

单词 slain
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Abel〕In the Old Testament, the son of Adam and Eve who was slain by his elder brother, Cain.亚伯:《旧约》中亚当和夏娃的儿子,后被其兄该隐杀害美国传统〔Asgard〕The heavenly residence of the Norse gods and slain heroes of war.仙宫,诸神居所:北欧诸神和战争中被杀的英雄的仙宫美国传统〔Fafnir〕The Norse dragon that guarded the treasure of the Nibelungs and was slain by Sigurd.法福尼:守卫尼泊朗宝物的挪斯龙,被西嘎杀死美国传统〔Geryon〕A monster with three bodies that was slain by Hercules.格里勇:被赫拉克勒斯杀死的有三个身体的怪兽美国传统〔Goliath〕In the Old Testament, a giant Philistine warrior who was slain by David with a stone and sling.歌利亚:旧约圣经里的非利士巨人勇士,被大卫用石头打死美国传统〔Hydra〕Greek Mythology The many-headed monster that was slain by Hercules.【希腊神话】 九头蛇怪:赫拉克勒斯所杀死的一个多头怪物美国传统〔Simonides of Ceos〕Greek lyric poet who is known especially for his elegies in honor of the slain warriors at Marathon and Thermopylae.(凯奥斯岛的)西摩尼得斯:古希腊抒情诗人,尤以其为纪念在马拉松战役和塞莫皮菜战役中被杀武士所写的哀歌而闻名美国传统〔Valhalla〕The hall in which Odin received the souls of slain heroes.英烈祠:奥丁神接受阵亡英雄灵魂的殿堂美国传统〔Valkyrie〕Any of Odin's handmaidens who conducted the souls of the slain to Valhalla.瓦尔基里:奥丁的女仆,她引导阵亡者的灵魂到瓦尔哈拉殿堂美国传统〔Zagreus〕The son of Zeus and Persephone who was slain by the Titans and reborn as Dionysus.扎格列欧斯:宙斯和珀尔塞福涅的儿子。他被泰坦杀害,再生改名为狄俄尼索斯美国传统〔fear〕I fear me he is slain.我怕他已被害。英汉大词典〔hyacinth〕Greek Mythology A plant, perhaps the larkspur, gladiolus, or iris, that sprang from the blood of the slain Hyacinthus.【希腊神话】 风信子花:一种从被杀死的海厄辛忒斯的血中生长出来的植物,可能是飞燕草、剑兰或鸢尾花美国传统〔mourn〕Hundreds of people gathered to mourn the slain president.成百上千人聚集在一起悼念遇刺的总统。朗文当代〔slain〕The city was slain by the volcanicity.被火山活动毁灭的城市。21世纪英汉〔slay〕He was slain in battle in 673.他在673年的战斗中被杀。麦克米伦高阶〔slay〕He was found slain in an alley two blocks from his apartment.人们发现他在距其公寓两个街区的一条小巷里被杀害了。剑桥高阶〔slay〕The headline read “Three Slain in Bank Robbery.” 新闻头条写道:“三人在银行劫案中被杀。”韦氏高阶〔slay〕The victims were slain in their homes.受害人是在他们的家中被杀的。韦氏高阶〔slay〕Two Australian tourists were slain.两名澳大利亚游客被杀。柯林斯高阶〔slay〕Two passengers were slain by the hijackers.两名乘客遭劫机者杀害。牛津高阶〔slay〕Two visitors were brutally slain yesterday.昨天有两名来客惨遭杀害。英汉大词典〔victim〕A living creature slain and offered as a sacrifice during a religious rite.祭品:在宗教仪式中的屠杀并奉为牺牲品的活的动物美国传统Two women were brutally slain last night. 两名妇女昨夜被残忍杀害。译典通




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