

单词 sew
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔art〕the know-how to sew one's own clothes; 自己缝制衣服的本事;美国传统〔button〕to sew on a button 缝上扣子牛津高阶〔cotton〕sew buttons on with cotton 用棉线缝上钮扣英汉大词典〔cotton〕cotton to sew on a button.缝上钮扣用的棉线。牛津同义词〔needle〕sew a button with needle and thread 用针线缝钮扣英汉大词典〔sew ... up〕to sew up a hole in the sock缝补袜子上的破洞21世纪英汉〔sew〕sew a buttonhole 锁扣眼英汉大词典〔sew〕sew a dress; sew on a button.缝制衣服;缝扣子美国传统〔sew〕sew a skirt/hem 缝裙子/褶边麦克米伦高阶〔sew〕sew an incision closed.将切口缝合美国传统〔sew〕sew back severed limbs 缝合断肢英汉大词典〔sew〕sew in a patch 缝入一块补钉英汉大词典〔sew〕sew money into one's belt 把钱缝入腰带英汉大词典〔sew〕sew sb. a shirt 为某人缝制一件衬衫英汉大词典〔sew〕sew the scattered sheets of a book 把书的散页重新装订成册英汉大词典〔sew〕sew two pieces of cloth together 缝合两块布英汉大词典〔sew〕sew up a cut on sb.'s arm 缝合某人手臂上的伤口英汉大词典〔sew〕sew up a deal 谈妥一笔交易英汉大词典〔sew〕sew up a rip in one's gown 把长袍上的裂缝补好英汉大词典〔sew〕sew up an election 确保选举胜利英汉大词典〔sew〕sew up money in a cloth bag 把钱缝入布袋英汉大词典〔sew〕sew up the district with a cordon 以警戒线封锁该地区英汉大词典〔sew〕sew up the market 垄断市场英汉大词典〔sew〕sew up the world computer trade 垄断全球计算机贸易英汉大词典〔sew〕campaign strategists who were trying to sew up the election results.试图确保选举结果的行动策划者美国传统〔sew〕to sew a new zip on缝上一条新拉链21世纪英汉〔sew〕to sew a seam 缝接缝牛津高阶〔sew〕to sew an old coat缝补旧上衣21世纪英汉〔sew〕to sew by hand/machine 手工/机器缝制牛津高阶〔sew〕to sew flour in a bag把面粉封入袋中21世纪英汉〔sew〕to sew up a hole in your jeans.把牛仔裤上的洞缝补好。牛津同义词〔sew〕to sew up a seam 缝上接缝牛津高阶〔together〕sew (tie, stick) things together 把东西缝(扎,粘)在一起英汉大词典




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