

单词 bid
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔Godspeed〕bid [wish] a person Godspeed 【古】祝某人一路平安[事业成功(等)]文馨英汉〔addiction〕a bid to end the cycle of crime and addiction结束犯罪与毒瘾循环的努力外研社新世纪〔bid for〕to bid fifty pounds for the vase出价50英镑要买那只花瓶21世纪英汉〔bid for〕to bid for a new building投标承建新大楼21世纪英汉〔bid up〕to be bid up for beyond their real value被抬高得大大超过其实际价值21世纪英汉〔bid〕bid defiance to sb.公开对某人表示蔑视(或反抗)英汉大词典〔bid〕bid four hearts.叫四个红心美国传统〔bid〕bid sb. welcome (或bid welcome to sb.) 向某人表示欢迎英汉大词典〔bid〕bid up the price of wheat.哄抬小麦价格美国传统〔bid〕a bid at an auction.拍卖中的出价。牛津同义词〔bid〕a bid by the president to boost his popularity 总统旨在提升人气的努力牛津搭配〔bid〕a bid for power 权力之争牛津高阶〔bid〕a bid for power/reelection 争夺权力;争取连任韦氏高阶〔bid〕a bid for the chair 这张椅子的出价牛津搭配〔bid〕a bid of 2 spades 叫2黑桃英汉大词典〔bid〕a bid of 200,000 pounds出价20万英镑外研社新世纪〔bid〕a bid of two spades 叫二黑桃文馨英汉〔bid〕a bid to beat a record.打破纪录的努力。牛津同义词〔bid〕a $24 million bid by a rival company 一家与之竞争的公司 2,400 万美元的出价牛津搭配〔bid〕a desperate bid to escape from his attackers 竭力躲避攻击他的人牛津高阶〔bid〕a desperate bid to free herself from a loveless marriage 为摆脱她那段没有爱情的婚姻而作出的不顾一切的努力朗文当代〔bid〕a near-successful assassination bid 险些得逞的暗杀图谋英汉大词典〔bid〕a takeover bid 收购报价麦克米伦高阶〔bid〕decided not to bid on the roll-top desk.决定不投标那张顶盖可卷缩的写字台美国传统〔bid〕his successful bid for the US presidency他竞选美国总统的成功尝试外研社新世纪〔bid〕made a bid for the presidency.企图当选总统美国传统〔bid〕past tense and past participle bid Games To state one's intention to take (tricks of a certain number or suit in cards): 【过去时态与过去分词】 bid 【游戏】 叫牌:陈述要(某一花色或赢墩数目)的意愿:美国传统〔bid〕past tense and past participle bid To make an offer to pay or accept a specified price: 【过去时态与过去分词】 bid 投标:出价或接受某一特定的价格:美国传统〔bid〕past tense and past participle bid To offer (someone) membership, as in a group or club: 【过去时态与过去分词】 bid 成为会员:接受为某一团体或俱乐部的成员:美国传统〔bid〕past tense and past participle bid To offer or propose (an amount) as a price.【过去时态与过去分词】 bid 出价:提出或建议一个数量作为价格美国传统〔bid〕past tense and past participle bid To seek to win or attain something; strive.【过去时态与过去分词】 bid 力求:企图得到或赢得某物;力求美国传统〔bid〕raise the bid 提高叫出的墩数(或点数) 英汉大词典〔bid〕the person who places the highest bid 出价最高的人朗文当代〔bid〕to bid at an auction.在拍卖场所出价。牛津同义词〔bid〕win (lose) a bid 中(未中)标英汉大词典〔crush〕in his bid to crush the rebels.在他镇压叛乱者的过程中柯林斯高阶〔desperate〕a desperate bid for freedom 孤注一掷争取自由的努力牛津高阶〔dispute〕a bid to reach a satisfactory settlement between the two parties who are in dispute努力达成让争执双方都满意的和解外研社新世纪〔enter〕to enter a bid for a contract给合同投标21世纪英汉〔hostile〕a hostile takeover bid 出价敌意收购牛津高阶〔hostile〕a hostile takeover bid 恶意兼并的出价麦克米伦高阶〔host〕the city's bid to host the Olympic Games in the year 2008 该市主办 2008 年奥运会的申请牛津搭配〔market share〕a bid to increase its market share一次提高其市场份额的投标外研社新世纪〔package〕a package bid 组合投标英汉大词典〔pay off〕his bid to raise funds to pay off his creditors.他为还清债款而努力筹集资金柯林斯高阶〔preemptive〕a preemptive bid (桥牌中开头故意叫得很高的)先发制人叫牌英汉大词典〔preside〕preside over a takeover bid 领导一次收购活动英汉大词典〔quench〕a desperate bid to quench the raging flames 为扑灭熊熊大火而不顾一切的努力朗文当代〔sealed〕a sealed bid 密封投标英汉大词典〔takeover〕a hostile takeover bid 敌意收购报价牛津搭配〔takeover〕a takeover bid for the company 收购这家公司的出价牛津高阶〔trade〕a bid to boost foreign trade 增进对外贸易的努力牛津搭配a bid made up equally of cash and paper 以一半现金一半证券作出的投标出价牛津商务a bid to balance the books 为了平衡(收支)账目牛津商务a failed bid 竞标失败牛津商务a leveraged takeover bid 举债经营式的收购出价牛津商务preparing a bid defence 准备抵制收购牛津商务the continuing bid battle for P&O Princess 为争夺英国公主邮轮公司而旷日持久的收购战牛津商务to bid in an auction 在拍卖中出价牛津商务to make a bid for power 竭力取得权力牛津商务




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