

单词 collected
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BURN〕Household waste is usually incinerated after it has been collected. 家居垃圾通常先被收集起来,然后焚毁。朗文写作活用〔CD-ROM〕The collected Austen novels on CD-ROM will cost £5.光盘版的奥斯汀小说集售价为5英镑。柯林斯高阶〔ENVIRONMENT〕School students collected tons of drinks cans and bottles for recycling. 在校学生回收了数以吨计的饮料瓶罐。朗文写作活用〔FLOW〕Thick, sticky syrup oozes out of the tree trunk and is collected in buckets. 又厚又黏的汁液从树干上渗出,被收集在桶里。朗文写作活用〔GET〕Organizers have already collected 650 signatures. 组织者已经收集了650个签名。朗文写作活用〔INCREASE〕As the tide came in, water collected to form small pools among the rocks. 潮水一涨进来,水便积聚起来,在岩石中形成一个个小水坑。朗文写作活用〔INFORMATION〕The stories he collected became material for the biography he is now writing. 他收集的故事成了他现在正在写的那本传记的素材。朗文写作活用〔KNOW/NOT KNOW〕The Division was not privy to all the information being collected in Saigon. 该部门并不知道所有在西贡收集到的情报。朗文写作活用〔LIQUID〕A pool of oil had collected under the car. 那部汽车下面集了一摊油。朗文写作活用〔LIQUID〕We collected all the old candles and melted them down to make one big candle. 我们把所有的旧蜡烛都收集起来熔化掉,制成一根大蜡烛。朗文写作活用〔PUSH〕I collected a trolley and wheeled it towards the frozen food section. 我取了一辆手推车,把它推向冷冻食品区。朗文写作活用〔PUSH〕I collected up the dirty washing and bundled it into the washing machine. 我把脏衣服放在一起,塞进洗衣机。朗文写作活用〔PUT〕Eileen collected the leaves, heaping them into piles for burning. 艾琳把落叶聚成一堆一堆以便焚烧。朗文写作活用〔SHARE〕The tax will be collected nationally and the money raised will be redistributed to local authorities. 税款将由国家统一征收,所征得的钱将重新分配给地方政府。朗文写作活用〔TIME〕Wallace made a well-timed run through the midfield, collected the pass and scored with a low shot. 华莱士及时跑过中场,接过传球,一脚低射得分。朗文写作活用〔UNTIDY〕His house was cluttered up with the things he had collected. 他家里堆满了他搜集来的东西。朗文写作活用〔WIN〕She collected her winnings and put them into her bag. 她收起赢来的钱放进包里。朗文写作活用〔arrange〕He had arranged for the boxes to be stored until they could be collected.他已安排好这些箱子的存放事宜,直到被取走。柯林斯高阶〔baggage〕The passengers went through immigration control and collected their baggage.乘客通过了移民局检查, 领取了行李。外研社新世纪〔behalf〕We collected money in behalf of the homeless.我们为帮助无家可归者而募捐。牛津高阶〔between〕We collected £17 between us.我们凑集了 17 英镑。朗文当代〔branch out〕First Jack collected coins;then he branched out and collected stamps.杰克开头只集硬币,后来又有所发展,也集邮了。21世纪英汉〔bulky〕Bulky items will be collected separately.大件物品将分开收集。牛津高阶〔calm〕He remained at all times cool, calm and collected.他总是镇定自若。牛津搭配〔catchment〕The amount of water collected in such structure.蓄水量:在此种容器中的水的收集量美国传统〔charity〕We collected for charity.我们为善举而募捐。牛津同义词〔clip〕He collected up the papers and clipped them together.他把文件收拾好并夹在一起。麦克米伦高阶〔collect up〕Harold had all the copies collected up and burned.哈罗德将所有的副本收集起来烧毁了。外研社新世纪〔collect up〕Harold had all the copies collected up and burned.哈罗德把所有的书收在一块,全烧了。柯林斯高阶〔collect up〕The children collected their toys up and put them away.孩子们收拾好了玩具。韦氏高阶〔collected〕He remained collected during the emergency.紧急事件发生时他镇定如常。英汉大词典〔collected〕His collected poems have just been published.他的诗歌集刚刚出版。外研社新世纪〔collected〕His collected poems were published in 1928.他的诗集发表于1928年。剑桥高阶〔collected〕She always stays cool, calm and collected in a crisis.她在危急关头总是很冷静镇定,处之泰然。牛津高阶〔collected〕She appeared calm and collected.她显得沉着镇定。剑桥高阶〔collected〕She seemed completely cool, calm, and collected during her speech.她演讲时看起来十分冷静,泰然自若。韦氏高阶〔collected〕She tried to stay calm and collected.她尽力保持镇定。麦克米伦高阶〔collected〕She wanted to arrive feeling cool , calm , and collected .她想在到达时感觉平和冷静,泰然自若。朗文当代〔collected〕She was cool and collected during her interrogation.在整个审问过程中, 她表现得冷静、镇定。外研社新世纪〔collection〕The sum so collected.收集来的总和美国传统〔collect〕A crowd collected at the scene of the crime.群众聚集在犯罪的现场。文馨英汉〔collect〕A large crowd of reporters collected outside the prime minister's house.一大群记者聚集在首相府前。剑桥高阶〔collect〕Dirt had collected in the corners of the room.房间的角落里积满了灰尘。牛津高阶〔collect〕Dust had collected on the dashboard.汽车的仪表板上积满了灰尘。韦氏高阶〔collect〕He collected himself before the interview.他在接受面谈之前先镇定心神。文馨英汉〔collect〕He collected his girlfriend from her school.他把女朋友从她的学校接出来。文馨英汉〔collect〕He collected on the damage to his house.他收到了房屋损坏的赔款。21世纪英汉〔collect〕He collected stories from all over the world.他收集了世界各地的故事。韦氏高阶〔collect〕How much money have you collected so far?你至今已筹集了多少钱?外研社新世纪〔collect〕I collected the bread from the baker’s.我从面包店拿了面包。牛津同义词〔collect〕I collected the rent from the tenants.我从房客那儿收取了租金。韦氏高阶〔collect〕John collected a double and two singles.约翰一举赢了一场双打和两场单打。21世纪英汉〔collect〕Rain collected in pools on the road.路上积了一摊摊的雨水。朗文当代〔collect〕Rain water collected in the drainpipe.雨水积聚在排水道里。21世纪英汉〔collect〕Redgrave collected his fifth Olympic gold medal in Sydney.雷德格雷夫在悉尼获得了他的第五枚奥运会金牌。朗文当代〔collect〕Samples were collected from over 200 patients.已从 200 多名病人取样。牛津高阶〔collect〕She collected £25 000 in compensation.她得到了 25 000 英镑赔偿金。牛津高阶〔collect〕She had just collected her pension from the post office.她刚刚在邮局领取了养老金。外研社新世纪〔collect〕She had just collected her pension from the post office.她刚去邮局取了养老金。柯林斯高阶〔collect〕The mail is collected twice a day.邮件每天收取两次。外研社新世纪〔collect〕The office had collected a blue layer of cigarette smoke near the ceiling.办公室天花板下聚集了一层蓝色的香烟烟雾。英汉大词典〔collect〕The package is waiting to be collected.这包裹在等待人领取。牛津高阶〔collect〕The pupils collected in the big hall.学生们聚集在大厅里。21世纪英汉〔collect〕The rubbish is collected every Tuesday.垃圾每星期二收走。麦克米伦高阶〔collect〕The state collected about $1.2 million in taxes in January.一月份州政府收取的税金为120万美元。剑桥高阶〔collect〕The statistics are collected purely for administrative purposes.这些数据纯粹是为行政用途而收集的。麦克米伦高阶〔collect〕The teacher collected the exercise books.老师将练习册收了上去。外研社新世纪〔collect〕The victim collected £10,000 in compensation.受害者领到1万英镑的赔偿金。麦克米伦高阶〔collect〕They collected donations for a fund to help military families.他们为一个旨在帮助军人家属的基金筹集捐款。柯林斯高阶〔collect〕They collected information about the community.他们收集了关于这个社区的信息。韦氏高阶〔collect〕Water collected in the basement.地下室里积了水。英汉大词典〔collect〕We collected our baggage from/at the baggage claim at the airport.我们在机场的行李领取处提取了行李。韦氏高阶〔collect〕We collected over £300 for the appeal.我们为募捐筹集了 300 多英镑。牛津高阶〔collect〕We collected soil samples from several areas on the site.我们在那个地点的几个区域分别采集了土壤样本。韦氏高阶〔collect〕We seem to have collected an enormous number of boxes(= without intending to).我们似乎无意中积存了大量的盒子。牛津高阶〔complete〕I've collected the complete set.我收集了全套。牛津高阶〔conclusion〕The data he collected strengthened his conclusions.收集到的数据强化了他的结论。牛津搭配〔condense〕The information is collected and then passed on to the CEO in condensed form.信息被收集并简缩后,转给了首席执行官。韦氏高阶〔cool customer〕She remained calm, cool, and collected.她依然保持镇定、冷静和沉着。韦氏高阶〔cool〕He did his best to appear cool, calm and collected.他尽力使自己显得镇定自若。牛津搭配〔cool〕He was cool and collected.他冷静又沉着。英汉大词典〔cool〕Outwardly she is cool, calm and collected .她外表沉着冷静,镇定自若。朗文当代〔cool〕The witness remained collected throughout the cross-examination.证人在整个反诘问过程中保持着镇静自若。美国传统〔customhouse〕A governmental building or office where customs are collected and ships are cleared for entering or leaving the country.海关:进行征收关税并清理船只以进入或离开本国的政府大楼或办公室美国传统〔dash〕I must dash off this letter before the post is collected.在邮递员收信之前,我得赶紧把这封信写好。英汉大词典〔data〕The analysis was based on data collected in the field.该分析是建立在所收集的该领域的资料基础之上的。麦克米伦高阶〔data〕The data was/were collected by various researchers.这些信息是由各类研究人员收集起来的。剑桥高阶〔data〕This data was collected from 69 countries.这资料是从 69 个国家收集来的。牛津高阶〔day〕They collected a full day's pay for half a day's work.他们做了半天的工却领了全天的工资。韦氏高阶〔district〕Varieties of these crops have been collected from all around the district.这些不同的作物已从该地区各处收集起来。柯林斯高阶〔district〕Wild flowers were collected from around the district.从这个区的周围采集了野花。外研社新世纪〔dozen〕We collected dozens and dozens of shells on the beach.我们在海滩上捡了很多很多贝壳。朗文当代〔droplet〕Droplets of water collected on the windows.水滴积聚在窗户上。韦氏高阶〔early〕Because of the early arrival of our flight, we had to wait a while at the airport before we were collected.因为我们的航班提前到达了, 我们只得在机场等了一会儿才有人接我们。外研社新世纪〔empirical〕They collected plenty of empirical data/evidence from their experiments.他们从实验中收集到许多实验数据/证据。韦氏高阶〔empties〕The barman collected the empties.酒吧男侍者把空瓶子收走了。朗文当代〔essay〕The fifteen essays have been collected in this voume.该卷收录了这 15 篇文章。牛津搭配〔faeces〕A sample of fresh faeces should be collected each day.应该每天收集新粪便的样本。牛津搭配〔garbage〕During the crisis, garbage was not collected.危机期间,无人收垃圾。牛津搭配〔gully〕The excess rainwater collected in the gully.多余的雨水汇流到水沟里。麦克米伦高阶〔handful〕The children collected seashells by the handful.孩子们一把把地捡贝壳。韦氏高阶〔hardly〕He had hardly collected the papers on his desk when the door burst open.他刚收起桌上的文件,门就猛地开了。柯林斯高阶〔hole〕Water had collected in the holes in the road.水积聚在道路的坑洼处。牛津高阶〔horse〕They collected tissue samples for cloning from 75 champion horses.他们搜集了 75 匹冠军马的组织样本用来克隆。牛津搭配〔iconography〕The collected representations illustrating a subject.阐释某一主题的集中表现美国传统〔introduction〕She wrote the introduction to his collected letters.她为他的书信集写了序。牛津搭配〔like〕Information is collected through the likes of the FBI, CIA, and Scotland Yard.情报来自联邦调查局、中央情报局和苏格兰场这一类机构。朗文当代〔margin〕The money is collected in a straightforward way with little margin for error.钱是直接募集上来的, 基本上没有误差。外研社新世纪〔margin〕The money is collected in a straightforward way with little margin for error.钱是直接筹集上来的,不太容易出错。柯林斯高阶〔militaria〕Objects, such as weapons and uniforms, that are connected with warfare or military service and are usually collected for their historical interest.军事收藏品,与军事有关的收藏品:与战争或服军役有关的物品,如武器或军装,通常由于其历史纪念意义而被收藏美国传统〔miscellanea〕Miscellaneous items or written works collected together.杂集:各种各样不同的项目或作品被收集在一起美国传统〔native〕Bartók collected autochthonous folk melodies and used them in his compositions.鲍尔托克采集当地的民间旋律并把它们用于自己的创作中。美国传统〔night soil〕Human excrement collected for use as fertilizer.大粪:用作肥料的人粪便美国传统〔nonperishable〕The students collected nonperishables to give to the poor.学生收集了不易变质的食物分发给穷人。韦氏高阶〔nuisance tax〕A small excise tax levied on separate purchases and collected directly from the purchaser.微额消费税:直接对消费者和对零售消费品征收的小额消费税美国传统〔observation〕Most information was collected by direct observation of the animals' behaviour.大部份信息都是通过直接观察动物的行为收集到的。牛津高阶〔oral〕He was interested in oral history(= history that is collected from interviews with people who have personal knowledge of past events).他对口述历史感兴趣。牛津高阶〔override〕A sales commission collected by an executive in addition to the commission received by a subordinate salesperson.佣金:除下属推销员收取的佣金之外管理人员收取的佣金美国传统〔petition〕They collected 2,000 signatures on a petition demanding that women be allowed to join the club.他们的请愿书收集了2000个签名,要求允许女子加入这家俱乐部。韦氏高阶〔pitch〕They all pitched in and the money was collected within a few days.他们都出了钱,几天内就筹集到一笔钱。朗文当代〔pocket〕Dishonest importers would be able to pocket the VAT collected from customers.不诚实的进口商将会能够把从顾客那里收取的增值税据为己有。柯林斯高阶〔pocket〕Dishonest importers would be able to pocket the VAT collected from customers.不诚实的进口商将能够把从顾客那里收取的增值税据为己有。外研社新世纪〔pocket〕He said the officials pocketed some of the taxes they collected.他说这些官员们私吞了他们征收来的一些税款。麦克米伦高阶〔poem〕His collected poems were published after the war.他的诗集在战后出版。牛津搭配〔pool〕The water collected in a little pool at the bottom of the cliff.水汇集到悬崖底部的一个小水潭里。麦克米伦高阶〔pottery〕He has collected pottery for years.他收藏陶器多年。韦氏高阶〔publication〕The publication of his collected poems was approaching the status of an event.他的诗集的出版可能说是一件大事。柯林斯高阶〔refuse〕Refuse is collected on Fridays.周五收垃圾。牛津搭配〔remain〕Huge amounts of weapons remain to be collected.大量的武器仍有待收缴。柯林斯高阶〔remain〕Huge amounts of weapons remain to be collected.还有大量武器需要收缴。外研社新世纪〔rubbish〕The rubbish is collected on Tuesdays.每周二收垃圾。牛津搭配〔run-off〕The sewers collected sewage and storm runoff and discharged it, untreated, into the harbour.污水和暴雨径流汇入下水道后被直接排入海港。柯林斯高阶〔sales tax〕A tax levied on the retail price of merchandise and collected by the retailer.销售税:在货物零售价格上征收的,由零售商收集的税款美国传统〔scientist〕Scientists have collected more data than expected.科学家们已经收集到了比预期更多的数据。柯林斯高阶〔shake〕Small insects can be collected by shaking them into a jar.收集小昆虫时可以把它们装进广口瓶里。外研社新世纪〔shall〕Candidates shall remain in their seats until all the papers have been collected.考生必须留在座位上,等所有试卷收好以后方可离去。牛津高阶〔shell〕We collected shells at the beach.我们在海边拾贝壳。韦氏高阶〔shell〕We collected shells on the beach.我们在海滩拾贝壳。牛津高阶〔signature〕The school collected 4000 signatures for the petition.学校为这份请愿书收集到了 4000 个签名。朗文当代〔signature〕They collected over 1 000 signatures for the petition.他们征集了 1,000 多人在请愿书上签名。牛津搭配〔single〕All the group's hit singles have been collected on an album.该乐队的所有流行单曲都被收集到一张专辑里。麦克米伦高阶〔slop〕Breakfast plates were collected and the slops emptied.早餐的盘子已经收走,剩饭也清理干净了。柯林斯高阶〔solid〕Liquid and solid waste is collected in the tank.液体和固体废物集中在箱罐里。剑桥高阶〔somehow〕They maintained that every dollar of tax collected was somehow or other returned to the people.他们坚持认为征收的每一块钱税款都以这样或那样的方式用之于民了。英汉大词典〔sort〕Once the data is collected, the computer will sort it by date.一旦搜集完数据,计算机就会按照日期对其进行整理分类。麦克米伦高阶〔specific〕The money was collected for a specific purpose.这笔钱是为一个特定用途而收的。牛津高阶〔stack〕The wood was collected up and carefully stacked away.木头被收集起来,仔细地堆放到一边。牛津搭配〔stick〕They collected dry sticks for the campfire.他们捡了一些枯枝来生篝火。韦氏高阶〔stick〕We collected dry sticks to start a fire.我们捡了些枯枝生起火来。牛津高阶〔stroll〕He collected some orange juice from the refrigerator and, glass in hand, strolled to the kitchen window.他从冰箱里拿了点橘子汁,然后手拿杯子溜达到厨房的窗口。柯林斯高阶〔take〕A quantity collected at one time, especially the amount of profit or receipts taken on a business arrangement or venture.一次清算的数量:一次所收集的数量,尤指在一次商业活动或商业投机中所得到的利润或收益的数量美国传统〔take〕Sports The amount of money collected as admission to a sporting event; the gate.【体育运动】 门票收入:作为观看一场体育比赛的入场费所收集到的钱;门票美国传统〔term〕Finance costs are collected over the term of the loan.贷款期间要收取财务费用。麦克米伦高阶〔themselves〕They collected the evidence all by themselves .他们完全靠他们自己收集的证据。剑桥高阶〔toll〕Tolls are now collected electronically on most motorways.现在绝大部分高速公路采用电子收费。剑桥高阶〔towards〕The money collected will be put towards repairing the church roof.募集到的钱款将用于修缮教堂屋顶。朗文当代〔treasury〕The author has collected a treasury of facts and lore about horses.这位作者收集了关于马匹的珍贵资料。韦氏高阶〔tube〕Gases produced in the reaction pass through this tube and can then be collected.反应中产生的气体通过这条管子就可以收集起来。剑桥高阶〔twig〕We collected dry twigs to start the fire.我们拣干的细树枝生火。剑桥高阶〔tyro〕The tyro collected 16 touches and two goals last week against Hawthorn.那个新手在上周对阵霍桑队的比赛中共有16次触球和2粒进球。外研社新世纪〔vasculum〕A small box or case used for carrying collected plant specimens.植物标本采集箱:用来携带采集到的植物标本的小盒子或箱子美国传统〔wages〕He collected his wages.他领取了自己的工资。外研社新世纪〔want〕The sum collected wants but a few dollars of the desired amount.所收集的金额比所期望的数目只差几美元了。英汉大词典〔welter〕We need to sort through the welter of data we have collected.我们需要整理收集来的一大堆杂乱无章的数据。韦氏高阶〔writing〕Ruskin's collected writings 《罗斯金作品全集》牛津搭配〔yes〕He collected the £10,000 first prize. Yes, £10,000.他领取了1万英镑的头奖。对, 是1万英镑。外研社新世纪〔yes〕He collected the £10,000 first prize. Yes, £10,000.他领取了1万英镑的头奖。对,是1万英镑。柯林斯高阶A large crowd of reporters collected outside the Prime Minister's house.在首相府门前聚集着一大群记者。剑桥国际After the party I collected (up) twenty bottles from various parts of the house.晚会后我在房屋各处收集到了20个瓶子。剑桥国际An angry multitude collected in the street. 街道上聚集了一大群愤怒的人。译典通Council workers have carted away all the dead leaves that had collected at the side of the road.清洁工将聚集在道路一边的落叶运走。剑桥国际During a canvass of the neighborhood we collected 200 dollars for the school. 在邻近地区的一次募捐活动中,我们为学校募得了二百美元。译典通Evaluation of this new treatment cannot take place until all the data has been collected.在收集到所有的数据之前,无法对这种新处理办法作出评估。剑桥国际Fresh water collected in gutters will be channelled into the pond.积聚在水槽中的淡水将被引到池塘中去。剑桥国际Gases produced in the reaction pass through this tube and can then be collected.反应中产生的气体通过这个管子, 然后就可以收集起来。剑桥国际I had to sign for the parcel (= sign a form to show that I had received it) when I collected it from the post office.从邮局领取包裹时,我得签字。剑桥国际I wrapped the pebbles I collected on the beach in a piece of Kleenex.我把在海滩上收集的卵石包在一张纸巾里。剑桥国际In the winter, the squirrel relies on food that it has collected and stored during the summer.冬天,松鼠靠夏季收藏起来的食物为生。剑桥国际Liquid and solid waste is collected in the tank.液体和固体废物收集在罐中。剑桥国际Purchases can be shipped or collected from the store.购买的商品可由商家发货,也可到店自取。牛津商务She collected a huge body of information and data for her book.她为她的书搜集了大量的信息和资料。剑桥国际She quickly collected her thoughts and managed to say something polite but noncommittal.她很快集中了思想,说了一些礼貌但并不表态的话。剑桥国际The bank collected the cheque without checking the name of the payee.银行未核对收款人姓名即兑现了支票。牛津商务The children collected faggots for the fire while their parents set up tables and chairs in a secluded spot.孩子们去拾柴生火,而父母在一个幽僻的地方摆桌椅准备吃饭。剑桥国际The children collected their prizes and then went back to their places.孩子们领了奖品,回到座位上。剑桥国际The data was/were collected by various researchers.资料被众多的研究人员收集起来。剑桥国际The drips were being collected in a bucket.一滴滴的水被汇集在一只桶中。剑桥国际The goods must be collected within 7 days of the receipt of the delivery order.在收到提货单 7 天之内必须提货。牛津商务The interviewee appeared cool, calm and collected despite aggressive questioning.被采访者即使在挑衅性的提问前也显得沉着、冷静和镇定自若。剑桥国际The rancidity arising from the collected garbages is truly unbearable. 这些堆积的垃圾所发出的腐臭真是让人受不了。译典通These are the seashells we collected last summer. 这些海贝是我们去年夏天搜集的。译典通They collected money to help needy children. 他们集资帮助贫穷的孩子。译典通They collected the evidence (all by) themselves (= without help).他们独立收集了证据。剑桥国际They are counting the books they collected. 他们正在数收集来的书。译典通They argue that inconsistencies in the way results are collected prevent any reliable national picture emerging.他们争论说,(选举)结果的集中手段各地不一致,就无法产生出一个可靠的全国统计数。剑桥国际They have collected enough signatures to force a vote.他们已经收集到足够的签名以便强行表决。牛津商务We collected hundreds of signatures in support of not allowing cars into the city centre.我们收集了数百个支持禁止汽车进入市中心的签名。剑桥国际We collected the data from interviews with customers.我们从访谈的顾客那里收集资料。牛津商务We finally (=after some difficulty or delay) got home at eleven o'clock / collected the parcel and left.我们终于在十一点到了家/取到包裹然后离开了。剑桥国际We hope to work the data we've collected up into a series of reports.我们希望将已收集到的资料逐步整理成一系列的报告。剑桥国际




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