的尺臂接合一端而形成的测量工具美国传统〔shutter〕A hinged cover or screen for a window, usually fitted with louvers.百叶窗:一个带有铰链用来遮蔽窗户的盖子或隔板,通常安有百叶窗板美国传统〔shutter〕Shutters usually come in pairs and are hung like doors on hinges.窗戶遮板通常是成对的,像门一样挂在铰链上。剑桥高阶〔silent butler〕A small receptacle with a handle and hinged cover, used for collecting ashes and crumbs.“哑仆”烟灰盒:一种用来收集烟灰和残渣的带柄和有铰链盒盖的小型容器美国传统〔snuffbox〕A small, often decorated box with a hinged lid, used for carrying snuff.鼻烟盒:一种小的、有经装饰的铁链盖子的盒子,用来装鼻烟美国传统〔sound〕The creaking of the hinges sounded very loud in that silence.合页的吱嘎声在一片寂静中听上去很响。外研社新世纪〔spine〕The hinged back of a book.书脊美国传统〔spoiler〕A long, narrow hinged plate on the upper surface of an airplane wing that reduces lift and increases drag when raised.扰流器:一种位于飞机翅膀上部的长形狭窄的槽体,在飞机上升时用来减轻上升增加下拉美国传统〔squeak〕A short shrill cry or sound, such as that made by a mouse or a rusty hinge.尖叫声:短促的刺耳的叫声或声音,如由老鼠或生锈的铰链发出来的声音美国传统〔squeak〕The door squeaked as it swung back and forth on its rusty hinges.门的铰链生锈了,转动起来嘎吱嘎吱作响。剑桥高阶〔squirt〕He squirted some oil on the door hinge.他给门铰链喷了一些油。韦氏高阶〔squirt〕He squirted the door hinge with oil.他把油喷到门铰链上。韦氏高阶〔stepladder〕A portable ladder with a hinged supporting frame and usually topped with a small platform.活梯:一种具有用合页相连的支撑架的便携梯子,顶部常带有一个小平台美国传统〔stiff〕The hinges of the box were stiff with lack of use.由于久置不用,箱子的合页很涩。麦克米伦高阶〔straight razor〕A razor consisting of a blade hinged to a handle into which it slips when not in use.折叠式剃刀:一种刀片连在刀把上、不用时能折叠到刀把里去的剃刀美国传统〔swing〕The battered old door was swinging on its hinges.那扇有了年月的破旧的门在绕着合页上的门轴转动。外研社新世纪〔swing〕The gate was swinging on its hinges.大门绕着铰链来回晃动。麦克米伦高阶〔swing〕To turn in place on or as if on a hinge or pivot.回转:绕或好象绕枢纽或支点转向某位置美国传统〔tankard〕A large drinking cup having a single handle and often a hinged cover, especially a tall pewter or silver mug.大酒杯:一种带有单柄并经常有一个连着杯体的杯盖的大饮酒杯,尤指一种高大的锡铅合金杯或银酒杯美国传统〔toilet〕A fixture for defecation and urination, consisting of a bowl fitted with a hinged seat and connected to a waste pipe and a flushing apparatus; a privy.抽水马桶:一个用于大便和小便的装置,由一个装有翻转式坐部和并与废物管道相连的桶身和一个冲洗器具组成;厕所美国传统〔trace〕A bar or rod, hinged at either end to another part, that transfers movement from one part of a machine to another.连动杆:用铰链连接在另一部件任意一端的一横条或杆,可将运动从机器的一部分传送到另一部分美国传统〔transom〕A small hinged window above a door or another window.气窗:在门上或一扇窗户上面并带有链条的一扇小窗户美国传统〔trap door〕A hinged or sliding door in a floor, roof, or ceiling.活板门,通气门:地板、屋顶或天花板中的一个带链门或滑门美国传统〔trap-door spider〕Any of various insect-eating spiders of the family Ctenizidae, found in warm climates, that construct a silk-lined burrow concealed by a hinged lid.活板门蛛:任一种土蜘蛛科的食昆虫蜘蛛,多见于气候温暖的地区,能挖出用折叶页式囊盖住的布满丝线的小沟美国传统〔triptych〕A hinged writing tablet consisting of three leaves, used in ancient Rome.三联书写板:古罗马人日常写字用的以铰链联结、由三张书面组成的书写板美国传统〔triptych〕A work consisting of three painted or carved panels that are hinged together.三幅相联的图画或雕刻画:通常描或刻在三块画板上,用绞链联结的作品美国传统〔turn〕A door turns on hinges.门靠铰链转动。英汉大词典〔unhinge〕To remove from hinges.从铰链上拆下美国传统〔unhinge〕To remove the hinges from.从…取下铰链美国传统〔valve〕One of the paired, hinged shells of certain mollusks and of brachiopods.贝壳:某些软体动物或鳃足动物的成对的、铰接开合的贝壳之一美国传统〔waffle iron〕An appliance having hinged, indented plates that impress a grid pattern into waffle batter as it bakes.蛋奶烘饼烤模:一种带合叶和有刻痕的板的工具,在蛋奶糊烘烤时压上格子图案美国传统〔weak〕The door's hinge is weak.这扇门的铰链容易坏。韦氏高阶〔work wonders/miracles〕A little bit of oil works wonders on squeaky hinges.给嘎吱嘎吱响的铰链上点油就能马上解决问题。剑桥高阶〔work〕Hinges work better with oil.铰链上油后就灵活了。英汉大词典A casement is a window that opens by means of hinges at the side. 竖铰链窗是一种用边上的铰链开启的窗户。译典通A door hangs on its hinges. 门安装在铰链上。译典通At present the steel rods screw together, but in future they will have hinged connections.这些钢条现在是拧在一起的,将来它们是要用铰链来互相联接。剑桥国际Completion of the library hinges on finding another $2 000 000. 图书馆的完工取决于又一笔二百万美元的资金。剑桥国际For easy access, the door of your washing machine can be hinged on the right or left.为了进入方便,你的洗衣机门可以用铰链装在左边或右边。剑桥国际I think I'll oil the hinge of that door to stop it from creaking.我想我该给那扇门的铰链加些润滑油,使它不再吱吱咯咯地响。剑桥国际Often a little bit of oil works wonders if you want to stop a hinge squeaking.如果你想不让铰链嘎吱作响的话,一点点油常常就会创造出奇迹来。剑桥国际Rust is eating away the iron hinge. 铁锈正腐蚀著铁铰链。译典通Shutters usually come in pairs and are hung like doors on hinges.护窗板通常是成对的,像门一样挂在铰链上。剑桥国际The back door is not well hinged. 后门的铰链安得不好。译典通The carpenter screwed the hinges to the door. 木匠用螺钉将铰链固定到门上。译典通The door has gone off the hinges. 门的铰链脱落了。译典通The door is attached to its frame by two hinges.这扇门用两个铰链钉在门框上。剑桥国际The door opens easily now the hinges have been oiled.这扇门现在很容易开,铰链上过油了。剑桥国际The door squeaked as it swung back and forth on its rusty hinges.门因生锈的铰链而在来回转动时吱嘎作响。剑桥国际The fate of the project hinges on the decision of the council. 这项工程的命运取决于委员会的决定。译典通The plot of the film hinges on a case of mistaken identity.电影的情节围绕着一件误认案。剑桥国际The prosecution's case hinged on the evidence of a witness who died before the trial.起诉方需要关键证人的证据,而该证人在审讯前已死去。剑桥国际The success of the play will hinge on what the theatre critics have to say about it. 这部戏剧的成功取决于戏剧评论家们对它的评价。剑桥国际The two bones are articulated like a hinge. 这两块骨头由关节铰链般连接起来。译典通They live in a violent neighbourhood, and have had strong hinges fitted onto their front door to stop it from being jemmied (= removed) from the frame.他们住在一个暴力多发的地段,于是在他们前门上安装了坚固的铰链防止它被撬下门框。剑桥国际This door keeps sticking -- I think the hinges need lubricating.这扇门一直卡住,我认为合叶需要润滑一下。剑桥国际We had to take the front door off its hinges to get this desk into the house.我们必须把前门从铰链上卸下来,这样才能把书桌搬进房子里。剑桥国际




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