

单词 cancers
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Epstein-Barr virus〕A herpesvirus that is the causative agent of infectious mononucleosis. It is also associated with various types of human cancers.爱波斯坦-巴尔病毒(E.B.病毒):一种疱疹病毒,引起传染性单核细胞增多症,也与各种类型的癌症有关美国传统〔FDG〕FDG-PET is an imaging test to identify lymphomas and other cancers.氟18脱氧葡萄糖正电子计算机断层扫描是一种可用来确认淋巴癌和其他癌症的影像测试。剑桥高阶〔RISK〕Some people carry a gene that puts them at greater risk of certain cancers. 有些人有着某些使他们更易于患上癌症的基因。朗文写作活用〔RISK〕Those with fair skin are more at risk of skin cancers than those with dark skin. 肤色浅的人比肤色深的人更有可能患皮肤癌。朗文写作活用〔cancer〕A lot of cancers can now be treated successfully.现在有许多种癌症可以治愈。朗文当代〔cancer〕Advanced cancers are more difficult to treat.晚期癌更难治疗。韦氏高阶〔cancer〕Childhood cancers have a very good survival rate.患肿瘤的儿童存活率很高。牛津搭配〔cancer〕Most skin cancers are completely curable.大多数的皮肤癌是可以完全治瘉的。牛津高阶〔cancer〕Ninety per cent of lung cancers are caused by smoking.90%的肺癌是吸烟所致。柯林斯高阶〔cancer〕Ninety per cent of lung cancers are caused by smoking.90%的肺癌是吸烟引起的。外研社新世纪〔cancer〕Some cancers are easier to treat than others.有些癌症比其他的容易治疗。麦克米伦高阶〔curable〕Most skin cancers are completely curable if detected in the early stages.大部分皮肤癌如果在早期发现是可以完全治愈的。外研社新世纪〔curable〕Most skin cancers are completely curable if detected in the early stages.如果及早发现,大多数皮肤癌都是完全可以治愈的。柯林斯高阶〔curable〕Most skin cancers are curable if treated early.如果及早治疗,多数的皮肤癌是可治好的。牛津高阶〔detection〕Early detection of cancers is vitally important.癌症的早期查出是极为重要的。牛津高阶〔detection〕Our aim is the early detection and treatment of all cancers.我们的目标是对所有癌症早发现早治疗。牛津搭配〔detect〕Most skin cancers can be cured if detected and treated early.如果早发现早治疗,大多数皮肤癌是可以治愈的。柯林斯高阶〔detect〕Some cancers can now be cured if they are detected early.现在有些癌症如果能早期发现是可以治愈的。牛津搭配〔determine〕We need a detailed investigation to determine exactly why these cancers are occurring.我们需要在详细调查后才能准确判断这些癌症的成因。牛津搭配〔development〕Environmental factors can accelerate the development of certain cancers.环境因素可能会加快某些癌症的发展。牛津搭配〔dihydrotestosterone〕An androgen derived from testosterone and having tumor-suppressing capabilities useful in the treatment of certain breast cancers.二氢睾酮:从睾丸甾酮中提取的雄激素,能够抑制肿瘤,在某些乳癌治疗中很有效美国传统〔implicate〕Viruses are known to be implicated in the development of some cancers.已知病毒是导致一些癌症的原因。朗文当代〔indolent〕Distinguishing which cancers are aggressive and which are indolent is currently not possible.目前无法区别哪些癌症是侵袭性的, 哪些是无痛的。外研社新世纪〔inducible〕Some cancers are inducible in a short period of time.某些癌症可在短时期内诱发显现。英汉大词典〔inguinal〕Inflammation of the inguinal nodes can be often linked to cancers in the genital tract or anal canal.腹股沟淋巴结发炎通常可以与生殖器道和肛管癌症联系起来。剑桥高阶〔medullary〕Medullary thyroid cancers often spread quickly.甲状腺髓质癌通常扩散很快。剑桥高阶〔preventable〕Many potentially preventable cancers are currently missed.许多可防治的癌症目前被漏诊。牛津搭配〔primary〕In the US 90 per cent of these cancers would be caught at the primary stage.在美国, 这些癌症中有90%都能在早期发现。外研社新世纪〔slip through〕But for all the cancers that are caught by doctors, many still slip through.除了医生诊断出来的癌症, 还有许多未被发现。外研社新世纪〔survival〕If cancers are spotted early there's a high chance of survival.如果癌症在早期发现的话,存活的几率会很高。柯林斯高阶〔test〕The drug must first be tested in clinical trials to see if it works on other cancers.这种药物必须首先经过临床测试, 看它是否适用于其他癌症。外研社新世纪〔test〕The drug must first be tested in clinical trials to see if it works on other cancers.这种药物必须首先经过临床测试,看它是否适用于其他癌症。柯林斯高阶〔tie〕Their cancers are not so clearly tied to radiation exposure.他们的癌症是否和接触放射线有关还不太明确。外研社新世纪〔tie〕Their cancers are not so clearly tied to radiation exposure.他们的癌症是否和接触放射线有关还不太清楚。柯林斯高阶




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