

单词 one another
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔affinity〕the affinity of all human beings with one another = the affinity between all human beings 人与人之间的共性韦氏高阶〔bind〕particles that bind to/with one another 相互结合的粒子韦氏高阶〔communicate〕couples who communicate well with one another 相互间沟通良好的夫妇牛津搭配〔compliment〕compliment with one another 互致恭维(或祝贺)英汉大词典〔epithet〕a group of angry people hurling epithets at one another 一群破口大叫彼此绰号的愤怒的人韦氏高阶〔frequency〕waves having very different frequencies from one another 频率迥异的波韦氏高阶〔independent〕reports from two separate sources entirely independent of one another 根据两个完全独立的信息来源所作的报道朗文当代〔indistinguishable〕twins indistinguishable from one another 难以分辨的孪生儿英汉大词典〔jostle〕jostle with one another for new markets 互相争夺新市场英汉大词典〔lustfully〕gazing lustfully at one another 色迷迷地看着彼此韦氏高阶〔overlap〕tiles that overlap one another 互相搭接的瓦片英汉大词典〔series〕a geometric progression. In asequence things follow one another in chronological or numerical order or in an order that indicates a causal or logical relationship or a recurrent pattern: 几何学的进步。 Sequence 指一个接一个按照年月或数字顺序或按照次序的事物, 表明因果或逻辑关系或循环的模式: 美国传统〔trust〕their love and trust for one another 他们对彼此的爱和信任牛津搭配




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