

单词 babble
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔babble out〕to babble out nonsense胡说21世纪英汉〔babble〕a babble of voices 人声嘈杂牛津高阶〔babble〕a babble of voices 人声嘈杂韦氏高阶〔babble〕a confused babble of voices 唧唧喳喳混杂的说话声麦克米伦高阶〔babble〕listening to their constant babble 听着他们没完没了地瞎扯韦氏高阶〔babble〕the babble of a brook 小溪的潺潺声韦氏高阶〔babble〕the babble of a brook 潺潺的溪流声英汉大词典〔babble〕the babble of a crowded party 拥挤的聚会上嘈杂的人声朗文当代〔babble〕the babble of four or more voices going on at once 四五个人同时讲话的嘈杂声英汉大词典〔babble〕the babble of voices and raucous laughter coming from the beer parlour next door从隔壁啤酒馆传来的模糊不清的说话声和沙哑的笑声外研社新世纪〔babble〕the incessant babble coming from the TV in the corner角落里那台电视机没完没了的嘈杂声外研社新世纪〔babble〕to babble a secret失口泄密21世纪英汉〔babble〕to babble out the secret泄露秘密21世纪英汉〔babble〕to babble without stopping不停地胡说21世纪英汉




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