

单词 kites
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔construct〕As the flimsy constructs soared, the men paid out twine until the kites reached three or four thousand feet.随着这轻薄的东西向上飞升,这些人慢慢放出细绳,直到风筝飞到三四千英尺高。柯林斯高阶〔construct〕As the flimsy constructs soared, the men paid out twine until the kites reached three or four thousand feet.随着风筝轻薄的身架向上飞升, 人们不断地放线, 直到风筝一直飞到三四千英尺高。外研社新世纪〔divine〕Kites have been used to spy on enemies and divine the weather.风筝被用来侦察敌情和探测天气。英汉大词典〔fly〕Children were flying kites in the park.孩子们在公园里放风筝。韦氏高阶〔fly〕In the park people were walking their dogs or flying their kites.公园里,人们或在遛狗,或在放风筝。朗文当代〔fly〕The children are flying their kites.那些孩子在放风筝。文馨英汉〔kite〕The Government flies these kites of disinformation, then people feel grateful when the changes don't happen.政府故意放出这些虚假消息来试探舆论,而当其中提到的改变并未出现时,老百姓便会心怀感激。柯林斯高阶〔kite〕The Republicans were as high as kites at their convention.共和党人在他们的大会上兴高采烈,如醉如狂。英汉大词典〔kite〕The children were flying kites.孩子们在放风筝。韦氏高阶〔parafoil〕A nonrigid, parachutelike, usually nylon airfoil of ribbed or cellular construction, used especially in kites and paragliders.伞翼:通常为非刚性的,如同降落伞般的尼龙制肋状或格状结构飞行翼,尤其用于滑翔翼及飞行伞美国传统〔whoosh〕Kites whooshed above the beach at intervals.风筝在沙滩上空时隐时现。柯林斯高阶On windy days the kids fly their kites in the park.有风的日子里,孩子们在公园里放风筝。剑桥国际Our boys are flying kites. 我们的孩子们在放风筝。译典通The kites were afoul in the wind. 风筝在风中纠缠一起。译典通




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