

单词 给出
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔bargain〕bargain sth. to the highest bidder 通过讨价还价把某物卖给出价最高的买主英汉大词典〔bonus〕premium is generally something given as an incentive: premium 常是作为刺激性的诱因给出: 美国传统〔chart〕the information given in the chart 图表中给出的信息牛津搭配〔example〕provided an illustration of the word in context; 在上下文中给出这个词的例证;美国传统〔execute〕a carefully executed and well-presented study 一项精心进行并给出出色汇报的研究牛津搭配〔negative〕negative answer / reply / response He gave a negative answer without any explanation. 他没有作出任何解释就给出了否定的回答。朗文当代〔original〕kept the original but sent a photocopy to his publisher. 保留手稿但可给出版商一份影印件美国传统〔unconvincing〕gave an unconvincing excuse. 给出一牵强的借口美国传统〔vacuous〕the usual vacuous comments by some faceless commentator. 一些千人一面的评论员给出的毫无意义的寻常意见柯林斯高阶




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