

单词 帆桁
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔brace〕Nautical A rope by which a yard is swung and secured on a square-rigged ship.【航海】 转帆索:在方帆船悬挂和固定帆桁的绳子美国传统〔clew down〕The captain asked the sailors to clew dowm.船长要水手扯下帆桁。21世纪英汉〔clew line〕A rope used to raise the clew of a sail up to the yard or mast.收帆索:用于将帆的下角升到帆桁或桅杆上美国传统〔collective〕The collective name for mast, boom and sails on a boat is the ‘rig’.船的桅杆、帆桁和帆总称为“索具”。牛津高阶〔earing〕A short line attaching an upper corner of a sail to the yard.帆眼绳:一种将帆的上半角固定到帆桁上短绳美国传统〔fill〕To adjust (a yard) so that wind will cause a sail to swell.张帆:调整(帆桁)使风可以充满帆美国传统〔flying jib〕A light sail that extends beyond the jib and is attached to an extension of the jib boom.飞伸三角帆:张挂在悬桁外边飞伸向船首斜帆桁上的帆美国传统〔halyard〕A rope used to raise or lower a sail, flag, or yard.吊索,升降索:用来升起或降下船帆,船旗、帆桁的绳索美国传统〔home〕The boom is home.帆桁位置合适。外研社新世纪〔jackstay〕A rope or rod running vertically on the forward side of the mast on which the yard moves.帆桅支索,纵竖索杆:在桅杆前面垂直运动的绳或杆,帆桁在此上移动美国传统〔jackstay〕A rope, rod, or batten along the upper side of a yard, gaff, or boom to which a sail is fastened.天篷支索:吊在帆桁、斜桁或木桁上面的绳、杆或压条,用来收紧帆美国传统〔jib boom〕A spar forming a continuation of the bowsprit.船首斜帆桁:形成一个船首斜桁连续体的帆桁美国传统〔main yard〕The lower yard on a mainmast.主桅下帆桁:在主桅上的下帆桁美国传统〔martingale〕Nautical Any of several parts of standing rigging strengthening the bowsprit and jib boom against the force of the head stays.【航海】 艏斜桁撑杆,艏斜桁撑杆支索:一种直立索具,用以加固船首斜桁和船斜帆桁,以抵御船头支索力量美国传统〔parrel〕A sliding loop of rope or chain by which a running yard or gaff is connected to, while still being able to move vertically along, the mast.装于帆桁中央两侧的索具:能滑动的绳圈或链子,用来把帆桁或缆索拴在船桅上,使之仍可以随意升降美国传统〔sling〕Nautical A rope or chain for supporting a yard.【航海】 桁索:用来支撑帆桁顶端的绳子或链子美国传统〔studdingsail〕A narrow rectangular sail set from extensions of the yards of square-rigged ships.辅助帆:由于横帆船帆桁的延伸而设的一种长方形窄帆美国传统〔sway up〕Another man is needed to sway the mast up.要扯起帆桁,还得过来一个人!21世纪英汉〔trim〕The readiness of a vessel for sailing with regard to ballast, sails, and yards.船的航行状态:从船的压载、船帆和帆桁方面考虑看船的状况是否能够航行美国传统〔trim〕To adjust (the sails and yards) so that they receive the wind properly.调整以适应风向:调整(船帆和帆桁)以使能恰当地迎接风力美国传统〔trim〕To make sails and yards ready for sailing.准备船帆和帆桁以使扬帆航行美国传统〔truss〕Nautical An iron fitting by which a lower yard is secured to a mast.【航海】 桁架,构架:把下帆桁系在桅杆上的铁具美国传统〔yard〕Nautical A long tapering spar slung to a mast to support and spread the head of a square sail, lugsail, or lateen.【航海】 帆桁:吊在桅杆上一头渐细的长柱,用来支撑和展开横帆、梯形帆或三角帆的顶端美国传统




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