

单词 peopled
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔nastily〕evil organisations, peopled with nasties.充斥着恶棍的邪恶组织柯林斯高阶〔nasty〕evil organizations, peopled with nasties充斥着恶棍的邪恶组织外研社新世纪〔people〕a campus peopled with students from around the world 遍布着来自世界各地的学生的校园韦氏高阶〔people〕a pool peopled with fish 满是鱼的池塘英汉大词典〔people〕a sky peopled with stars 繁星密布的天空英汉大词典〔people〕a small town peopled by lay workers and families.普通工人和家庭居住的小镇柯林斯高阶〔people〕a sparsely peopled area 人烟稀少的地区麦克米伦高阶〔people〕a strange world peopled by monsters.住满怪物的奇怪世界。牛津同义词〔people〕an island peopled by hardy seafolk 住着吃苦耐劳、在海上讨生活的人的一座岛屿朗文当代〔people〕the grasslands peopled only by nomadic tribes只有游牧民族居住的草原21世纪英汉〔savagely〕their conviction that the area was a frozen desert peopled with uncouth savages.他们深信该地区曾是严寒的沙漠并居住着未开化的野人柯林斯高阶〔white trash〕a place peopled by illiterate poor white trash.没有文化的穷苦白人居住的地方柯林斯高阶〔white trash〕a place peopled by illiterate poor white trash没有文化的穷苦白人居住的地方外研社新世纪




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