

单词 piece of writing
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔OFTEN〕The computer can tell you the number of times a word occurs in a piece of writing such as a book. 电脑能告诉你某个单词在一本书等的文字作品中出现的次数。朗文写作活用〔WRITE〕Below each picture was a short piece of writing in Arabic script. 每张照片下面都有一小篇阿拉伯文字。朗文写作活用〔causerie〕A short, conversational piece of writing or criticism.文章或批评:谈话式的简短文章或评论美国传统〔chapter〕One of the main divisions of a relatively lengthy piece of writing, such as a book, that is usually numbered or titled.章,回,篇:一部相对较长作品的一个主要部分,如通常标有页数和标题的书的美国传统〔directness〕Using 'I' adds directness to a piece of writing.采用第一人称会使文章更显亲切。柯林斯高阶〔dithyramb〕A wildly enthusiastic speech or piece of writing.充满激情的演讲或一段文章美国传统〔editor〕Your role as editor is important, for you can look at a piece of writing objectively.你的编辑角色很重要,因为你能够客观地审视作品。柯林斯高阶〔editor〕Your role as editor is important, for you can look at a piece of writing objectively.你作为审校者作用重大, 因为你能够客观地审视作品。外研社新世纪〔emphasize〕You can use italics or capitals to emphasize a word in a piece of writing.你可以用斜体或者大写来强调文章中的某个词。剑桥高阶〔flair〕It's a competent enough piece of writing but it lacks flair.这篇文章写得还算不错,就是文采稍显不足。剑桥高阶〔glop〕Something, such as a piece of writing, that is judged to be worthless.废物:被认为无用的东西,如作品美国传统〔harangue〕A speech or piece of writing characterized by strong feeling or expression; a tirade.慷慨激昂的长篇:慷慨激昂的长篇演说或文章;长篇的弹劾性演说美国传统〔hone〕It was a finely honed piece of writing.那是一篇经过仔细推敲写成的文章。牛津高阶〔monograph〕A scholarly piece of writing of essay or book length on a specific, often limited subject.专著:通篇论述某一具体的,通常是限定的专题学术文章或书美国传统〔piece〕He hasn't produced a single piece of writing this year.今年他一篇文章也未完成。牛津搭配〔piece〕This is an effective piece of writing.这是一篇令人难忘的文章。牛津搭配〔polished〕This is a highly/very polished piece of writing.这是篇文笔精湛的作品。韦氏高阶〔puff〕A piece of writing, as on the jacket of a book, containing often exaggerated praise, used for promotional purposes.过分夸赞的文章:一篇通常写在书的封皮页上以促销的充满夸张赞扬之词的文章美国传统〔screed〕A long, monotonous harangue or piece of writing.冗长,单调的说话或者文章美国传统〔skit〕A short humorous or satirical piece of writing.小品:一种短小、幽默或具讽剌意味的作品美国传统〔soliloquy〕A specific speech or piece of writing in this form of discourse.自言自语:以这种方式说出一个具体的演说或一段文字美国传统〔stand〕Your paragraphs do not stand alone: each one is a unit of a larger piece of writing.你的这些段落无法独立成文:每一段都是一篇大文章的一个组成部分。外研社新世纪〔subject〕These nouns denote the principal idea or point of a speech, a piece of writing, or an artistic work.这些名词表示演讲、文章或艺术作品的主要思想或要旨。美国传统〔writer's block〕A usually temporary psychological inability to begin or continue work on a piece of writing.作家阻塞:通常是一种暂时的心理抑制,它使一个人不能开始或继续写完一篇作品美国传统〔writing〕Her essay was a wonderful piece of writing.她的文章写得很好。韦氏高阶〔writing〕It was such a brilliant piece of writing.这真是一篇才华横溢的文章。柯林斯高阶〔writing〕The review is a brilliant piece of writing.这篇评论很精彩。牛津高阶A piece of writing without any punctuation is difficult to understand. 一篇没有任何标点符号的文章是很难懂的。译典通This book is a magnificent piece of writing.这本书是部杰作。剑桥国际




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