

单词 prevents
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔JOIN〕There is a clause in the contract that prevents executives going over to the competition. 合同中有一条款用以防止行政人员转投到竞争对手那里。朗文写作活用〔KNOW/NOT KNOW〕The fear of the unknown prevents many people from making significant changes in their lives. 对未知事物的恐惧使许多人不敢对自己的生活作出重大改变。朗文写作活用〔PURPOSE〕The function of this gene is to block the uncontrolled division of cells; it therefore prevents the development of cancer. 这种基因的作用是阻止细胞失控地分裂,从而防止癌症。朗文写作活用〔STOP〕A special valve prevents the waste gases from escaping. 有一个特别的阀阻止废气外逸。朗文写作活用〔UNDER/BELOW〕Padding prevents the rug's color from seeping through onto the floor underneath. 铺上垫料可防止地毯的颜色渗到下面的地板上去。朗文写作活用〔accidentally〕The lock prevents the gate from opening accidentally.这把锁能防止大门意外打开。韦氏高阶〔accidentally〕The program prevents files from being accidentally erased.该程序防止文件被意外删除。麦克米伦高阶〔albatross〕Fame has become an albatross that prevents her from leading a normal and happy life.名气已成了她的一个包袱,让她没法过正常的幸福生活。韦氏高阶〔all〕After all, what is it that prevents her going to the meeting? 究竟是什么使她不去参加会议呢?英汉大词典〔ambush〕Fear of ambush prevents the police from going to high-risk areas.由于害怕遭到伏击,警察不敢去高风险地区巡逻。剑桥高阶〔anticoagulant〕A substance that prevents the clotting of blood.抗凝血剂:防止血液凝结的物质美国传统〔anticonvulsant〕A drug that prevents or relieves convulsions.抗痉挛剂:防止或减轻痉挛的药物美国传统〔antifouling paint〕Paint that counteracts or prevents the fouling of underwater surfaces, such as the undersides of boats.防污油漆:可消除或防止水下表面,如船底,污垢的油漆美国传统〔astigmatism〕A refractive defect of a lens or other optical system that prevents light rays from converging at a single point, resulting in a blurred or imperfect image.散光:有折射缺陷的透镜或其它光学系统,阻碍光线汇聚于一个焦点,形成一个模糊或不完全的图象美国传统〔baffle〕A partition that prevents interference between sound waves in a loudspeaker.隔音板:在扩音器中防止声波相互干扰的隔离装置美国传统〔blue box〕An electronic device having a tone pulsator that prevents telephone equipment from registering long-distance charges.蓝盒子:一种带有声调振动器的电子装置,用以防止电话设备记录长途电话费用美国传统〔circulate〕The condition prevents the blood from circulating freely.这种病会阻碍血液的畅通循环。牛津高阶〔cladding〕The cladding surrounding uranium rods prevents oxidation.铀棒以包壳防止氧化。外研社新世纪〔clinical〕Colourful crockery prevents the room looking too clinical.五彩的餐具让房间看上去不至于太朴素无趣。外研社新世纪〔coating〕The fabric has a coating that prevents liquids from soaking through.这种布料上有防水涂层。韦氏高阶〔confidentiality〕Patient confidentiality prevents me from discussing any specific medical case.病人隐私的保密原则不允许我讨论任何特定病例。外研社新世纪〔contraceptive〕A device, drug, or chemical agent that prevents conception.避孕用具:防止怀孕的器具、药物或化学制剂美国传统〔disability〕A disadvantage or deficiency, especially a physical or mental impairment that prevents or restricts normal achievement.限制,不利条件:不利的条件或不健全,尤指由于身体或智力受损而阻碍或限制正常发展美国传统〔disability〕He has a disability which prevents him from walking.他有残疾,不能行走。英汉大词典〔disincentive〕Something that prevents or discourages action; a deterrent.障碍因素:使抑制或沮丧行为的事物;阻碍物美国传统〔dog in the manger〕One who prevents others from enjoying what one has no use for oneself.占着茅坑不拉屎:对自己毫无用处的东西也不让别人享有的人美国传统〔doorstop〕A weight or spring that prevents a door from slamming.制门器:防止门关得太猛的物体或弹簧美国传统〔escape〕The lid prevents the escape of poisonous gases.这盖子可以防止毒气的泄漏。朗文当代〔fail-safe〕The camera has a built-in fail-safe device which prevents it from working if the right signals aren't received.摄像机有内置自动防故障装置, 该装置确保摄像机在未接到正确信号时不会启动。外研社新世纪〔fail-safe〕The camera has a built-in failsafe device which prevents it from working if the right signals aren't received.照相机有内置自动防故障装置,该装置确保相机在未接到正确信号时不会启动。柯林斯高阶〔fatigue〕Correcting your posture prevents muscle fatigue and injury.纠正姿势可防止肌肉疲劳与受伤。牛津搭配〔fulfilment〕For many women, the fulfilment of family obligations prevents the furtherance of their career.对于很多女性来说,担负起家庭的责任便阻止了她们在事业上的进一步发展。剑桥高阶〔glass ceiling〕An unacknowledged discriminatory barrier that prevents women and minorities from rising to positions of power or responsibility, as within a corporation.玻璃天花板:不被公开承认的歧视藩篱,不让女性或是弱势少数族群晋升至权力或者责任核心位置,例如在一家公司中美国传统〔ground〕Nothing prevents us from changing our ground and taking into account the latest developments.没有什么能阻止我们改变立场并把最新的进展考虑进去。外研社新世纪〔guard〕Electronics A signal that prevents accidental activation of a device or ambiguous interpretation of data.【电子学】 信号:为防止装置意外激活或对数据含混解释的信号美国传统〔importance〕The importance of washing one's hands is that it prevents infection.洗手之所以重要是因为它能防止疾病传染。英汉大词典〔impregnate〕The wood is impregnated with a chemical which prevents decay.这种木材是用防腐化学药品浸渍过的。英汉大词典〔joint〕This anti-inflammatory agent prevents the joints from swelling.这种消炎药剂可预防关节肿大。外研社新世纪〔muzzle〕A leather or wire restraining appliance that, when fitted over an animal's snout, prevents biting and eating.动物的口套,口络:套在动物的鼻口部以防止其咬和吃的一种皮质或者金属丝制成的限制装置美国传统〔obstacle〕All of these nouns refer to something that prevents action or slows progress.所有这些名词都指阻止行动或延缓进步的事物,美国传统〔odor〕This deodorant prevents bad odor from occurring.这种除臭剂能防止臭味散发。韦氏高阶〔organize〕This prevents them from organizing effectively to improve their wages.这使他们不能有效地组成工会谋求工资待遇的改善。英汉大词典〔permeate〕The table has a plastic coating which prevents liquids from permeating into the wood beneath.桌子上铺了一层塑料,防止液体渗到下面的木头里去。剑桥高阶〔phimosis〕An abnormal constriction of the foreskin that prevents it from being drawn back to uncover the glans penis.包茎:一种不正常的表皮收缩,它阻止表皮回缩而露出龟头美国传统〔plaque〕Brushing prevents a build-up of plaque and tartar on the teeth.刷牙可防止牙斑和牙垢的堆积。牛津搭配〔plaque〕Brushing your teeth prevents the buildup of plaque.刷牙可防止牙斑的生成。韦氏高阶〔preventive〕Something that prevents or slows the course of an illness or disease.预防药,预防法,预防措施:预防或延缓病情发展的药品,方法或措施美国传统〔prevent〕God prevents us.上帝引领我们。21世纪英汉〔prevent〕His disability prevents him (from) driving.他有残疾,不能开车。剑桥高阶〔prevent〕There will be a picnic if nothing prevents.如果没有特别的情况,我们将举行野餐美国传统〔prevent〕There will be a picnic, if nothing prevents.假如没有什么阻碍的话,将要举行一次野餐。英汉大词典〔prevent〕This new legislation effectively prevents us from trading.这项新立法有效阻止了我们的买卖。牛津搭配〔previous〕I regret that a previous engagement prevents me from accepting your kind invitation.非常遗憾,我因先有他约而不能接受你的盛情邀请了。英汉大词典〔ravel〕A selvedge prevents the cloth from ravel(l)ing.织边可防止绽线。英汉大词典〔read-only memory〕A small memory that allows fast access to permanently stored data but prevents addition to or modification of the data.只读存储器:一种可以快速存取永久性存储数据的小型存储器,它可以阻止数据的增加或修改美国传统〔reappearance〕The vaccine prevents reappearance of the disease.疫苗能防止这种疾病卷土重来。韦氏高阶〔rejection〕Fear of rejection prevents many people from forming close relationships.害怕遭受冷落使许多人不敢与人建立密切关系。麦克米伦高阶〔replicate〕The drug prevents the virus from replicating itself.这种药能防止病毒复制。牛津高阶〔rigor〕Physiology A state of rigidity in living tissues or organs that prevents response to stimuli.【生理学】 僵直:一种存活组织和器官僵化的状态,阻止对刺激产生反应美国传统〔roadblock〕Something, such as a situation or condition, that prevents further progress toward an accomplishment.障碍:一种阻止进一步发展的情形或状态美国传统〔rust〕The paint prevents rusting.这种油漆防锈。韦氏高阶〔safety circuit〕An electronic circuit that prevents malfunction by either sounding an alert or activating a trip circuit on a protective device.安全电路:通过发出警报或启动保护装置上的脱落电路来避免发生故障的一种电子线路美国传统〔safety pin〕A pin that prevents the premature or accidental detonation of an explosive device, such as a bomb or grenade.保险针:为防止爆炸装置(如炸弹或手榴弹)提前或意外爆炸的一种别针美国传统〔save〕Sports An act that prevents an opponent from scoring.【体育运动】 不让对方得分:阻止对方得分的行为美国传统〔seasickness〕The medicine prevents seasickness.这种药可以预防晕船。韦氏高阶〔security〕Security prevents the reporting of some production figures.出于安全考虑,某些生产数字不能公开报道。英汉大词典〔self-esteem〕She suffers from low self-esteem and it prevents her from pursuing her goals.她的自尊心很低,这会阻止她追求目标。剑桥高阶〔slippage〕The boot's sole prevents slippage.靴底是防滑的。韦氏高阶〔stabilizer〕Nautical A device, such as a gyroscopically controlled fin, that prevents excessive rolling of a ship in heavy seas.【航海】 减摇装置:控制鳍板的一种装置,如回转仪,用于防止轮船在深海中过于摇晃美国传统〔strike down〕The Supreme Court today struck down a law that prevents criminals from profiting from books or movies about their crimes.最高法院今天废止了一项关于禁止罪犯把其罪行写成书或拍成电影而从中牟利的法律。外研社新世纪〔strike down〕The Supreme Court today struck down a law that prevents criminals from profiting from books or movies about their crimes.最高法院今天废止了一项关于禁止罪犯把其罪行写成书或拍成电影而从中牟利的法律。柯林斯高阶〔sun block〕A preparation, as of PABA, that prevents sunburn by filtering out the sun's ultraviolet rays, usually offering more protection than a sunscreen.滤光剂:一种制剂,如对氨基苯酸制剂,通过滤出太阳的紫外线而防止太阳灼伤,通常比遮光剂的保护作用更有效美国传统〔time lock〕A lock, as for a bank vault, containing a mechanism that prevents its being opened before a fixed time.定时锁:含有某种机械装置可以防止其在某个固定时间之前被打开的锁,如银行保险库的锁美国传统〔trip〕A special system prevents the circuitry from being tripped accidentally by a power surge or lightning strike.有一种特殊系统防止电路因电力激增或闪电而被意外切断。剑桥高阶〔undertrick〕A trick in card games, especially bridge, the loss of which prevents a declarer from making a contract.宕墩:牌戏中一圈牌,尤指桥牌,失去它就阻止叫王牌者无法叫牌美国传统〔ward〕The projecting ridge of a lock or keyhole that prevents the turning of a key other than the proper one.锁孔:锁或锁眼内防止非本锁钥匙转动的突出的脊美国传统〔win〕His deformity prevents him from winning the woman he loves.残疾使他无法说服他钟爱的女子同自己结婚。英汉大词典A special system prevents the circuitry being tripped accidentally by a power surge or lightning strike.一个特殊的系统防止因电力激增或闪电电击电路被偶尔切断的情况。剑桥国际As aspirin prevents the formation of blood clots, it is also used to treat heart attack and stroke victims.由于阿斯匹林可防止凝血形成,它也被用于治疗患有心脏病和中风的病人。剑桥国际Daisies grow in short grassland and lawns where regular mowing prevents them from being smothered by taller vegetation.雏菊生长在定期刈割的矮草地和草坪上,这能防止它们被高植物抑制其生长。剑桥国际Fear of ambush prevents the police from going to high-risk areas.害怕遭到伏击,警察不敢进入高度危险地区。剑桥国际For many women, the fulfilment of family obligations prevents the furtherance of their career.对许多妇女来说,履行家庭职责使她们无法发展她们的事业。剑桥国际Having children often prevents women who've been (Br) marked out as/(Am) marked as (= noticed as likely to be) high-fliers from reaching their potential.那些被认为可能取得巨大成就的女性常因生养孩子而影响了其潜能发挥。剑桥国际He's currently the best defensive player (= one who prevents opposing players from scoring points, goals, etc.) on the team.他是队里现阶段最棒的防守队员。剑桥国际His disability prevents him from walking.他是残疾,不能走路。剑桥国际Many women still encounter deep-seated prejudice in the workplace which prevents them from achieving top positions.很多妇女在工作场所仍受到根深蒂固的偏见,这妨碍了她们提升到高级职位。剑桥国际Scientists have found that the saliva of the vampire bat prevents congealing of the blood and is effective in dissolving blood clots in humans.科学家发现吸血蝙蝠的唾液能够防止血液凝结,对于溶解人体中的血液凝块颇为有效。剑桥国际The double glazing shuts out (= prevents people from hearing) most of the traffic noise.双层玻璃隔绝了大部分的交通噪音。剑桥国际The law prevents newspapers and television from naming victims of rape/rape victims.法律禁止报纸和电视说出强奸受害人的姓名。剑桥国际The narrowness of the opening prevents people wheeling their bikes through it.很窄的开口防止人们将自行车从中推过。剑桥国际The table has a plastic coating which prevents liquids from permeating into the wood beneath.桌子有一个塑料外层防止液体渗入下面的木头。剑桥国际There's an incompatibility problem which prevents the two pieces of software being used together.有一个使这两个软件无法同时使用的不兼容问题。剑桥国际Traction control electronically prevents wheels spinning when a driver accelerates too hard in slippery conditions.当司机在光滑的地面上加速太猛时,防滑装置通过电子控制来防止轮子打滑。剑桥国际When you give someone a massage, you can use oil or talcum powder as a lubricant (= a substance which prevents rubbing or sticking) .按摩时,可以用油或爽身粉充当润滑剂。剑桥国际




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