

单词 reservation
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ARRANGE〕I have to work late tonight, so I cancelled our dinner reservations. 我今天晚上得加班,所以取消了晚餐的预订。朗文写作活用〔ARRANGE〕She packed her bags, then called the airport and made a reservation on the last flight out of Los Angeles. 她收拾好行李,然后打电话到机场预订了最后一班飞机的票离开洛杉矶。朗文写作活用〔ARRANGE〕There might be trouble getting hotel reservations the week of the festival. 活动周期间可能很难订到旅馆。朗文写作活用〔Arnhem Land〕A region of northern Australia west of the Gulf of Carpentaria. The country's largest aboriginal reservation is here.阿纳姆地:澳大利亚北部卡奔塔利亚湾西边一地区。是澳大利亚最大的土著人特别保留地美国传统〔CHECK〕We're waiting for written confirmation of the reservations. 我们在等待预订的书面确认。朗文写作活用〔Indian country〕Federal reservation lands under Native American tribal jurisdiction.印第安人保留区:隶属于美国原住民部落管辖范围的联邦保护土地美国传统〔LESS〕No reservations are needed for groups of fewer than 15. 15.15人以下的团体无需预订。朗文写作活用〔LET/ALLOW〕Under federal law, Indian nations are allowed to operate casinos on their reservations, with the state's permission. 根据联邦法律,印第安民族经政府许可,可以在他们的居留地经营赌场。朗文写作活用〔MAYBE〕Reservations are advised but you might conceivably find a hotel the day you arrive. 建议预订房间,但你抵达当天也许能找到有空房的旅馆。朗文写作活用〔MEANING〕Basically, the author is in favour of disarmament but with a few reservations. 基本上,文章的作者赞成裁军,但有一些保留。朗文写作活用〔Maricopa〕A Native American people sharing reservation lands with the Pima in south-central Arizona.马利柯帕族:在美国亚利桑那州中南部和皮马人共同拥有保留地的土著印第安人美国传统〔SURE/NOT SURE〕I know you're very keen to move to the US, but I'm afraid I still have reservations. 我知道你很想移民去美国,但恐怕我还是有所保留。朗文写作活用〔SURE/NOT SURE〕Many teachers are likely to have reservations about the new tests. 很多老师可能对这些新的考试心存疑虑。朗文写作活用〔TAKE〕Raw materials were transported to Phoenix from the reservations. 原材料从保留地运往菲尼克斯。朗文写作活用〔TELEPHONE〕Reservations can be made by telephone, but must be confirmed in writing within seven days. 可以用电话预订,但必须在七天内以书面确认。朗文写作活用〔accommodation〕Some trains carry bicycles, but accommodation is restricted so a reservation is essential.有些火车可以运载自行车, 但因空间有限需要提前预订。外研社新世纪〔accommodation〕Some trains carry bicycles, but accommodation is restricted so a reservation is essential.有些火车可以运载自行车,但因空间有限需要提前预订。柯林斯高阶〔advance〕We made reservations in advance.我们事先进行了预订。韦氏高阶〔ahead of time〕He called the restaurant ahead of time to make a dinner reservation.他提前给餐馆打电话预订了晚餐。韦氏高阶〔arrière-pensée〕A mental reservation, as about the validity of something.内心的想法:保留在心里的想法,如对某事的真实性美国传统〔beat〕Making reservations beats waiting in line.预先定座胜过排队等候。英汉大词典〔beforehand〕I had made reservations beforehand.我已事先预订了。文馨英汉〔bet〕Your best bet is to make reservations ahead of time.最好的方法是你提前预定美国传统〔booking〕A reservation, as for accommodations at a hotel.预订:一种提前订置,比如为预订旅馆住宿美国传统〔cancel〕I phoned the hotel to cancel my reservation.我打电话给酒店取消了预订。朗文当代〔cancel〕We canceled our dinner reservation.我们取消了晚餐的预订。韦氏高阶〔circumstantial〕I have a reservation about the need for quite as much circumstantial detail.我对了解那么多次要细节的必要性持保留意见。外研社新世纪〔commend〕She is an excellent worker and I commend her to you without reservation.她工作出色,我毫无保留地把她推荐给你。牛津高阶〔computer〕Ticket reservations are all done on computer.订票全是在计算机上完成的。麦克米伦高阶〔confirmation〕You make the reservation, and I'll confirm it in writing.你来预订,我会去函确认。柯林斯高阶〔confirm〕Please confirm your reservations 48 hours in advance.请在48小时前确定预订。英汉大词典〔confirm〕We have a reservation for you for tomorrow night. Please call to confirm.我们收到了您明晚的预订,请来电确认。韦氏高阶〔confirm〕You make the reservation, and I'll confirm it in writing.你来预订, 我会去函确认。外研社新世纪〔contemplate〕They contemplate trouble in obtaining hotel reservation.他们估计在预订旅馆房间方面恐怕有问题。21世纪英汉〔cost〕For a small charge we will also make your hotel reservations.我们还可以为你预订旅馆,只收取少量手续费。朗文当代〔direct〕For reservations call the airlines direct, or your travel agent.订票可直接打电话给航空公司,或打电话给旅行社。英汉大词典〔dog-eared〕A computerized reservation system has replaced those dog-eared railroad timetables.计算机化的订票系统已取代了那些翻旧了的铁路行车时刻表。英汉大词典〔double book〕To make two reservations for (a seat or hotel room, for example) in order to be certain of obtaining one.重复订位:重复订位以确保能取得一位,如订位或旅馆订房美国传统〔doubtful〕These adjectives express a degree of uncertainty or reservation about someone or something.这些形容词都表示不确定的程度或对某人、某事的异议。美国传统〔express〕The USA expressed reservations before agreeing to sign the agreement.美国在同意签署协议之前表达了保留意见。朗文当代〔falling-off〕Hotels have recorded a falling-off in reservations this summer.旅馆记录显示今夏预订率下降了。剑桥高阶〔goof〕The restaurant totally goofed up our reservations.餐馆把我们的预订全部搞错了。朗文当代〔headwaiter〕A waiter who is in charge of the waiters and waitresses in a restaurant and is often responsible for taking reservations and seating guests.侍者领班:餐馆中管理侍者和女招待的侍者,通常负责订座及把顾客领入就座位置的事务美国传统〔hold〕They said they'd hold the reservation for 24 hours.他们说预订会保留24小时。麦克米伦高阶〔hold〕We can hold the reservation for you until next Friday.我们可以把您的预订保留到下星期五。朗文当代〔hold〕We can hold your reservation for three days.您的预订我们可以保留三天。牛津高阶〔hold〕We will hold these flight reservations for you until tomorrow.你预订的这些航班座位,我们将为你保留到明天。韦氏高阶〔immigration〕A confirmed hotel reservation is required for immigration clearance.必须有酒店预订确认函才能获得移民局入境许可。外研社新世纪〔in someone's/something's name〕Our reservation at the restaurant is in my name.我们在餐厅订位用的是我的名字。韦氏高阶〔insure〕We insured against disappointment by making an early reservation for hotel accommodation.为避免失望,我们早日预定了旅馆房间。英汉大词典〔knit〕Ordinary people have some reservations about their president's drive to knit them so closely to their neighbors.普通百姓对总统号召人们邻里间亲密相处心存疑虑。外研社新世纪〔knit〕Ordinary people have some reservations about their president's drive to knit them so closely to their neighbors.普通百姓对总统号召人们邻里间亲密相处的动机心存疑虑。柯林斯高阶〔liberty〕I took the liberty of cancelling your reservation.我擅自取消了你的预订。朗文当代〔liberty〕I took the liberty of making a reservation for us.我擅自做主为我们做了预订。韦氏高阶〔louse〕When he got there, he found that the hotel reservations had gotten loused up.他到那里后,发现预定旅馆房间的事已搞成一团糟。英汉大词典〔manually〕They have no reservations about taking factory or manual jobs.他们对在工厂做工人或者干体力活都没有意见。柯林斯高阶〔manual〕They have no reservations about taking factory or manual jobs.他们对于去工厂工作或干体力活都没意见。外研社新世纪〔muddle〕There was a bit of a muddle over our hotel reservations.我们的酒店预订有点混乱。朗文当代〔name〕We have dinner reservations under the name of Jones.我们用琼斯的名字预订了晚餐。韦氏高阶〔no-show〕A person who reserves a place, as on an airplane, but neither uses nor cancels the reservation.订座未搭乘的人:预订了座位,如飞机,但既未使用也未取消订座美国传统〔nonrefundable〕Reservations must be made sixty days in advance with a $20 nonrefundable deposit.必须提早60天预定,并付20美元不能退回的定金。英汉大词典〔of course〕We arrived at the restaurant 30 minutes late so, of course, our reservation had been cancelled.我们到餐馆晚了30分钟,所以,预订自然就被取消了。剑桥高阶〔onward〕The travel service can help you to make onward reservations.旅行社可帮你们办理行程各阶段的预订。英汉大词典〔openly〕We discussed our reservations about the contract quite openly.我们相当坦诚地讨论了我们对这份合同的保留意见。剑桥高阶〔overbook〕To take reservations for (an airline flight, for example) beyond the capacity for accommodation.预约超额:预定(如对一次航班)超过其座位容量美国传统〔peak〕During peak periods, reservations are difficult to make at some of the hotels.在高峰时期,有些酒店很难预订到房间。柯林斯高阶〔phone〕For reservations, phone 020 281 3964.预订请拨打 020 281 3964。牛津高阶〔pitch〕The new machine will be pitched at users in the hotel and air reservation business.这种新机器将以酒店及机票预订行业的用户为目标群。朗文当代〔preorder〕It is wise to preorder very special dishes when making your reservation.在预定餐馆座位时,事先把特色菜订好是明智的。21世纪英汉〔provisional〕We've made a provisional reservation for next week.我们已经暂时预订了下周的房间。麦克米伦高阶〔query〕A doubt in the mind; a mental reservation.疑问:头脑中的疑问;思想保留美国传统〔record〕He spoke in favour of the bill but also said he wanted to record certain reservations.他发言赞成该议案,但又说他要申明若干保留意见。英汉大词典〔reduce〕The Indians were reduced to small reservations.印第安人被限定在一块块狭小的保留地内居住。英汉大词典〔reservation〕Reservations are recommended, especially during the busy holiday weekends.建议提前预订,尤其是在周末赶上公共假期繁忙时段的时候。牛津搭配〔reservation〕Accommodation is restricted so a reservation is essential.铺位有限,所以有必要进行预订。柯林斯高阶〔reservation〕After three days, the strikers' demands were met almost without reservation.3天以后,罢工人员的要求几乎全部得到了满足。柯林斯高阶〔reservation〕After three days, the strikers' demands were met almost without reservation.三天后, 罢工者的要求几乎全部得到满足。外研社新世纪〔reservation〕American Indians living on reservations 住在居留地的美洲印第安人 英汉大词典〔reservation〕Customers are advised to make seat reservations well in advance.建议顾客提前订座。朗文当代〔reservation〕Despite his initial reservations, he came to love London.尽管他最初对伦敦难言有好感,后来却逐渐喜欢上它了。牛津搭配〔reservation〕He accepted my advice without reservation.他毫无保留地接受了我的建议。剑桥高阶〔reservation〕He agreed, though with some reservations.虽说有些保留,他还是同意了。英汉大词典〔reservation〕He has reservations about the proposals because they reduce workers' rights.他对提案持保留意见,因为其削减了工人的权利。麦克米伦高阶〔reservation〕He went to the desk to make a reservation.他到服务台进行了预订。柯林斯高阶〔reservation〕He's the chief warden of a big-game reservation.他是一个大型动物保护区的管理主任。剑桥高阶〔reservation〕I am willing to agree to the proposal with one reservation.我愿同意这项提议,但有一点保留。英汉大词典〔reservation〕I can recommend her without reservation.我毫无保留地推荐她。牛津搭配〔reservation〕I had serious reservations about his appointment as captain.我对任命他为船长持郑重的保留态度。朗文当代〔reservation〕I have reservations about our plan.我对我们的计划有保留。牛津同义词〔reservation〕I have a hotel reservation.我预订了旅馆。韦氏高阶〔reservation〕I have certain reservations regarding several of the clauses in the contract.我对合同中的几项条款持保留意见。牛津搭配〔reservation〕I have serious reservations about his ability to do the job.我非常怀疑他有没有能力胜任这项工作。牛津高阶〔reservation〕I told him my main reservation about his film was the ending.我告诉他我主要是对他电影的结尾有保留意见。柯林斯高阶〔reservation〕I'd like to make a reservation for four people for Friday night, please.请给我预订星期五晚上四个人的位子。牛津搭配〔reservation〕I'd like to make a reservation for this evening.我想预订今晚的座位。外研社新世纪〔reservation〕I'd like to make a table reservation for two people for nine o'clock.我要预订9点两人用餐的桌位。剑桥高阶〔reservation〕I'll call the restaurant and make a reservation.我要给餐厅打个电话预订座位。牛津高阶〔reservation〕I've got a reservation for two nights.我已经预订了两个晚上的房间。外研社新世纪〔reservation〕I've made a reservation for you on the morning flight.我为你预订了早上的航班。麦克米伦高阶〔reservation〕I've made you a dinner reservation for seven thirty.我已给你在餐馆订好7:30的晚饭座席。英汉大词典〔reservation〕Many people who formerly backed him now have reservations.许多以前支持过他的人现在都持保留态度了。英汉大词典〔reservation〕My one reservation concerns the performance of the vehicle in wet conditions.我的一个疑虑是车辆在潮湿环境下的性能。牛津搭配〔reservation〕My only reservation about buying the car was its high price.买这辆车唯一让我犹豫的就是它昂贵的价格。韦氏高阶〔reservation〕NATO generals voiced reservations about making air strikes.北约将领们表达了对空袭的保留意见。牛津搭配〔reservation〕Please confirm your reservation in writing by Friday.请在星期五前对您的预订予以书面确认。剑桥高阶〔reservation〕Seventeen thousand Indians live in Arizona on a reservation.1.7万印第安人生活在亚利桑那州的保留地。柯林斯高阶〔reservation〕She had reservations about changing jobs.她对要不要换工作拿不准主意。韦氏高阶〔reservation〕Sorry, the hotel has no reservation under that name.对不起,本旅馆没有以那个姓名的客人预订的客房。英汉大词典〔reservation〕The employees are backing the reorganization plans, with reservations.员工支持重组计划,但有保留意见。牛津搭配〔reservation〕The family lives on a Native American reservation.这家人住在一个美洲土著居民居留地上。剑桥高阶〔reservation〕The government has expressed reservations about the cost of the project.政府表示对该项目的费用持保留意见。麦克米伦高阶〔reservation〕They have expressed reservations concerning the provisions of the treaty.他们对协约的条款表达了保留意见。牛津搭配〔reservation〕This is the one big reservation I've got about the book.这是我对于这本书的一大异议。英汉大词典〔reservation〕This is the one big reservation I've got about the book.这是我对这本书的一大存疑之处。外研社新世纪〔reservation〕We accepted their offer without reservation.我们毫无异议地接受了他们的提议。麦克米伦高阶〔reservation〕We condemn their actions without reservation (=completely) .我们严厉谴责他们的行为。朗文当代〔reservation〕We have reservations at a restaurant at six tonight.我们在一家餐馆预订了今晚 6 点的晚餐。牛津搭配〔reservation〕We have a reservation in the name of Grant.我们是以格兰特的名字预订的。牛津高阶〔reservation〕We made dinner reservations at the restaurant for 6 o'clock.我们在餐馆预订了6点的晚餐。韦氏高阶〔reservation〕When you're off the reservation, people take you not as an individual but as an Indian.在居留地以外,人们不把你看作一个有个性的人,而只把你当作印第安人。英汉大词典〔reservation〕With reservation, I would recommend this film.我可以推荐这部电影, 但是持保留意见。外研社新世纪〔reservation〕Workers and employees shared deep reservations about the wisdom of the government's plans for the industry.对于政府针对这一产业作出的规划是否明智,工人和雇主都非常怀疑。剑桥高阶〔resettle〕The US government forcibly resettled the Native Americans in reservations.美国政府强行将美洲土著居民赶到保留区居住。剑桥高阶〔salvo〕A mental provision or reservation.思想上的条款或保留美国传统〔saving〕Law An exception or reservation.【法律】 除外:例外或保留美国传统〔screw-up〕There's beeen a screw-up with our hotel reservation.我们的旅店预订系统出了乱子。剑桥高阶〔screwed up〕Our hotel reservations got all screwed up.我们的酒店预订全乱套了。麦克米伦高阶〔seat〕Seat reservations are free.预订座位免费。牛津搭配〔set apart〕The government set apart a special area of land as a reservation.政府留出了一片特殊的土地作为保留地。外研社新世纪〔should〕He didn't make reservations, but he should have.他没有预约,他本该预约的。麦克米伦高阶〔sitting〕We have reservations for the 5:30 sitting.我们预订了5:30那一拨就餐。韦氏高阶〔telephone〕Reservations can be made by telephone.可以打电话预订。朗文当代〔toll-free〕For reservations, call toll-free the reception desk.要订位时,请打免费电话给柜台[服务台]。文馨英汉〔tutorial〕An online tutorial gives basic instructions for those who have never made reservations on the Web.在线指南为那些从未在网上进行过预订的人提供基本的操作说明。韦氏高阶〔way〕Computerized reservation systems help airline profits in several ways.电子订票系统通过多种方式帮助航空公司获利。柯林斯高阶〔weasel his way into〕He managed to weasel his way into the restaurant even though he didn't have a reservation.尽管没有预订,但他还是设法溜进了饭店。韦氏高阶〔wish〕If you wish to go away for the weekend, our office will be delighted to make hotel reservations.如果你想外出度周末, 我们办事处将很乐意为你预订旅馆。外研社新世纪〔wish〕If you wish to go away for the weekend, our office will be delighted to make hotel reservations.如果您想外出度周末,我们办事处将很乐意为您预订旅馆。柯林斯高阶〔writing〕All telephone reservations must be confirmed in writing.所有的电话预订必须以书面形式确认。牛津高阶Advance reservation of seats for the train is recommended.最好提前预订火车座位。剑桥国际He accepted my advice without reservation.他毫无异议地接受了我的建议。剑桥国际He's the chief warden of a big-game reservation.他是一个大型猎物禁猎区的主要管理人。剑桥国际I approved of my mother's new husband, with reservations.我赞成我母亲的新丈夫,但带有保留意见。剑桥国际I hadn't made a reservation, so I just took pot luck at the airport and got on the first available flight.我事先没订票,能在机场搭上第一班现成的飞机这完全是运气。剑桥国际I'd like to confirm a reservation for a double room on the first of July.我想确认一下预订的七月一日的双人房。剑桥国际I'd like to make a table reservation for two people for 9 o'clock.我想预订一张9点钟的两个人的桌子。剑桥国际I'll call the restaurant and make a reservation.我要给饭店打电话预订席位。牛津商务Most Indians live on reservations established by the Federal Government. 大部分印第安人生活在联邦政府建立的保留地上。译典通Please write to confirm your reservation (= say that it is definite).请书面确认你的预订。牛津商务She cancelled her ticket reservations.她取消了订的票。剑桥国际The US government resettled the Native Americans in reservations.美国政府将印第安人重新定居在居留地。剑桥国际The family lives on a Native American reservation.这个家庭居住在印第安人居留地。剑桥国际There are a lot of Indian reservations in Arizona. 亚利桑那州有许多印第安保留区。译典通They accepted the plan without reservation. 他们无保留地接受了该项计划。译典通They accepted the proposal without reservation. 他们无保留地接受了这个建议。译典通We can hold your reservation for three days.我们可以将你的预订保留三天。牛津商务We discussed our reservations about the contract quite openly.我们相当公开地讨论了我们对这份合同的保留意见。剑桥国际We have made reservations for three rooms at the hotel. 我们已在这个旅馆预订了三个房间。译典通Will you confirm your reservation in writing by Friday, please.请你在周五之前用书面形式确认一下你的预订。剑桥国际Workers and employees shared deep reservations about the wisdom of the government's plans for the industry.工人与雇员对政府的工业计划的明智性都持有极大的异议。剑桥国际




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