

单词 snarl
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔heated〕snarl a heated answer 怒吼着回答英汉大词典〔snarl up〕to snarl the situation up把局面复杂化21世纪英汉〔snarl up〕to snarl the telephone wires up把电话线缠结在一起21世纪英汉〔snarl〕snarl a once simple problem 把一度曾是简单的问题弄得乱糟糟英汉大词典〔snarl〕snarl insults at sb.对某人咆哮辱骂英汉大词典〔snarl〕snarl international airline traffic 把国际航空交通弄得一团糟英汉大词典〔snarl〕snarl one's contempt 吼叫着表示轻蔑英汉大词典〔snarl〕snarl oneself hoarse 把嗓子吼哑英汉大词典〔snarl〕snarl out an angry threat 怒气冲冲吼叫着发出威胁英汉大词典〔snarl〕snarl up the opposition in an election 在竞选中搞乱反对党阵线英汉大词典〔snarl〕a snarl of blankets on the bed 床上缠在一起的一堆毯子剑桥高阶〔snarl〕a snarl of hate 充满仇恨的吼声牛津高阶〔snarl〕a snarl of people 乱哄哄的一群人英汉大词典〔snarl〕a snarl of shoelaces 鞋带的死结英汉大词典〔snarl〕a traffic snarl 交通的混乱文馨英汉〔snarl〕an angry snarl 怒吼朗文当代〔snarl〕be in a snarl 陷入一团糟英汉大词典〔snarl〕the snarl of the waves 波浪的咆哮英汉大词典〔snarl〕to snarl a simple question把简单的问题搞得复杂了21世纪英汉〔snarl〕to snarl a threat胁“Shut up!”he snarled.他怒吼地说:“闭嘴!”21世纪英汉〔snarl〕to snarl one's face flushed怒吼得面孔通红21世纪英汉〔snarl〕to snarl the wires of mikes把话筒线缠在了一起21世纪英汉




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