

单词 replaces
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔LEAVE〕Roberts replaces Jacob Winters, who resigned from the firm last month. 罗伯茨取代了雅各布·温特斯的职位,后者于上个月辞职离开了公司。朗文写作活用〔apostrophe〕In the contraction “can't,” an apostrophe replaces two of the letters in the word “cannot.” 在缩约词can't中,撇号代替了单词cannot中的两个字母。韦氏高阶〔displacement〕Chemistry A reaction in which an atom, a radical, or a molecule replaces another in a compound.【化学】 置换:化合物中一个原子、原子团或分子代替另一个的反应美国传统〔identity〕An equation that is satisfied by any number that replaces the letter for which the equation is defined.单位(矩)阵:定义式中的字母对任一数字都使恒等式成立的恒等式美国传统〔inverse function〕A function that replaces another function's independent variable with a value of its dependent value.反函数:以自己一个因变量值代替另一个函数自变量的函数美国传统〔relief pitcher〕A pitcher who replaces another during a game.替补投手:在一场比赛中替换另一名投手的投手美国传统〔replacement〕One that replaces, especially a person assigned to a vacant military position.接替者:接替的人,尤指被派到军队空缺位置的人美国传统〔replace〕The council tax replaces the poll tax next April.市政税在明年4月将取代人头税。柯林斯高阶A string trio is normally composed of a violin, viola, and cello, while in a piano trio, a piano replaces the viola.弦乐三重奏一般由小提琴、中提琴和大提琴组成,而在钢琴三重奏中钢琴替代了中提琴。剑桥国际Electronic books take up less space and one rack of discs replaces a roomful of paper books.电子图书占用空间少,一架子的磁盘可取代一房间的纸质图书。剑桥国际Mr Hill replaces the outgoing Head of Communications.希尔先生接替即将离任的通讯部主管。牛津商务The latest tax scheme is proving to be an unpopular son of the old system which it replaces.最近新的税收方案代替了老的税收政策,结果却不如老政策那样受欢迎。剑桥国际Your direct-dial number replaces your old extension number.你的直拨号码替代你原来的分机号码。牛津商务




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