

单词 scatter
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BEND〕Pieces of twisted metal and rusted pipe lay scattered around the yard. 院子里到处散放着扭曲的金属碎片和生锈的管子。朗文写作活用〔BITE〕Hens pecked at the corn scattered on the ground. 母鸡啄着散落在地上的谷粒。朗文写作活用〔Carian〕The extinct Anatolian language of the Carians, known from scattered funerary inscriptions.卡里亚语:人的安纳托利亚语,今已消失,目前对该语言的了解来自墓碑上的铭文美国传统〔Chibchan〕A member of a widely scattered Indian people of Colombia and Central America.奇布查人:哥伦比亚和中美洲的一支广泛分布的印第安人部落的成员美国传统〔Compton effect〕The increase in wavelength of electromagnetic radiation, especially of an x-ray or a gamma-ray photon, scattered by an electron.康普顿效应:X射线或γ射线的光子与电子发生碰撞并被散射时,电磁辐射的波长同时增加的现象美国传统〔EMPTY〕The thieves had turned out the drawer, scattering the contents on the floor. 窃贼们翻空了抽屉,里面的东西撒落了一地。朗文写作活用〔LEAVE〕There was a sudden crack of gunfire, and the crowd scattered. 突然一声枪响,人群四散而逃。朗文写作活用〔RECOGNIZE〕The explosion left nothing but small, unrecognizable pieces of the aircraft scattered over the field. 飞机爆炸后只有小块的、无法辨认的碎片散落在田野上。朗文写作活用〔RUN〕The doors flew open, and Pascoe charged across the foyer, scattering people in all directions. 门忽然打开了,帕斯科猛冲过前厅,使得大家四散逃开。朗文写作活用〔SPREAD〕At the sound of gunfire, the crowd scattered in all directions. 枪声一响,人群便四散而逃。朗文写作活用〔SPREAD〕Pieces of twisted metal and rusted pipe lay scattered around the yard. 一段段变形的金属和生锈的管子散在院子里。朗文写作活用〔SPREAD〕The storm scattered tiles everywhere. 风暴吹得瓦片散落在各处。朗文写作活用〔SPREAD〕When a police van drove by, the boys scattered. 一辆警车驶过,男孩子们便逃散了。朗文写作活用〔SPREAD〕Why don't you scatter a few cushions around the room? 你为什么不在房间里放几个垫子呢?朗文写作活用〔VARIOUS/OF DIFFERENT KINDS〕All manner of foodstuffs lay scattered on the kitchen table. 厨房的桌子上散放着各式各样的食品。朗文写作活用〔WEAK〕The plant in the corner was wilting, its brilliant yellow petals scattered on the floor. 角落里那株花正在枯萎,金黄色的花瓣散落在地上。朗文写作活用〔Yanomami〕A member of a South American Indian people living in widely scattered villages along the Brazil-Venezuela border.雅诺玛密族:南美洲印第安人民族,普遍分布在沿巴西-委内瑞拉边界的村落美国传统〔about〕Books were scattered about the room.房间里到处摊著书。朗文当代〔about〕Cushions were scattered about on the chairs.垫子散放在椅子上。朗文当代〔about〕There were articles of clothing scattered about the room.衣物散落在房间各处。麦克米伦高阶〔across〕Her family is scattered across the country.她家中的人散居全国各地。牛津高阶〔across〕There are 20 million landmines scattered right across the region.在(某地)的每一处麦克米伦高阶〔alarm〕The bandits scattered in alarm.匪徒们惶惶然四散逃窜。英汉大词典〔among〕There were several hecklers scattered among the crowd.一些捣乱分子散布在人群中。韦氏高阶〔archipelago〕A sea, such as the Aegean, containing a large number of scattered islands.多岛屿的海:包含有大量分散岛屿的海,如爱琴海美国传统〔area〕Wreckage from the plane was scattered over a large area.飞机的残骸散落在面积广大的区域内。牛津搭配〔area〕Wreckage from the plane was scattered over a wide area.飞机失事残骸散落在一个广阔地域。牛津高阶〔around〕Police in South Africa say ten people have died in scattered violence around the country.南非警方称,在全国各地零星发生的暴力事件中,有10人死亡。柯林斯高阶〔around〕Ten people have died in scattered violence around the country.在全国各地零星发生的暴力事件中, 有10人死亡。外研社新世纪〔around〕They have about 15 offices scattered around the country.他们在全国约有15个办事处。麦克米伦高阶〔ash〕He asked to have his ashes scattered along the river.他要求把自己的骨灰撒入那条河里。韦氏高阶〔ash〕Her ashes were scattered at sea.她的骨灰撒在了大海里。剑桥高阶〔ash〕His ashes are to be scattered at sea.他的骨灰将撒在海中。麦克米伦高阶〔ash〕His ashes were scattered at sea.他的骨灰被撒向大海。朗文当代〔ash〕His ashes were scattered on his beloved farm.他的骨灰被撒在他挚爱的农场上。牛津搭配〔bag〕When the ball broke the window, the boys scattered and left George holding the bag.球击碎玻璃窗时孩子们一哄而散,让乔治一人背黑锅。英汉大词典〔borough〕There are factories scattered throughout the borough.工厂遍布自治市各地。牛津搭配〔break open〕The pods broke open and the seeds scattered on the wind.荚果裂开,种子随风飘散了。韦氏高阶〔break〕Games To make the opening shot that scatters the grouped balls in billiards or pool.【游戏】 开球:打台球时开球破局美国传统〔broadcast〕Scattered over a wide area.撒播的美国传统〔broadcast〕The act of scattering seed.播种美国传统〔campo〕A large grassy plain in South America, with scattered bushes and small trees.南美草原:南美的一个大而多草的平原,零星地长有一些灌木丛和小树美国传统〔cast〕To cause (hunting hounds) to scatter and circle in search of a lost scent.散开搜寻:使(猎狗)散开并且去搜寻一种失落的气味美国传统〔chaotic〕Everything breakable had been broken and scattered chaotically about the room.房间里能打碎的东西都打碎了,一片狼藉。柯林斯高阶〔chum〕Bait usually consisting of oily fish ground up and scattered on the water.鱼饵,诱饵:鱼饵,通常由沾油的鱼类构成,在水底和散在水面上美国传统〔colony〕Many of our troops and officers were scattered around the world in the service of His Majesty in the colonies.我们的很多部队和军官分驻世界各地的英属殖民地,为英王效力。柯林斯高阶〔colony〕Many of our troops and officers were scattered around the world in the service of His Majesty in the colonies.我们的许多战士及军官遍布世界各地, 在殖民地为英王效力。外研社新世纪〔condense〕Stars condense from the matter scattered thinly through interstellar space.恒星是疏散在星际空间的物质凝聚而成的。英汉大词典〔crumb〕She bit into the roll, scattering crumbs.她咬了一口面包卷,面包屑散落下来。牛津搭配〔daily〕Copies of the local daily had been scattered on a table.几份当地的日报散放在桌子上。柯林斯高阶〔debris〕Debris from the aircraft was scattered over a large area.飞机残片散落在一片很大的区域。剑桥高阶〔debris〕The scattered remains of something broken or destroyed; rubble or wreckage.残骸:破裂或被毁坏的东西剩下的碎片;碎石或残余物美国传统〔debris〕The tank exploded, scattering debris all over the field.坦克爆炸了,整个原野上都散落着碎片残骸。牛津搭配〔decay〕The ground was scattered with decaying leaves.地上散落着腐烂的叶子。外研社新世纪〔diffusion〕The scattering of incident light by reflection from a rough surface.漫射:入射光线在粗糙表面的反射下分散美国传统〔direction〕When the police arrived, the crowd scattered in all directions.警察赶到后,人群便向四面八方散开了。牛津高阶〔disorder〕Inside all was disorder: drawers fallen out, shoes and boots scattered.屋内凌乱不堪:抽屉都掉落出来,鞋靴东一只西一只满地都是。柯林斯高阶〔disorder〕Inside all was disorder: drawers fallen out, shoes and boots scattered.里面一片狼藉:抽屉都掉落出来, 鞋靴散落了一地。外研社新世纪〔disperse〕To move in different directions; scatter.散布,散开:移向不同的方向;散布美国传统〔dispersion〕Statistics The degree of scatter of data, usually about an average value, such as the median.【统计学】 离中趋势,离散度:数据的离散度,常指大约平均值,如中位数美国传统〔disseminate〕To scatter widely, as in sowing seed.传播,散布,如种子美国传统〔dress〕Scatter the tomato over, then dress the salad.把番茄散开放在上面, 然后浇上沙拉酱。外研社新世纪〔duster〕A device for sifting or scattering a powdered substance.喷粉机:用来筛或撒粉状物质的器具美国传统〔earth〕The wreckage of the plane was scattered across the scorched earth.飞机残骸散落在烧焦的土地上。牛津搭配〔explode〕Sports To hit a golf ball out of a sand trap with a shot that scatters the sand.【体育运动】 击出沙坑:扬起沙土的一击,将高尔夫球击出沙坑美国传统〔flaming〕The plane scattered flaming fragments over a large area.飞机燃烧的碎片散落到大片区域里。外研社新世纪〔focus〕In the morning, traders said, trading was out of focus and buy orders were scattered over a wide range of issues.上午, 交易商说, 交易中没有出现热点, 买盘分散于多种债券。外研社新世纪〔fragmentation bomb〕An aerial antipersonnel bomb that scatters shrapnel over a wide area upon explosion.杀伤炸弹:一种有杀伤力的空投炸弹,爆炸时使榴霰弹散布于广阔地区美国传统〔fragmentation grenade〕A grenade that scatters shrapnel over a wide area upon explosion.杀伤手榴弹:一种手榴弹,爆炸时散播榴霰弹于广阔地区美国传统〔gather〕She gathered up the newspapers that were scattered around the floor.她把散落在地板上的报纸收拾起来。剑桥高阶〔go〕When I go, I'd like to have my ashes scattered at sea.我死后想把骨灰撒到大海里。朗文当代〔habitation〕The road serves the scattered habitations along the coast.这条路连接着海岸线上分散各处的聚落。牛津高阶〔heedless〕She was rummaging through the letters, scattering them about the table in her heedless haste.她在信件中翻找, 匆忙冒失之下将它们扔得满桌都是。外研社新世纪〔heedless〕She was rummaging through the letters, scattering them about the table in her heedless haste.她在信件里乱翻,匆忙冒失之下将它们扔得满桌都是。柯林斯高阶〔herd〕The herd of cows were scattered over the field.牛群散布在田野上。英汉大词典〔here〕Papers were scattered here and there on the floor.地板上到处散落着文件。牛津高阶〔here〕There were a number of cottages scattered here and there across the hillside.山坡那边零零星星地有一些村舍。麦克米伦高阶〔inelastic scattering〕The scattering of particles resulting from inelastic collision.非弹性散射:由于非弹性碰撞而引起的物体或粒子的散射美国传统〔it〕They played hide-and-seek; Susan was “It” and the others scattered to hide.他们玩捉迷藏,苏珊做“捉人者”,其他人四下散开找地方躲起来。英汉大词典〔lamp〕Scattered lights lamped the highway.零散的灯光照亮着公路。英汉大词典〔large〕He scatters imputations at large.他任意散布流言蜚语。英汉大词典〔lie〕Broken glass lay scattered on the carpet.碎玻璃散落在地毯上。外研社新世纪〔lie〕Broken glass lay scattered on the ground.破玻璃散置在地上。文馨英汉〔litter〕To scatter litter.乱扔杂物美国传统〔organize〕She took a hasty cup of coffee and tried to organize her scattered thoughts.她匆匆喝了杯咖啡,试图整理一下纷乱的思绪。柯林斯高阶〔outlook〕The outlook for tomorrow is scattered showers and temperatures in the 70s.明天有零星阵雨,气温为70多华氏度。韦氏高阶〔paper〕Scraps of wrapping paper were scattered around.包装纸的碎片扔得满地都是。牛津搭配〔parkland〕Grassland with scattered clusters of trees or shrubs.稀树高原:稀疏地散布着树丛和灌木丛的草地美国传统〔period〕Scattered showers are expected with a few periods of sunshine.预计未来一段时间内天晴,间有零星小雨。韦氏高阶〔plateau〕The summit is a windswept plateau of scattered rocks.山顶暴风肆虐,碎石散布。牛津搭配〔progeny〕His numerous progeny are scattered all over the country.他有很多后代,遍布在全国各地。剑桥高阶〔sawdust〕Sawdust was scattered on the floor.木屑撒了一地板。英汉大词典〔scatter cushion〕A few scatter cushions would help to brighten up that old sofa.加几个垫子,会使这个旧沙发增色不少。剑桥高阶〔scattered〕Scattered fighting continued.零星战斗还在继续。麦克米伦高阶〔scattered〕Broken glass lay scattered over the floor.碎玻璃散落在地板上。朗文当代〔scattered〕Every surface is scattered with photographs.每张桌面上都摊满了照片。外研社新世纪〔scattered〕Every surface is scattered with photographs.每面都贴满了照片。柯林斯高阶〔scattered〕He picked up the scattered toys.他捡起扔得到处都是的玩具。外研社新世纪〔scattered〕He picked up the scattered toys.他收拾好扔得到处都是的玩具。柯林斯高阶〔scattered〕Her family are scattered around the world.她的家人散居在世界各地。牛津高阶〔scattered〕Houses are scattered along the river.河边坐落着稀稀落落的房子。韦氏高阶〔scattered〕My family is scattered throughout the country.我的家人分散在全国各地。韦氏高阶〔scattered〕My relatives are scattered all over the country.我的亲属分散在全国各地。麦克米伦高阶〔scattered〕The forecast is for scattered showers (= separate areas of rain) tomorrow.气象预报说明天局部地区有阵雨。剑桥高阶〔scattered〕The people live in widely scattered communities.人们住在零散分布的社区里。牛津搭配〔scattered〕The sky was scattered with stars.天上繁星点点。朗文当代〔scattered〕The toys were scattered all over the house.屋子里到处都是玩具。韦氏高阶〔scattered〕The whole area was scattered with debris.整个区域到处散落着残骸。牛津搭配〔scattered〕There will be some scattered showers (=short periods of rain) in the afternoon.下午将有零星阵雨。朗文当代〔scattered〕Tomorrow it will be mostly cloudy with scattered showers.明天以多云为主,伴有零星阵雨。麦克米伦高阶〔scattered〕Toys and books were scattered about/around the room.房间里到处都是玩具和书籍。剑桥高阶〔scattering layer〕A concentrated layer of organisms in the ocean that reflects and scatters sound waves, as from sonar.散射层:海洋中反射及分散声波的,如来自声纳的生物体密集层美国传统〔scattering〕Mr. James had had a scattering of very wealthy friends.詹姆斯先生已经结交了两三个豪门朋友。柯林斯高阶〔scattering〕Placed irregularly and far apart; scattered.散乱的:不规则及很零散地放置;散布美国传统〔scattering〕The village was just a scattering of houses along the river.那个村子只不过是一些沿河散布的房子而已。麦克米伦高阶〔scattering〕There was a scattering of people in the hall.大厅里有零零落落的几个人。外研社新世纪〔scatter〕Scatter the grass seed over the lawn.把草籽撒到草坪上。牛津高阶〔scatter〕Scatter the lawn with grass seed.在草坪上撒上草籽。牛津高阶〔scatter〕Scatter the onions over the fish.把洋葱撒在鱼上面。朗文当代〔scatter〕Scatter the powder around the plants.把这种药粉撒在植物周围。剑桥高阶〔scatter〕Don't scatter your strength.不要分散精力。英汉大词典〔scatter〕He scatters his toys all around the house.他把玩具丢得满屋子都是。韦氏高阶〔scatter〕He began by scattering seed and putting in plants.他从播种和栽苗开始。柯林斯高阶〔scatter〕I scattered some grain on the floor of the hen house.我把一些谷子撒在鸡舍里的地上。麦克米伦高阶〔scatter〕I scattered the whole lawn with grass seed.我在整个草坪上都撒下草籽。剑桥高阶〔scatter〕I used to scatter in the cinema last year.我去年很少看电影。21世纪英汉〔scatter〕Mice scattered in all directions when a cat appeared.猫一出现鼠群就四处逃散。英汉大词典〔scatter〕On the table was a pile of books and a scatter of papers.桌子上放着一摞书和零落的几份报纸。柯林斯高阶〔scatter〕She scattered the books on the table.她把书铺在桌子上。韦氏高阶〔scatter〕Something scattered.散开物美国传统〔scatter〕The act of scattering or the condition of being scattered.散开:散开的动作或散开的状态美国传统〔scatter〕The birds scattered at the sound of the gun.枪声一响鸟群受惊飞散。英汉大词典〔scatter〕The cavalry scattered them and chased them off the field.骑兵四处驱赶着他们, 把他们逐出了战场。外研社新世纪〔scatter〕The crowd soon scattered.人群很快散开。英汉大词典〔scatter〕The enemy forces had been scattered and were unable to regroup.敌人的兵力已被分散,无法重新部署。麦克米伦高阶〔scatter〕The explosion scattered a flock of birds roosting in the trees.爆炸声把栖息在树丛中的鸟群惊散了。牛津高阶〔scatter〕The flowers fell and scattered on the ground.花落下来,撒了一地。朗文当代〔scatter〕The marbles scattered across the floor.弹珠撒了一地。韦氏高阶〔scatter〕The protesters scattered at the sound of gunshots.听到枪声后抗议者便散开了。剑桥高阶〔scatter〕The rabbits scattered when they heard our footsteps.兔子一听见我们的脚步声便四散逃开。麦克米伦高阶〔scatter〕The soldiers came in and scattered the crowd.士兵进来把人群驱散了。剑桥高阶〔scatter〕The sound of gunfire made the crowd scatter in all directions.枪声使人群四散奔逃。朗文当代〔scatter〕The weather report says we'll have scattered showers today.天气预报说今天将有零星阵雨。英汉大词典〔scatter〕The wind soon scattered the clouds.风起云散。英汉大词典〔scatter〕They've been scattering toys everywhere.他们总是把玩具扔得到处都是。柯林斯高阶〔scatter〕We scattered for cover in the bombing.轰炸时我们分散掩蔽。英汉大词典〔shine〕A few scattered lights shone on the horizon.地平线上闪耀着几处星星点点的灯光。柯林斯高阶〔shower〕Scattered showers are expected this afternoon.今天下午预料将有间歇性的阵雨。文馨英汉〔shower〕Scattered showers are expected this afternoon.预计今天下午有零星阵雨。英汉大词典〔sliver〕Scatter almond slivers on top.把扁桃仁薄片撒在上面。外研社新世纪〔sow〕To scatter seed for growing.播种:为种植而播种美国传统〔spar〕Along the ground front troops sparred in scattered fights.部队在地面战线上进行零星的小规模战斗。英汉大词典〔spar〕The scattered fights were sparring.仍有一些零星的小规模战斗在进行着。21世纪英汉〔speech community〕A group of speakers, whether located in one area or scattered, who recognize the same language or dialect of a language as a standard.言语社团,言语集团:确认具有同一种语言或方言为标准语的一群人,他们集中于某一地区或是分散居住美国传统〔spit〕To rain or snow in light, scattered drops or flakes.下细雨,下小雪:少量、稀疏的雨滴或雪片美国传统〔splash〕To scatter fluid onto in flying masses; wet, stain, or soil with flying fluid.泼污:以飞溅的物质散布液体;以飞溅的液体弄湿、玷污或弄脏美国传统〔splash〕To make (one's way) with or by scattering of fluid.涉水前行:通过泼溅液体而前进美国传统〔split〕The ripe seed pod splits open and scatters the seeds.成熟的荚果裂开,种子散落了出来。牛津搭配〔sporadic〕Appearing singly or at widely scattered localities, as a plant or disease.散发性的:呈现单个或更广泛地分散,如植物或疾病美国传统〔sprinkle〕Scatter sprinkles over the top of the cake and press on them gently so that they stick to the chocolate.在蛋糕面上撒些彩糖并轻轻按下,让它们粘在巧克力上。剑桥高阶〔sprinkle〕To scatter drops or particles on.把液体或颗粒洒在…上美国传统〔sprinkle〕To scatter something in drops or particles.洒,撒:以水滴或颗粒状的方式散射美国传统〔sprinkling〕A small quantity scattered or sparsely distributed.零星:喷洒或撒布很少量美国传统〔squeal〕The boys scattered, squealing in horror.男孩们四散奔逃, 一路惊恐地尖叫着。外研社新世纪〔straggle〕A scattered or disorderly group, as of people or things.散乱群:散乱的或无秩序的团体,如人或物美国传统〔straggle〕To proceed or spread out in a scattered or irregular group.散乱行进:成散乱的或不规则的小组前进或散开美国传统〔untidy〕The living-room was untidier than usual, with papers scattered about.起居室比平时更为凌乱,报纸撒了一地。英汉大词典〔whiffle〕To blow, displace, or scatter with gusts of air.吹,吹散:用一阵阵的风吹,驱散或吹乱美国传统〔whip in〕The man whipped the dogs in when they scattered.当猎狗跑散了的时候,那个人用鞭子把他们赶在一起。21世纪英汉〔whoop〕Scattered groans and whoops broke out in the crowd.人群里不时发出几声抱怨和欢呼。柯林斯高阶〔wide〕Wreckage was scattered over a wide area.残骸分散在大片区域上。外研社新世纪〔wind〕The rest of the fleet was scattered to the(four) winds.舰队的其他船只被打得东离西散。英汉大词典〔winnow〕To blow away; scatter.吹走;吹散美国传统〔wreckage〕The wreckage of the car was scattered over the roadside.那辆汽车的残骸散落在路旁。剑桥高阶〔x-ray diffraction〕The scattering of x-rays by crystal atoms, producing a diffraction pattern that yields information about the structure of the crystal.X射线衍射:由晶体原子散射X射线后产生出的衍射模式,能带来有关该晶体结构的信息美国传统Scatter some of this powder round the plants and they will grow better.将这种粉末撒在植物的周围,它们就会长得更好。剑桥国际A scatter of applause reached him when he ended his speech. 演讲结束时他听到稀稀拉拉的掌声。译典通A few red roses were scattered on Karl Marx's tomb.几支红玫瑰撒在卡尔·马克思的坟墓上。剑桥国际After the concert hundreds of wine bottles and beer cans were left scattered on the grass.音乐会结束后成百个酒瓶和啤酒罐散落在草地上。剑桥国际Everyone scattered, screaming, as the plane buzzed them repeatedly.当飞机一次次低空飞过,每个人都尖叫着四散跑开。剑桥国际He scattered his clothes all over the floor. 他把衣服扔了一地。(或:扔得满地都是。)译典通I scattered grass seed all over the lawn.我将草籽撒在整个草坪上。剑桥国际I scattered the whole lawn with grass seed.我在整个草坪上都撒下草籽。剑桥国际I want to be cremated and scattered from a plane over Long Beach.我希望死后火化,并把骨灰从飞机上撒在长滩地方。剑桥国际In the south of the island there are just a few scattered (= widely separated) villages/settlements.在岛的南面有好几个疏疏落落的村庄/居民点。剑桥国际My family is scattered all over the world.我的家族散布在世界各个地方。剑桥国际My grandmother's ashes were scattered over the Yorkshire Moors where she had spent the last few years of her life.我祖母的骨灰撒在了约克郡的沼地,她是在那儿度过了她最后的年月。剑桥国际She gathered up the newspapers that were scattered around the floor (= picked them up and put them together).她将散放在地板上的报纸收拾起来。剑桥国际The crowd scattered when the police charged. 当警察冲过来时,人群便散开了。译典通The islands are scattered with prehistoric sites -- most of which have not yet been excavated.群岛上散布着史前遗址----其中的大多数还未被发掘过。剑桥国际The number of refugees scattered throughout the world is growing.散落在世界各地的难民人数在增长。剑桥国际The pigeons were too busy preening to notice the bread that had been scattered on the ground for them.鸽子们忙于用嘴整理羽毛了,没看到给它们撒在地上的面包。剑桥国际The policeman blew his whistle and the students scattered in all directions.警察吹响哨子,学生们朝各个方向散去。剑桥国际The protesters scattered at the sound of gunshots.听到枪响后抗议者便散开了。剑桥国际The room was a mess of clothes and paper which had been scattered all over the floor.那屋子乱成一团,报纸与衣服散得满地都是。剑桥国际The sons of Confucius are scattered in many parts of China. 孔子的后裔散居在中国许多地方。译典通The sun soon scattered the clouds. 太阳不久驱散了云层。译典通The weather forecast said there would be scattered showers tomorrow.气象预报说明天将有局部阵雨。剑桥国际The window was open and all the papers that she'd left on her desk were scattered about/around the room.窗开着,她留在书桌上的文件被风吹得满房间都是。剑桥国际The wreckage, scattered over a wide area, was all that was left of a sports car which had careered out of control.散布在很大一片区域内的残骸是那辆失控跑车所剩下的全部东西。剑桥国际




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