

单词 sunny
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CHARACTER〕Sue had a sunny disposition and a warm smile. 休性格开朗,脸上总带着亲切的微笑。朗文写作活用〔COLD〕It's chilly in the house, even when it's sunny outside. 即使屋外阳光明媚,屋里也很冷。、朗文写作活用〔DRY〕The weather tomorrow will be sunny and dry. 明天天气是阳光充足而干燥。朗文写作活用〔DRY〕Wet clothes dry quickly on a sunny day. 在阳光充足的日子里,湿衣服很快就能干。朗文写作活用〔HAPPY〕Rosalind had a sunny disposition and a pleasant smile. 罗莎琳德性格开朗,脸上总是带着亲切的微笑。朗文写作活用〔HOT〕It's going to be a hot, sunny day. 今天将是炎热、晴朗的一天。朗文写作活用〔Hyperborean〕One of a people known to the ancient Greeks from the earliest times, living in a perpetually warm and sunny land north of the source of the north wind.(希腊神话)北方净土之民:最远古之时为古希腊人所知的一个民族,在北风带以北的永久温暖,有阳光的土地上美国传统〔IN/INSIDE〕It was too sunny to think of staying indoors. 阳光如此明媚,根本不想待在屋内。朗文写作活用〔MAYBE〕Tomorrow should be sunny but there's just a chance of showers in the afternoon. 明天应该是阳光明媚,但下午可能有阵雨。朗文写作活用〔PLACE〕Plant the daisies in a sunny place. 将维菊种在阳光充足的地方。朗文写作活用〔SUGGEST〕It was a sunny afternoon, and Jim suggested a trip to the beach. 那天下午阳光明媚,吉姆提议去沙滩玩玩。朗文写作活用〔TOO/TOO MUCH〕It was a beautiful sunny day and not too cold. 那是个美丽的阳光普照的日子,不太冷。朗文写作活用〔WEATHER〕It was cool and sunny when we left this morning. 我们早上走的时候天气凉爽而且晴朗。朗文写作活用〔WEATHER〕It's going to be sunny all day. 全天都将阳光明媚。朗文写作活用〔WEATHER〕The outlook for the weekend is for continued sunny weather. 周末的天气预测是继续晴朗的天气。朗文写作活用〔WEATHER〕The weather will remain dry with sunny spells. 天气仍将干燥,间或有阳光。朗文写作活用〔about〕Their arms about each other, they would sit in a sunny corner.他们常搂抱着坐在充满阳光的角落里。英汉大词典〔afternoon〕It is a sunny afternoon.这是个阳光普照的下午。文馨英汉〔afternoon〕It was a sunny afternoon.那是一个阳光明媚的下午。剑桥高阶〔aspect〕The living areas boast a sunny northerly aspect.起居室都朝北, 阳光充足。外研社新世纪〔barker〕They basked themselves on the sunny beach.他们躺在阳光充足的海滩上晒太阳。21世纪英汉〔bask in〕I like to lie on the sunny beach, basking in the sunshine.我喜欢躺在充满阳光的海滩上晒太阳。21世纪英汉〔bet〕It's meant to be sunny tomorrow but I wouldn't bet on it.说是明天是晴天, 不过我看不一定。外研社新世纪〔bless〕Nature has blessed the area with good soil and a sunny climate.大自然赐予了这片土地肥沃的土壤和阳光充足的气候。韦氏高阶〔bliss〕Lying on a sunny beach is my idea of sheer bliss.我认为躺在沙滩上晒太阳是最大的幸福。剑桥高阶〔bound〕It's bound to be sunny again tomorrow.明天肯定又是阳光灿烂。牛津高阶〔bright〕It was a bright sunny day.这是一个阳光灿烂的日子。麦克米伦高阶〔bright〕It was a bright, sunny day.那是阳光明媚的一天。韦氏高阶〔bright〕The weather was bright and sunny.天气晴朗,阳光明媚。朗文当代〔brilliance〕It's a brilliantly sunny morning.这天上午阳光灿烂。柯林斯高阶〔brilliantly〕It's a brilliantly sunny morning.这是个阳光灿烂的早晨。外研社新世纪〔brilliant〕It was brilliantly sunny.阳光明媚。牛津高阶〔bunk off (sth)〕It was a sunny day so they decided to bunk off school.那天天气晴好,于是他们决定逃学。剑桥高阶〔by〕She is, by nature, a sunny, positive kind of person.她本性是那种乐观开朗、积极向上的人。剑桥高阶〔calm〕It was a calm, sunny evening.那是个风和日丽的傍晚。外研社新世纪〔cast〕Hers was an essentially sunny cast of mind.她本性上属于阳光开朗的性格。外研社新世纪〔cast〕Hers was an essentially sunny cast of mind.她本质上是属于阳光快乐的性格。柯林斯高阶〔clear〕It was a beautifully clear, sunny day.那天万里无云,阳光明媚。韦氏高阶〔cloud〕The sunny sky suddenly clouded.晴朗的天空突然阴云密布。21世纪英汉〔consecutively〕Photographs taken at the same time on two consecutive sunny days can be quite different from one another.在连续两个艳阳天的同一时间拍摄的照片也可能大不相同。柯林斯高阶〔cooped up〕I hate being cooped up inside working when its a sunny day outside.我讨厌在外面阳光灿烂的时候自己被囚在室内工作。剑桥高阶〔corner〕Plant it in a sunny corner of your garden.把它种在你花园里有阳光的角落。麦克米伦高阶〔cross over〕Let's cross over to the sunny side of the street.我们穿过街道到有阳光的一面吧。外研社新世纪〔cumulatively〕It is simple pleasures, such as a walk on a sunny day, which have a cumulative effect on our mood.一些简单的娱乐,譬如在一个阳光明媚的日子散步,就能使我们的心情更愉快。柯林斯高阶〔cumulative〕It is simple pleasures, such as a walk on a sunny day, which have a cumulative effect on our mood.能让我们的心情渐渐愉快起来的是一些简单的快乐, 譬如在一个阳光明媚的日子散步。外研社新世纪〔darken〕My sunny mood suddenly darkened.我的好心情一下就变得阴郁起来了。外研社新世纪〔darken〕My sunny mood suddenly darkened.我的好心情突然变得阴郁起来。柯林斯高阶〔dawn〕The day dawned bright and sunny.一大早阳光明媚。牛津搭配〔do a roaring trade〕It was a hot sunny day and the ice cream sellers were doing a roaring trade.天又热,日头又毒,那些卖冰激凌的生意好极了。剑桥高阶〔door〕The door opens onto a sunny terrace.门开向阳光充足的阳台。牛津搭配〔drainage〕These plants need a sunny spot with good drainage.这些植物需要种植在阳光充足的地方,土壤排水能力要强。剑桥高阶〔drive〕Sunny days drive up temperatures.阳光明媚的日子促使气温上升。英汉大词典〔dry〕The weather is usually dry and sunny at this time of year.每年这个时候的天气通常晴朗干燥,阳光明媚。麦克米伦高阶〔dull over〕It was sunny two hours ago,but now the sky has dulled over.两个钟头前还是阳光明媚的,现在天空已阴云密布了。21世纪英汉〔elsewhere〕Elsewhere, the weather today has been fairly sunny.今天其他地方的天气都比较晴朗。牛津高阶〔follow〕It’s sunny now, but it doesn’t follow that it’ll be fine tonight.此刻天晴,不过今天晚上不一定继续晴朗。牛津同义词〔forecast〕The forecast said there would be sunny intervals and showers.预报间晴,有阵雨。牛津高阶〔forecast〕The weather forecast is for a dry sunny day tomorrow.天气预报说明天天气干燥晴朗。麦克米伦高阶〔foreground〕A sign saying Sunny Dene was in the foreground and there were two dogs sitting by the gate.前面一有块牌子, 写着姗妮•迪恩, 门口蹲着两条狗。外研社新世纪〔for〕The weather report was for clear and sunny.气象报告说是晴天。英汉大词典〔get〕He got up against the sunny window to keep warm.他紧挨向阳的窗子取暖。英汉大词典〔glasses〕I wear blue-tinted glasses on sunny days.在晴朗的日子里,我戴蓝色眼镜。牛津搭配〔gloriously〕For a change, it was a gloriously sunny day.与前些日子不同, 这天天气晴朗阳光明媚。外研社新世纪〔gloriously〕For a change, it was a gloriously sunny day.那天一反常态,天空阳光明媚。柯林斯高阶〔go〕The forecast said it was going to be hot and sunny tomorrow.天气预报说,明天天气晴朗炎热。剑桥高阶〔high〕A high over southern Europe is bringing fine, sunny weather to all parts.欧洲南部上空的高气压正给各地带来阳光灿烂的好天气。牛津高阶〔high〕It was a bright sunny day and we set off in high spirits .那天阳光明媚,我们兴高采烈地出发了。朗文当代〔hiker〕On sunny days the trails are full of hikers.天气晴朗的日子里,这些小径上远足者络绎不绝。剑桥高阶〔hitherto〕The weather, which had hitherto been sunny and mild, suddenly turned cold.迄今一直晴朗温暖的天气突然变冷了美国传统〔idle away〕Residents were mowing their lawns, washing their cars and otherwise idling away a pleasant, sunny day.居民们有的在修剪草坪, 有的在洗车, 还有的在无所事事地享受阳光灿烂的怡人时光。外研社新世纪〔idle away〕Residents were mowing their lawns, washing their cars and otherwise idling away a pleasant, sunny day.居民们有的在刈草,有的在洗车,还有的在悠闲地享受阳光灿烂的怡人时光。柯林斯高阶〔image〕The name conjures up images of sunny days in Mediterranean cafes.这个名字让人想起在阳光灿烂的日子里身处地中海小餐馆的情景。外研社新世纪〔in the shade of〕It was a hot sunny day, but luckily their seats for the game were in the shade.那天艳阳高照,不过幸运的是他们观看比赛的座位在阴凉处。韦氏高阶〔inspire〕Inspired by the sunny weather, I decided to explore the woods.阳光明媚的天气令人振奋,我决定去树林里探索一番。朗文当代〔interval〕The day should be mainly dry with sunny intervals.白天大致干燥无雨,间有阳光。牛津高阶〔interval〕The outlook is for showers with sunny intervals.未来有阵雨, 间有短时晴天。外研社新世纪〔laze away〕He'll laze away the time on a sunny beach.他会在阳光明媚的沙滩上懒散地打发时间。外研社新世纪〔laze away〕People laze away sunny afternoons in the summer.夏天人们懒散地打发阳光充裕的午后。外研社新世纪〔lift〕The fog had lifted and revealed a warm, sunny day.雾已经散了,看来是温暖晴朗的一天。柯林斯高阶〔lift〕The fog had lifted and revealed a warm, sunny day.雾散了, 迎来了温暖的、阳光明媚的一天。外研社新世纪〔lovely〕The weather was lovely and sunny.天气非常晴朗。外研社新世纪〔marked〕It's warm and sunny now, in marked contrast to last week's rain.形成鲜明的对比麦克米伦高阶〔may〕Walking exercise may be boring at times but early on a clear sunny morning there can be nothing finer.有时候散步这种锻炼方式也许会比较枯燥,但若是在一个阳光明媚的清晨,还有什么比这更惬意的呢。柯林斯高阶〔mind〕I can't keep my mind on work when it's so sunny outside.外面阳光如此明媚,我没法专心工作。麦克米伦高阶〔minute〕One minute it was sunny, the next it was pouring rain.一会儿艳阳高照,一会儿大雨倾盆。韦氏高阶〔morning〕It was a nice sunny morning.那是一个阳光明媚的早晨。朗文当代〔morning〕The morning dawned bright and sunny.天一破晓便阳光明媚。牛津搭配〔mournful〕London is alway mournful, even on sunny days.伦敦经常是阴沉沉的,即使晴好天气也是这样。英汉大词典〔news〕The good news is that tomorrow will be fine and sunny.好消息是明天天晴,有太阳。朗文当代〔nickname〕She was nicknamed Sunny because of her happy nature.她因生性快乐而被人叫作“开心果”。朗文当代〔odd〕We had the odd sunny day.我们这儿零零星星有几天晴天。外研社新世纪〔outlook〕The outlook for the weekend is good, with warm, sunny weather expected to last until Monday.本周末天气形势良好, 晴暖天气可望延至下周一。英汉大词典〔outlook〕The outlook(= the probable weather)for the weekend is dry and sunny.周末天气可望晴朗干燥。牛津高阶〔outside〕It was a sunny day outside.外面的天气真好。剑桥高阶〔period〕Tomorrow's weather will be dry with sunny periods.明天天气干燥,间或晴朗。朗文当代〔place〕This plant needs a warm, sunny place.这株植物需要放在一个温暖而有阳光的地方。剑桥高阶〔position〕Place the plant in a bright sunny position.把植物放在一个光照充足的位置。麦克米伦高阶〔predominate〕Sunny days predominate over rainy days in desert regions.在沙漠地带,绝大多数日子是艳阳天,下雨天极少。英汉大词典〔pressing〕My most pressing question is why no one wears a hat on this sunny, tropical island.最让我百思不得其解的就是在这个烈日炎炎的热带岛屿上为什么谁也不戴帽子。外研社新世纪〔promise〕The day dawned bright and clear, with the promise of warm, sunny weather.拂晓时晴空万里,预示着温暖晴朗的天气。牛津高阶〔rainy〕We had three rainy days on holiday, but otherwise it was sunny.我们度假时遇到3个雨天,不过其他的日子都是阳光明媚。剑桥高阶〔rapt〕I sat in my sunny doorway, rapt in a reverie.我坐在我家满地阳光的门口处,出神冥想。英汉大词典〔remain out〕It's sunny today,and you'd better remain out for an hour.今天天气晴好,你最好在户外呆一小时。21世纪英汉〔retouch〕We had the wedding photos retouched to make it seem like a sunny day.我们把结婚照进行了修饰,这样看上去就像是在晴天照的一样。剑桥高阶〔ripen〕You can ripen the tomatoes on a sunny windowsill.把西红柿放在有阳光的窗台上可以让它们成熟。柯林斯高阶〔rule〕Sunny skies are the rule at this time of year.每年这个时候晴空万里是很常见的。麦克米伦高阶〔shade〕These plants will grow happily in a sunny or partially shaded spot.这些植物在阳光充足或有部分光线照射的地方长势良好。柯林斯高阶〔shadow〕You can see your own shadow on a sunny day.在阳光灿烂的日子里你可以看到自己的影子。韦氏高阶〔sheltered〕These plants will flourish in a sunny sheltered position.这些植物在阳光充足、不经风雨的地方会生长茂盛。麦克米伦高阶〔shower〕There'll be bright or sunny spells and scattered showers this afternoon.今天下午天气晴好,间有零星阵雨。柯林斯高阶〔show〕She showed me into a sunny room where two children were playing.她带我走进了一个光线充足的房间,里面有两个小孩在玩耍。麦克米伦高阶〔side〕I'd like my eggs sunny side up.我的鸡蛋请单煎一面。牛津搭配〔sky〕We're off to the sunny skies of Florida.我们要离开这里去享受佛罗里达晴朗的天空了。剑桥高阶〔sleeve〕It was sunny, and everyone was in short sleeves.阳光明媚,人人都穿着短袖。牛津搭配〔smile〕Her sunny smile vanished as she read the letter.她读到这封信时,脸上愉快的笑容消失了。牛津搭配〔smile〕Let's hope the gods smile on us and it's sunny tomorrow.但愿天公作美,明天天晴。麦克米伦高阶〔somewhere〕I'd like to go on holiday, somewhere sunny.我想去度假, 到某个阳光明媚的地方。外研社新世纪〔specially〕It will be hard to work today—specially when it's so warm and sunny outside.今天无心工作,尤其是外面这样风和日丽。牛津高阶〔spell〕The weather forecast is for dry, sunny spells.天气预报说是持续干燥的晴天。剑桥高阶〔spell〕There will be rain at first, with sunny spells later.开始会有雨,雨后间晴。牛津高阶〔spot〕We found him sitting in a sunny spot in the garden.我们发现他正坐在花园里一个光照充足的地方。麦克米伦高阶〔spring〕It was a cold, sunny day in early spring.那是早春时一个寒冷的晴天。朗文当代〔stand〕Stand the plant in the open in a sunny, sheltered place.把这株植物放在一个阳光充足、上方有遮盖物的开阔处。柯林斯高阶〔stand〕Stand the plant on a sunny windowsill.把这盆绿植放在一个阳光充足的窗台上。外研社新世纪〔stiffly〕Next morning dawned clear and sunny, with a stiff breeze rustling the trees.次日一大早,天空晴朗无云,大风吹得树木沙沙作响。柯林斯高阶〔sunny side〕I try to look on the sunny side of things.我看待事物尽力看其好的一面。外研社新世纪〔sunny〕He had a sunny disposition.他的性格很阳光。外研社新世纪〔sunny〕He was a nice lad — bright and with a sunny disposition.他是个不错的小伙子——聪明伶俐而且性格开朗。柯林斯高阶〔sunny〕I hope it's sunny tomorrow.我希望明天天晴。朗文当代〔sunny〕I want my eggs sunny side up.我想要只煎一面的鸡蛋。柯林斯高阶〔sunny〕If it's sunny later, we can go to the park.如果待会儿出太阳的话,我们就可以去公园了。韦氏高阶〔sunny〕It was a beautiful sunny day.这是一个阳光明媚的美好日子。麦克米伦高阶〔sunny〕It was a bright sunny day.那是艳阳高照的一天。牛津搭配〔sunny〕It was always good to see her sunny smile.看到她快乐的笑容总是会令人开心。麦克米伦高阶〔sunny〕It's gorgeously sunny outside.外面阳光明媚。牛津搭配〔sunny〕Most roses like a sunny position in a fairly fertile soil.多数玫瑰在土地肥沃、阳光充足的地方长得最好。柯林斯高阶〔sunny〕She has a very sunny disposition.她性情非常开朗。剑桥高阶〔sunny〕The outlook for the weekend is hot and sunny.预计本周末天气晴朗炎热。牛津高阶〔sunny〕The staff wear big sunny smiles.员工的脸上都带着灿烂的笑容。柯林斯高阶〔sunny〕The weather was surprisingly warm and sunny.天气出奇地暖和,阳光充足。柯林斯高阶〔sunny〕The weather was surprisingly warm and sunny.天气意外地暖和晴朗。外研社新世纪〔sunny〕The weather will be warm and sunny for most of the week.这周绝大部分的时候将是晴朗和煦的天气。麦克米伦高阶〔sunny〕There is a chance of sunny spells in the West.西部可能会有一段天气晴朗的日子。柯林斯高阶〔sunny〕Tuesday will be dry with sunny spells (=sunny periods) .周二无雨,间晴。朗文当代〔sunny〕We found a sunny place/spot to have lunch.我们找到一个阳光充足的地方用午餐。韦氏高阶〔sunny〕We're having the party in the garden, so I'm praying it'll be sunny.我们要在花园里举行聚会,所以我正祈祷那天会阳光明媚。剑桥高阶〔suppose〕Today was supposed to have been sunny, but it's raining.原本以为今天是晴天,结果却下起了雨。麦克米伦高阶〔then〕Sometimes it's sunny, then it's rainy.天气时晴时雨。文馨英汉〔tone〕Blue can be used to tone down very sunny rooms.可以用蓝色使阳光十分充足的房间变得柔和些。朗文当代〔turnout〕Sunny weather helped boost the turnout at Sunday's rally.晴朗的天气使得星期天集会的人数有所增加。麦克米伦高阶〔unseasonable〕When you're used to snow in January, warm sunny weather feels unseasonable.当习惯了有雪的1月份,温暖晴好的天气就会让人觉得反常。剑桥高阶〔weather〕It was sunny until the weekend, but then the weather broke.周末之前天气还是阳光明媚的,可是接着就变天了。牛津搭配〔welcome〕The sunny weather was a welcome bonus.阳光灿烂的天气令人喜出望外。麦克米伦高阶〔windowsill〕Place the plants on a sunny windowsill.把这些植物放在阳光充足的窗台上。牛津高阶〔wish〕If I could wish myself anywhere in the world (= go anywhere as a result of making a wish) right now it would be somewhere hot and sunny.如果现在我想去什么地方就能去什么地方的话,我希望去一个暖风扑面阳光明媚的地方。剑桥高阶〔zero〕It's a sunny late winter day, just a few degrees above zero.这是晚冬阳光明媚的一天, 温度只有零上几度。外研社新世纪〔zero〕It's a sunny late winter day, just a few degrees above zero.那是晚冬阳光明媚的一天,温度只有零上几度。柯林斯高阶Sunny days are driving up the temperature. 阳光明媚的日子使气温上升。译典通As a child she had a lovely sunny nature--everyone loved her.她孩童时生性活泼开朗----大家都喜欢她。剑桥国际Come to sunny Bridlington for your holidays! 到阳光明媚的布里德林顿来度假吧!剑桥国际I always wear sunglasses when I'm driving on a sunny day.有太阳的日子我总是戴太阳眼镜开车。剑桥国际I stayed in a sunny room. 我住在一间阳光充足的房间里。译典通If I could wish myself anywhere in the world (= go anywhere as a result of making a wish) right now it would be somewhere hot and sunny.如果我可以盼祷马上到世界上的任何一个地方,我希望能去一个暖和,充满阳光的地方。剑桥国际It was a sunny Sunday, with cloudless blue skies (= weather conditions) and a pleasantly refreshing breeze.这是个晴朗的星期日,蓝天无云,吹着令人愉快的清新微风。剑桥国际It was a sunny afternoon.这是一个晴朗和煦的下午。剑桥国际It was a sunny day so they decided to bunk off (= not go to) school.天气晴朗,于是他们决定逃学。剑桥国际It was a sunny, breezy day (= one with quite strong but pleasant winds), just right for sailing.天气晴朗,有微风,正好适合扬帆航行。剑桥国际It was a hot sunny day and the ice-cream sellers were doing a roaring trade.那是炎热晴朗的一天,冰淇淋销售者们的生意很兴隆。剑桥国际It was a hot sunny day, but it was so humid that my clothes were sticking to me.这是个炎热的晴日,但天气太潮湿,我的衣服和人都粘在了一起。剑桥国际It was hot and sunny on Christmas Day -- it didn't feel at all Christmassy to those of us used to cold dark winter days.圣诞节那天天气炎热,阳光灿烂----对于我们这些习惯于寒冷阴暗的冬日的人来说一点都感觉不到圣诞气氛。剑桥国际It's hot and sunny in the north-west but not elsewhere.西北部天气炎热,日照量大,但别的地方不是这样。剑桥国际My ideal (=perfect situation) is to live in a warm, sunny climate.我的理想是生活在温暖的、阳光明媚的气候之中。剑桥国际On a warm sunny day the river/lake/sea seems placid and benign, and it's hard to believe it can be dangerous.在一个暖和、阳光明媚的日子,河面/湖面/海面显得宁静温和,很难想象它有危险的时候。剑桥国际On a warm sunny day there are few things more pleasant than a gentle boat trip down the Thames.在一个温暖阳光充足的日子里没有什么比乘着小船顺着泰晤士河缓缓行进更愉快的事了。剑桥国际She fortified herself during the winter months with the thought of the warm sunny weather to come.在冬季她想着温暖晴朗的天气即将来临,以振奋自己的精神。剑桥国际She had a sunny disposition. 她性情开朗。译典通She has a very sunny disposition.她的性格很开朗。剑桥国际She was wearing a pretty sky-blue dress (= a dress of the bright blue colour of the sky on a sunny day).她穿了一条漂亮的天蓝色裙子。剑桥国际The sunny savanna yields no food. 这个阳光充裕的无树平原不产食物。译典通The sunny weather is likely to continue until the weekend, when thunderstorms are expected.大晴天一直要持续到周末为止,预计那时会下雷暴雨。剑桥国际The waves bathed the sunny shores. 波浪冲刷著阳光海岸。译典通The weather forecast is for dry, sunny spells.天气预报说是持续干燥的晴天。剑桥国际The weather forecast said it would be dry with a few sunny spells/intervals.预报说无雨间有阳光。剑桥国际The weather's been gloriously (= giving great pleasure) sunny this week.这星期的天气晴朗宜人。剑桥国际They basked themselves on the sunny beach. 他们在充满阳光的海滩上晒太阳。译典通This is a cheerful, sunny room. 这个房间阳光充足,令人愉快。译典通This plant needs a warm, sunny place.这株植物需要一个温暖,有阳光的地方。剑桥国际Today will be mostly fine and sunny, with intermittent showers. 今天大部分时间天气晴朗,有间断阵雨。译典通Tomorrow will be sunny in the south, but there will be intermittent rain in the north.明天南部地区晴朗,但北部地区会有间歇雨。剑桥国际We decided to braai (the meat) outside because it was sunny.阳光这么明媚我们决定到户外烤肉。剑桥国际We finally got a sunny day after the long raining spell. 过了长长一阵子雨天之后,终于有了放晴的一天。译典通We had the wedding photos retouched to make it seem like a sunny day.我们请人把婚礼照片修描了,使它看上去像是晴天。剑桥国际We had three rainy days on holiday, but otherwise it was sunny.假期里我们有三天雨天,不过其余日子都是阳光明媚。剑桥国际We're having the party in the garden, so I'm praying it'll be sunny.我们将在花园里举行宴会,所以我祈求那天阳光明媚。剑桥国际When you're used to snow in January, warm sunny weather feels unseasonable.当你习惯于一月份下雪时,那么温暖晴朗的天气反而会令人感到不合季节。剑桥国际Yesterday was a real scorcher (= an extremely hot and sunny day).昨天真是热得够呛。剑桥国际




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