

单词 bagpipe
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔SAD〕I could hear the slow, mournful music of the bagpipes. 我听到了和缓凄婉的风笛声。朗文写作活用〔bagpipes〕He was learning to play the bagpipes.他正在学习演奏风笛。外研社新世纪〔bagpipe〕He often plays the bagpipes.他常吹奏风笛。文馨英汉〔bagpipe〕He's learning to play the bagpipes.他正在学吹风笛。韦氏高阶〔bagpipe〕We heard the sound of a bagpipe.我们听到了风笛声。韦氏高阶〔bourdon〕The monotonic drone bass of a bagpipe.风琴低音:一种由风琴发出的单调的低音美国传统〔burden〕The drone of a bagpipe.苏格兰风笛的低音部分美国传统〔caterwaul〕The bagpipes caterwauled.风笛奏出尖声。英汉大词典〔chanter〕Music The pipe of a bagpipe on which the melody is played.【音乐】 风笛的调旋律管:其上能弹奏曲调的风笛管美国传统〔drone〕Any of the pipes of a bagpipe tuned to produce a single tone.风笛低音管:风笛上发出单一音调的音管美国传统〔musette〕A small French bagpipe operated with a bellows and having a soft sound.缪赛特笛:一种小型的声音柔和的用手和用吹风器箱演奏的法国风笛美国传统〔musette〕A soft pastoral air that imitates bagpipe music.模仿缪赛特曲的柔和的田园曲美国传统〔pibroch〕A series of variations on a traditional dirge or martial theme for the highland bagpipes.风笛变奏曲:根据传统的挽歌或战争主题,用高地风笛演奏的一系列变奏曲美国传统〔piper〕One who plays the bagpipe.风笛吹奏者美国传统〔play〕She was played into the church by a man on bagpipes.她在一个男子吹奏的风笛声中走进了教堂。外研社新世纪〔skirl〕Music The shrill sound made by the chanter pipe of bagpipes.【音乐】 风笛发出的尖锐声:风笛的指管所发出的尖锐声音美国传统〔skirl〕To play (a piece) on bagpipes.用风笛演奏(一曲)美国传统〔skirl〕To produce a high, shrill, wailing tone. Used of bagpipes.(风笛)发尖锐声:产生一种音高的、尖利的、哀怨的音调。用于风笛美国传统〔spring〕He took the bagpipes and played a spring.他拿起风笛,奏了一支欢快的乐曲。英汉大词典〔uilleann pipe〕A Celtic bagpipe whose air supply is produced by a bellows held under the arm and operated by the elbow. Often used in the plural.爱尔兰风笛:凯尔特族风笛,由置于臂下以手肘操纵的风箱产生空气。常用复数美国传统〔wailing〕The wail of the bagpipe could be heard in the distance.远远地能听到风笛的呜咽。柯林斯高阶〔wail〕The wail of the bagpipe could be heard in the distance.远远地就能听到风笛的长鸣。外研社新世纪〔windbag〕Music The flexible air-filled chamber of a bagpipe, an accordion, or a similar wind instrument.【音乐】 风箱:风笛、牛风琴或类似的管乐器的内有空气的灵活的腔室美国传统Bagpipes are often played at Scottish Hogmanay celebrations.人们常常在苏格兰除夕晚会上吹风笛。剑桥国际Bagpipes droned in the background.风笛的低音调子组成了背景音乐。剑桥国际A man wearing a kilt was playing the bagpipes.一个穿苏格兰式褶迭短裙的男人正在吹风笛。剑桥国际The bagpipes started up a drone, then began to play a tune over the top of it.风笛开始发出持续的低音调子,接着便在这种调子之上演奏了一曲。剑桥国际We could hear a lone piper (= BAGPIPE player) playing.我们能听到风笛独奏。剑桥国际




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