

单词 procedures
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CLEAR/NOT CLEAR〕Procedures for making insurance claims need to be more clearly defined. 索取保险赔偿的程序应当规定得更明确。朗文写作活用〔DISHONEST〕Perez said that there were virtually no procedures in place to weed out corrupt officials. 佩雷斯说几乎没有可行的程序来铲除那些贪官污吏。朗文写作活用〔GET RID OF〕We do have procedures in place to weed out individuals who are corrupt. 我们确有相应的程序清除腐败的人员。朗文写作活用〔GI〕Conforming to or in accordance with U.S. military regulations or procedures.美军规范的:符合或依据美国军队规则和规定的美国传统〔IF〕The plan outlines emergency procedures in the event of a major accident. 计划中说明了如果遇到重大事故应该采取的紧急措施。朗文写作活用〔It is vital〕It is vital that you follow all safety procedures. = It is of vital importance that you follow all safety procedures.遵守所有的安全规程极其重要。韦氏高阶〔KNOW/NOT KNOW〕All our employees are fully acquainted with the safety procedures. 我们所有的雇员都充分了解安全程序。朗文写作活用〔LONG〕The procedures for bringing a body back for burial are lengthy and complex. 把尸体运回来埋葬的手续很繁复。朗文写作活用〔PART〕Surgical procedures have many risks inherent in them. 手术过程本身存在许多风险。朗文写作活用〔RESULT〕Safety procedures had been ignored, with disastrous consequences. 安全步骤被忽视,造成了灾难性的后果。朗文写作活用〔TELL SB OFF〕The foreman reprimanded the workers severely for not following safety procedures. 工头严厉地把工人训斥了一顿,因为他们不遵守安全程序。朗文写作活用〔WAY〕It is very important to follow the safety procedures laid down in the handbook. 遵守手册上写的安全程序非常重要。朗文写作活用〔acquaintance〕The practice of a lawyer requires acquaintance with court procedures.当律师要熟悉法庭程序。朗文当代〔acquainted〕Employees should be fully acquainted with emergency procedures.雇员应当十分熟悉应急措施。牛津高阶〔acquainted〕She has become fully acquainted with the procedures.她已充分熟悉那些程序。文馨英汉〔adoption〕The committee recommended the adoption of new safety procedures.委员会建议采用新的安全程序。牛津搭配〔aeroembolism〕Embolism that occurs as a result of the entrance of air bubbles into a blood vessel after surgical procedures or trauma.气泡栓塞症:外科手术或外伤之后,由于气泡进入血管而导致的栓塞症美国传统〔agarose〕A polysaccharide obtained from agar that is the most widely used medium for gel electrophoresis procedures.琼脂糖:从琼脂中提取的多糖,是凝胶电泳过程中用途最普遍的介质美国传统〔avert〕The tragedy could have been averted if the crew had followed safety procedures.如果乘务人员按照安全规则操作,这场悲剧是可以避免的。朗文当代〔black box〕The flight recorder, as on a military or commercial aircraft, that documents preflight checks, in-flight procedures, and the landing.黑匣子:在军用或民用飞机上,纪录飞行前检查、飞行过程和降落的飞行纪录仪美国传统〔brief〕The captain briefed the crew on the new safety procedures.船长向全体船员简要介绍了新的安全规程。韦氏高阶〔carry〕Few medical procedures carry no risk of any kind.几乎没有医疗手术是不带任何风险的。朗文当代〔casual〕The report notes the firm's casual attitude towards safety procedures.报告指出了该公司在安全程序方面态度很不严谨。麦克米伦高阶〔cave-in〕There are important safety procedures to prevent cave-ins in mines.在煤矿区有重要的安全程序防止塌方。韦氏高阶〔contraception〕Intentional prevention of conception or impregnation through the use of various devices, agents, drugs, sexual practices, or surgical procedures.避孕:通过使用各种器具、制剂、药物、性交实践或外科手术等有意来防止怀孕或受精美国传统〔convention〕The convention established procedures for the transport of toxic waste.这一公约规定了运输有毒废物的程序。牛津搭配〔conversant〕You need to become fully conversant with the company's procedures.你得对公司的程序了如指掌。牛津高阶〔cumbersome〕It's a typical local authority with cumbersome committee procedures.这是典型的有着各种繁杂委员会程序的地方政府。外研社新世纪〔disregard〕They disregarded safety procedures and that's why the accident happened.他们轻视安全程序,这就是发生事故的原因。麦克米伦高阶〔disturb〕New procedures often disturb the comfortable habits of the workforce.新的程序常常会打乱全体员工已经熟悉的习惯。朗文当代〔dragnet〕A system of coordinated procedures for apprehending criminal suspects or other wanted persons.警网,罗网:用于捕获嫌疑罪犯或其它所需要的人的一个相互协调的系统美国传统〔drill〕Trainers will be drilling new members of the cabin crew on safety procedures.培训教员将训练新的机组人员掌握安全程序。麦克米伦高阶〔duplication〕The new procedures should reduce duplication of medical care and treatment.新的流程应当减少重复治疗。牛津搭配〔duplication〕We're hoping the new procedures will avoid duplication of effort.我们希望新的工作流程会避免重复劳动。麦克米伦高阶〔efficiency〕New procedures had been introduced as part of an efficiency drive.已引入新的方法作为提高效率举措的一部分。牛津搭配〔elongate〕New medical procedures have elongated the careers of many athletes.新的医疗手段延长了许多运动员的运动生涯。韦氏高阶〔endoscopic〕The pancreatic duct stones were removed by endoscopic procedures.胰管结石通过内窥镜技术移除。剑桥高阶〔established〕There are established procedures for dealing with emergencies.处理紧急情况有一些既定程序。剑桥高阶〔failure〕The accident was caused by a failure to use proper procedures.事故是因未按照正确程序操作造成的。韦氏高阶〔familiarize〕It's my job to familiarize new employees with office procedures.我的工作是使新雇员们熟悉办公室的工作程序。麦克米伦高阶〔familiarize〕You'll need time to familiarize yourself with our procedures.你需要时间熟悉我们的程序。牛津高阶〔familiar〕You will need to be thoroughly familiar with our procedures.你需要彻底了解我们的程序。牛津搭配〔footing〕Planning procedures gained a footing in local government.规划程序获得了地方政府认可。牛津搭配〔form〕A fixed order of words or procedures, as for use in a ceremony; a formula.仪式:一种固定的次序或程序,用于仪式等;规则美国传统〔fuel〕The new information adds fuel to the debate over safety procedures.新信息对于有关安全程序的辩论是火上浇油。牛津高阶〔guide〕The health and safety officer will guide you through the safety procedures.健康安全官员将向你把安全规程解释一遍。牛津高阶〔gunnery〕The science dealing with the techniques and procedures of operating guns.火炮制造与射击学:研究枪枝技术和操作程序的科学美国传统〔housekeeping〕Routine tasks and procedures carried out in the functioning of an operation or a system.常规事务:经营或系统运作过程中执行的惯例或过程美国传统〔implementation〕The report sets out strict inspection procedures to ensure that the recommendations are properly implemented.报告规定了严格的检查程序,以确保建议得到切实执行。柯林斯高阶〔involved〕The operations can be quite involved, requiring many procedures.手术可能非常复杂,需要对多处进行手术。柯林斯高阶〔involved〕The operations can be quite involved, requiring many procedures.这些运算可能十分复杂, 需要许多步骤。外研社新世纪〔judicial〕I would like to go through proper judicial procedures.我希望走正规的司法程序。外研社新世纪〔ketamine〕A general anesthetic given intravenously or intramuscularly and used especially for minor surgical procedures in which muscle relaxation is not required.凯特明:注射于静脉或是肌肉的麻醉剂,特别是用在不需要肌肉松弛的小型手术程序中美国传统〔leave〕Inspectors say health and safety procedures at the factory leave a lot to be desired.稽查员说工厂的卫生和安全措施还有许多需要改进的地方。朗文当代〔line〕UK immigration procedures will have to be changed to bring them into line with the latest European ruling.英国的移民程序必须进行修改,以便和欧洲的最新规定保持一致。朗文当代〔metallurgy〕The science that deals with procedures used in extracting metals from their ores, purifying and alloying metals, and creating useful objects from metals.冶金术:研究从金属矿中提炼金属、提纯与合成金属,以及用金属制造有用物质过程的技术美国传统〔method〕These nouns refer to the plans or procedures followed to accomplish a task or attain a goal.这些名词指为完成某一任务或达到某一目标而遵循的计划或步骤。美国传统〔micromanipulator〕A device for manipulating minute instruments and needles under a microscope in order to perform delicate procedures, such as microsurgery.显微操纵器:在显微镜下用于操纵微小仪器的设备,用于施行精细的步骤,如在显微外科手术中使用美国传统〔modification〕The review resulted in the modification of our security procedures.这次审查的结果是我们的安全措施得到了改进。朗文当代〔motion〕A formal proposal put to the vote under parliamentary procedures.提议:一种在议会程序下进行的向投票席做出的正式议案美国传统〔necessitate〕Recent financial scandals have necessitated changes in parliamentary procedures.最近的金融丑闻使得议会程序必须改革。牛津高阶〔observe〕The proper procedures must be strictly observed.必须严格遵守正确的步骤。麦克米伦高阶〔officialism〕Rigid adherence to official regulations, forms, and procedures.官派,(死板的)形式主义:对官方规定、形式和过程的死板地坚持美国传统〔operationalism〕The view that all theoretical terms in science must be defined only by their procedures or operations.操作论,操作主义:认为所有科学理论术语都是一套操作美国传统〔optimization〕The procedure or procedures used to make a system or design as effective or functional as possible, especially the mathematical techniques involved.最佳化:使一个系统或一项设计尽可能有效或有用的方法或步骤,尤指包含有复杂的数学技术美国传统〔order〕All the procedures must be done in the correct order.一切手续必须按正确顺序办理。牛津高阶〔parliamentarian〕One who is expert in parliamentary procedures, rules, or debate.富于经验的议员:在议会程序、规则或辩论中有经验的人美国传统〔pilot〕Airlines are implementing new safety procedures designed to reduce pilot error.各航空公司都在实施旨在减少飞行员操作失误的新安全规程。外研社新世纪〔plaintiff〕The plaintiff claimed that the correct procedures had not been followed.原告声称未履行正确的程序。牛津搭配〔pocket〕Information about safety procedures is in the pocket in front of you(= on a plane).安全求生的资料放在您前方的小袋子里。牛津高阶〔procedure〕A general tightening up of security procedures is on.安全措施正在全面强化。英汉大词典〔procedure〕All animal procedures were conducted in accordance with the recommendations.所有动物程序都是按照建议进行的。牛津搭配〔procedure〕All safety procedures had been observed.所有的安全规程都得到了遵守。外研社新世纪〔procedure〕All schools have disciplinary procedures they must follow .所有学校都有纪律问题的处理程序,必须遵循。朗文当代〔procedure〕Banks began to review their credit procedures.各银行开始审查他们的信贷程序。牛津搭配〔procedure〕Companies use a variety of testing procedures to select appropriate candidates.公司运用多种测试程序来挑选合适的人员。麦克米伦高阶〔procedure〕He could no longer perform delicate procedures such as angioplasty.他已不再能做如血管成形术这样精巧的手术了。牛津搭配〔procedure〕New employees are taught the proper safety procedures.新员工们要学习恰当的安全操作步骤。韦氏高阶〔procedure〕On board, we were given the usual talk on safety procedures (=what to do if an accident happens, or to prevent an accident) .在飞机上,我们听了例行的飞行安全讲解。朗文当代〔procedure〕The company has new procedures for dealing with complaints.公司采取了新程序处理投诉事宜。剑桥高阶〔procedure〕The pilots completed the emergency procedures.飞行员完成了紧急应变程序。牛津搭配〔procedure〕There are standard procedures for dismissing staff.解雇员工有标准的程序。牛津搭配〔proper〕Councillors went against their own officers and ignored proper procedures.议员们和他们自己的官员们对着干,根本不顾及正当的程序。麦克米伦高阶〔proper〕Please follow the proper procedures for dealing with complaints.请按正当手续处理投诉。牛津高阶〔proper〕The Supreme Court will ensure that the proper procedures have been followed.最高法院将确保程序的履行合乎规范柯林斯高阶〔proper〕The proper procedures have been followed.已遵循恰当的程序。外研社新世纪〔radical〕We need to make some radical changes to our operating procedures.我们需要对操作规程进行一些根本性的变革。剑桥高阶〔reassess〕The customer services department is reassessing its procedures for handling customer complaints.客服部正在重新评定其处理顾客投诉的程序。剑桥高阶〔rebuke〕The company was publicly rebuked for having neglected safety procedures.公司因忽略了安全措施而受到公开批评。牛津高阶〔red tape〕Official forms and procedures, especially when oppressively complex and time consuming.繁文缛节:官方的形式和过程,尤指当其令人感到难以忍受的复杂且浪费时间时美国传统〔response〕In response to complaints, the company reviewed its safety procedures.接到投诉后公司检查了其安全程序。麦克米伦高阶〔reverse〕To stop the engine, you repeat the same procedures, but in reverse (order).要想关掉发动机,你得按相反顺序重复同样的步骤。剑桥高阶〔reversion〕The new procedures are being seen as a reversion to old, inefficient ways of working.采用新工序被视为是开历史倒车,是退回到那种效率低下的老路上去。剑桥高阶〔review〕Safety procedures are being urgently reviewed after a chemical leak at the factory.工厂发生化学品泄漏后,人们现在正在紧急检查安全程序。牛津搭配〔review〕The company hired Bob to conduct an independent review of their workplace procedures.公司聘请鲍勃对他们的工作规程进行独立审查。朗文当代〔revise〕The procedures are continually revised-it is very difficult to keep up with the latest version.程序不断被修改,很难跟上最新版本。牛津搭配〔revision〕The judge wants to see a revision of the procedures.法官希望对程序进行修改。朗文当代〔rigmarole〕A complicated, petty set of procedures.复杂繁琐的一套手续美国传统〔run〕The crew ran through the preflight procedures. We ran through the witness's testimony before presenting it in court.机组人员又复习了一遍飞行前的程序。在法庭上出示之前,我们先过目一下见证人的证词美国传统〔safeguard〕Appropriate safeguards would have to be built into the procedures to avoid abuses.必须在程序中设置适当的保障措施,防止滥用。牛津搭配〔satisfy〕The procedures should satisfy certain basic requirements.这些程序应该符合某些基本要求。柯林斯高阶〔shave〕New procedures shave minutes from the unloading process.采用新方法可使卸货的时间减少好几分钟。英汉大词典〔short-circuit〕The approach was intended to short-circuit normal complaints procedures.这种方法旨在避开正常的投诉程序。柯林斯高阶〔simplification〕Everyone favours the simplification of court procedures.人人都赞成简化法庭程序。外研社新世纪〔simplification〕Everyone favours the simplification of court procedures.每个人都希望法庭程序能够简化。柯林斯高阶〔simulation〕Training includes realistic simulation of casualty procedures.培训包括对急救过程的真实模拟。外研社新世纪〔simulation〕Training includes realistic simulation of casualty procedures.培训包括对急救过程的真实模拟。柯林斯高阶〔standardize〕He standardized procedures for the industry.他规范了行业的流程。韦氏高阶〔standard〕These are standard procedures for handling radioactive waste.这些是处理放射性废料的标准程序。剑桥高阶〔star-chamber〕Secret, harsh, or arbitrary, as in procedures.星室法庭似的:在程序上秘密的、暴虐的或专断的美国传统〔streamline〕The cost-cutting measures include streamlining administrative procedures in the company.削减开支的措施包括简化公司的行政管理程序。剑桥高阶〔streamline〕They say things should be better now that they have streamlined application procedures.他们称鉴于他们已经简化了申请手续, 情况应该会有所好转。外研社新世纪〔streamline〕They say things should be better now that they have streamlined application procedures.他们称鉴于他们已经简化了申请手续,情况应该会有所好转。柯林斯高阶〔strengthen〕Because of the war, security procedures have strengthened.由于战争, 安保程序变得更加严格。外研社新世纪〔strengthen〕Because of the war, security procedures have strengthened.由于战争,安保程序变得更加严格。柯林斯高阶〔strictly〕It is essential that the safety procedures are strictly adhered to.必须严格遵守安全规程。剑桥高阶〔stringently〕Its drugtesting procedures are the most stringent in the world.其药物检测程序是世界上最严格的。柯林斯高阶〔stringent〕Its drug-testing procedures are the most stringent in the world.其药物检测程序是世界上最严格的。外研社新世纪〔suspicion〕There was a suspicion that this runner attempted to avoid the procedures for dope testing.这名赛跑选手涉嫌有意逃避药检。外研社新世纪〔systematic〕Carried on using step-by-step procedures.有计划有步骤地执行的美国传统〔testimony〕In his testimony, he denied that the company had ignored safety procedures.他在证词中否认公司忽视了安全程序。朗文当代〔test〕The exercise successfully tested the procedures for dealing with a serious oil spillage.演练成功地检验了严重溢油事件的处理程序。牛津搭配〔tightening〕Take-off and landing procedures have been tightened after two jets narrowly escaped disaster.在两架喷气机差点出事故之后,起飞和降落的操作规程更加严格了。柯林斯高阶〔training〕Employees should be given training in safety procedures.雇员应该接受安全规程方面的培训。牛津搭配〔underline〕The accident underlines our need for better safety procedures.这次事故凸显了我们优化安全措施的必要性。韦氏高阶〔understanding〕Mr Smith seems to have little understanding of the procedures.史密斯先生似乎对这些程序一无所知。外研社新世纪〔unteach〕An employee who has learned outmoded procedures on previous jobs must be first untaught.在以往职业岗位上学得了过时工作程序的雇员必须先接受洗旧脑筋的教学。英汉大词典〔upset〕How much upset will the new monitoring procedures cause? 新的监控程序将会带来多大的混乱?剑桥高阶〔urge〕Investigators urged that safety procedures at the site should be improved.调查人员敦促该工地改进安全规程。剑桥高阶〔vary〕They've tried to improve their procedures, with varying degrees of success.他们尽力完善他们的程序,取得了不同程度的成效。韦氏高阶〔vaunted〕Its vaunted security procedures hadn't worked.它那套被大肆吹嘘的安保程序并没有发挥作用。柯林斯高阶〔vet〕We are introducing new security vetting procedures.我们正在推行新的安全检查流程。牛津搭配〔wanting〕Their security procedures were found wanting .他们的安全程序被发现有欠缺。朗文当代〔war〕The techniques and procedures of war; military science.军事学:战争的技巧或程序;军事科学美国传统〔why〕The whys and the wherefores of these procedures need to be explained.这些手续的缘由需要作出解释。朗文当代〔wit〕Pilot error, to wit failure to follow procedures, was the cause of the accident.飞行员的失误,即没有遵守操作程序,是事故的原因。牛津高阶After following various verification procedures, he declared the manuscript to be genuine.经过了各种验证手续之后,他宣布那手稿是真实的。剑桥国际Each task is broken down into step-by-step procedures.每项任务细分为一步一步的程序。牛津商务Factory staff are trained in emergency shutdown procedures.工厂员工要接受紧急停机程序的培训。牛津商务If the employee's behaviour does not improve it may be necessary to start disciplinary procedures.如果这员工的行为没有改善,可能有必要启动纪律性程序。牛津商务Ignoring safety procedures led to a tragic accident.忽视安全规则导致了悲剧的发生。剑桥国际Investigators urged that safety procedures at the site should be improved.调查人员要求工地的安全措施应当改进。剑桥国际It is essential that the safety procedures are strictly adhered to.严格遵守安全程序是必要的。剑桥国际New safety procedures have been introduced to ensure that a similar accident never happens again.已采取新的安全措施以确保类似事故不再发生。牛津商务Policies and procedures are written down so that new workers can learn their jobs quickly.规则和程序被付诸文字以便新工人能迅速上手。牛津商务Safety procedures are outlined in the operations manual.安全规程在操作手册里有简要介绍。牛津商务Social workers have standard procedures which they must follow when they are taking children away from their parents.社会工作者在把孩子从父母身边带走时,有一些必须遵循的标准做法。剑桥国际The procedures surrounding legal redress are byzantine.修改法律的程序是错综复杂的。剑桥国际The committee really put our department through the wringer--investigating our procedures and questioning students and staff.这个委员会真对我们系刨根究底查了一番----调查办事手续,并询问学生与教职员工。剑桥国际The cost-cutting measures include streamlining administrative procedures in the company.削减开支的措施包括精简公司的行政管理程序。剑桥国际The health and safety officer will guide you through the safety procedures.健康和安全主任将为你解释一遍安全规程。牛津商务The investigators have focused on the company's validation procedures for its drugs, the spokesman said.发言人说,调查人员关注的焦点问题是该公司对其药品的批准程序。剑桥国际The management produced an ineffectual response to the criticisms of safety procedures.管理层就安全措施所受批评做了不起作用的反应。剑桥国际The new procedures are being seen as a reversion to old, inefficient ways of working.新方法被视为是低效的旧工作方法的复归。剑桥国际The new procedures manual will take some unpacking! 新的程序手册需要一些解释!剑桥国际There are established (= standard) procedures for dealing with emergencies.处理紧急事件有固定程序。剑桥国际There are formal procedures for making complaints.提起诉讼有正式的程序。剑桥国际These procedures are highly irregular. 这些程序是很不合乎规则的。译典通These procedures reduce the need for patients to travel to the medical meccas.这些治疗措施使许多病人不必再去医疗圣地了。剑桥国际These are standard procedures for handling radioactive waste.这些是处理放射性废料的标准程序。剑桥国际This accident points up how important it is to follow safety procedures. 这次事故突出了遵守安全规程的重要性。剑桥国际To avoid complex and time-consuming official procedures, some couples who are desperate to adopt children try to smuggle them into Britain.为了避免复杂而费时的正式手续,一些渴望领养孩子的夫妇试着把孩子偷带进英国。剑桥国际To stop the engine you repeat the same procedures, but in reverse (order).若想停下引擎,则重复相同的步骤,但要以相反的顺序。剑桥国际Vendor rating can help to raise the level of quality procedures throughout industry.供应商评级有助于提高整个行业的质量程序水平。牛津商务We continually revise our procedures.我们不断修改我们的办事程序。牛津商务We have simplified many of our operational procedures.我们已经简化了许多操作程序。牛津商务We need to take a radical look at our operating procedures.我们需要彻底检查我们的操作程序。剑桥国际Yes, the new safety procedures have so far proved (to be) satisfactory. [L + (to be) n/adj] 是的,新的安全程序到现在为止被证明是令人满意的。剑桥国际




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