

单词 redd
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔RISK〕In 1972, NBC took a gamble and created a show featuring Redd Foxx, a black comic whose stage routines were somewhat off-color. 1972年美国全国广播公司冒了个险,制作了一档以台风有点不正经的黑人喜剧演员雷德·福克斯为主角的节目。朗文写作活用〔blear〕To blur or redden (the eyes).使模糊,使发红:使(眼睛)模糊或发红美国传统〔flush〕To cause to redden or glow.使发红或发亮美国传统〔incarnadine〕To make incarnadine, especially to redden.使变红,特别是变成肉红色美国传统〔inflame〕To cause (the skin) to redden or grow hot, as from strong emotion or stimulants.使涨红:使(皮肤)变红或变热,通常由于强烈的情感或刺激美国传统〔mark〕Singers like Franklin and Redding helped gospel music make its mark on popular culture.像富兰克林和雷丁这样的歌手使福音音乐对流行文化产生了持久的影响。朗文当代〔morning〕The minister might stand there until morning should redden in the east.这位牧师会站在那儿,直到东方破晓,天色泛红。英汉大词典〔redden〕First-degree burns redden the skin.一度烧伤使皮肤变红。韦氏高阶〔redd〕He redded up the dining table and chairs.他把餐桌和椅子整理好。21世纪英汉〔redd〕She redded up the dishes.她把盘碟收拾好。英汉大词典〔redd〕She redded up the front room.她把前厅打扫得干干净净美国传统〔redd〕They redded the way.他们清扫了道路。英汉大词典I saw him redden with pleasure. 我看到他高兴得脸都红了。译典通




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