

单词 smog
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔MIX〕Greenhouse gases combine with hydrocarbons to form smog. 温室气体与碳氢化合物相混合就形成了烟雾。朗文写作活用〔common〕Today smog is a common occurrence in many major cities.如今烟雾在许多大城市已是司空见惯的事。麦克米伦高阶〔enemy〕Smog is the enemy of healthy lungs.烟雾对肺部健康有害。英汉大词典〔infamous〕Los Angeles' infamous smog 恶名远播的洛杉矶烟雾朗文当代〔lift〕By afternoon the smog had lifted.到下午雾气散尽美国传统〔miasma〕A miasma of smog settled over the city.污浊的烟雾笼罩在城市上空。韦氏高阶〔overhang〕The city was overhung with the pollutant smog.整个城市弥漫在污染的浓雾之中。21世纪英汉〔prevalent〕Smog is more prevalent in urban centres.烟雾在城市中心更为普遍。英汉大词典〔smog〕Smog is a major problem in Athens.雾霾是雅典的一个主要问题。剑桥高阶〔smog〕Smog levels are high today.今天烟雾很大。牛津搭配〔smog〕As we flew into the airport, we could see a murky yellow smog hovering over the city.我们飞进机场时,可以看到一层黄色的雾霾笼罩在城市上空。剑桥高阶〔smog〕Automobile exhaust fumes are one of the major causes of smog.汽车排出的废气是造成烟雾的主要原因之一。英汉大词典〔smog〕Black smog reduced visibility to about 50 meters.黑色的烟雾将能见度减到大约50公尺。文馨英汉〔smog〕Cars cause pollution, both smog and acid rain.汽车会造成污染, 导致出现烟雾和酸雨。外研社新世纪〔smog〕Cars cause pollution, both smog and acid rain.汽车造成的污染既有烟雾也有酸雨。柯林斯高阶〔witches' brew〕The smog is composed of a witches' brew of car exhaust and smoke from factories. 雾霾是汽车尾气和工厂废气的混合物。剑桥高阶Smog clouded the whole city. 烟雾笼罩全城。译典通Smog is a major problem in Los Angeles.烟雾是洛杉矶的一大问题。剑桥国际A poisonous pall of smog hung over the town.一种有毒的烟雾盘旋在城镇上空。剑桥国际As we flew into the airport, we could see a murky yellow smog hovering over the city.当我们飞进机场的时候,我们看见朦胧黄雾弥漫在城市的上空。剑桥国际Black smog reduced visibility to about fifty yards. 黑色的烟雾使能见度降到大约五十码左右。译典通Car exhaust is the main reason for the city's smog problem.汽车废气是城市烟雾问题的主要原因。剑桥国际During the summer months, the city is smothered in smog and choking with traffic.在夏季的几个月中,城市被烟雾所笼罩,尽是交通堵塞。剑桥国际Photochemical smogs are worse in summer, when the sun's rays on the cloud of traffic fumes produce a photochemical reaction, creating high levels of ozone.当夏天阳光照射在交通排放的废气团上,产生光化作用释放大量臭氧,光化烟雾就更加严重了。剑桥国际Such high levels of smog would not normally be expected in a coastal city, where sea breezes should help to disperse it.海岸城市一般不会出现如此高的烟雾浓度,因为海风能够驱散烟雾。剑桥国际Sulphur dioxide dissolves in the motes of dust and water droplets that make up smog, producing sulphuric acid.二氧化硫溶解在形成烟雾的灰尘微粒与水滴中,产生硫酸。剑桥国际The air is polluted with the smother of traffic and industrial smog. 空气被令人窒息的车辆废气和工业烟雾污染了。译典通The streets became increasingly eerie in a fake twilight created by a smog of mist and smoke.笼罩在由迷雾和炊烟造成的虚假暮光中的街道变得越来越恐怖了。剑桥国际




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